Python [conda env:py311] *
One Particle - High Resolution
from joblib import Parallel , delayed
import matplotlib .pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from math import *
from uncertainties import *
from scipy .stats import chi2
import scipy
from matplotlib import gridspec
import matplotlib
import pandas
import sys
import statsmodels .api as sm
import warnings ## statsmodels.api is too old ... -_-#
import pickle
import pgzip
import os
import platform
import logging
import sys
N_JOBS = 6
from tqdm .notebook import tqdm
from datetime import datetime
# from numba import jit, njit
# import numba
import pyfftw
nthreads = 2
% config InlineBackend .figure_format = 'retina'
% matplotlib inline
plt .rcParams ["figure.figsize" ] = (8 , 5 )
plt .rcParams ["font.family" ] = "serif"
plt .rcParams ["mathtext.fontset" ] = "dejavuserif"
plt .close ("all" ) # close all existing matplotlib plots
use_cache = False
save_cache = False
save_debug = True
datetime_init = datetime .now ()
# os.makedirs('output/oneParticleSim', exist_ok=True)
output_prefix = "output/oneParticleSim/" + \
datetime_init .strftime ("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S" ) + "-" + \
str ("T" if save_debug else "F" ) + \
str ("T" if use_cache else "F" ) + \
str ("T" if save_cache else "F" ) + \
output_ext = ".pgz.pkl"
os .makedirs (output_prefix , exist_ok = True )
print (output_prefix )
plt .set_loglevel ("warning" )
l = logging .getLogger ()
l .setLevel (logging .NOTSET )
l_formatter = logging .Formatter ('%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - \n %(message)s' )
l_file_handler = logging .FileHandler (f'{ output_prefix } /logs.log' , encoding = 'utf-8' )
l_file_handler .setFormatter (l_formatter )
l .addHandler (l_file_handler )
l_console_handler = logging .StreamHandler (sys .stdout )
l_console_handler .setLevel (logging .INFO )
l_console_handler .setFormatter (logging .Formatter ('%(message)s' ))
l .addHandler (l_console_handler )
# if save_debug:
# with open(output_prefix + "session_info.txt", "wt") as file:
s = ""
s += ("=" * 20 + "Session System Information" + "=" * 20 ) + "\n "
uname = platform .uname ()
s += f"Python Version: { platform .python_version ()} \n "
s += f"Platform: { platform .platform ()} \n "
s += (f"System: { uname .system } " )+ "\n "
s += (f"Node Name: { uname .node } " )+ "\n "
s += (f"Release: { uname .release } " )+ "\n "
s += (f"Version: { uname .version } " )+ "\n "
s += (f"Machine: { uname .machine } " )+ "\n "
s += (f"Processor: { uname .processor } " )+ "\n "
s += f"CPU Counts: { os .cpu_count ()} \n "
# print(string)
# file.write(string)
# print(string)
l .info (s )
l .info (f"""nthreads = { nthreads }
N_JOBS = { N_JOBS } """ )
nx = 2000 + 1
nz = 2000 + 1
xmax = 60 #Micrometers
# zmax = (nz/nx)*xmax
zmax = 60
dt = 0.1e-3 # Milliseconds
dx = 2 * xmax / (nx - 1 )
dz = 2 * zmax / (nz - 1 )
hb = 63.5078 #("AtomicMassUnit" ("Micrometers")^2)/("Milliseconds")
m3 = 3 # AtomicMassUnit
m4 = 4
pxmax = 2 * pi * hb / dx / 2
pzmax = 2 * pi * hb / dz / 2
# pxmax= (nx+1)/2 * 2*pi/(2*xmax)*hb # want this to be greater than p
# pzmax= (nz+1)/2 * 2*pi/(2*zmax)*hb
s = f"""nx = { nx }
nz = { nz }
xmax = { xmax }
zmax = { zmax }
dt = { dt }
dx = { dx }
dz = { dz }
hb = { hb }
m3 = { m3 }
m4 = { m4 }
pxmax = { pxmax }
pymax = { pzmax }
l .info (s )
l .info (f"""rotate phase per dt for m3 = { 1j * hb * dt / (2 * m3 * dx * dz )} \t #want this to be small
rotate phase per dt for m4 = { 1j * hb * dt / (2 * m4 * dx * dz )}
number of grid points = { round (nx * nz / 1000 / 1000 ,3 )} (million)
minutes per grid op = { round ((nx * nz )* 0.001 * 0.001 / 60 , 3 )} \t (for 1μs/element_op)
""" )
wavelength = 1.083 #Micrometers
beam_angle = 90
k = sin (beam_angle * pi / 180 / 2 ) * 2 * pi / wavelength # effective wavelength
kx = 0
kz = k
# k = pi / (4*dx)
# beam_angle = np.arcsin(k/(2*pi/wavelength))*180/pi
# print("k =", k, " is 45 degree Bragg")
# k = 2*pi / wavelength
# k = pi / (2*dz)
# k = pi / (4*dx)
# dopd = 60.1025 # 1/ms Doppler detuning (?)
p = hb * k
# print("k =",k,"1/µm")
# print("p =",p, "u*µm/ms")
v4 = hb * k / m4
v3 = hb * k / m3
# print("v3 =",v3, "µm/ms")
# print("v4 =",v4, "µm/ms")
# sanity check
# assert (pxmax > p*2.5 or pzmax > p*2.5), "momentum resolution too small"
# dopd = 60.1025 # 1/ms Doppler detuning (?)
dopd = v3 ** 2 * m3 / hb
l .info (f"""wavelength = { wavelength } µm
beam_angle = { beam_angle }
k = { k } 1/µm
kx = { kx } 1/µm
kz = { kz } 1/µm
p = { p } u*µm/ms
pxmax/p = { pxmax / p }
pzmax/p = { pzmax / p }
2p = { 2 * p } u*µm/ms
v3 = { v3 } µm/ms
v4 = { v4 } µm/ms
dopd = { dopd }
2*pi/(2*k)/dx = { 2 * pi / (2 * k )/ dx } this should be larger than 4 (grids) and bigger the better
""" )
if not (pxmax > p * 2.5 ): l .warning (f"p={ p } not << pmax={ pxmax } momentum resolution too small!" )
if not 2 * pi / (2 * k )/ dx > 1 : l .warning (f"2*pi/(2*k)/dx = { 2 * pi / (2 * k )/ dx } aliasing will happen" )
l .info (f"""Maximum simulation time { xmax / v3 } , which is steps { xmax / v3 / dt } """ )
- (1j / hb ) * (0.5 / m3 ) * (dt )* pxmax
dpx = 2 * pi / (2 * xmax )* hb
dpz = 2 * pi / (2 * zmax )* hb
pxlin = np .linspace (- pxmax ,+ pxmax ,nx )
pzlin = np .linspace (- pzmax ,+ pzmax ,nz )
# print("(dpx,dpz) = ", (dpx, dpz))
if abs (dpx - (pxlin [1 ]- pxlin [0 ])) > 0.0001 : l .error ("AHHHHH px" )
if abs (dpz - (pzlin [1 ]- pzlin [0 ])) > 0.0001 : l .error ("AHHHHH pz" )
l .info (f"""dpx = { dpx } uµm/ms
dpz = { dpz } """ )
### These frequencies are in Hz,
#### This simulation uses time in ms, 1Hz = 0.001 /ms
a4 = 0.007512 # scattering length µm
intensity1 = 3 # mW/mm^2 of beam 1
intensity2 = 3
intenSat = 0.0017 # mW/mm^2
linewidth = 2 * pi * 1.6e6 # rad * Hz
omega1 = linewidth * sqrt (intensity1 / intenSat / 2 )
omega2 = linewidth * sqrt (intensity2 / intenSat / 2 )
detuning = 2 * pi * 3e9 # rad*Hz
omegaRabi = omega1 * omega2 / 2 / detuning # rad/s
VR = 2 * hb * omegaRabi * 0.001 # Bragg lattice amplitude # USE THIS ONE!
omega = 50 # two photon Rabi frequency # https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-78859-1
V0 = 2 * hb * omega # Bragg lattice amplitude
# tBraggPi = np.sqrt(2*pi*hb)/V0
tBraggPi = 2 * pi / omegaRabi * 1000
tBraggCenter = tBraggPi * 5
tBraggEnd = tBraggPi * 10
V0F = 50 * 1000
l .info (f"""a4 = { a4 } µm
intensity1 = { intensity1 } # mW/mm^2 of beam 1
intensity2 = { intensity2 }
intenSat = { intenSat } # mW/mm^2 Saturation intensity
linewidth = { linewidth / 1e6 } # rad * MHz
omega1 = { omega1 / 1e6 } # rad * MHz
omega2 = { omega2 / 1e6 }
detuning = { detuning / 1e6 } # rad * MHz
omegaRabi = { omegaRabi / 1e6 } # rad * MHz
omega = { omega }
VR = { VR }
V0 = { V0 }
V0F = { V0F }
tBraggPi = { tBraggPi }
tBraggCenter = { tBraggCenter }
tBraggEnd = { tBraggEnd }
""" )
def V (t ):
return V0 * (2 * pi )** - 0.5 * tBraggPi ** - 1 * np .exp (- 0.5 * (t - tBraggCenter )** 2 * tBraggPi ** - 2 )
def VB (t , tauMid , tauPi ):
return V0 * (2 * pi )** - 0.5 * tauPi ** - 1 * np .exp (- 0.5 * (t - tauMid )** 2 * tauPi ** - 2 )
# @jit
# @jit(cache=True, nopython=True)
# @jit(forceobj=True, cache=True)
def VBF (t , tauMid , tauPi , V0FArg = V0F ):
return V0FArg * (2 * pi )** - 0.5 * np .exp (- 0.5 * (t - tauMid )** 2 * tauPi ** - 2 )
l .info (f"term infront of Bragg potential { 1j * (dt / hb )} " )
l .info (f"max(V) { 1j * (dt / hb )* V (tBraggCenter )} " )
l .info (f"max(VR) { 1j * (dt / hb )* VBF (tBraggCenter ,tBraggPi ,VR )} " )
xlin = np .linspace (- xmax ,+ xmax , nx )
zlin = np .linspace (- zmax ,+ zmax , nz )
psi = np .zeros ((nx ,nz ),dtype = complex )
zones = np .ones (nz )
xgrid = np .tensordot (xlin ,zones ,axes = 0 )
# cosGrid = np.cos(2*k*xgrid)
# cosGrid = np.zeros((nx,nz))
# for (ix,x) in enumerate(xlin):
# cosGrid[ix,:] = np.cos(2*kx*x + 2*kz*zlin)
cosGrid = np .cos (2 * kx * xlin [:, np .newaxis ] + 2 * kz * zlin )
if abs (dx - (xlin [1 ]- xlin [0 ])) > 0.0001 : l .error ("AHHHHx" )
if abs (dz - (zlin [1 ]- zlin [0 ])) > 0.0001 : l .error ("AHHHHz" )
l .info (f"{ round (psi .nbytes / 1000 / 1000 ,3 )} MB of RAM for psi" )
tbtest = np .arange (tBraggCenter - 5 * tBraggPi ,tBraggCenter + 5 * tBraggPi ,dt )
plt .plot (tbtest , VBF (tbtest ,tBraggPi * 5 ,tBraggPi ))
plt .plot (tbtest , VBF (tbtest ,tBraggPi * 5 ,tBraggPi ,VR ))
l .info (f"max(V) { 1j * (dt / hb )* VBF (tBraggCenter ,tBraggPi * 5 ,tBraggPi )} " )
VBF (tBraggCenter ,tBraggPi * 5 ,tBraggPi )
np .trapz (V (tbtest ),tbtest ) # this should be V0
ncrop = 30
plt .figure (figsize = (10 ,10 ))
plt .subplot (2 ,2 ,1 )
plt .imshow (cosGrid .T ,aspect = 1 )
plt .title ("bragg potential grid smooth?" )
plt .subplot (2 ,2 ,2 )
plt .imshow (cosGrid [:ncrop ,:ncrop ].T ,aspect = 1 )
plt .title ("grid zoomed in" )
plt .subplot (2 ,2 ,3 )
# plt.plot(cosGrid[:,0],alpha=0.9,linewidth=0.1)
plt .plot (cosGrid [0 ,:],alpha = 0.9 ,linewidth = 0.1 )
plt .subplot (2 ,2 ,4 )
# plt.plot(cosGrid[:ncrop,0],alpha=0.9,linewidth=0.5)
plt .plot (cosGrid [0 ,:ncrop ],alpha = 0.9 ,linewidth = 0.5 )
title = "bragg_potential_grid"
# plt.savefig("output/"+title+".pdf", dpi=600)
# plt.savefig("output/"+title+".png", dpi=600)
plt .show ()
def plot_psi (psi , plt_show = True ):
"""Plots $\psi$ of position wavefunction
psi (ndarray 2d): wavefunction dtype=complex
plt .figure (figsize = (12 , 4 ))
extent = np .array ([- xmax , + xmax , - zmax , + zmax ])
plt .subplot (1 , 3 , 1 )
plt .imshow (np .flipud (np .abs (psi .T )** 2 ), extent = extent , interpolation = 'none' )
plt .ylabel ("$z$ (µm)" )
plt .xlabel ("$x$ (µm)" )
plt .title ("Position $|\psi|^2$" )
plt .subplot (1 , 3 , 2 )
plt .imshow (np .flipud (np .real (psi .T )), extent = extent , interpolation = 'none' )
plt .xlabel ("$x$ (µm)" )
plt .title ("$\mathrm{Re}(\psi)$" )
plt .subplot (1 , 3 , 3 )
plt .imshow (np .flipud (np .imag (psi .T )), extent = extent , interpolation = 'none' )
plt .xlabel ("$x$ (µm)" )
plt .title ("$\mathrm{Im}(\psi)$" )
if plt_show : plt .show ()
def plot_mom (psi , zoom_div2 = 15 , zoom_div3 = 6 , plt_show = True ):
"""Plots momentum wavefunction
psi (ndarray 2d): complex position wavefunction
plt .figure (figsize = (12 ,3 ))
pspace = np .fft .fftfreq (nx )
extent = np .array ([- pxmax ,+ pxmax ,- pzmax ,+ pzmax ])/ (hb * k )
# psifft = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(psi))
psifft = np .fliplr (np .fft .fftshift (pyfftw .interfaces .numpy_fft .fft2 (psi ,threads = nthreads ,norm = 'ortho' )))
psiAbsSqUnNorm = np .abs (psifft )** 2
swnf = sqrt (np .sum (psiAbsSqUnNorm )* dpx * dpz )
psiAbsSq = psiAbsSqUnNorm / swnf
# print(np.sum(psiAbsSq)*dpx*dpz)
# plotdata = np.flipud(psiAbsSq.T)
plotdata = (psiAbsSq .T )
plt .subplot (1 ,3 ,1 )
plt .imshow (plotdata ,extent = extent , interpolation = 'none' )
plt .ylabel ("$p_z \ (\hbar k)$" )
plt .xlabel ("$p_x \ (\hbar k)$" )
plt .title ("Momentum $|\phi|^2$" )
plt .subplot (1 ,3 ,2 )
nxm = int ((nx - 1 )/ 2 )
nzm = int ((nz - 1 )/ 2 )
nx2 = int ((nx - 1 )/ zoom_div2 )
nz2 = int ((nz - 1 )/ zoom_div2 )
plotdata = (psiAbsSq [nxm - nx2 :nxm + nx2 ,nzm - nz2 :nzm + nz2 ].T )
plt .imshow (plotdata ,
extent = np .array ([pxlin [nxm - nx2 ],pxlin [nxm + nx2 ],pzlin [nzm - nz2 ],pzlin [nzm + nz2 ]])/ (hb * k ),
interpolation = 'none' )
plt .xlabel ("$p_x \ (\hbar k)$" )
plt .title ("zoomed in" )
plt .subplot (1 ,3 ,3 )
# nx3 = int((nx-1)/200)
# nz3 = int((nz-1)/200)
# plotdata = np.flipud(psiAbsSq[nxm-nx3:nxm+nx3,nzm-nz3:nzm+nz3].T)
# plt.imshow(plotdata,extent=extent*0.01)
# # print(nx2,nz2,nx3,nz3)
# nxm = int((nx-1)/2)
# nzm = int((nz-1)/2)
nx2 = int ((nx - 1 )/ zoom_div3 )
# nz2 = int((nz-1)/zoom_div3)
plt .plot ((pxlin [nxm - nx2 :nxm + nx2 ])/ (hb * k ), np .trapz (psiAbsSq ,axis = 1 )[nxm - nx2 :nxm + nx2 ])
plt .axvline (x = 0 ,color = 'r' ,alpha = 0.2 )
plt .axvline (x = + 2 ,color = 'r' ,alpha = 0.2 )
plt .axvline (x = - 2 ,color = 'r' ,alpha = 0.2 )
# plt.axvline(x=+4,color='r',alpha=0.2)
# plt.axvline(x=-4,color='r',alpha=0.2)
# plt.xlabel("$p (u\cdot \mu m/ms)$")
# plt.ylabel("$|\phi(p)|^2$")
plt .xlabel ("$p_x \ (\hbar k)$" )
plt .title ("integrated over $p_z$" )
# plt.savefig("output/"+title+".pdf", dpi = 300)
# plt.savefig("output/"+title+".png", dpi = 300)
# plt.show()
if plt_show : plt .show ()
sg = 0.2
def psi0 (x ,z ,sx = sg ,sz = sg ,px = 0 ,pz = 0 ):
return (1 / np .sqrt (pi * sx * sz )) \
* np .exp (- 0.5 * x ** 2 / sx ** 2 ) \
* np .exp (- 0.5 * z ** 2 / sz ** 2 ) \
* np .exp (+ (1j / hb )* (px * x + pz * z ))
def psi0ringUnNorm (x ,z ,pr = p ,mur = 10 ,sg = sg ):
# return (pi**1.5 * sg * (1 + scipy.special.erf(mur/sg)))**-1 \
return 1 \
* np .exp (- 0.5 * ( mur - np .sqrt (x ** 2 + z ** 2 ) )** 2 / sg ** 2 ) \
* np .exp (+ (1j / hb ) * (x ** 2 + z ** 2 )** 0.5 * pr )
# @njit(parallel=True)
# @jit(nopython=True)
# @jit(forceobj=True)
# @jit
# @jit(cache=True)
# @jit(cache=False)
def psi0ringUnNormOffset (x ,z ,pr = p ,mur = 10 ,sg = sg ,xo = 0 ,zo = 0 ,pxo = 0 ,pzo = 0 ):
return 1 \
* np .exp (- 0.5 * ( mur - np .sqrt ((x - xo )** 2 + (z - zo )** 2 ) )** 2 / sg ** 2 ) \
* np .exp (+ (1j / hb ) * (((x - xo )** 2 + (z - zo )** 2 )** 0.5 * pr + x * pxo + z * pzo ))
# V00 = 50000
# dt=0.01
# VxExpGrid = np.exp(-(1j/hb) * 0.5*dt * V00 * cosGrid )
expPGrid = np .zeros ((nx ,nz ),dtype = complex )
for indx in range (nx ):
expPGrid [indx , :] = np .exp (- (1j / hb ) * (0.5 / m3 ) * (dt ) * (pxlin [indx ]** 2 + pzlin ** 2 ))
def psi0np (mux = 10 ,muz = 10 ,p0x = 0 ,p0z = 0 ):
psi = np .zeros ((nx ,nz ),dtype = complex )
for ix in range (1 ,nx - 1 ):
x = xlin [ix ]
psi [ix ][1 :- 1 ] = psi0 (x ,zlin [1 :- 1 ],mux ,muz ,p0x ,p0z )
return psi
def psi0ringNp (mur = 1 ,sg = 1 ,pr = p ):
psi = np .zeros ((nx ,nz ),dtype = complex )
for ix in range (1 ,nx - 1 ):
x = xlin [ix ]
psi [ix ][1 :- 1 ] = psi0ringUnNorm (x ,zlin [1 :- 1 ],pr ,mur ,sg )
norm = np .sum (np .abs (psi )** 2 )* dx * dz
psi *= 1 / sqrt (norm )
return psi
# @jit(forceobj=True)
# @njit(forceobj=True)
# @jit(cache=True)
def psi0ringNpOffset (mur = 1 ,sg = 1 ,pr = p ,xo = 0 ,zo = 0 ,pxo = 0 ,pzo = 0 ):
psi = np .zeros ((nx ,nz ),dtype = np .complex128 )
for ix in range (1 ,nx - 1 ):
x = xlin [ix ]
psi [ix ][1 :- 1 ] = psi0ringUnNormOffset (x ,zlin [1 :- 1 ],pr ,mur ,sg ,xo ,zo ,pxo ,pzo )
norm = np .sum (np .abs (psi )** 2 )* dx * dz
psi *= 1 / sqrt (norm )
return psi
# @jit(forceobj=True, cache=True)
# @jit(forceobj=True)
# @jit('(complex128[:,:])', forceobj=True, cache=True)
# @jit
# @njit
def phiAndSWNF (psi ):
phiUN = np .fliplr (np .fft .fftshift (pyfftw .interfaces .numpy_fft .fft2 (psi ,threads = nthreads ,norm = 'ortho' )))
# superWeirdNormalisationFactorSq = np.trapz(np.trapz(np.abs(phiUN)**2, pxlin, axis=0), pzlin)
superWeirdNormalisationFactorSq = np .sum (np .abs (phiUN )** 2 )* dpx * dpz
swnf = sqrt (superWeirdNormalisationFactorSq )
phi = phiUN / swnf
return (swnf , phi )
# psi = psi0np(5,5,0,0)
# psi = psi0np(5,5,-0.5*p,0)
# psi = psi0np(1,1,p,p)
# psi = psi0np(1,1,0,0)
# psi = psi0ringNp(10,1.7,1*hb*k)
psi = psi0ringNpOffset (5 ,1 ,p ,0 ,5 ,0 ,p )
# psi = psi0np(2,2,0.5*p*np.cos(0),0.5*p*np.sin(0))
(swnf , phi ) = phiAndSWNF (psi )
t = 0
print ("Super weird normalisation factor, swnf =" ,swnf )
print (np .sum (np .abs (phi )** 2 )* dpx * dpz , "|phi|**2 normalisation check" )
print (np .sum (np .abs (psi )** 2 )* dx * dz , "|psi|**2 normalisation check" )
plot_psi (psi ,False )
title = "init_ring_psi"
# plt.savefig("output/"+title+".pdf", dpi=600)
# plt.savefig("output/"+title+".png", dpi=600)
plt .show ()
plot_mom (psi ,7 ,7 ,False )
title = "init_ring_phi"
# plt.savefig("output/"+title+".pdf", dpi=600)
# plt.savefig("output/"+title+".png", dpi=600)
plt .show ()
# @jit(nopython=False)
# @jit(forceobj=True, cache=True)
# @jit
def toMomentum (psi , swnf ) -> np .ndarray :
return np .fliplr (np .fft .fftshift (pyfftw .interfaces .numpy_fft .fft2 (psi ,threads = nthreads ,norm = 'ortho' )))/ swnf
# @jit(nopython=False)
# @jit(forceobj=True, cache=True)
# @jit
def toPosition (phi , swnf ) -> np .ndarray :
return pyfftw .interfaces .numpy_fft .ifft2 (np .fft .ifftshift (np .fliplr (phi * swnf )),threads = nthreads ,norm = 'ortho' )
def plotNow (t , psi ):
print ("time =" , round (t * 1000 ,4 ), "µs" )
print (np .sum (np .abs (psi )** 2 )* dx * dz ,"|psi|^2" )
print (np .sum (np .abs (phi )** 2 )* dpx * dpz ,"|phi|^2" )
plot_psi (psi )
plot_mom (psi )
# @jit
# @jit(forceobj=True, cache=True)
def loop (t ,psi ,tauPi ,tauMid ,V0FArg ,doppd ,phase ,swnf ):
# nonlocal V0FArg
# cosGrid = np.cos(2*k*xgrid + doppd*(t-tBraggCenter) + phase)
cosGrid = np .cos (2 * kx * xlin [:,np .newaxis ] + 2 * kz * zlin + doppd * (t - tauMid ) + phase )
VxExpGrid = np .exp (- (1j / hb ) * 0.5 * dt * VBF (t ,tauMid ,tauPi ,V0FArg ) * cosGrid )
psi *= VxExpGrid
phi = toMomentum (psi ,swnf )
phi *= expPGrid
psi = toPosition (phi ,swnf )
psi *= VxExpGrid
# if print_every_t > 0 and step % round(print_every_t / dt) == 0:
# plotNow(t,psi)
t += dt
return (t ,psi )
_ = loop (0 ,psi0ringNpOffset (10 ,1.7 ,p ,0 ,+ 10 ,0 ,p ),1 ,1 ,1 ,0 ,0 ,1 )
# @njit(parallel=True)
# @jit(nopython=True)
# @jit(nopython=False)
# @njit
# @jit(forceobj=True, cache=True)
# @jit(forceobj=True, nopython=False)
# @jit
# @jit(forceobj=True, parallel=True)
# @jit(parallel=True)
# @jit(forceobj=True, cache=True)
def numericalEvolve (
t_init ,
psi_init ,
t_final ,
tauPi = tBraggPi ,
tauMid = tBraggPi * 5 ,
phase = 0 ,
doppd = dopd ,
print_every_t = - 1 ,
final_plot = True ,
progress_bar = True ,
V0FArg = V0F ,
assert (print_every_t > dt or print_every_t <= 0 ), "print_every_t cannot be smaller than dt"
steps = ceil ((t_final - t_init ) / dt )
t = t_init
psi = psi_init .copy ()
(swnf , phi ) = phiAndSWNF (psi )
# tauMid = tauPi * 5
# tauEnd = tauPi * 10
# @jit(forceobj=True)
# @jit
# def loop():
# nonlocal t
# nonlocal psi
# nonlocal phi
# # nonlocal V0FArg
# # cosGrid = np.cos(2*k*xgrid + doppd*(t-tBraggCenter) + phase)
# cosGrid = np.cos(2*kx*xlin[:,np.newaxis] + 2*kz*zlin + doppd*(t-tBraggCenter) + phase)
# VxExpGrid = np.exp(-(1j/hb) * 0.5*dt * VBF(t,tauMid,tauPi,V0FArg) * cosGrid )
# psi *= VxExpGrid
# phi = toMomentum(psi,swnf)
# phi *= expPGrid
# psi = toPosition(phi,swnf)
# psi *= VxExpGrid
# # if print_every_t > 0 and step % round(print_every_t / dt) == 0:
# # plotNow(t,psi)
# t += dt
# for step in range(steps):
# # cosGrid = np.cos(2*kx*xlin[:,np.newaxis] + 2*kz*zlin + doppd*(t-tauMid) + phase)
# # VxExpGrid = np.exp(-(1j/hb) * 0.5*dt * VBF(t,tauMid,tauPi,V0FArg) * cosGrid )
# # psi *= VxExpGrid
# # phi = toMomentum(psi,swnf)
# # phi *= expPGrid
# # psi = toPosition(phi,swnf)
# # psi *= VxExpGrid
# # t += dt
# # loop()
# (t,psi) = loop(t,psi,tauPi,tauMid,V0FArg,doppd,phase,swnf)
if progress_bar :
for step in tqdm (range (steps )):
# loop()
(t ,psi ) = loop (t ,psi ,tauPi ,tauMid ,V0FArg ,doppd ,phase ,swnf )
else :
for step in range (steps ):
# loop()
(t ,psi ) = loop (t ,psi ,tauPi ,tauMid ,V0FArg ,doppd ,phase ,swnf )
# if final_plot:
# print("ALL DONE")
# plotNow(t,psi)
return (t ,psi ,phi )
_ = numericalEvolve (0 , psi0np (1 ,1 ,0 ,0 ), 10 * dt , final_plot = False , progress_bar = False )
# test run
% timeit numericalEvolve (0 , psi0np (1 ,1 ,0 ,0 ), dt , final_plot = False , progress_bar = False )
# M1 107 ms ± 2.05 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
# @jit(forceobj=True, cache=True)
def freeEvolve (
t_init ,
psi ,
t_final ,
final_plot = True ,
logging = False ,
Dt = t_final - t_init
(swnf , phi ) = phiAndSWNF (psi )
if logging : print ("checking this value is small " , - (1j / hb ) * (0.5 / m3 ) * (Dt )* pxmax )
expPGridLong = np .zeros ((nx ,nz ),dtype = complex )
for indx in range (nx ):
expPGridLong [indx , :] = np .exp (- (1j / hb ) * (0.5 / m3 ) * (Dt ) * (pxlin [indx ]** 2 + pzlin ** 2 ))
phi *= expPGridLong
psi = toPosition (phi ,swnf )
if final_plot :
plotNow (t_final ,psi )
return (t_final , psi , phi )
_ = freeEvolve (0 ,psi0np (1 ,1 ,0 ,0 ),0.1 ,final_plot = False ,logging = True )
% timeit freeEvolve (0 ,psi0np (1 ,1 ,0 ,0 ),0.1 ,final_plot = False ,logging = False )
#M1 85.6 ms ± 1.74 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
(tBraggCenter ,tBraggEnd ,tBraggPi )
# @jit(forceobj=True, cache=True)
def scanTauPiInnerEval (tPi , logging = True , progress_bar = True , ang = 0 , pmom = p , doppd = dopd , V0FArg = V0F ):
tauPi = tPi
tauMid = tauPi * 5
tauEnd = tauPi * 10
if logging :
print ("Testing parameters" )
print ("tauPi =" , round (tPi ,6 ), " \t tauMid =" , round (tauMid ,6 ), " \t tauEnd = " , round (tauEnd ,6 ))
# output = numericalEvolve(0, psi0np(2,2,pmom*np.cos(ang),pmom*np.sin(ang)),
# !!!! THIS !!!!
output = numericalEvolve (0 , psi0ringNpOffset (5 ,1 ,pmom ,0 ,5 ,0 ,pmom ),
tauEnd , tauPi , tauMid , doppd = doppd ,
final_plot = logging ,progress_bar = progress_bar ,
V0FArg = V0FArg ,
# if pbar != None: pbar.update(1)
return output
# tPiTest = np.append(np.arange(0,0.05,-0.0005), 0) # note this is decending
# tPiTest = np.arange(dt,3*dt,dt)
dddt = 0.001 * 0.05
tPiTest = np .flip (np .linspace (0 ,dddt * 200 ,200 )) ##AHHHH
l .info (f"#tPiTest = { len (tPiTest )} , max={ tPiTest [0 ]* 1000 } , min={ tPiTest [- 1 ]* 1000 } us" )
plt .figure (figsize = (12 ,5 ))
def plot_inner_helper ():
for (i , tauPi ) in enumerate (tPiTest ):
if tauPi == 0 : continue
tauMid = tauPi * 5
tauEnd = tauPi * 10
tlinspace = np .arange (0 ,tauEnd ,dt )
plt .plot (tlinspace * 1000 , VBF (tlinspace , tauMid , tauPi ),
linewidth = 0.5 ,alpha = 0.9
plt .subplot (2 ,1 ,1 )
plot_inner_helper ()
plt .ylabel ("$V(t)$" )
plt .subplot (2 ,1 ,2 )
plot_inner_helper ()
plt .xlim ([0 ,5 ])
plt .xlabel ("$t \ (μs)$ " )
plt .ylabel ("$V(t)$" )
title = "bragg_strength_V0"
# plt.savefig("output/"+title+".pdf", dpi=600)
# plt.savefig("output/"+title+".png", dpi=600)
plt .show ()
len (tPiTest )* 0.1 * tPiTest [0 ]* 10 / dt / 3600
# tPiTestRun = scanTauPiInnerEval(dt, False, True,0,p,0*dopd,0.0001*V0F)
print (tPiTest [- 2 ])
tPiTestRun = scanTauPiInnerEval (tPiTest [- 2 ], False , True ,0 ,p ,0 * dopd ,VR )
testFreeEv = freeEvolve (0 ,psi0ringNpOffset (5 ,1 ,p ,0 ,5 ,0 ,p ),
tPiTest [0 ]* 10 ,final_plot = False ,logging = False )
testFreeEv2 = freeEvolve (0 ,psi0ringNpOffset (5 ,1 ,p ,0 ,5 ,0 ,p ),
tPiTest [0 ]* 20 ,final_plot = False ,logging = False )
# tPiOutput = Parallel(n_jobs=N_JOBS)(
tPiOutput = Parallel (n_jobs = 2 )(
delayed (lambda i : (i , scanTauPiInnerEval (i , False , False ,0 ,p ,0 * dopd ,VR )[:2 ]) )(i )
for i in tqdm (tPiTest )
) #### THIS THING TAKE A FEW MIN (or Hours)
# psi = tPiOutput[-1][1][1]
# psi = tPiTestRun[1]
# psi = testFreeEv[1]
plot_psi (psi )
# (swnf, phi) = phiAndSWNF(psi)
plot_mom (psi ,5 ,5 )
tPiOutputFramesDir = []
os .makedirs (output_prefix + "tPiScan" , exist_ok = True )
for (ti , tPi ) in enumerate (tPiTest ):
print (f"Exporting frame { ti } , tPi={ tPi * 1000 } us" ,end = "\r " )
psi = tPiOutput [ti ][1 ][1 ]
plot_psi (psi , False )
plt .savefig (output_prefix + f"tPiScan/psi-({ ti } ,{ tPi } ).png" ,dpi = 600 )
tPiOutputFramesDir .append (output_prefix + f"tPiScan/psi-({ ti } ,{ tPi } ).png" )
plt .close ()
plot_mom (psi ,5 ,5 ,False )
plt .savefig (output_prefix + f"tPiScan/phi-({ ti } ,{ tPi } ).png" ,dpi = 600 )
plt .close ()
print ("DONE \t \t \t " , end = "\r " )
hbar_k_transfers = np .arange (- 7 ,7 + 2 ,+ 2 )
# pzlinIndexSet = np.zeros((len(hbar_k_transfers), len(pxlin)), dtype=bool)
pxlinIndexSet = np .zeros ((len (hbar_k_transfers ), len (pzlin )), dtype = bool )
cut_p_width = 0.1
for (j , hbar_k ) in enumerate (hbar_k_transfers ):
# pzlinIndexSet[j] = abs(pxlin/(hb*k) - hbar_k) <= cut_p_width
pxlinIndexSet [j ] = abs (pzlin / (hb * k ) + hbar_k ) <= cut_p_width
# print(i,hbar_k)
plt .figure (figsize = (4 ,4 ))
plt .imshow (pxlinIndexSet .T ,interpolation = 'none' ,aspect = 1 ,extent = [- 7 ,7 ,- pzmax / p ,pzmax / p ])
# plt.axvline(x=1001, linewidth=1, alpha=0.7)
plt .xlabel ("index" )
plt .ylabel ("pz" )
title = "hbar_k_pxlin_integration_range"
# plt.savefig("output/"+title+".pdf", dpi=600)
# plt.savefig("output/"+title+".png", dpi=600)
plt .show ()
# phiDensityGrid = np.zeros((len(tPiTest), pxlin.size))
phiDensityGrid = np .zeros ((len (tPiTest ), pzlin .size ))
phiDensityGrid_hbark = np .zeros ((len (tPiTest ),len (hbar_k_transfers )))
for i in tqdm (range (len (tPiTest ))):
item = tPiOutput [i ]
(swnf , phi ) = phiAndSWNF (item [1 ][1 ])
phiAbsSq = np .abs (phi )** 2
# phiX = np.trapz(phiAbsSq, pzlin,axis=1)
phiZ = np .trapz (phiAbsSq , pzlin ,axis = 0 )
# phiDensityGrid[i] = phiX
phiDensityGrid [i ] = phiZ
for (j , hbar_k ) in enumerate (hbar_k_transfers ):
# index = pzlinIndexSet[j]
index = pxlinIndexSet [j ]
# phiDensityGrid_hbark[i,j] = np.trapz(phiX[index], pxlin[index])
phiDensityGrid_hbark [i ,j ] = np .trapz (phiZ [index ], pzlin [index ])
plt .figure (figsize = (12 ,5 ))
plt .subplot (1 ,2 ,1 )
nxm = int ((nx - 1 )/ 2 )
nx2 = int ((nx - 1 )/ 2 )
plt .imshow (phiDensityGrid [:,nxm - nx2 :nxm + nx2 ],
# extent=[pxlin[nxm-nx2]/(hb*k),pxlin[nxm+nx2]/(hb*k),0,len(tPiTest)],
extent = [pzlin [nxm - nx2 ]/ (hb * k ),pzlin [nxm + nx2 ]/ (hb * k ),0 ,len (tPiTest )],
interpolation = 'none' ,aspect = 0.15 )
# plt.imshow(phiDensityGrid,
# extent=[-pxmax/(hb*k),pxmax/(hb*k),1,len(tPiTest)+1],
# interpolation='none',aspect=1)
# ax = plt.gca()
# for t in tPiTest:
# plt.axhline(y=t/dt,color='white',alpha=1,linewidth=0.05,linestyle='-')
ax = plt .gca ()
ax .yaxis .set_major_locator (matplotlib .ticker .MaxNLocator (integer = True ))
plt .ylabel ("$dt =$" + str (dt * 1000 ) + "$\mu \mathrm{s}$" )
# plt.xlabel("$p_x \ (\hbar k)$")
plt .xlabel ("$p_z \ (\hbar k)$" )
plt .subplot (1 ,2 ,2 )
plt .imshow (phiDensityGrid_hbark ,
extent = [hbar_k_transfers [0 ],hbar_k_transfers [- 1 ],0 ,len (tPiTest )],
interpolation = 'none' ,aspect = 0.15 )
# plt.xlabel("$p_x \ (\hbar k)$ integrated block")
plt .xlabel ("$p_z \ (\hbar k)$ integrated block" )
title = "mom_dist_at_diff_angle"
# plt.savefig("output/"+title+".pdf", dpi=600)
# plt.savefig("output/"+title+".png", dpi=600)
plt .show ()
phiDensityNormFactor = np .trapz (phiDensityGrid_hbark )
plt .figure (figsize = (11 ,5 ))
for (i , hbar_k ) in enumerate (hbar_k_transfers ):
if abs (hbar_k ) > 3 : continue
if hbar_k > 0 : style = '+-'
elif hbar_k < 0 : style = 'x-'
else : style = '.-'
plt .plot (tPiTest * 1000 , phiDensityGrid_hbark [:,i ]/ phiDensityNormFactor [i ],
style , linewidth = 1 ,alpha = 0.5 , markersize = 5 ,
label = str (hbar_k )+ "$\hbar k$" ,
plt .legend (loc = 1 ,ncols = 2 )
plt .ylabel ("$normalised \int |\phi(p)| dp$ around region ($\pm$" + str (cut_p_width )+ ")" )
plt .xlabel ("$t_\pi \ (\mu s)$" )
# plt.axhline(y=np.cos(pi )**2,color='gray',linewidth=1,alpha=0.5) # 2*pi pulse
# plt.axhline(y=np.cos(pi/2)**2,color='c',linewidth=1,alpha=0.5) # pi pulse
# plt.axhline(y=np.cos(pi/4)**2,color='violet',linewidth=1,alpha=0.5) # pi/2 pulse
# plt.axhline(y=np.cos(pi/8)**2,color='orange',linewidth=1,alpha=0.5)# pi/4 pulse
# plt.axvline(x=tPiTest[81]*1000,color='c',linewidth=1,alpha=0.5) # pi pulse
# plt.axvline(x=tPiTest[90]*1000,color='violet',linewidth=1,alpha=0.5) # pi/2 pulse
# plt.axvline(x= 9*dt*1000,color='orange',linewidth=1,alpha=0.5) # pi/4 pulse
# plt.text((1+39)*dt*1000, 1, "$\pi$",color='c')
# plt.text((1+21)*dt*1000, 1, "$\pi/2$",color='violet')
# plt.text((1+ 9)*dt*1000, 1, "$\pi/4$",color='orange')
title = "bragg_pulse_duration_test_labeled"
plt .savefig (output_prefix + "/" + title + ".pdf" , dpi = 600 )
plt .savefig (output_prefix + "/" + title + ".png" , dpi = 600 )
plt .show ()
np .argmax (phiDensityGrid_hbark [:,3 ]/ phiDensityNormFactor [3 ])
phiDensityGrid_hbark [12 ,3 ]/ phiDensityNormFactor [3 ]
# psi = testFreeEv1[1]
ind = - 20
print (tPiOutput [ind ][0 ]* 1000 )
psi = tPiOutput [ind ][1 ][1 ]
plot_psi (psi )
# (swnf, phi) = phiAndSWNF(psi)
plot_mom (psi ,5 ,5 )