public inline fun <T> T.takeIf(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T?
= if (predicate(this)) this else null
// Original Code
if (status) { doThis() }
// Modified Code
takeIf { status }?.apply { doThis() }
// Original code
if (someObject != null && status) {
// Improved code
someObject?.takeIf{ status }?.apply{ doThis() }
// Original code
if (someObject != null && someObject.status) {
// Better code
if (someObject?.status == true) {
// Improved code
someObject?.takeIf{ it.status }?.apply{ doThis() }
val index
= input.indexOf(keyword).takeIf { it >= 0 } ?: error("Error")
val outFile
= File(outputDir.path).takeIf { it.exists() } ?: return false
//doThis() 方法一定会执行而无论 status 是 true 还是 false
// Syntactically still correct. But logically wrong!!
someObject?.takeIf{ status }.apply{ doThis() }
//doThis() 方法不一定会执行,会判断status是否为空,是否为true
// The correct one (notice the nullability check ?)
someObject?.takeIf{ status }?.apply{ doThis() }