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Explanatory analysis

BlueCast offers a simple way to get a first overview of the data. Instead of writing many lines of code, BlueCast provides handy functions to focus on the data rather than the implementation of visualizations.

Feature type detection

Many datasets come still in the form of CSVs or have object type due to the import from Excel files. With growing column size it requires lots of time to study the features and cast them appropriately. BlueCast offers a FeatureTypeDetector to automate this task. The same detector is also used as part of the BlueCast ml pipelines, thus allowing users to check the results of this operation outside of the pipeline.

from bluecast.eda.analyse import (

from bluecast.preprocessing.feature_types import FeatureTypeDetector

# Here we automatically detect the numeric columns
feat_type_detector = FeatureTypeDetector()
train_data = feat_type_detector.fit_transform_feature_types(train_data)

# detect columns with a very high share of unique values
many_unique_cols = check_unique_values(train_data, train_data.columns.to_list())

Pie chart

To show the distribution of target classes or categories pie charts can be a viable option. Our implementation has been designed to be visually appealing and insightful alike:

# plot the percentage of Nulls for all features

Pie example

Nulls per column

Even though tree-based models like Xgboost can handle missing values out-of-the-box it is still relevant to observe the distribution of missing values. Here we offer a bar chart showing the percentage of missing values per column.

# plot the percentage of Nulls for all features
    train_data.loc[:, feat_type_detector.num_columns],

NULLs example

Univariate plots

The univariate plots function loops through the data and shows histogram and boxplot for each numerical column.

# show univariate plots
        train_data.loc[:, feat_type_detector.num_columns],  # here the target column EC1 is already included

Univariate example

Empirical cumulative density function (eCDF)

In some cases histograms might be misleading or boxplots cannot show the distribution conveniently due to outliers. In such cases eCDFs provide an alternative way to understand univariate distributions. The plots can either be split by column or can all be combined into one chart.

# show univariate plots
        train_data, feat_type_detector.num_columns,  plot_all_at_once=True

ECDF example

Bivariate plots

Bivariate plots are useful to understand how features differ in regard to a discrete target (either classes or bins of a continous target).

# show bi-variate plots
    train_data.loc[:, feat_type_detector.num_columns],

Bivariate example

Count pairs

Count pairs are intended to compare the distribution of categories between two datasets. This can be useful to check if an evaluation dataset is representative or if data drift occurs.

# show bi-variate plots
    cat_cols=train_data.loc[:, feat_type_detector.cat_columns],

Count pairs example

Classification target distribution in categorical features

We might also want to see how target classes are distributed within categorical features. This can be plotted with:

from bluecast.eda.analyse import plot_distribution_by_time

    cat_columns=train_data.loc[:, feat_type_detector.cat_columns],

Target class distro example

Correlation to the target

For feature selection it might be useful to understand how much each feature can explain the target variable. To capture linear signal the correlation uses Pearson's r to indicate that.

# show correlation to target
correlation_to_target(train_data.loc[:, feat_type_detector.num_columns], "target")

Corr to target example

Correlation to target via scatterplots

For regression tasks we can also use scatterplots to investigate the relationships of numerical columns to the target variable.

# show correlation to target

Corr to target via scatterplots example

Correlation heatmap

The correlation heatmap however shows the linear relationships between features and reveals multicollinearity if present.

# show correlation heatmap
correlation_heatmap(train_data.loc[:, feat_type_detector.num_columns])

Corr heatmap example

Andrew Curve

Andrews curve brings the data into a lower space by retaining the relative distance between other samples and keeping the variance similar. We can show how similar samples are with regards to the same output.

from bluecast.eda.analyse import plot_andrews_curve

  train_data.loc[:, feat_type_detector.num_columns],

Andrew curve example

Association of categorical features

The correlation heatmap requires numerical features. For categories we make use of Theil's U to build an association heatmap.

# show a heatmap of assocations between categorical variables
theil_matrix = plot_theil_u_heatmap(train_data, feat_type_detector.cat_columns)

Theil U example

Mutual information

To capture nonlinear information we can use the mutual information score. This function has a parameter class_problem, that indicates if it shall be calculated for classification (binary or multiclass) or regression.

# show mutual information of categorical features to target
# features are expected to be numerical format
# class problem can be any of "binary", "multiclass" or "regression"
extra_params = {"random_state": 30}
mutual_info_to_target(train_data.loc[:, feat_type_detector.num_columns], "EC1", class_problem="binary", **extra_params)

MI example

Principal components analysis (PCA)

How does our feature space look like if we condense the data into a two-dimensional linear space? Can classes be easily separated? The plot_pca function shows exactly that.

## show feature space after principal component analysis
    train_data.loc[:, feat_type_detector.num_columns],

PCA example

PCA Biplot

We might be interested to see which feature contributes to which principal component and by how much. For this purpose the plot_pca_biplot function can be used:

from bluecast.eda.analyse import plot_pca_biplot

  train_data.loc[:, feat_type_detector.num_columns],

PCA Biplot example

PCA cumulative variance

Sometimes we want to know how many principal componts we would need to capture a certain percentage of the dataset's variance. This can be plotted via:

## show how many components are needed to explain certain variance
    train_data.loc[:, feat_type_detector.num_columns],

PCA cumulative example


While PCA captures linear signals, t-SNE also captures the non-linear information. The perplexity parameter needs to be tuned though. Be aware, that this plot can be very slow to compute depending on data and perplexity.

# show feature space after t-SNE
    train_data.loc[:, feat_type_detector.num_columns],

TSNE example

Target leakage

With big data and complex pipelines target leakage can easily sneak in. To detect leakage BlueCast offers two functions:

from bluecast.eda.data_leakage_checks import (

# Detect leakage of numeric columns based on correlation
result = detect_leakage_via_correlation(
        train_data.loc[:, feat_type_detector.num_columns], "target", threshold=0.9

# Detect leakage of categorical columns based on Theil's U
result = detect_categorical_leakage(
        train_data.loc[:, feat_type_detector.cat_columns], "target", threshold=0.9

Feature distribution over time

With the presence of timestamps we often want to understand how the distribution behaves over time. Does it change? Is there a trend? For this BlueCast offers the plot_distribution_by_time function.

from bluecast.eda.analyse import plot_distribution_by_time

plot_distribution_by_time(train_data, "num_column", "created_at")

Distribution over time example