- Social Business- Muhammed Yunus
- Social Capital Market development- Kevin Jones
- Peer to Peer development - Michel Bauwens
- Transnational Economics Communities- David de Ugarte
- Open Sourced Ecological growth- Marcin Jakubowski
- Collective Intelligence - Tom Atlee, George Pór
- Mind Amplification / Self-Learning - Howard Rheingold
- Process Arts / self-organization - Harrison Owen, Peggy Holman, David Bohm
- Governance of the Commons - Elinor Ostrom, Lawrence Lessig
- Otto Scharmer, Peter Senge, Peter Drucker
- New Currency - Bernard Lietaer
- User Innovation - Eric von Hippel
- Open Source Software - Richard Stallman, Eric S Raymond
- Complexity - Murray Gell-Mann, W. Brian Arthur
- Compassion - Karen Armstrong
- Community - Peter Block
- Memetics - Douglas Rushkoff, Robert Anton Wilson & Alan Watts
- Systems / Augmentation - Buckminster Fuller, Doug Engelbart
- Tomi Astikaninen's Settlers of the Shift map
- P2P Foundation's list of P2P related settlers of the shift
- Helene Finidori's Pearltree for Exploring Alternatives
- Joe Brewer's video review of books about cognitive science for social change