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This package implements efficient samplers which can be used to sample from a dynamic discrete distribution, represented by a set of pairs of indices and weights, supporting removal, addition and sampling of elements in constant time.


julia> using DynamicSampling, Random

julia> rng = Xoshiro(42);

julia> sampler = DynamicSampler(rng);

julia> # the sampler contains indices
       for i in 1:10
           push!(sampler, i, Float64(i))

julia> rand(sampler)

julia> delete!(sampler, 8)
DynamicSampler(indices = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10], weights = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 9.0, 10.0])


We can try to compare this method with the equivalent static methods from StatsBase.jl to understand how much we pay for dynamicity.

Let's first reimplement the weighted methods of StatsBase.jl using DynamicSampling.jl

julia> using DynamicSampling

julia> function static_sample_with_replacement(rng, inds, weights, n)
           sp = DynamicSampler(rng)
           append!(sp, inds, weights)
           return rand(sp, n)

julia> function static_sample_without_replacement(rng, inds, weights, n)
           sp = DynamicSampler(rng)
           append!(sp, inds, weights)
           s = Vector{Int}(undef, n)
           for i in eachindex(s)
               idx = rand(sp)
               delete!(sp, idx)
               s[i] = idx
           return s

let's look at some benchmarks in respect to StatsBase.jl which depict the worst case scenario where the dynamic methods are used statically. We will use a small and a big n in respect to the number of indices

julia> using StatsBase, Random, BenchmarkTools

julia> rng = Xoshiro(42);

julia> inds = 1:10^6

julia> weights = Float64.(inds)

julia> n_small = 10^2

julia> n_big = 5*10^5

julia> t1_d = @benchmark static_sample_with_replacement($rng, $inds, $weights, $n_small);

julia> t1_s = @benchmark sample($rng, $inds, $(Weights(weights)), $n_small; replace=true);

julia> t2_d = @benchmark static_sample_with_replacement($rng, $inds, $weights, $n_big);

julia> t2_s = @benchmark sample($rng, $inds, $(Weights(weights)), $n_big; replace=true);

julia> t3_d = @benchmark static_sample_without_replacement($rng, $inds, $weights, $n_small);

julia> t3_s = @benchmark sample($rng, $inds, $(Weights(weights)), $n_small; replace=false);

julia> t4_d = @benchmark static_sample_without_replacement($rng, $inds, $weights, $n_big);

julia> t4_s = @benchmark sample($rng, $inds, $(Weights(weights)), $n_big; replace=false);

julia> using StatsPlots

julia> times_static = mean.([t1_s.times, t2_s.times, t3_s.times, t4_s.times]) ./ 10^6

julia> times_dynamic = mean.([t1_d.times, t2_d.times, t3_d.times, t4_d.times]) ./ 10^6

julia> groupedbar(
           ["small wr", "big wr", "small wor", "big wor"], [times_static times_dynamic], 
           ylabel="time (ms)", labels=["static" "dynamic"], dpi=1200

From the figure, we can conclude that the dynamic versions are quite competitive even in this worst case analysis.