Gabriele Panico
Dario De Pascalis
Giovanni Troisi
Tiledesk SRL
- bug-fixed: hide connector on mouseover only if alphaConnectors is 0
- bug-fixed: panel-intent-header error intent_display_name
- added: icon boy in panel-intent-detail
- added: button to show/hide connectors
- bug-fixed: autocompleteOption is not showed in action-replace-bot-v3
- added: autocompleteOptions on blockName into action-replace-bot-v3
- changed: autocompleteOptions in cds-text as array label-value
- changed: botName with botId in action-replace-bot-v3
- added: action-replace-bot-v3
- bug-fixed: chatbot is not correctly selected in action-replace-bot-v2
- bug-fixed: action-replace-bot-v2 not pass value correctly
- added: slug as chatbot property and action-replace-bot-v2 option when user select a chatbot
- added: intent and chatbot only agents visibility
- changed: action-record translations and default values
added: lastRecordedUrl voiceFlow flow variable for action-record
- changed: project-utils rules
- added: info for default values in action replace-bot and action capture-user-reply
- changed: default avatar for chatbot
- bug-fixed: minor fix
- added: voice-twilio action category
- added: add_tags action
- bug-fixed: image is not saved in [WHATSAPP RECEIVER]
- changed: maxRow increased askgpt-v2 and gpt-task actions
- added: success/else connectors in send-whatsapp action
- bug-fixed: project_id is undefined in send-whatsapp action
- added: send-whatsapp action
- bug-fixed: managed right/left swipe to prevend back/next page load
- added: uploaded control in audio base element
- bug-fixed: minor fix action gpt-task on preview
- added: fileUploadAccept env variable
- added: uploaded control after file is loaded
- added: role guard to main root
- bug-fixed: minor improvements
- added: doc for new actions
- added: image preload resolve for doc images
- changed: info-tooltip doc component UI
- added: changed: min value for max_tokens if citations checkbox is enabled
- added: 'connect_block', 'move_to_unassigned' and 'clear_transcript' actions
- added: chatbot_id system-defined variable
- added: enable 'connect_block' action only if present in project.profile
- added: formatType checkbox in action gpt-task
- added: citations in action askkbv2
- added: flowError variable in systemDefined array
- added: community category 'Internal Processes'
- removed: export as csv option in cds-action-detail component
- bug-fixed: minor improvements
- bug-fixed: minor improvements
- removed: export as csv option in cds-action-detail component
- added: dynamicAttributes var description
- added: response_type in action gpt task
- bug-fixed: connector not updated while adding new command
- added: improvements on widget support component
- bug-fixed: minor improvements
- added: timestamp, now, chatbotToken, UUID, UUIDv4 variables
- added: o1-mini and o1-preview gpt models
- added: inserted blockid and blockname parameters in the page url
- bug-fixed: graphical error when hovering over an empty intent when the "add action" button is displayed
- bug-fixed: get last child in url without parameters
- added: 5m, 10m, 30m and 1h time slot for rules condition
- bug-fixed: copy "intent" without connectors
- bug-fixed: delete connector when "intent" is not selected
- bug-fixed: age-old bug of connector deletion error
- added: removed all listener event when on navigation between tabs
- added: loader while canvas is drawing intents and connectors
- added: slidet-top animation if autocomplete options is
- bug-fixed: data.namespace is undefined ig attribute-dialog is opened from gpt actions
- bug-fixed: if autocomplete is open, cannot able to select variable from utils icon into cds-text component
- bug-fixed: if unknown namespace is selected and namaspaceAsName is deactiveted, reset to defautl namespace
- bug-fixed: if namespaceAsName is enabled and no namespace is selected, set the default one
- bug-fixed: variable is not saved correctyle in cds-action-askkb-v2
- added: namespace variable added to attribute dialog if user request a preview in cds-action-askkb-v2
- added: setAttributeBtn in cds-text base element component
- added: autocomplete options in white selecting namespace in cds-action-askkb-v2
- bug-fixed: cds-rules and cds-globals components do not scroll
- added: ability to add wait time grather than 15s with text input in cds-action-wait
- removed: wait time grather than 15s in cds-action-reply and cds-action-reply-v2
- added: delay-time grather than 10s with text input in cds-action-reply and cds-action-reply-v2
- changed: hide widget iframe when support component page is destroyed
- added: checkbox use namespace as name in cds-action-ask-kbv2
- changed: dispose widget iframe when support component page is destroyed
- added: limitCharsText to cds-action-reply-text v2
- removed: restartConversation from widget URL parameter
- added: action doc contents
- added: tooltip element while hovering on menu action list
- added: usage info into cds-action-gpt-task-v2 and cds-action-askkb-v2 actions
- added: variable to system-contenxt field into cds-action-gpt-task-v2 and cds-action-askkb-v2 actions
- changed: char limit to system-contenxt field into cds-action-gpt-task-v2 and cds-action-askkb-v2 actions
- changed: disabled restartConversation in cds-panel-widget
- added: convertToNumber function in cds-action-assign-variable
- added: history property to cds-action-askkbv2
- added: ani, dnis and callId voice property
- added: disabled option to select base component
- added: description msg for ignoreOperatingHours property into cds-action-online-agents
- added: implement time slots on cds-action-operating-hours
- added: ignoreOperatingHours property added on cds-action-online-agents-v2
- added: cds-action-lead-update component
- added: gpt-4o-mini support
- added: gpt-4o-mini support
- bug-fixed: if depId is not in list, set as null the assigned property
- bug-fixed: cds-action-askkb-v2 show same variable n-times into preview modal
- added: check to hide/show actionCategory
- bug-fixed: if two or more cds-action-reply-v2 is in the same intent, when user select one of them, also the first action is selected
- added: check to project profile object to dynamically hide/show action
- bug-fixed: connector not drowed if multiple cds-action-reply-v2 is in cascade
- added: eventActionChanged handler on cds-action-reply-v2
- added: button alias
- added: manage of blank answer for cds-action-askgpt-v2
- added: connectors on cds-action-gallery buttons
- changed: disabled buttons click event
- changed: preview textarea min/max default line in cds-action-gpttask and cds-action-askgpt-v2
- bug-fixed: bot image profile is not loaded
- changed: AI tokens default values for cds-action-gpt-task and cds-action-askkb-v2
- changed: timeout defautl values for voice actions
- bug-fixed: cds-action-delete-attribute not select the right value
- added: error message if token quotes exceeded
- bug-fixed: add unexisting keys in action-askpgtv2
- added: voiceLanguage and voiceName variables to voiceFlow variables list
- added: aiModels env variable managed for cds-action-askgpt and cds-action-gpt-task
- added: new delay-text component to increment input timeout over 120s
- added: ability to not activate NoInput and NoMatch connector if commands inside cds-action-replyv2 not contains buttons
- bug-fixed: namespace select into cds-action-askgptv2 to not save data
- changed: namescace model
- changed: top_k range in action askkb_v2
- added: namespace, context and history properties into action-askgptv2
- removed: disableInput option from voice actions
- changed: voiceFlow variables restored
- bug-fixed: wait time in action-reply and action-reply-voice is incorrect if set to 0
- added: cds-action-online-agents-v2
- added: status property to top left menu options to show/hide some options
- added: 401 error code management on signInWithCustomToken
- added: downloadURL in metadata obj while sending message from tiledesk
- added: animation on 'Add action' cds-intent footer button
- changed: whatsappApiUrl to whatsappTemplatesBaseUrl env property
- changed: set default values for cds-action-gpt-assistant and cds-action-reply-v2
- added: cds-action-reply-v2
- changed: 'add action' button into cds-intent preview component UI changed
- added: GPT-4o model into gpts actions
- added: dynamic label to delay-slider component
- added: voice flow variables
- bug-fixed: connector and timeout slider values not updated on changes
- changed: encoded chatbot name in share link
- bug-fixed: assistantID is not saved correctly
- added: ai action category section
- added: clickout management for globals-detail panel
- added: ability to hide 'try on whatsapp' and 'test it out' header buttons if current route is not 'blocks'
- changed: css of changelog component
- added: check on PRO action badge. show it depends on current project type and action plan availability
- bug-fixed: if drop an action from an intent to another, connectors are lost
- added: form-data implementation as a body option in cds-action-web-request-v2
- changed: last_user_text user defined variable to lastUserText new user defined variable
- bug-fixed: cds-action-gpt-assistant not save property as well
- added: cds-action-gpt-assistant
- bug-fixed: cds-action-set-attribute not save operand as well while select a variable from list
- bug-fixed: cds-action-set-attribute tips select checkbox on click
- bug-fixed: cds-action-reply textarea element autoresize on single row on focusout
- bug-fixed: cds-action-set-attribute-vs not show correct selected data if another action of the same type is already opened
- bug-fixed: cds-attributes save [object object] key while value text is changed
- added: open variable-list component on keydown '{' in textarea component
- added: previewAskPrompt function in openaiService
added namespace, max_tokens, temperature, top_k params in askkb action
added preview and ai settings in askkb action interface - changed: gpttask action interface
- bug-fixed: action-web-request-v2 not show correct selected data if another action of the same type is already opened
- bug-fixed: if chatbot not belongs to current project, redirect to unauthorized route
- added: headers autocomplete options in web-request-v2 component
- added: textarea component into action-gpt-task modal preview
- changed: cds-popup position
- minor improvements
- bug-fixed: community section doesn't scroll page
- added: autofocus on search input element on cds-add-action-menu floating panel component
- added: ascendent ordering of actions in cds-add-action-menu floating panel
- added: cds-action-n8n
- added: setTiledeskToken method on tiledesk-auth
- added: cds-action-speech-form voice action
- added: cds-action-voice-play-prompt
- added: audio-upload to manage audio file url and drag&drop action in cds-action-reply-audio
- changed: open OptionMenu while adding a new unexisting option in cds-action-dtmf-menu voice component
- changed: default value for request timeout in cds-action-web-requestv2
- bug-fixed: document title fixed
- bug-fixed: askgpt-v2 not create variables until detail is open
- added: lastUserDocumentAsAttachmentURL, lastUserDocumentAsInlineURL and strongAuthenticated variables
- added: settings section in cds-action-web-requestv2
- added: decodedCustomJWT userDefined attribute var
- added: cds-action-brevo
- added: default active tab on settings icon click
- removed: import of cds/_variable.scss from components
- added: lazy modules
- added: PHONE_NUMBER to config-template env
- added: cds-action-dtmf-form and cds-action-blind-transfer
- added: settings to vxml actions
- added: gpt-4-preview type option to gpt-models
- bug-fixed: action-replace-bot-v2 pass /+intentName
- added: brand name to header
- bug-fixed: if condition is changed in action-json-condition or filter, submit button is disabled
- bug-fixed: if chatbot is associated with a dept and ther's depts with no chatbot associated with, do not show select with depts with no chatbot associated with
- added: height on the iframe
- changed: copy and paste, change action id when you paste
- changed: change the cursor to + when the mouse is on the edge of the dot
- bug-fixed: connectors disappear when you do action d&d.
- bug-fixed: minor bug-fixed
- added: DOCS translator object
- added: cds-action-customerio
- added: customAttributes for support widget to identify current logged user plan
- removed: assignResultTo from cds-action-customerio and cds-action-hubspot
- added: ability to copy/paste an action/block
- changed: return changes to cds-attributes parent if attributes object is empty ( keys.length = 0 )
- bug-fixed: cds-action-make and cds-action-hubspot bodyparameters set as object and not as a string
- bug-fixed: cds-action-make and cds-action-hubspot custom-divider color
- added: TYPE_GPT_MODEL const in utils and used in cds-action-askgptv2 and cds-action-gpt-task components
- added: dashboard integration redirect link in cds-action-qapla and cds-action-hubspot in favour of apiKey into action detail
- changed: animation-delay reduced to 0 for all cds-panel components
- changed: do not close and reopen again cds-panel-action-detail component if it's already opened
- added: new support component
- added: new play menu component
- added: new share menu component
- added: brandResources class now support nested array of objects
- added: cds-action-askgptv2
- added: variable-list tooltip description translations
- changed: cds-action-code reduced max chars
- changed: cds-action-code available only for custom plan
- changed: restore cds-action-change-department
- bug-fixed: lowecase pipe not exist
- changed: text limit to global value rows
- added: brandService added to load remote logos and resources
- changed: logos and resources from remote json
- changed: limit global value to 4026 characters
- bug-fixed: lowecase pipe not exist
- changed: text limit to global value rows
- changed: cds-action-delete-attribute now support all variables (userdefined and systemdefined)
- added: discord channel menu option on support bottom sidebar icon
- added: style.scss, material-dashboard.scss and action-styl.scss as lazy load style
- changed: show changelog only if minor version is changed
- bug-fixed: missing translations
- bug-fixed: cds-textarea not updated
- bug-fixed: widget installation code is not formatted while click on copy in Publish modal
- bug-fixed: cannot read property of undefined reading _tdActionId with forms
- bug-fixed: cannot split of undefined
- bug-fixed: cannot read property of undefined reading _tdActionId with forms
- added: cds-action-replace-bot-v2 with 'execute block' option
- added: translation keys into cds-action components
- bug-fixed: reset operator2 value if condition is 'IsEmpty' or 'isNull' or 'isUndefined'
- bug-fixed: removed angular warning for readonly textarea deprecated propery with reactive Forms -> now ise control.disabled() or control.enabled()
- bug-fixed: operand2 textarea not render textTag on init if readOnly is enabled
- bug-fixed: if condition is changed to 'IsEmpty' or 'isNull' or 'isUndefined' in operand2 cds-action-json-condition textarea not reset correctly
- removed: cds-action-replace-bot DEPRECATED
- added: isNull and isUndefined operator function for cds-action-json-condition
- bug-fixed: compare alphabetic project/action plan rather than PLAN_NAME enum
- bug-fixed: attribute dialog-container component UI
- bug-fixed: after deleted attribute from value field in cds-action-json-condition and cds-action-action-condition, restore base form with operator2.type = 'const'
- bug-fixed: if click on existing condition and then add a new one, the last created condition is not pushed but replaced to che last selected condition
- added: share icon next to chatbot name in header component
- added: badge on action-list for PRO action type
- added: cds-action-hubspot into integrations action-list section
- added: check for action availability depends of current project plan
- bug-fixed: on connect button with attributes (on undo, after deleting the intent, the intent connectors are not created)
- added: error message if global key contains not allowed chaacters
- added: ability to set variable as global key
- changed: text limit to code textarea cds-action-code
- changed: text limit to prompt textarea cds-action-gpt-task
- added: limit to 4 line for cds-action-code preview input box
- changed: removed variable and emoji options from global value input detail component
- added: JSON.stringify function in TYPE_FUNCTION_LIST for cds-action-set-attribute
- added: cds-action-code
- added: cds-mat-tooltip on variable-list item to show current variable description
- added: currentPhoneNumber leadInfo attributes variable
- bug-fixed: if open cds-panel-action-detail, then the stage is not draggable with mouse connected
- added: cds-global-panel-detail component to add/update/delete an existing global variable
- bug-fixed: cannot set iframe url into cds-action-reply
- bug-fixed: cannot delete image because of path url error
- added: trueIntent and falseIntent property into cds-action-make
- added: cds-splash-screen component inside cds-globals section if no global variables are set to current chatbot
- changed: activate submit button and disable 'Value' textarea i operator is equal to 'isEmpty' in cds-action-json-condition
- bug-fixed: form and question icons not updated realtime if form or question is set
- bug-fixed: cds-intent not draggable in some top point of the component
- added: success/failure branch on cds-action-gpt-task
- added: GitHub link on sidebar bottom menu
- added: ability to use local svg icon for menu component
- changed: set 'Content-type' header option as 'application/json'
automatically if user select 'body' radio option, remove 'Content-type' header option if user select 'none' in radio button - changed: moved globals on bottom in variable-list component
- added: upload/link option while loading an image from a source file or a link ora a variable dynamically
- added: leadAttributes section for variableList
- added: support icon menu on bottom section in cds-sidebar
- added: cds-changelog component for new updates news
- added: show function select if operand.function has a value in cds-action-assign-variable-v2
- added: dynamic reuse of cds-menu element
- changed: color defined variables
- added: cds-textarea in button url section to add variable as url for a button reply element
- bug-fixed: floating action list hide called intent --> new Xpositioning
- added: fullfillment section to cds-settings-developer tab section
- bug-fixed: connectorTo not found (connector-point is fill but connector is not created )
- removed: unused variable colors;
- added: label over a connector
- bug-fixed: cds-globals not updated
- bug-fixed: cds-action-make url is rendered ad variable into cds-textarea component
- added: cds-action-make
- added: JSONparse function into cds-action-assing-variable-v2
- added: padding to scaleAndCenter bottom-right button icon
- bug-fixed: cds-action-assign-variable-v2 operand create double value obj
- bug-fixed: cds-attributes not save changes in input component
- bug-fixed: do not permit special chars when adding new variable
- added: cds-action-assign-variable-v2
- added: cdkDragPreview UI while dragging an action into the same block
- added: cds-globals component to manage global attributes variables into chatbot obj
- added: global variables to variablesList utils obj
- bug-fixed: patch in action reply buttons without UUIDV4
- bug-fixed: if clear operand variable inside cds-action-assign-variable, operation obj is not updated
- bug-fixed: if 'readonly' input variable is updated in parent cds-textarea component, tag badge is not created
- added: close behaviour on mouse-tips modal close header icon
- bug-fixed: close the add-actions-menu by clicking Backspace
- bug-fixed: added an action from the floating menu
- bug-fixed: changed the field type in the form email field
- bug-fixed: cannot be able to restart the same intent while testing it on widget page
- added: mouse/trackpad tips
- added: ability to add action from floating 'add action' button on each block
- changed: cds-connector color on start and isLast intent elements
- changed: aligned component to new Regex for variables with {{<\var>}}
- changed: cds-action-assign-variable enable possibility to add custom text on operand2 property
- changed: cds-intent footer 'Add action' button UI
- changed: new services for updating an intent with multimple operations
- bug-fixed: variable-list userDefined expansion panel not opened from the
second time
- added: redirect to unauthorized page if signInWithCustomtoken response with 401 error
- bug-fixed: cannot delete chatbot profile image
- bug-fixed: action-web-requestv2 headers attributes variable not saved with double curly brackets
- bug-fixed: cannot delete first button into cds-action-reply elements
- bug-fixed: cannot clear header attriibutes on cds-web-request-v2
- added: Export/import redirect function on header menu option
- added: extension panel on variable list
- added: baseHref into angular.json
- added: imageRepoService abstract service to recover chatbot profile image
- bug-fixed: set default value for activeDetailSection
- bug-fixed: unable to restart widget flow if panel is already opened once (you had to click twice to restart the flow: first time to open panel and the second to restart the flow )
- added: cds-action-condition(w/out else branch)
- bug-fixed: cds-reply button element not
- bug-fixed: unable to delete bot avatar image profile
- added: network offline modal
- added: menu component on left header tiledesk hover icon click
- bug-fixed: goToKNB dashboard link
- added: menu component on left header tiledesk hover icon click
- bug-fixed: attribute.nextActionIntent not updated after change intent obj
- bug-fixed: intent name not updated on intent-list component
- bug-fixed: goToKNB dashboard link
minor improvements
- added: cds-action-qapla
- changed: select and button in department choise in chatbot detail section
- bug-fixed: modal-window not show translated labels
- bug-fixed: question/form button in cds-intent canvas element not updated in realtime
- bug-fixed: form-add-field height not fixed and change cds-dashboard main height
- bug-fixed: connectors not adapted on cds-intent height changes
- bug-fixed: afterviewinit stage is traslated and hides 'start' intent
- bug-fixed: if only default department exist and not has a bot, do not show choise department section
- removed: possibility to add a new action on the selected intent from bottom section of the same intent
- added: retrocompatibility with intent that already contains an action of type 'connect block'
- changed: routing path /cds/ to /chatbot/
- changed: base href into intex.html
- added: translations on action_category panel-element
- added: disabled text highlight on zoom-in/zoom-out icon double click event
- added: limit scale zoom
- changed: intent base padding
- changed: hide secrets section
- changed: restored version on logo mouse hover
- changed: preview label on cds-action-gpt-task component
- changed: increased minRow cds-action-hide-message
- changed: preview label in favour of icon in cds-action-close and cds-action-agent-handoff
- changed: cds-settings detail section button UI
- bug-fixed: cds-action-reply-gallery preview not open button on click
- bug-fixed: cds-panel-button-configuration not save url changes
- bug-fixed: start intent show 'add action' button on hover
- bug-fixed: cannot drag action from an existing block to a new one
- bug-fixed: cds-panel-action-detail not change action data on action change
- added: translations
- added: brandService
- added: remove connect to block from Capture user reply
- changed: thicken the connectors by one px
- changed: gray connector color
- added: loader on cds-dashboard
- added: cds-secrets component in cds-sidebar (beta)
- bug-fixed: buttons connector not aligned with button-container while dragging
- added: new cds-modal-activate-bot while publishing a chatbot
- added: options on cds-connector
- added: drag icon in cds-description component only for previewMode
- changed: background and icon colors in cds-sidebar and cds-panel-intents-list
- changed: cds-action padding increased
- changed: cds-action-reply text element background and padding increased
- removed: webhook option from panel-intent-controls component
- added: cds-option zoom-in zoom-out and centerStage
- added: type in metadata element in cds-action-reply components
- bug-fixed: live-active-intent animation restored
- added: hashing routing strategy
- added: check before add new userDefined variable
- added: ability to delete a userDefined variable
- added: 404 not found component
- changed: minor UI improvements
- bug-fixed: not sent null text if textarea is null in action-reply image and gallery elements
first deploy