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Releases: TheRenegadeCoder/image-titler

The Renegade Coder Image Titler 1.7.1

26 Apr 21:01
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Fixed a bug which caused the script to fail if file names were interpreted as a single word. See #21 for more details.

The Renegade Coder Image Titler 1.7.0

26 Apr 20:35
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Added a batch processing feature which can be accessed using the -b flag. See #20 and #19 for more details.

In addition, the update featured a few quality of life updates. For example, the help menu now features descriptions for the options:

usage: [-h] [-t TITLE] [-p PATH] [-o OUTPUT_PATH]
                           [-r TIER] [-l LOGO_PATH] [-b]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t TITLE, --title TITLE
                        Adds a custom title to the image
  -p PATH, --path PATH  Selects an image file
  -o OUTPUT_PATH, --output_path OUTPUT_PATH
                        Selects an output path for the processed image
  -r TIER, --tier TIER  Selects a image tier (free or premium)
  -l LOGO_PATH, --logo_path LOGO_PATH
                        Selects a logo file for addition to the processed
  -b, --batch           Turns on batch processing

Likewise, images only display during single image processing. Batch processing is silent.

Finally, README includes new feature as well as a valid image sample. See samples folder for additional samples.

The Renegade Coder Image Titler 1.6.0

26 Apr 19:19
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Added version tag to file names for quick reference and file clash issues See #18 for more details.

The Renegade Coder Image Titler 1.5.2

12 Jan 01:28
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Adjusted dimensions of featured image for my needs. See #17 for more details.

Also, here's a link to the official release article.

The Renegade Coder Image Titler 1.5.1

11 Jan 18:54
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In this release, I fixed a small issue with the quality of the output images. Apparently, JPEGs have subsampling which caused a strange blurring artifact in the title bars and new logo feature. See #16 for more details.

The Renegade Coder Image Titler 1.5.0

11 Jan 18:38
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With this latest update to the image titler, we can now insert logos in the bottom corner of an image. See #15 for more details.

The Renegade Coder Image Titler 1.4.1

02 May 15:52
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Fixed an issue where we required pillow 6.0.0, but it didn't automatically install on upgrade. See #14 for more details.

Also, there's an official release article with even more details on The Renegade Coder.

The Renegade Coder Image Titler 1.4.0

02 May 15:40
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Added a border color feature which can be accessed using the new --tier flag (#13). Now, users can specify "free" or "premium" which will added colored borders to the red rectangles.

The Renegade Coder Image Titler 1.3.5

18 Mar 18:07
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Turned image-titler into a pip package (#7)! Thanks, @hmajid2301. Fixed several issues with output path and fonts in the process (#11, #10, #9, #8).

The Renegade Coder Image Titler 1.2.0

02 Apr 23:16
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Added a feature which allows you to specify the output path of the image on the command line. To run it, try the following: -o <some output path>