If you have WhatsApp integration in place and a user sends you a message using their WhatsApp account,
it appears in your Rocket.Chat workspace just like any other Omnichannel conversation, as shown below:
Click Take It! to serve this conversation. You can also send to and receive files from your WhatsApp end-user, as shown below:
{% hint style="success" %} Rocket.Chat and WhatsApp integration supports sharing of Location and Contacts messages your WhatsApp contacts. {% endhint %}
{% hint style="info" %}
Here are the shortcuts you can use in WhatsApp Bot:
1. Type /whatsapp view-templates to see all Template messages.
2. Type /whatsapp send-template to send a Template message
3.. Type /whatsapp help to see this shortcut again
{% endhint %}
Please follow this link to configure and send template messages via slash command and UI.