MooTools Plugins and Enhancements Repository
- Need to add tests for all libs
- Make the Date Specs pass in all browsers
- Move demo/tutorials from Clientcide wiki to Mootorial; update links in docs
- Decide if reworking the whole source of all plugins makes you an author ( :P )
- Revisit branch commits from other users in github that have not made it into master (
- need to figure out docs
- need to decide how more is presented w/ regards to -core;* ?
- need to get access to push releases (for Aaron at least - I don't have access now)
- need demos
- Tips
- options:offsets in Tips renamed to offset
- IframeShim
- options:zindex renamed to zIndex
- makeShim method gone
- occluded property ( now camelcase (iframeShim). consistent with tween, morph, etc
- JsonP
- renamed to Request.JSONP
- constructor/send/prepareUrl take options hash, no longer an url directly (like Request)
- user can change options on the fly when calling send() with a new hash, reusing the object
- added check method. support for link: ignore, cancel, chain (like Request)
- added success, request and cancel events
- data can be a hash or string now (like Request)
- queryString option gone
- makeUrl logic now moved to new getScript(), which directly returns the script
- changed how it essentially works. instead of storing the object reference, we store a new function every time a request is made, that keeps a reference of the script element and the object instance.
- abortAfter and timeout gone. there's now a single timeout for retries and for when retries run out.
- globalFunction gone, deemed useless
- Browser.Extras completely refactored into URI Native object
- Browser.redraw is gone
- Class.Binds no longer supports lowercase binds
- Element.fxOpacityOk (which was never documented or intended for external use) is gone
- FormValidator base class no longer does what it did (that is now in FormValidator.Inline)
- OverText
- no longer takes a collection of inputs.
- .showTxt > .show, .hideTxt > .hide
- .hide and .show no longer take the element and 'focus' arguments.
- .repositionAll is gone; .repositionOverTxt is now just .reposition; it does not take an argument
- Element.setPosition is now Element.position