BEN can be trained to play any system, so this is the Convention Card from GIB, that has provided the hands for training in the default system:
2/1 game forcing
1NT = 15-17 2NT = 20-21 3NT = 24+
1C is 3+ 1D is 4+ (except if 4=4=3=2)
2C forcing 2D/2H/2S = weak two
- forcing 1NT
- strong jump shifts
- new minor forcing
- 4th suit forcing
- jacoby 2NT
- splinter
- support X and XX
- michaels cue-bid
- unusual NT
- stayman
- transfers
- texas
- smolen
- cappelletti
- Soloway jump shift
- reverse drury
Standard leads: highest from sequence or from inner sequence. A from AK. Top of nothing.
A lead of a small card does not show any count.
No signals of any kind are played. Small cards are played randomly.
The minimum requirements for opening, for weak twos, preempts, and overcall are quite conservative and rather old-school.
Competes quite aggressively.
Slam auctions are weird.