This is a full list of modifiers in the game and a description of what they do.
These effects are applied when breaking blocks.
id: veiny
| crafting: minecraft:diamond_pickaxe
Decription: Breaking any block while crouching will cause all blocks of the same type adjacent to it to break up to 5 in each direction.
id: explode
| crafting: minecraft:tnt
Decription: Upon breaking a block (allowed by tool type), the current block position will explode causing damage to surrounding blocks.
id: attracting
| crafting: minecraft:iron_block
Decription: Upon breaking a block (allowed by tool type), all items at that block's position will teleport to you.
id: melting
| crafting: minecraft:lava_bucket
Decription: Items dropped by blocks broken with this tool will be smelted.
id: learning
| crafting: minecraft:book
Decription: After breaking 10 blocks as allowed by this tool, gain 3 experience points.
These effects are applied when holding the tool.
id: rainy
| crafting: minecraft:cauldron
Decription: While holding the tool in the rain, mine faster!
id: regeneration
| crafting: minecraft:glowstone
Decription: While holding the tool, get the regeneration I effect.
id: living
| crafting: minecraft:moss_block
Decription: While holding the tool, it will randomly heal itself
id: filling
| crafting: minecraft:cake
Decription: While holding the tool, get the saturation I effect.
id: hasty
| crafting: minecraft:sugar
Decription: While holding the tool, get the Haste I effect.
id: spawner
| crafting: minecraft:mossy_cobblestone
Decription: While holding the spawners around you will glow.
id: fire_resistance
| crafting: minecraft:magma_cream
Decription: While holding the tool, get the fire resistance I effect.
id: detecting
| crafting: minecraft:spyglass
Decription: While holding the tool, ores around you will glow.
id: absorption
| crafting: minecraft:golden_apple
Decription: While holding the tool, get the absorption I effect.
id: resistance
| crafting: minecraft:turtle_scute
Decription: While holding the tool, get the resistance I effect.
These effects are applied when right clicking.
id: flame_thrower
| crafting: minecraft:fire_charge
Decription: Right clicking throws a fire ball.
id: fire_place
| crafting: minecraft:flint_and_steel
Decription: Right clicking on the top of a block while crouching with the tool in hand will start a fire and use 2 durability points.
These effects are applied when hurting enemies.
id: wither
| crafting: minecraft:wither_rose
Decription: When attacking with tool, apply the wither I effect to the target for 3 seconds.
id: blinding
| crafting: minecraft:carrot
Decription: When attacking with tool, apply the blindness I effect to the target for 4 seconds.
id: critical
| crafting: minecraft:ghast_tear
Decription: Always critically strikes enemy.
id: combo
| crafting: minecraft:chorus_fruit
Decription: Hitting enemies within 2 seconds after hitting them deals an extra 25% damage.
id: charged
| crafting: minecraft:lightning_rod
Decription: After 10 seconds, hitting and enemy will summon a lightning bolt and empty the charge meter.
id: necrotic
| crafting: minecraft:wither_skeleton_skull
Decription: Heals 10% of damage dealt to target.
id: bezerk
| crafting: minecraft:beef
Decription: Deals more damage at lower player health.
id: poison
| crafting: minecraft:poisonous_potato
Decription: When attacking with tool, apply the poison I effect to the target for 5 seconds.
id: flaming
| crafting: minecraft:blaze_rod
Decription: Sets enemy on fire for 2 seconds.
These effects are used to calculate stats for tools.
id: busted
| crafting: minecraft:cracked_stone_bricks
Decription: Dig speed is increased as tool durability drops.
These effects are general and don't fit into any other categories.
id: unbreaking
| crafting: minecraft:obsidian
Decription: This tool has a 20% chance of not taking damage.