The pypot library provides a REST API which can be used to access the Robot level and all its attached motors, sensors, and primitives. Through the REST API, you can:
- Motors
- get the motors list and get/set value from/to their registers
- Sensors:
- get the sensors list and get/set value from/to their registers
- Primitives:
- get the primitives list (running or not), start, stop, pause, and resume them.
- you can also access their publicly available properties and methods.
Note that only the defined as publicly available registers or methods will be accessed through the REST API. Please refer to the note for developers below for details.
Please note that all answers are always sent as json dictionary.
HTTP | JSON | Example of answer | |
Get the motors list | GET /motor/list.json | {"robot": {"get_motors_list": {"alias": "motors"}}} | {'motors': ["l_elbow_y", "r_elbow_y", "r_knee_y", "head_y", "head_z"]} |
Get the motors alias list | GET /motor/alias/list.json | {"robot": {"get_motors_alias": {}}} | {'alias': ["r_leg", "torso", "l_leg_sagitall"]} |
Get the motors list of a specific alias | GET /motor/<alias>/list.json | {"robot": {"get_motors_list": {"alias": ""}}} | {: ["l_elbow_y", "r_elbow_y", "r_knee_y", "head_y", "head_z"]} |
Get the registers list of a specific motor | GET /motor/<motor_name>/register/list.json | {"robot": {"get_registers_list": {"motor": "<motor_name>"}}} | {'registers': ["goal_speed", "compliant", "present_load", "id"]} |
Get the register value | GET /motor/<motor_name>/register/<register_name> | {"robot": {"get_register_value": {"motor": "<motor_name>", "register": "<register_name>"}}} | {"present_position": 30} |
Set new value to a register | POST /motor/<motor_name>/register/<register_name>/value.json | {"robot": {"set_register_value": {"motor": "<motor_name>", "register": "<register_name>", "value": {"arg1": "val1", "arg2": "val2", "...": "..."}}} | {} |
Similar to the motor API. You just replace motor by sensor (for the moment there is no alias for sensors).
HTTP | JSON | Example of answer | |
Get the primitives list | GET /primitive/list.json | {"robot": {"get_primitives_list": ""}} | {'primitives': ["stand_up", "sit", "head_tracking"]} |
Get the running primitives list | GET /primitive/running/list.json | {"robot": {"get_running_primitives_list": ""}} | {'primitives': ["head_tracking"]} |
Start a primitive | GET /primitive/<prim>/start.json | {"robot": {"start_primitive": {"primitive": ""}}} | {} |
Stop a primitive | GET /primitive/<prim>/stop.json | {"robot": {"stop_primitive": {"primitive": ""}}} | {} |
Pause a primitive | GET /primitive/<prim>/pause.json | {"robot": {"pause_primitive": {"primitive": ""}}} | {} |
Resume a primitive | GET /primitive/<prim>/resume.json | {"robot": {"resume_primitive": {"primitive": ""}}} | {} |
Get the primitive properties list | GET /primitive/<prim>/property/list.json | {"robot": {"get_primitive_properties_list": {"primitive": ""}}} | {"property": ["filter", "smooth"]} |
Get a primitive property value | GET /primitive/<prim>/property/ | {"robot": {"get_primitive_property": {"primitive": "", "property": ""}}} | {"sin.amp": 30.0} |
Set a primitive property value | POST /primitive/<prim>/property//value.json | {"robot": {"set_primitive_property": {"primitive": "", "property": "", "args": {"arg1": "val1", "arg2": "val2", "...": "..."}}}} | {} |
Get the primitive methods list | GET /primitive/<prim>/method/list.json | {"robot": {"get_primitive_methods_list": {"primitive": ""}}} | {"methods": ["get_tracked_faces", "start", "stop", "pause", "resume"]} |
Call a method of a primitive | POST /primitive/<prim>/method/<meth>/args.json | {"robot": {"call_primitive_method": {"primitive": "", "method": "", "args": {"arg1": "val1", "arg2": "val2", "...": "..."}}}} |
In order to publicly available through the REST API, the registers of the motors/sensors and the properties/methods of the primitives should be added to specific lists.
More precisely, the Motor class sets the registers list (similarly for the Sensor class) and the Primitives uses the methods and properties list.
Those are class variables and can be extended when defining your own subclasses (see the Sinus primitive as an example).