Welcome to the CTranslate2 documentation!
The documentation includes installation instructions, usage guides, and API references. For a general description of the project, see the GitHub repository.
.. toctree:: :caption: Get started :maxdepth: 1 quickstart.md installation.md
.. toctree:: :caption: Tasks :maxdepth: 1 translation.md generation.md encoding.md speech_recognition.md
.. toctree:: :caption: Developer guides :maxdepth: 1 conversion.md quantization.md decoding.md parallel.md memory.md performance.md environment_variables.md
.. toctree:: :caption: Framework guides :maxdepth: 1 :glob: guides/*
.. toctree:: :caption: API :maxdepth: 1 python/overview
.. toctree:: :caption: Other information :maxdepth: 1 hardware_support.md faq.md versioning.md