Releases: ThePansmith/Monifactory
Beta 0.10.1
Stable release 0.10.1.
The latest commit is 4c1b23d.
Refer to the action run that created this release.
What's Changed
- Multiblock tweaks by @Xefyr0 in #1084
- Revert the NC:N regex change by @Xefyr0 in #1085
- Fix flub with SophStorage textures by @Xefyr0 in #1098
- Random fixes by @ThePansmith in #1099
- Re-enable Flux Networks' EU-RF conversion by @Xefyr0 in #1108
- Sophstorage texture fix - again by @Xefyr0 in #1110
- Enable space upgrades for Travelers Boots by @Cyphecx in #1109
- Update to GTm 1.5.1 by @ThePansmith in #1112
- Fix He Who Remains Tempad recipe by @StarskyXIII in #1116
- Update EMI to fix Chipped recipes rendering error by @StarskyXIII in #1115
- Fix other Superfabricator outputs by @StarskyXIII in #1114
- Disable sorting for LaserIO and AE2WTLib, caused a inventory issue by @StarskyXIII in #1113
- update ncn by @ThePansmith in #1117
New Contributors
- @Cyphecx made their first contribution in #1109
- @StarskyXIII made their first contribution in #1116
Full Changelog: 0.10.0...0.10.1
Beta 0.10.0
Stable release 0.10.0.
The latest commit is f378b64.
Refer to the action run that created this release.
What's Changed
- Ae2stuffs by @ThePansmith in #988
- Refactor AE2 storage component recipes by @Xefyr0 in #990
- Increased dragon scale output to 4 to match the non-multi loot fab by @Echoloquate in #1001
- Update NuclearCraft: Neoteric and fix MP crashing bug by @Echoloquate in #999
- fix omnium recipe by @cewlboi in #1004
- Fixed item tag for dense ores by @Echoloquate in #1006
- Documentation update by @Xefyr0 in #1010
- Tweaked dense ores to include a tag for the type of ore recieved when decomposing by @Echoloquate in #1008
- Updated contributing with the rewritten instance repository setup by @ThePansmith in #1011
- Fix the speed at which boilers produce steam to restore the 1:2 boiler/dynamo ratio by @Xefyr0 in #1019
- Texture update part 2 + Superassembler buff by @WithersChat in #1015
- AE2 Storage Component circuit progression revert by @Xefyr0 in #1020
- fix tetraethyllead recipe by @cewlboi in #1023
- Update ReHooked in #1022
- Add Ensorcellation + Config by @Echoloquate in #1014
- Nerf solars' energy storage by @Xefyr0 in #971
- Rebalanced XP juice usage in the quintessence infuser by @Echoloquate in #1026
- Closing some easy issues by @WithersChat in #1029
- Close #931 by @ThePansmith in #1030
- Close #630 by @ThePansmith in #1031
- Close #609 by @ThePansmith in #1032
- Use ExtendedAE's ME Infinity Cells as a replacement for bugged Creative ME Fluid Cell by @Xefyr0 in #1037
- Minor fixes by @Xefyr0 in #1043
- Fix enderio redstone conduits for some blocks by @richie3366 in #1042
- Add melting temperatures to new fluid forms of existing materials by @Xefyr0 in #1044
- Update enderIO to version 6.2.2-beta by @MightyPiggie in #1045
- Add optional compat for Modular Routers by @richie3366 in #954
- Added tooltip for EIO Capbank by @ThePansmith in #1051
- Increase Recipe Output For AE2 Processors by @three-fold in #941
- Rebalance Functional Storage by @Xefyr0 in #993
- Add optional compatible mod to readme by @MightyPiggie in #1052
- Post-tank circuit rework by @Xefyr0 in #989
- Nuke EB by @Xefyr0 in #1056
- Bigger solar nerf by @Xefyr0 in #1066
- Quarter the Trinium requirement for Superconducting Coils by @Xefyr0 in #933
- KJS folder cleanup by @ThePansmith in #1072
- Allow Greenhouse to show all it's output on some recipes by @teh-banana in #1075
- Add power transformer recipes post UV by @Valdevon in #1073
- Rework pack-mode-switcher on windows and add automatability by @Mindstyler in #496
- Sophisticated Storage rework by @Xefyr0 in #1002
- More resources & ores from GCyR planets by @Xefyr0 in #939
- Nuclearcraft: Neoteric update by @Xefyr0 in #1077
- Quest updates + fixes: currently NM ONLY by @cewlboi in #1003
- Replace redstoneclock mod by @ThePansmith in #1079
- Yet Another Assorted Fix PR by @Xefyr0 in #1080
New Contributors
- @cewlboi made their first contribution in #1004
- @teh-banana made their first contribution in #1075
- @Valdevon made their first contribution in #1073
- @Mindstyler made their first contribution in #496
Full Changelog: 0.9.10...0.10.0
Beta 0.9.10
Stable release 0.9.10.
The latest commit is dffa884.
Refer to the action run that created this release.
What's Changed
- Update MAE2 to v1.4.4 by @AE2-Enthusiast in #979
- fix flux plating assembler recipe not giving enough plating by @ThePansmith in #980
- Updated Rehooked, fixes it not working by @ThePansmith in #981
- GTm configs do be misleading by @ThePansmith in #982
Full Changelog: 0.9.9...0.9.10
Beta 0.9.9
Stable release 0.9.9.
The latest commit is 1acb28a.
Refer to the action run that created this release.
What's Changed
- Revert Crafting Station update by @sventec in #975
- Hotfix for crash on launch in Hard & Expert modes, update by @Xefyr0 in #977
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 0.9.8...0.9.9
Beta 0.9.8
Stable release 0.9.8.
The latest commit is 8845ffa.
Refer to the action run that created this release.
What's Changed
- Fix Typo in the "Some Starter Tools" Quest by @Ercument5038 in #947
- Fix typo in axe quest description by @cod10129 in #946
- Add Traveller's Boots mod to the pack #862 by @Xefyr0 in #935
- Alternative recipes + Diamond Lattice rebalancing by @Xefyr0 in #663
- Update questbook late_game.snbt - Warden Horns changed to Warden Tendrils by @Giovanni-NL in #956
- Fix Milk recipe (cow spawn egg is now NC) by @richie3366 in #958
- Update MAE2 to v1.4.3 by @AE2-Enthusiast in #965
- Update the dependency for Sculk Superconductor by @ButchMonkey in #959
- Added missing Stainless Steel Barrel entry by @MightyPiggie in #972
- remove hpsteam quest by @ThePansmith in #973
- Added a quest for the Quintessence Infuser by @Echoloquate in #974
New Contributors
- @cod10129 made their first contribution in #946
- @richie3366 made their first contribution in #958
- @AE2-Enthusiast made their first contribution in #965
- @MightyPiggie made their first contribution in #972
- @Echoloquate made their first contribution in #974
Full Changelog: 0.9.7...0.9.8
Beta 0.9.7
Stable release 0.9.7.
The latest commit is 421cea2.
Refer to the action run that created this release.
What's Changed
- Updated text clarifying how to craft a Powered Spawner. by @Giovanni-NL in #927
Full Changelog: 0.9.6...0.9.7
Beta 0.9.6
Stable release 0.9.6.
The latest commit is 3ec6373.
Refer to the action run that created this release.
What's Changed
- Fixed typo in Rocket Fuel quest by @Giovanni-NL in #842
- Fixed typo for Ilmenite ore in questbook by @Giovanni-NL in #838
- Update ME Requester mod by @hgjensen in #837
- Edited The Beginning and Processing Lines chapters to be more in line with Harder Mode by @Eterxity in #766
- Enable Creative Storage Data to provide Quantum Chest/Tank X in HM/EM too by @Xefyr0 in #704
- Make GT Credits burnable in Numis to match Thermal Expansion coins by @Xefyr0 in #770
- Nerf Neutronium Solars by @Xefyr0 in #724
- Nerf the fuel efficiency of Thermal's Steam Boiler by @Xefyr0 in #735
- Fix recipe for Complex SMD Capacitor by @hgjensen in #850
- fixed megacell circuit recipe by @ThePansmith in #857
- Add Advanced Laser Connector and Energy Card, but reasonably gated by @Xefyr0 in #852
- Add Flux Networks compat by @Xefyr0 in #851
- Added Quest Chapters, Renamed The Beginning to The Factory by @inigmatus in #855
- Update EMI from
by @Possseidon in #872 - Updated old Quest descriptions by @KePiadina in #873
- fixed typo in the p2p tunnels quest by @Ercument5038 in #884
- Froglights!! by @JuiceyBeans in #896
- Close #889 by @ThePansmith in #899
- Close #891 by @ThePansmith in #900
- Removed Quests Steam Grinder, Foundry, & Steam Dynamo from The Factor… by @StoneLegion in #875
- Soph Storage recipe fixes by @ThePansmith in #901
- Rebrand Harder to Expert by @ThePansmith in #902
- AE2 Recipe Tweaks by @Xefyr0 in #879
- Add tip about new Flawless Budding Certus Quartz recipe to questbook by @nok-ko in #904
- Fix #903 by @ThePansmith in #908
- fix wrong folder name by @ThePansmith in #909
- Renamed Pulsating Polymer Clay to Pulsating Prediction Matrix by @Giovanni-NL in #913
- Universal Circuits by @ThePansmith in #918
- Fix PPM being refered to as PPC in qb by @ThePansmith in #919
- Added Quest for UCs by @ThePansmith in #920
- Ucquest by @ThePansmith in #921
- Fixed typo in Ilmenite by @Giovanni-NL in #910
- Recolor Pulsating Alloy to be closer to Pulsating Dust by @Xefyr0 in #925
- Rebalance Solars by @Xefyr0 in #924
New Contributors
- @Giovanni-NL made their first contribution in #842
- @hgjensen made their first contribution in #837
- @Eterxity made their first contribution in #766
- @Possseidon made their first contribution in #872
- @KePiadina made their first contribution in #873
- @Ercument5038 made their first contribution in #884
- @nok-ko made their first contribution in #904
Full Changelog: 0.9.5...0.9.6
Beta 0.9.5
Stable release 0.9.5.
The latest commit is 27e8f07.
Refer to the action run that created this release.
What's Changed
- Fixed CTM not working for some blocks by @ThePansmith in #841
Full Changelog: 0.9.4...0.9.5
Beta 0.9.4
Stable release 0.9.4.
The latest commit is 2cc0d86.
Refer to the action run that created this release.
What's Changed
- fix circuit on dark steel machine hull by @Spicierspace153 in #793
- unhid eio fluid filter by @Spicierspace153 in #794
- removes Machine press mode from Machine press. replaces with forming by @Spicierspace153 in #792
- Revert "chore: revert gregification of most building gadgets" by @inigmatus in #796
- Genesis Peaceful Playthrough Compatibility by @inigmatus in #775
- QB tweaks by @ThePansmith in #806
- Add flywheel config by @Radk6 in #801
- Fix Recipe Errors in Create Deco Compatibility by @lilpaladin1 in #816
- Added the movin' around quest equivalent from nomi ceu by @OE100 in #802
- Enable Quark brick recipes thru config, disable redundant KJS recipes by @Xefyr0 in #823
- Added recipe for sophisticated storage controller by @OE100 in #797
- Docs update by @Xefyr0 in #800
- Add ModernFix config by @Radk6 in #814
- Recipe fixes by @Xefyr0 in #826
- made laserio more accessible in the lv stage of the game by @ajbrink88 in #825
- Update Steam Foundry Quest for Harder Mode. by @StoneLegion in #829
- Added recipes for building materials by @OE100 in #798
- Misc quests for Genesis + easier GT magnet by @JuiceyBeans in #623
- Texture update by @WithersChat in #795
- Patch by @ThePansmith in #835
- Close #807 by @ThePansmith in #836
New Contributors
- @inigmatus made their first contribution in #796
- @Radk6 made their first contribution in #801
- @lilpaladin1 made their first contribution in #816
- @ajbrink88 made their first contribution in #825
Full Changelog: 0.9.3...0.9.4
Beta 0.9.3
Stable release 0.9.3.
The latest commit is e151f85.
Refer to the action run that created this release.
What's Changed
- link gcyr wiki in faq by @ThePansmith in #781
- Polished Certain Material Textures for Infinity, Omnium and Monium by @jude123412 in #779
- Replace Cryolobus in Omnium with Bromine by @Xefyr0 in #771
- ReAdded the ReHooked mod, flight bug fixed by @OE100 in #778
- Removed old Storage Drawer Keys from toolbelt config. by @StoneLegion in #777
- Added default tuff bricks recipe from quark and recipe for tuff by @OE100 in #783
- chore: revert gregification of most building gadgets by @klaborda in #788
- fixed chlorine dupe by @Spicierspace153 in #784
- added calcite rock breaker recipe by @OE100 in #790
- gtm update by @Spicierspace153 in #789
New Contributors
- @jude123412 made their first contribution in #779
- @OE100 made their first contribution in #778
- @StoneLegion made their first contribution in #777
Full Changelog: 0.9.2...0.9.3