Note: To turn off the debugging warnings found within the botor
library, please use the following:
log_threshold(WARN, namespace = 'botor')
Old s3tool function replacements - these should act as 1:1 replacements for the old s3tools functions:
botor::s3_read('s3://alpha-hmpps-covid-data-processing/HMPPS-deaths.csv', read.csv)
botor::s3_read('s3://alpha-hmpps-covid-data-processing/HMPPS-deaths.csv', data.table::fread)
botor::s3_read('s3://botor/example-data/mtcars.json', jsonlite::fromJSON)
botor::s3_read('s3://botor/example-data/mtcars.jsonl', jsonlite::stream_in)
botor::s3_write(mtcars, write.csv, 's3://botor/example-data/mtcars.csv', row.names = FALSE) # edit s3 filepath
# for .xlsx, it's a little bit more longwinded:
t <- tempfile(fileext = '.xlsx')
# create blank df and save to temp folder
wb <- openxlsx::createWorkbook()
openxlsx::addWorksheet(wb, sheetName = 'testing')
openxlsx::writeData(wb, sheet = 'testing', x = mtcars)
openxlsx::saveWorkbook(wb, file = t)
botor::s3_upload_file(file = t, uri = "s3://alpha-hmpps-covid-data-processing/testing.xlsx") # edit s3 filepath
# view files along filepath
# view all buckets owned by asd
boto3::s3_list_buckets(simplify = TRUE)
# updated read_using function
read_using <- function(FUN, s3_path, overwrite = TRUE, ...) {
# trim s3:// if included by the user
s3_path <- gsub(
# find fileext
file_ext <- paste0('.', tools::file_ext(s3_path))
# download file to tempfile()
tmp <- botor::s3_download_file(paste0('s3://', s3_path), tempfile(fileext = file_ext), force = overwrite)
FUN = openxlsx::read.xlsx,
s3_path = 's3://alpha-hmpps-covid-data-processing/covid19infectionsurveydatasets20210521.xlsx',
startRow = 1,
sheet = 2
read_using(FUN=readxl::read_excel, s3_path="alpha-test-team/mpg.xlsx")
# if you are using a file with .gz, .bz or .xz extension, please using botor::s3_read directly
s3_path_to_full_df <- function(s3_path, ...) {
# trim s3:// if included by the user
s3_path <- gsub(
# fileexts accepted by s3_read
accepted_direct_fileext <- c('csv' = read.csv,
'json' = jsonlite::fromJSON,
'jsonl' = jsonlite::stream_in,
'rds' = readRDS)
# specify all other accepted filetypes
excel_filepaths <- c('xlsx',
accepted_fileext <- c(names(accepted_direct_fileext), excel_filepaths)
fileext <- tools::file_ext(s3_path)
# error if invalid filepath is entered
if(!grepl(paste0('(?i)', accepted_fileext, collapse = "|"), fileext)) {
stop(paste0("Invalid filetype entered. Please confirm that your file extension is one of the following: ", paste0(accepted_fileext, collapse = ', '), ". \n Alternatively, use botor directly to read in your file."))
# if we are using a function accepted by s3_read, then use that to parse the data
if(grepl(paste0('(?i)', names(accepted_direct_fileext), collapse = "|"), fileext)) {
# read from s3 using our designated method
botor::s3_read(paste0('s3://',s3_path), fun = accepted_direct_fileext[[tolower(fileext)]])
} else {
FUN = readxl::read_excel,
s3_path = s3_path,
s3tools::s3_path_to_full_df("alpha-hmpps-covid-data-processing/covid19infectionsurveydatasets20210521.xlsx", sheet = 2)
s3_path_to_full_df("alpha-hmpps-covid-data-processing/capacity-reports/COVID-19CapacityImpact-20200427.xlsm", sheet = 1)
list_files_in_buckets <- function(bucket_filter = NULL, prefix = NULL) {
if (is.null(bucket_filter)) {
stop("You must provide one or more buckets e.g. accessible_files_df('alpha-everyone') This function will list their contents")
if(!is.character(bucket_filter)) {
stop("Supplied bucket_filter is not of class: character")
if(!is.character(prefix)&!is.null(prefix)) {
stop("Supplied prefix is not of class: character")
# trim s3:// if included by the user - removed so we can supply both alpha-... and s3://alpha
bucket_filter <- gsub(
cols_to_keep <- c("key","last_modified","size","bucket_name")
list <- botor::s3_ls(paste0('s3://', bucket_filter))
list <- list[,cols_to_keep]
list["full_path"] <- paste(list$bucket_name, list$key, sep = '/')
if(nrow(list) == 0) {
warning('Bucket contains 0 files')
} else if(is.null(prefix)) {
} else {
return(list[grepl(prefix, list$key, = TRUE),])
list_files_in_buckets(bucket_filter = "alpha-hmpps-covid-data-processing", prefix = 'BASS.csv')
list_files_in_buckets(bucket_filter = "alpha-hmpps-covid-data-processing", prefix = 'deaths')
list_files_in_buckets(bucket_filter = "alpha-hmpps-covid-data-processing", prefix = 'fat') # prefix works using regex, so a shorter string will now work
list_files_in_buckets(bucket_filter = "alpha-hmpps-covid-data-processing/deaths", prefix = 'fatalities') # or just type in the full string you watch to match...
write_df_to_csv_in_s3 <- function(df, s3_path, ...) { # overwrite needs to be reimplemented
# add errors
if(!any(grepl('data.frame', df %>% class()))) stop("df entered isn't a valid dataframe object")
if(tools::file_ext(s3_path) != 'csv') stop("s3_path entered is either not a csv or is missing the .csv suffix")
# trim s3:// if included by the user - removed so we can supply both alpha-... and s3://alpha
s3_path <- gsub(
# write csv
botor::s3_write(df, fun = write.csv, uri = paste0("s3://", s3_path), compress = "none", ...)
write_df_to_csv_in_s3(df = mtcars, s3_path = "alpha-hmpps-covid-data-processing/mtcars_boto.csv")
write_df_to_csv_in_s3(df = mtcars, s3_path = "alpha-hmpps-covid-data-processing/mtcars_boto.csv", row.names = FALSE)
download_file_from_s3 <- function(s3_path, local_path, overwrite = FALSE) {
# trim s3:// if included by the user
s3_path <- gsub('^s3://',"",s3_path)
# add s3:// back in where required
s3_path <- paste0('s3://', s3_path)
# download file
botor::s3_download_file(uri = s3_path, file = local_path, force = overwrite)
download_file_from_s3("alpha-everyone/mtcars_boto.csv", "local_folder/mtcars_boto.csv", overwrite = TRUE)