To be able to test non stable released of the plugin (alpha, beta, release candidate versions), you may want to use a special installation type: "testing". Installing in such a way create a separate directory tree for the plugin, and avoid the replacement of an existing one. After such an installation, you will be able to test in command line the plugin against your different node types. In command line only because you certainly don't want to process the generated performance data.
- Installation in testing mode
Upload the interface_table_XXX archive to your server and uncompress it in a temporary directory (ex: /var/tmp/install/icinga/plugins/it-0.05-rc2)
Make the configure file executable:
# cd /var/tmp/install/icinga/plugins/it-0.05-rc2
# chmod a+x ./configure
Note: all options descriptions are available via
./configure --help
Install the software in testing mode with the option --enable-testing. This mode is simply a shortcut for installing everything in a selected directory (specified with the --prefix option). In this way, there will be no impact on a running installation of this addon.
[root@snoopy it_v3t-0.05-rc2]# ./configure --prefix /var/tmp/tests/it_v3t-0.05-rc2 --enable-testing
*** Configuration summary for interfacetable_v3t 0.05-rc2 XX-XX-2013 ***:
Note: due to the testing mode, you will need to
* copy the generated interfacetable_v3t.conf httpd config file from the testing apache conf.d dir to the httpd configuration directory on the system, renamed as you want
Global installation directories:
${prefix}: /var/tmp/tests/it_v3t-0.05-rc2
${exec_prefix}: /var/tmp/tests/it_v3t-0.05-rc2
libdir (for perl libraries): ${exec_prefix}/lib
sysconfdir (for config file): ${prefix}/etc
datarootdir (for html, css, js,...): ${prefix}/share
Note: exec_prefix, libdir, sysconfdir and datadir can be changed for fine tuned installations
Nagios & related options:
Install user/group: nagios,nagios
Nagios base dir: /var/tmp/tests/it_v3t-0.05-rc2/nagios
Nagios libexec dir: /var/tmp/tests/it_v3t-0.05-rc2/nagios/libexec
InterfaceTable_v3t addon CGI dir: /var/tmp/tests/it_v3t-0.05-rc2/nagios/sbin
InterfaceTable_v3t addon CGI url: /interfacetable_v3t_testing/cgi-bin
InterfaceTable_v3t addon HTML url: /interfacetable_v3t_testing
Cache files dir: /var/tmp/tests/it_v3t-0.05-rc2/tmp/.ifCache
State files dir: /var/tmp/tests/it_v3t-0.05-rc2/tmp/.ifState
Graphing options:
Graphing solution name: pnp4nagios
Graphing solution url: /pnp4nagios
Apache & sudo options:
Apache conf.d dir: /var/tmp/tests/it_v3t-0.05-rc2/httpd/conf.d
Apache User: apache
Apache AuthName: Nagios Access
Sudoers file: /etc/sudoers
Other options:
Port performance data unit: bps
[root@snoopy it_v3t-0.05-rc2]#
Install the files
# make install
- Apache configuration
Install the apache config file
# make install-apache-config
The generated config file will be located in the test directory tree, in this case in /var/tmp/tests/it-0.05-rc2/httpd/conf.d
# ls /var/tmp/tests/it-0.03b1/httpd/conf.d
Copy and rename it to the correct http conf dir:
# [debian flavor] # cp /var/tmp/tests/it-0.03b1/httpd/conf.d/interfacetable_v3t.conf /etc/apache2/conf.d/interfacetable_v3t_testing.conf
# [redhat flavor] # cp /var/tmp/tests/it-0.03b1/httpd/conf.d/interfacetable_v3t.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/interfacetable_v3t_testing.conf
Then edit the file and comment all the following lines:
AuthType ...
AuthUserFile ...
Require ...
Reload the apache configuration
# /etc/init.d/apache2 reload
Reloading web server config: apache2.
- Sudo configuration
This is like the normal installation:
# make install-sudo-config
Sudo configuration updated.
The addon is now ready for testing ! Test that the plugin works
Check that all the requirements are well installed by launching the script as the nagios/icinga user:
[icinga@snoopy libexec]$ ./ -V
./ (0.05-rc2)
This nagios plugin comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You may redistribute
copies of this plugin under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3).
[icinga@snoopy libexec]$
Procedure to take a MIB snapshot:
On a windows workstation,
download the snmpsim_recorder and uncompress it.
in command line, go to the "snmpsim recorder" directory, and execute the take_full_record.bat as following:
take_full_record.bat <agent_address> <agent_port> <snmp_version> <snmp_community> <device_name>
- agent_address: IP address of the target device
- agent port: usually 161
- snmp_version: can be v1 or v2c
- snmp_community: snmp community of the target device
- device_name: this is just a base for the generated file
This will generate a .snmprec file in devices. This is a snapshot of the snmp mib of the device. This file can be used to simulate the device and speedup any development/troubleshooting.