Screenshots are stored in screenshots property of the project object. The property is an array of objects with the following structure:
fileName: string;
width: number;
height: number;
mimeType: string;
It is very important to keep small images which are used in Project Info page the same size 429 x 200
"fileName": "moonwell-screenshot-small1.png",
"width": 429,
"height": 200,
"mimeType": "image/png"
Size list:
- 429 x 200
- 858 x 400
- 1716 x 800
export type ProjectCategory =
| "defi"
| "dex"
| "bridges"
| "lending"
| "nfts"
| "gaming"
| "social"
| "wallets"
| "dao"
| "other";
export type ProjectImage = {
fileName: string;
width: number;
height: number;
mimeType: string;
export type ProjectImagesSizes = {
small?: ProjectImage;
large?: ProjectImage;
full?: ProjectImage;
export type ProjectValuesByChain = {
moonbeam?: number;
moonriver?: number;
export type MarketData = {
contracts?: {
moonbeam?: string;
moonriver?: string;
symbol: string;
currentPrice?: number;
marketCapRank?: number;
marketCap?: number;
marketCapChangePercentage24h?: number;
priceChange24h?: number;
priceChangePercentage24h?: number;
priceChangePercentage7d?: number;
priceChangePercentage14d?: number;
priceChangePercentage30d?: number;
priceChangePercentage60d?: number;
priceChangePercentage200d?: number;
priceChangePercentage1y?: number;
marketCapChange24h?: number;
export enum ProjectStatus {
ACTIVE = "active",
INACTIVE = "inactive",
REVIEW = "review",
ARCHIVED = "archived",
DELETED = "deleted",
export interface AppDirProject {
[idKey]: string;
[slugKey]: string; // moonwell
chains: string[];
status: ProjectStatus;
shortDescription: string;
defiLLamaTvlExist?: boolean;
defiLLamaId?: string;
description: string;
name: string;
featured: boolean;
[coinGeckoIdKey]?: string;
currentTVL?: ProjectValuesByChain;
tvlChange1d?: ProjectValuesByChain;
tvlChange7d?: ProjectValuesByChain;
currentTx?: ProjectValuesByChain;
currentUsers?: ProjectValuesByChain;
usersChange1d?: ProjectValuesByChain;
usersChange7d?: ProjectValuesByChain;
logo: ProjectImagesSizes;
screenshots?: ProjectImagesSizes[];
category: ProjectCategory;
tags: string[];
contracts: SmartContracts[];
web3goContracts: SmartContracts[];
urls: Urls;
marketData?: MarketData;
web3goIDs?: string[];
projectCreationDate?: number;
export interface SmartContracts {
contract: string;
chain: string;
name: string;
export interface Urls {
website?: string;
try?: string;
twitter?: string;
medium?: string;
telegram?: string;
github?: string;
discord?: string;
others?: Other[];
export interface Other {
platform: string;
link: string;