Logging information about the execution of a task graph.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
uuid | String | The server-generated UUID of the task graph. | [optional] [readonly] |
namespace | String | The namespace that owns this task graph log. When creating a task graph log, this is used as the namespace to create the log in; thereafter it is read-only. | [optional] |
createdBy | String | The name of the user who created this task graph log. | [optional] [readonly] |
name | String | A name for this task graph log, displayed in the UI. Does not need to be unique. | [optional] |
createdAt | OffsetDateTime | The date/time when this task graph log was originally created. This is distinct from the execution start_time. | [optional] [readonly] |
startTime | OffsetDateTime | The start time of the task graph, recorded when the server starts executing the first node. | [optional] [readonly] |
endTime | OffsetDateTime | The end time of the task graph, recorded when the client reports completion. | [optional] [readonly] |
status | TaskGraphLogStatus | [optional] | |
totalCost | BigDecimal | If present, the total cost of executing all nodes in this task graph. | [optional] |
accessCost | BigDecimal | If present, the total cost of access from execution of the nodes in this task graph. | [optional] |
egressCost | BigDecimal | If present, the total cost of access from execution of the nodes in this task graph. | [optional] |
executionTime | String | The total execution time of all the nodes in this graph, in ISO 8601 format with hours, minutes, and seconds. | [optional] |
statusCount | Map<String, BigDecimal> | A mapping from `ArrayTaskStatus` string value to the number of nodes in this graph that are in that status. | [optional] |
nodes | List<TaskGraphNodeMetadata> | The structure of the graph. This is provided by the client when first setting up the task graph. Thereafter, it is read-only. This must be topographically sorted; that is, each node must appear after all nodes that it depends upon. | [optional] |
taskGraphType | TaskGraphType | [optional] | |
taskGraphId | String | The UUID of the task graph. | [optional] |
cloudProvider | String | The name of the cloud provider where this task graph executed. | [optional] |
cloudRegion | String | The region of the cloud provider where this task graph executed. | [optional] |