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File metadata and controls

332 lines (268 loc) · 8.76 KB


Returns "success" and a count of updated and/or failed student medical conditions record(s), or a structure of invalid validations messages belonging to student medical conditions record(s).

  • Version History:

    TASS v57.8.100 - Method Added

  • Version:


  • Permission:

    Medical Records > Student Medical > Medical Conditions tab > Edit

  • Method:

    GET | POST

  • Params:


    stud_code [string] - Student Code

    mcond_code [string] - Medical Condition Code


    NOTE: If use empty string, the original value will be cleared for optional fields.

    last_occ_date [date] - Date of Last Occurence (Date Format: yyyy-mm-dd)

    treat_text [string] - General Note (length limit 4000)

    smcud1-10_text [string] - Accident Other Details (UD) 1 - 10 fields (length limit 200)

    attachments [array] - include one or multiple Medical Attachment item(s)

    requirements [array] - include one or multiple Medical Requirement item(s)

    notes [array] - include one or multiple Medical Note item(s)


    severe_ind - Field is required when adding new records. (must be "Y" or "N")

    For item(s) in the attachments array:

    attachment_file [string] - Base64 Encoded. Field is required where 'attachment_file_name' is supplied for each item in 'attachments'. (URLEncoded Format is RECOMMENDED)

    attachment_file_name [string] - Field is required where 'attachment_file' is supplied for each item in 'attachments'.

    For item(s) in the requirements array:

    med_text [string] - Field is required for each item in 'requirements' if adding a new record. Optional if editing an existing record. (length limit 200)

    med_num[string] - Field is optional for each item in 'requirements'. If the provided med_num exists, the program will try to update a record accordingly.

    med_meth [string] - Field is optional for each item in 'requirements'. (length limit 200)

    med_detl [string] - Field is optional for each item in 'requirements'. (length limit 200)

    For item(s) in the notes array:

    note_date [date] - Field is optional for each item in 'notes'. (Date Format: yyyy-mm-dd)

    note_text [string] - Field is optional for each item in 'notes'. (length limit 4000)

  • Success Response:

      "success":"You successfully saved Enrolled Student Medical Data.",
        "treat_text":"test note here",
            "med_text":"bananas N cheese XD",
            "med_text":"new med",
            "med_meth":"new method"
            "med_text":"new two",
            "note_text":"This is a note for testing"
        "timestamp":"{ts '2022-06-24 11:18:18'}",
  • Error Response:

    stud_code not supplied

    __invalid: {
      "__msg": "stud_code' is required."

    mcond_code not supplied

    __invalid: {
      "__msg": "mcond_code' is required."

    last_occ_date not supplied

    __invalid: {
      "__msg": "'last_occ_date' date format is invalid."

    severe_ind not supplied when adding new records

    __invalid: {
      "severe_ind": "severe_ind is required when adding new records."

    stud_code not a valid student code in table d3_enrolments

    __invalid: {
      "stud_code": "Enrolled student not in staging table."

    stud_code not a valid student code in table studenrol

    __invalid: {
      "stud_code": "Enrolled student not in TASS."

    stud_code is a valid student code in table studenrol where canc_flg = "Y"

    __invalid: {
      "stud_code": "Enrolled student has been cancelled."

    stud_code is a valid student code in table studenrol where tran_sts = "T"

    __invalid: {
      "stud_code": "Enrolled student has been transferred to Current."

    smcud1-10_text exceed 200 characters

    __invalid: {
      "smcudx_text": "'smcudx_text' exceed 200 characters."

    For each item in 'attachments': attachment_file is passed in but attachment_file_name is not passed in

    __invalid: {
      "attachment_file_name": "attachment_file_name field is required where 'attachment_file' is supplied."

    For each item in 'attachments': attachment_file_name is passed in but attachment_file is not passed in

    __invalid: {
      "attachment_file": "attachment_file field is required where 'attachment_file_name' is supplied."

    For each item in 'attachments': attachment_file_name exceeds 255 characters

    __invalid: {
      "attachment_file_name": "attachment_file_name must be between 1 and 255 characters."

    treat_text exceed 4000 characters

    __invalid: {
      "treat_text": "'treat_text' exceed 4000 characters."

    med_text is required when adding new medical requirements

    __invalid: {
      "med_text": "med_text' is required when adding a new requirement for 'requirements' item x."

    med_text exceed 200 characters

    __invalid: {
      "med_text": "'med_text' exceed 200 characters for 'requirements' item x."

    med_meth exceed 200 characters

    __invalid: {
      "med_meth": "'med_meth' exceed 200 characters for 'requirements' item x."

    med_detl exceed 200 characters

    __invalid: {
      "med_detl": "'med_detl' exceed 200 characters for 'requirements' item x."

    med_num is required when updating medical requirements

    __invalid: {
      "med_num": "'med_num' is not found with stud_code & med_code provided for 'requirements' item x."

    note_date is required when adding/editing medical notes

    __invalid: {
      "note_date": "'note_date' is required for 'notes' item x."

    note_date is not in correct date format

    __invalid: {
      "note_date": "'note_date' date format is invalid  for 'notes' item x."

    note_text is required when adding/editing medical notes

    __invalid: {
      "note_text": "note_text' is required for 'notes' item x."

    note_text exceed 4000 characters

    __invalid: {
      "note_text": "'note_text' exceed 4000 characters."
  • Sample Parameters:

      "treat_text":"test note here",
          "med_text":"bananas N cheese XD"
          "med_text":"new med",
          "med_meth":"new method",
          "med_text":"new two",
          "note_text":"This is a note for testing"
  • Sample GET: (With URL Encoded token)
  • Sample POST:

      <form id="postForm" name="postForm" method="POST" action="">
         <input type="hidden" name="method" value="setStudentMedicalConditions">
         <input type="hidden" name="appcode" value="API04">
         <input type="hidden" name="company" value="10">
         <input type="hidden" name="v" value="3">
         <textarea name="token">l1D8owEn111IHcXLRwXTB0oU2GX6rj+ISqa9zXA8We3J3mwgjW5pdUvFK3/IZ4mJ4bMyfKTmEoup+3tTE9GeLQ==</textarea>