Get a list of functions
start: start address (default: inf.min_ea)
end: end address (default: inf.max_ea)
return: list of function entrypoints between start and end
Get a list of function chunks See also ida_funcs.func_tail_iterator_t
start: address of the function
return: list of function chunks (tuples of the form (start_ea, end_ea)) belonging to the function
Get a list of heads (instructions or data items)
start: start address (default: inf.min_ea)
end: end address (default: inf.max_ea)
return: list of heads between start and end
Return all references from address 'ea'
ea: Reference address
flags: one of ida_xref.XREF_ALL (default), ida_xref.XREF_FAR, ida_xref.XREF_DATA
for xref in XrefsFrom(here(), 0):
print(xref.type, XrefTypeName(xref.type), 'from', hex(xref.frm), 'to', hex(
Return all references to address 'ea'
ea: Reference address
flags: one of ida_xref.XREF_ALL (default), ida_xref.XREF_FAR, ida_xref.XREF_DATA
for xref in XrefsTo(here(), 0):
print(xref.type, XrefTypeName(xref.type), 'from', hex(xref.frm), 'to', hex(
Get pointer to function structure by address.
ea: any address in a function - not necessarily entrypoint
return: ptr to a function or nullptr. This function returns a function entry chunk.