Basic Bufferoverflow in the vuln() function
int vuln()
char s[24]; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-20h] BYREF
int v2; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-8h]
int v3; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-4h]
v3 = 0x1234567;
v2 = 0x89ABCDEF;
puts("Is this a real life, or is it just a fanta sea?");
puts("Am I dreaming?");
fgets(s, 100, stdin);
if ( v2 == 0x1337C0DE )
return system("/bin/sh");
if ( v3 == 0x1234567 )
return puts("Pinch me!");
return puts("Pinch me harder!");
Same like PWN Sanity check
Solve this without following the conditions. Just need jump to system('/bin/sh')
.text:00000000004011A1 lea rdi, command ; "/bin/sh" << jump to here
.text:00000000004011A8 call _system
dont forget to add some ret for bypass the allignment