diff --git a/ai_research/open-interpreter-examples/open_interpreter_recon1.py b/ai_research/open-interpreter-examples/open_interpreter_recon1.py
index fdc25db102a..ac78d87b0fe 100644
--- a/ai_research/open-interpreter-examples/open_interpreter_recon1.py
+++ b/ai_research/open-interpreter-examples/open_interpreter_recon1.py
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@
 interpreter.llm.model = "gpt-4o-mini"
 # Set the system message
-interpreter.system_message += """
-Run shell commands with -y so the user doesn't have to confirm them.
+# interpreter.system_message += """
+# Run shell commands with -y so the user doesn't have to confirm them.
+# """
+# print(interpreter.system_message)
 # Perform passive reconnaissance on the target domain
 interpreter.chat("Use Amass to perform passive reconnaissance on secretcorp.org. Analyze the output. Save the output and analysis to a file called secretcorp.md.")