# If you haven't done it, init the project
git clone https://github.com/Tomansion/factorio_blueprint_analyser
cd factorio_blueprint_analyser
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Start the algorithm:
./blueprint_analyser -f -i examples/beltFac.json
./blueprint_analyser -h
+ usage: blueprint_analyser [-h] [-i [INPUT]] [-o [OUTPUT]] [-f]
+ Find the bottleneck in a Factorio blueprint
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ -i [INPUT], --input [INPUT] Blueprint JSON or encoded file path
+ -o [OUTPUT], --output [OUTPUT] JSON File output for the analysed blueprint
+ -f, --force Force overwrite of existing result file
The default input is examples/beltFac.json
The default output is analysed_blueprint.json
If you need to tweak the algorithm, you can change the options in the config/config_default.yaml
# Inserter_capacity_bonus
# number between 0 and 7
# (https://wiki.factorio.com/Inserter_capacity_bonus_(research))
inserter_capacity_bonus: 0
# The facorio data generated from the game files
# This default data corresponds to the vanilla game
# To set your own data, you can follow our mod guide
# (Comming soon)
data_file_path: "factorio_blueprint_analyser/assets/factorio_raw/factorio_raw_min.json"
# The alogrithm will displat the
# results on a web page in a node network
# You can disable this feature by setting this to false
display: true
# Verbose level
# 1: only errors
# 2: errors and warnings
# 3: errors, warnings and info
verbose_level: 3
You can also use the algorithm as a pip package.
pip install factorio_blueprint_analyser
from factorio_blueprint_analyser import blueprint_analyser
"inserterCapacityBonus": 0, # Inserter_capacity_bonus, between 0 and 7,
"displayNetwork": True, # Display the results on a web page in a node network
"verboseLevel": 3, # Verbose level, 1: only errors, 2: errors and warnings, 3: errors, warnings and info
# Then analyse a blueprint from a string
blueprint = "0eJydU9tugzAM/ZUqz6NqWLj1A/YT0zSFYHWWwKAkVEOIf5+5SGMqWmklHmzHOef4EPciL1toLJIX50Mv0NTkOHrvhcML6XKq+q4BDgR6qMTLQZCuplw7B1VeIl2CSpsvJAhCMXADUgHf3CGHD86APHqEBXfKuk9qqxzs2LMC9FaTa2rrgxxKP1I1teO7NU06RshAno4RH3RjnEXHaOQr0IJZ2hQXblnCR1nkMyyvKxYkB9Zz+f4UivE38dR+PLkHL3rQhewZE+LdorM9mpN7D27bD7XCDmfpLBznh6yLqyYDRWDQmha92GRO97sf3rKtjYo38bPnJjv9O9nmSo5bOC0vd/wuPBdLzT9/ufemzUR5BetmxjCVKsnCJIr5U+mfzZbDD5bOSCo="
results = blueprint_analyser.analyse_blueprint(blueprint)
# Or from a file
results = blueprint_analyser.analyse_blueprint_from_path("path to my blueprint")
# Both encoded and json blueprints are supported