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230 lines (135 loc) · 14.2 KB

File metadata and controls

230 lines (135 loc) · 14.2 KB

You can download previous versions here and latest version here (ZIP files generated by GitHub on the fly)

  • Fix OHResourceBundle name mismatch between header and implementation (@tibr, #103)
  • Fix threading in NSURLProtocol subclass calling NSURLProtocolClient callbacks from wrong thread. (@nsprogrammer, #96)

4.0.0 — Improvements for Swift

  • Annotated the library with nullability attributes to generate a better API when used in Swift
  • Migrated the path utility macros to functions in OHPathHelpers.h, for Swift compatibility (#100).
  • Added a complete Swift Demo Project (#88)
  • Removed the XCTestExpectation subspec that was added for Xcode 5 support — Now that Xcode 6 is widely adopted, you shouldn't need this anymore (but in case you still need it, I will probably create a dedicated pod for that)
  • Fixed issue with HTTP 300 return code (multiple-choice) that is not supposed to redirect. (@tarbrain, #92)
  • Added Carthage support
  • Splitted the Xcode projects for more clarity (one dedicated to build the lib and run Unit Tests, and one for the Demo)
  • Got rid of the git submodule used for Unit Tests against AFNetworking — it is now imported using CocoaPods and only for the lib's Unit Tests targets (@corinnekrych, #90)
  • Improved Travis-CI integration. We now use a build matrix to have paralellized and independant builds for each scheme (iOS Static Lib, iOS Dynamic Framework, OSX Framework)
  • Fixed #80 again (there was still an issue for people using Xcode 5 & SDK 7.1… if those people still exists)
  • Fix headers for people still building with Xcode 5 & SDK 7 (#80)
  • Use NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER macro on designated initializer methods (#79)
  • Use application/json instead of text/json in README's example (#75)
  • Fixed an issue with empty files (when using responseWithFileAtPath:statusCode:headers: but the file at the specified path is empty)
  • Added DEFINES_MODULE Flag to be easily imported in Swift (#74)

(I also moved Travis-CI build system so it now uses xcpretty instead of xctool to run Unit Tests)

  • Fixed issue with the main thread stalling when an NSException was raised in the response block
  • Fixed an issue with OHHTTPStubs/XCTestExpectation conditional compilation in Xcode 6.0 & OSX SDK.
    (the condition was previously testing available SDKs instead of Xcode version, which led to errors with Xcode 6.0 not having the latest 10.10 SDK yet, but still having the XCTestExpectation already anyway)
  • Migrated Unit Tests to XCTest.
  • Added XCTestExpectation subspec containing my own implementation for Xcode 5 support
  • Fix issue that made stubs never being called on iOS8 (#65).

As of Xcode6 Beta4, OHHTTPStubs compatibility with iOS8 has been validated now.

  • Fix #66: Use the ivar directly in initialization (to avoid KVO side effects)
  • Fix broken link in README (#61)
  • Don't override Content-Length header when already set (#62)
  • Fixing a crash when using very very long data #57/#59
  • Fixing issue #51 regarding a probable race condition when stubs were removed before the request has finished
  • Shorten the file and moved all the usage examples in a dedicated wiki page to avoid a endless and frightening README
  • The OHHTTPStubsDescriptor protocol now inherits from the NSObject protocol

Fixing issue #47 when stubs were not called, especially when the OHHTTPStubs pod were loaded both by the application AND the test target/bundle. See also [[A tricky case with Application Tests]].

  • NSURLSessionConfiguration 's swizzling (to add automatic support of OHHTTPStubs to NSURLSession) is now done in the +load method of an NSURLSessionConfiguration category, to be sure it is loaded (and swizzled) only once, even if OHHTTPStubs is loaded by two different bundles.
  • The stubs activation of NSURLSessionConfiguration no longer uses objc_getClass but uses a call to the OHHTTPStubs class instead, which ensure that it uses the correct OHHTTPStubs class in the current bundle instead of always using the one loaded from the main bundle.
  • Adding Mac framework & Mac Test Target (#44)
  • Adding known limitations in README
  • Fixed issue with cookies when request.URL is nil (#39)
  • Fixed missing -ObjC flag in Unit Tests target (that made it unable to call category methods)
  • Fixed Unit Tests on iOS6 (NSURLSession-related Unit Tests now only executed when run on iOS7+ or OSX10.9+, and skipped if targeted for an earlier OS version, as NSURLSession was not available then)
  • Fixed issue with NSURLSessionConfiguration auto-swizzling (#37 & #38)

Now OHHTTPStubs automagically works with NSURLSessionConfiguration without the need to enable it for every NSURLSessionConfiguration before creating the NSURLSession: the defaultSessionConfiguration and ephemeralSessionConfiguration are now preconfigured automatically to work with OHHTTPStubs)

  • Removed deprecated methods.

The Old API has now totally disappeared, leaving only a clean and simple API without the spam due to old deprecated methods.

Note: If you have already removed the calls to all OHHTTPStubs deprecated API in your code, you can switch to this 3.0.0 version without any further changes in your code.

  • Added support for NSURLSession (thx to @ndonald2) #31 #34
  • Fixed bug with OHHTTPStubsResponse+JSON when nil headers dictionary
  • Added the ability to give a name to a stub, for debugging purposes (property name of id<OHHTTPStubsDescriptor>)
  • Added allStubs method to list all installed stubs (with their name if they have one, see previous point)
  • Added +[OHHTTPStubs onStubActivation:] method to execute arbitrary code each time a stub is activated. Useful to log which stub is used for each request for example.
  • Complete refactoring to use NSInputStream instead of direct use of NSData (Thanks to @kcharwood - #28)
  • Some other code refactoring to split the code in categories and make it clearer
  • Some API changes to make OHHTTPStubs to fit the new possibility of setting both requestTime and responseTime.
    • Old API is still there but deprecated, and will be removed in next major version
    • To convert to the new API, you will mainly simply:
      • extract the responseTime: parameter to a method call of its own (return [OHHTTPStubsResponse responseWithData:data statusCode:code responseTime:time headers:header]; will become return [[OHHTTPStubsResponse responseWithData:data statusCode:code headers:headers] responseTime:time]; etc.)
      • convert responseWithFile:filename to responseWithFileAtPath:OHPathForFileInBundle(filename,nil)

Note: version 2.1.0-RC, 2.1.0-rc.1, 2.2.0-RC and 2.2.1-RC were intermediate Release Candidate versions during the big refactoring and migration to 2.2.1, with the same new features as listed above basicaly, but without the last-minute bugfixes before official release.

  • Simplified API
    • removed instance methods, no more public sharedInstance: directly call class methods on the OHHTTPStubs class
    • The old and problematic addRequestHandler: method has been deprecated and should not be used anymore. Use stubRequestsPassingTest:withStubResponse: instead, which is more efficient
  • Added API documentation in the headers
  • Remove all internal uses of Apple's private APIs

Be careful: if you forgot to remove your use of OHHTTPStubs and your stubs from the binary you sent to the AppStore, your app would have been rejected by Apple before 2.0.0, as it was using private API (which was a way to make sure not to forget to remove them), but now it would be accepted silently. So don't forget to remove your stubs and OHHTTPStubs from your final binary!

  • Fixed Deadlock introduced by 1.2.1
  • Improved thread-safety (#21)
  • Stop sending messages to NSURLProtoclClient after stopLoading

This version is buggy as it introduced a deadlock when performing a request on the main thread. 1.2.2 fixes that issue.

  • Added support for "HTTP Message Data" stubs generated with curl -is <someurl> to replay them easily (#27). See the for more info
  • Added redirect support for 3xx response codes (#23)
  • Dropped non-ARC support. Now OHHTTPStubs is to be compiled using ARC. (This should not change anything as it is intended to be integrated using CocoaPods or compiled in a separate xcodeproj anyway)

Easier integration process:

  • Use #import <OHHTTPStubs/OHHTTPStubs.h> again
  • But adding the path to the library headers in your application project's HEADER_SEARCH_PATH is no longer needed!
  • Fixed crash when calling "setEnabled:" / "registerClass:" multiple times
  • New integration process: we don't use the PortableLibrary.xcconfig anymore (as it generated problems for people using configuration with names other than "Debug" and "Release"). (1)

You will now have to indicate the folder containing headers for OHHTTPStubs in your HEADER_SEARCH_PATH Build Settings, and we are back to #import "OHHTTPStubs.h" until a better solution is found

(1) This modification for the integration process did only last for version 1.1.1. Version 1.1.2 restored #import <OHHTTPStubs/OHHTTPStubs.h> (but using a much better solution than the previous xcconfig used) and filling HEADER_SEARCH_PATH is no longer needed in further versions. See changelog for 1.1.2 above.

  • Added new API shouldStubRequest:withRequestHandler: to avoid useless building of stubbed response like addRequestHandler: does
  • Adding support for cookies (Set-Cookie headers)
  • Added Unit Tests
  • Removed calls to the deprecated dispatch_get_current_queue() GCD function (was used with dispatch_after to add fake delay to stubbed responses)
  • Fixed #6 : "responseWithError:" released response object too soon
  • Fixed small compilation issues #4 (issue in sample code) & #5 (ARC invalid cast)
  • Embedded OHHTTPStubs in a neat static library for nicer integration in your Xcode4 workspaces.
  • Fix issue when used in a SenTestCase
  • Cleaning API, added removeLastHandler and removeRequestHandler: method.
  • Now first stable API in this version.
  • Example project now compatible with ARC and non-ARC environments
  • Added Example project
  • Added ARC support
  • Some fixes
  • Initial version