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Supported Instructions
vavoor edited this page Mar 19, 2024
6 revisions
RARS supports all instruction in RV32imfd. Additionally it supports uret
from extension n, and wfi
from the privileged specification. rv64 mode instructions are not included here and instead have their own page Differences between 32 bit and 64 bit modes. Fence instructions do nothing as RARS doesn't have a cache.
If there is an instruction from RV32imfd missing, that's a bug. Additionally, all pseudo-instructions listed in the spec should also be supported.
Example Usage | Description |
add t1,t2,t3 | Addition: set t1 to (t2 plus t3) |
addi t1,t2,-100 | Addition immediate: set t1 to (t2 plus signed 12-bit immediate) |
and t1,t2,t3 | Bitwise AND : Set t1 to bitwise AND of t2 and t3 |
andi t1,t2,-100 | Bitwise AND immediate : Set t1 to bitwise AND of t2 and sign-extended 12-bit immediate |
auipc t1,10000 | Add upper immediate to pc: set t1 to (pc plus an upper 20-bit immediate) |
beq t1,t2,label | Branch if equal : Branch to statement at label's address if t1 and t2 are equal |
bge t1,t2,label | Branch if greater than or equal: Branch to statement at label's address if t1 is greater than or equal to t2 |
bgeu t1,t2,label | Branch if greater than or equal to (unsigned): Branch to statement at label's address if t1 is greater than or equal to t2 (with an unsigned interpretation) |
blt t1,t2,label | Branch if less than: Branch to statement at label's address if t1 is less than t2 |
bltu t1,t2,label | Branch if less than (unsigned): Branch to statement at label's address if t1 is less than t2 (with an unsigned interpretation) |
bne t1,t2,label | Branch if not equal : Branch to statement at label's address if t1 and t2 are not equal |
csrrc t0, fcsr, t1 | Atomic Read/Clear CSR: read from the CSR into t0 and clear bits of the CSR according to t1 |
csrrci t0, fcsr, 10 | Atomic Read/Clear CSR Immediate: read from the CSR into t0 and clear bits of the CSR according to a constant |
csrrs t0, fcsr, t1 | Atomic Read/Set CSR: read from the CSR into t0 and logical or t1 into the CSR |
csrrsi t0, fcsr, 10 | Atomic Read/Set CSR Immediate: read from the CSR into t0 and logical or a constant into the CSR |
csrrw t0, fcsr, t1 | Atomic Read/Write CSR: read from the CSR into t0 and write t1 into the CSR |
csrrwi t0, fcsr, 10 | Atomic Read/Write CSR Immediate: read from the CSR into t0 and write a constant into the CSR |
div t1,t2,t3 | Division: set t1 to the result of t2/t3 |
divu t1,t2,t3 | Division: set t1 to the result of t2/t3 using unsigned division |
ebreak | Pause execution |
ecall | Issue a system call : Execute the system call specified by value in a7 |
fadd.d f1, f2, f3, dyn | Floating ADD (64 bit): assigns f1 to f2 + f3 |
fadd.s f1, f2, f3, dyn | Floating ADD: assigns f1 to f2 + f3 |
fclass.d t1, f1 | Classify a floating point number (64 bit) |
fclass.s t1, f1 | Classify a floating point number |
fcvt.d.s t1, f1, dyn | Convert a float to a double: Assigned the value of f2 to f1 |
fcvt.d.w f1, t1, dyn | Convert double from integer: Assigns the value of t1 to f1 |
fcvt.d.wu f1, t1, dyn | Convert double from unsigned integer: Assigns the value of t1 to f1 |
fcvt.s.d t1, f1, dyn | Convert a double to a float: Assigned the value of f2 to f1 |
fcvt.s.w f1, t1, dyn | Convert float from integer: Assigns the value of t1 to f1 |
fcvt.s.wu f1, t1, dyn | Convert float from unsigned integer: Assigns the value of t1 to f1 |
fcvt.w.d t1, f1, dyn | Convert integer from double: Assigns the value of f1 (rounded) to t1 |
fcvt.w.s t1, f1, dyn | Convert integer from float: Assigns the value of f1 (rounded) to t1 |
fcvt.wu.d t1, f1, dyn | Convert unsinged integer from double: Assigns the value of f1 (rounded) to t1 |
fcvt.wu.s t1, f1, dyn | Convert unsinged integer from float: Assigns the value of f1 (rounded) to t1 |
fdiv.d f1, f2, f3, dyn | Floating DIVide (64 bit): assigns f1 to f2 / f3 |
fdiv.s f1, f2, f3, dyn | Floating DIVide: assigns f1 to f2 / f3 |
fence 1, 1 | Ensure that IO and memory accesses before the fence happen before the following IO and memory accesses as viewed by a different thread |
fence.i | Ensure that stores to instruction memory are visible to instruction fetches |
feq.d t1, f1, f2 | Floating EQuals (64 bit): if f1 = f2, set t1 to 1, else set t1 to 0 |
feq.s t1, f1, f2 | Floating EQuals: if f1 = f2, set t1 to 1, else set t1 to 0 |
fld f1, -100(t1) | Load a double from memory |
fle.d t1, f1, f2 | Floating Less than or Equals (64 bit): if f1 <= f2, set t1 to 1, else set t1 to 0 |
fle.s t1, f1, f2 | Floating Less than or Equals: if f1 <= f2, set t1 to 1, else set t1 to 0 |
flt.d t1, f1, f2 | Floating Less Than (64 bit): if f1 < f2, set t1 to 1, else set t1 to 0 |
flt.s t1, f1, f2 | Floating Less Than: if f1 < f2, set t1 to 1, else set t1 to 0 |
flw f1, -100(t1) | Load a float from memory |
fmadd.d f1, f2, f3, f4, dyn | Fused Multiply Add (64 bit): Assigns f2*f3+f4 to f1 |
fmadd.s f1, f2, f3, f4, dyn | Fused Multiply Add: Assigns f2*f3+f4 to f1 |
fmax.d f1, f2, f3 | Floating MAXimum (64 bit): assigns f1 to the larger of f1 and f3 |
fmax.s f1, f2, f3 | Floating MAXimum: assigns f1 to the larger of f1 and f3 |
fmin.d f1, f2, f3 | Floating MINimum (64 bit): assigns f1 to the smaller of f1 and f3 |
fmin.s f1, f2, f3 | Floating MINimum: assigns f1 to the smaller of f1 and f3 |
fmsub.d f1, f2, f3, f4, dyn | Fused Multiply Subatract: Assigns f2*f3-f4 to f1 |
fmsub.s f1, f2, f3, f4, dyn | Fused Multiply Subatract: Assigns f2*f3-f4 to f1 |
fmul.d f1, f2, f3, dyn | Floating MULtiply (64 bit): assigns f1 to f2 * f3 |
fmul.s f1, f2, f3, dyn | Floating MULtiply: assigns f1 to f2 * f3 |
fmv.s.x f1, t1 | Move float: move bits representing a float from an integer register |
fmv.x.s t1, f1 | Move float: move bits representing a float to an integer register |
fnmadd.d f1, f2, f3, f4, dyn | Fused Negate Multiply Add (64 bit): Assigns -(f2*f3+f4) to f1 |
fnmadd.s f1, f2, f3, f4, dyn | Fused Negate Multiply Add: Assigns -(f2*f3+f4) to f1 |
fnmsub.d f1, f2, f3, f4, dyn | Fused Negated Multiply Subatract: Assigns -(f2*f3-f4) to f1 |
fnmsub.s f1, f2, f3, f4, dyn | Fused Negated Multiply Subatract: Assigns -(f2*f3-f4) to f1 |
fsd f1, -100(t1) | Store a double to memory |
fsgnj.d f1, f2, f3 | Floating point sign injection (64 bit): replace the sign bit of f2 with the sign bit of f3 and assign it to f1 |
fsgnj.s f1, f2, f3 | Floating point sign injection: replace the sign bit of f2 with the sign bit of f3 and assign it to f1 |
fsgnjn.d f1, f2, f3 | Floating point sign injection (inverted 64 bit): replace the sign bit of f2 with the opposite of sign bit of f3 and assign it to f1 |
fsgnjn.s f1, f2, f3 | Floating point sign injection (inverted): replace the sign bit of f2 with the opposite of sign bit of f3 and assign it to f1 |
fsgnjx.d f1, f2, f3 | Floating point sign injection (xor 64 bit): xor the sign bit of f2 with the sign bit of f3 and assign it to f1 |
fsgnjx.s f1, f2, f3 | Floating point sign injection (xor): xor the sign bit of f2 with the sign bit of f3 and assign it to f1 |
fsqrt.d f1, f2, dyn | Floating SQuare RooT (64 bit): Assigns f1 to the square root of f2 |
fsqrt.s f1, f2, dyn | Floating SQuare RooT: Assigns f1 to the square root of f2 |
fsub.d f1, f2, f3, dyn | Floating SUBtract (64 bit): assigns f1 to f2 - f3 |
fsub.s f1, f2, f3, dyn | Floating SUBtract: assigns f1 to f2 - f3 |
fsw f1, -100(t1) | Store a float to memory |
jal t1, target | Jump and link : Set t1 to Program Counter (return address) then jump to statement at target address |
jalr t1, t2, -100 | Jump and link register: Set t1 to Program Counter (return address) then jump to statement at t2 + immediate |
lb t1, -100(t2) | Set t1 to sign-extended 8-bit value from effective memory byte address |
lbu t1, -100(t2) | Set t1 to zero-extended 8-bit value from effective memory byte address |
lh t1, -100(t2) | Set t1 to sign-extended 16-bit value from effective memory halfword address |
lhu t1, -100(t2) | Set t1 to zero-extended 16-bit value from effective memory halfword address |
lui t1,10000 | Load upper immediate: set t1 to 20-bit followed by 12 0s |
lw t1, -100(t2) | Set t1 to contents of effective memory word address |
mul t1,t2,t3 | Multiplication: set t1 to the lower 32 bits of t2*t3 |
mulh t1,t2,t3 | Multiplication: set t1 to the upper 32 bits of t2*t3 using signed multiplication |
mulhsu t1,t2,t3 | Multiplication: set t1 to the upper 32 bits of t2*t3 where t2 is signed and t3 is unsigned |
mulhu t1,t2,t3 | Multiplication: set t1 to the upper 32 bits of t2*t3 using unsigned multiplication |
or t1,t2,t3 | Bitwise OR : Set t1 to bitwise OR of t2 and t3 |
ori t1,t2,-100 | Bitwise OR immediate : Set t1 to bitwise OR of t2 and sign-extended 12-bit immediate |
rem t1,t2,t3 | Remainder: set t1 to the remainder of t2/t3 |
remu t1,t2,t3 | Remainder: set t1 to the remainder of t2/t3 using unsigned division |
sb t1, -100(t2) | Store byte : Store the low-order 8 bits of t1 into the effective memory byte address |
sh t1, -100(t2) | Store halfword : Store the low-order 16 bits of t1 into the effective memory halfword address |
sll t1,t2,t3 | Shift left logical: Set t1 to result of shifting t2 left by number of bits specified by value in low-order 5 bits of t3 |
slli t1,t2,10 | Shift left logical : Set t1 to result of shifting t2 left by number of bits specified by immediate |
slt t1,t2,t3 | Set less than : If t2 is less than t3, then set t1 to 1 else set t1 to 0 |
slti t1,t2,-100 | Set less than immediate : If t2 is less than sign-extended 12-bit immediate, then set t1 to 1 else set t1 to 0 |
sltiu t1,t2,-100 | Set less than immediate unsigned : If t2 is less than sign-extended 16-bit immediate using unsigned comparison, then set t1 to 1 else set t1 to 0 |
sltu t1,t2,t3 | Set less than : If t2 is less than t3 using unsigned comparision, then set t1 to 1 else set t1 to 0 |
sra t1,t2,t3 | Shift right arithmetic: Set t1 to result of sign-extended shifting t2 right by number of bits specified by value in low-order 5 bits of t3 |
srai t1,t2,10 | Shift right arithmetic : Set t1 to result of sign-extended shifting t2 right by number of bits specified by immediate |
srl t1,t2,t3 | Shift right logical: Set t1 to result of shifting t2 right by number of bits specified by value in low-order 5 bits of t3 |
srli t1,t2,10 | Shift right logical : Set t1 to result of shifting t2 right by number of bits specified by immediate |
sub t1,t2,t3 | Subtraction: set t1 to (t2 minus t3) |
sw t1, -100(t2) | Store word : Store contents of t1 into effective memory word address |
uret | Return from handling an interrupt or exception (to uepc) |
wfi | Wait for Interrupt |
xor t1,t2,t3 | Bitwise XOR : Set t1 to bitwise XOR of t2 and t3 |
xori t1,t2,-100 | Bitwise XOR immediate : Set t1 to bitwise XOR of t2 and sign-extended 12-bit immediate |
Supported psuedo-instructions:
Example Usage | Description |
addi t1,t2,%lo(label) | Load Lower Address : Set t1 to t2 + lower 12-bit label's address |
b label | Branch : Branch to statement at label unconditionally |
beqz t1,label | Branch if EQual Zero : Branch to statement at label if t1 == 0 |
bgez t1,label | Branch if Greater than or Equal to Zero : Branch to statement at label if t1 >= 0 |
bgt t1,t2,label | Branch if Greater Than : Branch to statement at label if t1 > t2 |
bgtu t1,t2,label | Branch if Greater Than Unsigned: Branch to statement at label if t1 > t2 (unsigned compare) |
bgtz t1,label | Branch if Greater Than: Branch to statement at label if t1 > 0 |
ble t1,t2,label | Branch if Less or Equal : Branch to statement at label if t1 <= t2 |
bleu t1,t2,label | Branch if Less or Equal Unsigned : Branch to statement at label if t1 <= t2 (unsigned compare) |
blez t1,label | Branch if Less than or Equal to Zero : Branch to statement at label if t1 <= 0 |
bltz t1,label | Branch if Less Than Zero : Branch to statement at label if t1 < 0 |
bnez t1,label | Branch if Not Equal Zero : Branch to statement at label if t1 != 0 |
call label | CALL: call a far-away subroutine |
csrc t1, fcsr | Clear bits in control and status register |
csrci fcsr, 100 | Clear bits in control and status register |
csrr t1, fcsr | Read control and status register |
csrs t1, fcsr | Set bits in control and status register |
csrsi fcsr, 100 | Set bits in control and status register |
csrw t1, fcsr | Write control and status register |
csrwi fcsr, 100 | Write control and status register |
fabs.d f1, f2 | Set f1 to the absolute value of f2 (64 bit) |
fabs.s f1, f2 | Set f1 to the absolute value of f2 |
fadd.d f1, f2, f3 | Floating ADD (64 bit): assigns f1 to f2 + f3 |
fadd.s f1, f2, f3 | Floating ADD: assigns f1 to f2 + f3 |
fcvt.d.s f1, f2 | Convert float to double: Assigned the value of f2 to f1 |
fcvt.d.w f1, t1 | Convert double from signed integer: Assigns the value of t1 to f1 |
fcvt.d.wu f1, t1 | Convert double from unsigned integer: Assigns the value of t1 to f1 |
fcvt.s.d f1, f2 | Convert double to float: Assigned the value of f2 to f1 |
fcvt.s.w f1, t1 | Convert float from signed integer: Assigns the value of t1 to f1 |
fcvt.s.wu f1, t1 | Convert float from unsigned integer: Assigns the value of t1 to f1 |
fcvt.w.d t1, f1 | Convert signed integer from double: Assigns the value of f1 (rounded) to t1 |
fcvt.w.s t1, f1 | Convert signed integer from float: Assigns the value of f1 (rounded) to t1 |
fcvt.wu.d t1, f1 | Convert unsigned integer from double: Assigns the value of f1 (rounded) to t1 |
fcvt.wu.s t1, f1 | Convert unsigned integer from float: Assigns the value of f1 (rounded) to t1 |
fdiv.d f1, f2, f3 | Floating DIVide (64 bit): assigns f1 to f2 / f3 |
fdiv.s f1, f2, f3 | Floating DIVide: assigns f1 to f2 / f3 |
fge.d t1, f2, f3 | Floating Greater Than or Equal (64 bit): if f1 >= f2, set t1 to 1, else set t1 to 0 |
fge.s t1, f2, f3 | Floating Greater Than or Equal: if f1 >= f2, set t1 to 1, else set t1 to 0 |
fgt.d t1, f2, f3 | Floating Greater Than (64 bit): if f1 > f2, set t1 to 1, else set t1 to 0 |
fgt.s t1, f2, f3 | Floating Greater Than: if f1 > f2, set t1 to 1, else set t1 to 0 |
fld f1,(t2) | Load Word: Set f1 to 64-bit value from effective memory word address |
fld f1,-100 | Load Word: Set f1 to 64-bit value from effective memory word address |
fld f1,10000000,t3 | Load Word: Set f1 to 64-bit value from effective memory word address using t3 as a temporary |
fld f1,label, t3 | Load Word: Set f1 to 64-bit value from effective memory word address using t3 as a temporary |
flw f1,%lo(label)(t2) | Load from Address |
flw f1,(t2) | Load Word Coprocessor 1 : Set f1 to 32-bit value from effective memory word address |
flw f1,-100 | Load Word Coprocessor 1 : Set f1 to 32-bit value from effective memory word address |
flw f1,10000000,t3 | Load Word Coprocessor 1 : Set f1 to 32-bit value from effective memory word address using t3 as a temporary |
flw f1,label, t3 | Load Word Coprocessor 1 : Set f1 to 32-bit value from effective memory word address using t3 as a temporary |
flwd f1,%lo(label)(t2) | Load from Address |
fmadd.d f1, f2, f3, f4 | Fused Multiply Add (64 bit): Assigns f2*f3+f4 to f1 |
fmadd.s f1, f2, f3, f4 | Fused Multiply Add: Assigns f2*f3+f4 to f1 |
fmsub.d f1, f2, f3, f4 | Fused Multiply Subatract (64 bit): Assigns f2*f3-f4 to f1 |
fmsub.s f1, f2, f3, f4 | Fused Multiply Subatract: Assigns f2*f3-f4 to f1 |
fmul.d f1, f2, f3 | Floating MULtiply (64 bit): assigns f1 to f2 * f3 |
fmul.s f1, f2, f3 | Floating MULtiply: assigns f1 to f2 * f3 |
fmv.d f1, f2 | Move the value of f2 to f1 (64 bit) |
fmv.s f1, f2 | Move the value of f2 to f1 |
fmv.w.x t1, f1 | Move float (New mnemonic): move bits representing a float from an integer register |
fmv.x.w t1, f1 | Move float (New mnemonic): move bits representing a float to an integer register |
fneg.d f1, f2 | Set f1 to the negation of f2 (64 bit) |
fneg.s f1, f2 | Set f1 to the negation of f2 |
fnmadd.d f1, f2, f3, f4 | Fused Negate Multiply Add (64 bit): Assigns -(f2*f3+f4) to f1 |
fnmadd.s f1, f2, f3, f4 | Fused Negate Multiply Add: Assigns -(f2*f3+f4) to f1 |
fnmsub.d f1, f2, f3, f4 | Fused Negated Multiply Subatract (64 bit): Assigns -(f2*f3-f4) to f1 |
fnmsub.s f1, f2, f3, f4 | Fused Negated Multiply Subatract: Assigns -(f2*f3-f4) to f1 |
frcsr t1 | Read FP control/status register |
frflags t1 | Read FP exception flags |
frrm t1 | Read FP rounding mode |
frsr t1 | Alias for frcsr t1 |
fscsr t1 | Write FP control/status register |
fscsr t1, t2 | Swap FP control/status register |
fsd f1,(t2) | Store Word: Store 64-bit value from f1 to effective memory word address |
fsd f1,-100 | Store Word: Store 64-bit value from f1 to effective memory word address |
fsd f1,10000000,t3 | Store Word: Store 64-bit value from f1 to effective memory word address using t3 as a temporary |
fsd f1,label, t3 | Store Word: Store 64-bit value from f1 to effective memory word address using t3 as a temporary |
fsflags t1 | Write FP exception flags |
fsflags t1, t2 | Swap FP exception flags |
fsflagsi 100 | Write FP exception flags, immediate |
fsflagsi t1, 100 | Swap FP exception flags, immediate |
fsqrt.d f1, f2 | Floating SQuare RooT (64 bit): Assigns f1 to the square root of f2 |
fsqrt.s f1, f2 | Floating SQuare RooT: Assigns f1 to the square root of f2 |
fsrm t1 | Write FP rounding mode |
fsrm t1, t2 | Swap FP rounding mode |
fsrmi 100 | Write FP rounding mode, immediate |
fsrmi t1, 100 | Swap FP rounding mode, immediate |
fssr t1 | Alias for fscsr t1 |
fssr t1, t2 | Alias for fscsr t1, t2 |
fsub.d f1, f2, f3 | Floating SUBtract (64 bit): assigns f1 to f2 - f3 |
fsub.s f1, f2, f3 | Floating SUBtract: assigns f1 to f2 - f3 |
fsw f1,(t2) | Store Word Coprocessor 1 : Store 32-bit value from f1 to effective memory word address |
fsw f1,-100 | Store Word Coprocessor 1 : Store 32-bit value from f1 to effective memory word address |
fsw f1,10000000,t3 | Store Word Coprocessor 1 : Store 32-bit value from f1 to effective memory word address using t3 as a temporary |
fsw f1,label, t3 | Store Word Coprocessor 1 : Store 32-bit value from f1 to effective memory word address using t3 as a temporary |
j label | Jump : Jump to statement at label |
jal label | Jump And Link: Jump to statement at label and set the return address to ra |
jalr t0 | Jump And Link Register: Jump to address in t0 and set the return address to ra |
jalr t0, -100 | Jump And Link Register: Jump to address in t0 and set the return address to ra |
jr t0 | Jump Register: Jump to address in t0 |
jr t0, -100 | Jump Register: Jump to address in t0 |
la t1,label | Load Address : Set t1 to label's address |
lb t1,(t2) | Load Byte : Set t1 to sign-extended 8-bit value from effective memory byte address |
lb t1,-100 | Load Byte : Set $1 to sign-extended 8-bit value from effective memory byte address |
lb t1,10000000 | Load Byte : Set $t1 to sign-extended 8-bit value from effective memory byte address |
lb t1,label | Load Byte : Set $t1 to sign-extended 8-bit value from effective memory byte address |
lbu t1,(t2) | Load Byte Unsigned : Set $t1 to zero-extended 8-bit value from effective memory byte address |
lbu t1,-100 | Load Byte Unsigned : Set $t1 to zero-extended 8-bit value from effective memory byte address |
lbu t1,10000000 | Load Byte Unsigned : Set t1 to zero-extended 8-bit value from effective memory byte address |
lbu t1,label | Load Byte Unsigned : Set t1 to zero-extended 8-bit value from effective memory byte address |
lh t1,(t2) | Load Halfword : Set t1 to sign-extended 16-bit value from effective memory halfword address |
lh t1,-100 | Load Halfword : Set t1 to sign-extended 16-bit value from effective memory halfword address |
lh t1,10000000 | Load Halfword : Set t1 to sign-extended 16-bit value from effective memory halfword address |
lh t1,label | Load Halfword : Set t1 to sign-extended 16-bit value from effective memory halfword address |
lhu t1,(t2) | Load Halfword Unsigned : Set t1 to zero-extended 16-bit value from effective memory halfword address |
lhu t1,-100 | Load Halfword Unsigned : Set t1 to zero-extended 16-bit value from effective memory halfword address |
lhu t1,10000000 | Load Halfword Unsigned : Set t1 to zero-extended 16-bit value from effective memory halfword address |
lhu t1,label | Load Halfword Unsigned : Set t1 to zero-extended 16-bit value from effective memory halfword address |
li t1,-100 | Load Immediate : Set t1 to 12-bit immediate (sign-extended) |
li t1,10000000 | Load Immediate : Set t1 to 32-bit immediate |
lui t1,%hi(label) | Load Upper Address : Set t1 to upper 20-bit label's address |
lw t1,%lo(label)(t2) | Load from Address |
lw t1,(t2) | Load Word : Set t1 to contents of effective memory word address |
lw t1,-100 | Load Word : Set t1 to contents of effective memory word address |
lw t1,10000000 | Load Word : Set t1 to contents of effective memory word address |
lw t1,label | Load Word : Set t1 to contents of memory word at label's address |
mv t1,t2 | MoVe : Set t1 to contents of t2 |
neg t1,t2 | NEGate : Set t1 to negation of t2 |
nop | NO OPeration |
not t1,t2 | Bitwise NOT (bit inversion) |
rdcycle t1 | Read from cycle |
rdcycleh t1 | Read from cycleh |
rdinstret t1 | Read from instret |
rdinstreth t1 | Read from instreth |
rdtime t1 | Read from time |
rdtimeh t1 | Read from timeh |
ret | Return: return from a subroutine |
sb t1,(t2) | Store Byte : Store the low-order 8 bits of t1 into the effective memory byte address |
sb t1,-100 | Store Byte : Store the low-order 8 bits of $t1 into the effective memory byte address |
sb t1,10000000,t2 | Store Byte : Store the low-order 8 bits of $t1 into the effective memory byte address |
sb t1,label,t2 | Store Byte : Store the low-order 8 bits of $t1 into the effective memory byte address |
seqz t1,t2 | Set EQual to Zero : if t2 == 0 then set t1 to 1 else 0 |
sgt t1,t2,t3 | Set Greater Than : if t2 greater than t3 then set t1 to 1 else 0 |
sgtu t1,t2,t3 | Set Greater Than Unsigned : if t2 greater than t3 (unsigned compare) then set t1 to 1 else 0 |
sgtz t1,t2 | Set Greater Than Zero : if t2 > 0 then set t1 to 1 else 0 |
sh t1,(t2) | Store Halfword : Store the low-order 16 bits of $1 into the effective memory halfword address |
sh t1,-100 | Store Halfword : Store the low-order 16 bits of $t1 into the effective memory halfword address |
sh t1,10000000,t2 | Store Halfword : Store the low-order 16 bits of t1 into the effective memory halfword address using t2 as a temporary |
sh t1,label,t2 | Store Halfword : Store the low-order 16 bits of t1 into the effective memory halfword address using t2 as a temporary |
sltz t1,t2 | Set Less Than Zero : if t2 < 0 then set t1 to 1 else 0 |
snez t1,t2 | Set Not Equal to Zero : if t2 != 0 then set t1 to 1 else 0 |
sw t1,(t2) | Store Word : Store t1 contents into effective memory word address |
sw t1,-100 | Store Word : Store $t1 contents into effective memory word address |
sw t1,10000000,t2 | Store Word : Store $t1 contents into effective memory word address using t2 as a temporary |
sw t1,label,t2 | Store Word : Store $t1 contents into memory word at label's address using t2 as a temporary |
tail label | TAIL call: tail call (call without saving return address)a far-away subroutine |