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TotallyNotSuspicious is a welcoming and friendly community for all players. These rules are expected to be followed by all players with no exceptions. By following these rules we can contribute to a positive environment, making it a fun place to be with friends.

By joining TotallyNotSuspicious, you will automatically agree to all of the following rules below. Any failure to recognize or keep these rules in mind will result in a punishment in terms of its severity. Please keep in mind that our staff team has extensive knowledge and is completely aware of all rules stated below; the team will not accept any type of excuse for wrongdoings. The following general server and chat rules will apply in ANY of our channels, and any member caught showing these behaviors will be punished.

Server Information and Terminology

  1. Kick: Force-log-off a player from the game. Generally not a punitive measure.
  2. Mute: Prevent the player from speaking in public channels and in-game.
  3. Temporary Ban: Prevent the player from logging into the server and Discord for a limited time.
  4. Ban: Prevent the player from logging into the server and Discord.

Common Sense

  1. Permission Before Forgiveness:
    • In general, you can always ask about a particular rule or activity or topic, but you should first assume that if you have to ask, it is not okay until you have been given the all-clear. The rule of Permission Before Forgiveness does not apply when it comes to our rules.
  2. Rules Lawyers:
    • All rules listed here can be debated and picked apart, but anyone with an ounce of common sense knows exactly which side of the line they are on when they are in trouble. If we have to have a debate with you after you’ve been caught breaking rules, we will be much less sympathetic when it is time to mete out punishment.
  3. Disagreements:
    • If you have a problem with another player, take it up with them first. If you take your problems up with that person and cannot come to a resolution, talk to an administrator. There are Helpers and Staff (though both are considered “staff”). Start with a Helper and, if one is not available or they cannot help you, ask a Staff member. Do not let your disagreements devolve into arguments in public chat.
  4. Why Rules Exist:
    • Remember that rules usually exist because someone screwed it up. If you do not like reading long lists of rules, consider this the next time you decide to break them or argue about them. They exist because players do these things all the time.
  5. Problem Solving:
    • Most universal rules within this server are simple and can prevent conflicts. Think ahead of time, rather than endure.

Public Discourse

  1. Offensive Content, NSFW Content, and Behavior:

    1. Our community has people from all age groups, locations, and histories. Because of this, many people will have different opinions on various matters and have feelings regarding certain matters that we might not all share. All members of this community are expected to do their absolute best to get along despite our various opinions and feelings.

      • NSFW content and suggestive images are prohibited.
      • Business code and ethics are updated on a weekly basis all over the world. TNS Staff operates similar to many other large scale Minecraft Servers business structures and guidelines. Many business ethics are universal, not relative.
      • Displaying sexually suggestive objects, pictures, and cartoons are NSFW. Sexually suggestive, lewd, and erotic actions of sex or sexual pleasure are not allowed in any form in the server and or the Discord Server.
      • If you have to ask "is this NSFW", you are most likely in the wrong. If the Staff team has to argue the issue, you are most likely in the wrong.
      • This rule generally comes down to having common sense. Public content sets a clear standard of expectations.
    2. Blatantly offensive comments (use of racial slurs, threats, etc) will result in you being banned. Obviously context can matter here, so we will always take into consideration how the comments were made. But we want our community to be clean and friendly, so be warned that if we feel like offensive comments have crossed the line you will be banned.

    3. In general, swearing is okay as long as it isn’t profuse and offensive. However, we strive to be friendly to all, so if someone asks you to stop swearing, please try to get along and help make others feel welcome by not swearing.

    d. These rules apply to usernames as well.

  2. Politics, Religion, and Lifestyle:

    1. Constructive public discourse is always encouraged. We will not shut down constructive conversations that stay inoffensive. As with Rule 1-2, context can matter when certain words are used, but TNS is not a debate club.

    2. Hostile arguments, obvious hate, and incitement of others will not be allowed.

    3. Repeated requests to move the conversation outside of TNS will result in being muted for 1 week. Repeated muting punishments will eventually result in you being banned.

  3. Doxxing and Threats:

    1. While threats also fall under offensive comments, we have made a separate rule regarding doxxing and threats. "Doxxing" refers to publicly disclosing personal information such as the location, appearance and other information of a person with the intent to have them harassed or attacked. Doxxing and making threats will result in all related members being banned and reported.

    2. Any history related to a user will be used in a similar fashion to promote a healthy environment.

  4. Spamming Chat, Tagging, and Advertisements::

    1. All public Discord channels, as well as in-game chat, are monitored for spam. People posting and reposting redundant content, pinging members over and over again, or getting off-topic in the inappropriate channels will be asked to stop or move their conversation to the correct channel. Repeated violations will result in being muted, or banned.

    2. There are a handful of Discord channels that exist for spam chat. These channels are listed under the Miscellaneous category and while rules regarding offensive material still apply, we are much more lenient with regard to spam and content in these channels. If you think you might be posting something off-topic or spammy in public chat, take it to one of these channels.

    3. Advertisements are considered spam. Members advertising for competing Minecraft servers and Discord channels will be removed.

    4. Please report any members who DM you uninvited advertisements. We will never DM you advertisements or invitations. There may be cases where staff allow for the posting of unrelated Discord invitation links, but these must be approved first.

Public Behavior Policy: Pessimism, Negativity, Harassment, Bullying, Victimization, & Disruption

  1. General Conduct:
    1. This policy is expected to be followed by all players - no exceptions; it is intended to contribute to a positive server environment for everyone.
      • First Occurence: Staff will reach out through DMs to advise on more suitable ways to create more public-appropriate messages. Staff will also ensure the player is reminded of these policies.
      • Second Occurence: Staff will reach out via DMs based on severity and conflicting public behavior continuing to prompt a conversation about negativity.
      • Third Occurrence: Staff will reach out, their reasoning based on severity, and the Administrators and Moderators will create a group consensus in regards to the member’s status on TNS.
  2. Pessimism:
    1. Pessimism refers to seeing the worst aspect of a concept or believing that the worst will always happen; this includes having a lack of confidence or hope for the future. It can also be attributed to the concept of habitually expecting bad things for oneself due to a negative outlook on life.
    2. It is time to ask: "when does self-deprecating humor become detrimental?". Self-deprecation is not banned on TNS, as it can be used as dark humor that should not be taken seriously. However, with the pessimistic personality, one typically formats their failures and faults as a way to express attention-seeking, which promotes a poor social-environment within a community. Pessimism is not the only issue, but an overabundance thereof is.
    3. Consistently putting yourself down through self-deprecating humor is not a healthy coping mechanism, nor is it a healthy way to express one's value. It inherently undermines one’s value and authority to promote humility. We should not allow inferiorization play a role in our lives or other's lives; we should try to collectively achieve an inner level of peace with being human. An occasional joke is fine, but there is an issue when one’s humor relies solely upon self-depreciation; it can unintentionally reinforce those ideas, in oneself or in others.
  3. Negativity:
    1. This definition is very straightforward - to express critique or pessimism in regards to a concept, being skeptical, always downbeat, or expecting the worst. Negativity becomes unacceptable when it is seen as socially accepted or encouraged in regards to putting down oneself or others in expectation of receiving attention or compassion.
    2. Negative attitudes and feelings of hopelessness are very easy to spread and can create chronic stress. Negativity includes: "I am not-", enough, strong, lucky, etc. "Nobody cares", "I can’t do it", etc. Avoid cynical thoughts. Avoid causing mass fear or placing sad thoughts onto another individual.
  4. Bullying:
    1. Resources for help: and
    2. Bullying and Cyberbullying can be prominent within any social platform. Avoid name-calling, inappropriate comments, taunting, threatening someone, exclusion, spreading rumors, embarrassing someone, etc.
    3. Bullying or harassment may be by an individual against an individual or involve groups of people.
  5. Victimization:
    1. Victimization can be seen as a method to complain and create false allegations in hopes of being right or obtaining attention. True victimization is a different concept from false victimization syndrome, where one tends to complain about many poor factors within their livelihood and cast blame onto other people or ideas.
    2. Victimization is not tolerated in a way that inflicts pain onto someone else in hopes of attributing blame for one’s own issues or IRL conflicts.
  6. Disruption:
    1. Public disruption in a cyber environment refers to causing inconvenience to another person or multiple people by verbally obstructing the public health and peace of the Discord Server.
    2. Engaging in fights of any kind pertaining to previous rules is not allowed. Making any display of abusive language intended to provoke another person is not allowed.
    3. Disrupting the peace or discipline of TNS rules and Seasonal Rules is not allowed. Engage with proper conduct if there is a disagreement.
    4. Refusing to follow the rules or the words of a Staff member in chat or Voice Chat and causing description in conversations or events, ie: Game Night, is not tolerable.

In-Game Conduct

  1. General Conduct:
    1. All rules in the Public Discourse section apply to in-game conduct.
    2. Do not share your account information with anyone else in this community. We will never ask for your account information, with the obvious exception being your in-game username.
  2. Griefing, Theft, and Pranks:
    1. Players who are guilty of griefing and theft will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. In most cases, members will be given a chance to make amends and "shake on it", with a temporary ban being possible. In cases that staff deems the conduct to be beyond correction, offending players will be temporarily banned at a minimum, with permanently being banned a possibility.
    2. Players who are guilty of blatant theft will be dealt with similarly to those who grief. We deal with these on a case-by-case basis, but theft and griefing are not tolerated. Extreme and repeated offenses will result in the offending player being permanently banned.
    3. Pranks are only pranks when both parties consent. Obviously, a prank wouldn't be a prank if your target knew it was going to happen. It is for this reason that pranks are precarious activities. All members who wish to prank should be aware that your actions might constitute grief or theft. We will deal with complaints regarding pranks in the same manner that we deal with grief and theft.
  3. Hacking, Cheating, and Exploits:
    1. Hacking is not allowed. We all know what hacking is. If you feel like you need to ask, the answer is probably "absolutely not".
    2. Cheating is not allowed. Like hacking, it is very obvious what cheating is. Invisible texture packs, flying hacks, auto-mining bots, etc. These are not allowed. AFK setups will be covered later.
    3. Taking advantage of exploits is a touchy subject for some players. Exactly what constitutes an exploit can sometimes be easier to answer than it is to identify. For instance, some redstone behavior is technically "exploitative", but is generally accepted by the Minecraft community at large. RNG manipulation, however, is often a subject of debate. We will cover allowed exploits later, but in general, if we haven't explicitly said specific exploitative game mechanics are allowed then you should assume that you are not allowed to use them.
  4. AFK Farms and More on Exploits:
    1. For the purposes of defining the difference between an AFK setup and Botting, we will assume that an AFK setup does not require some application external to Minecraft to move the character around the game world while performing automated actions. This would be considered "botting".
    2. Botting is not allowed. An auto-clicker is not botting. Botting will result in being banned.
    3. Auto-clickers are allowed where such AFK activities are allowed. There are several autoclickers available online, but we might recommend the one provided on the Xisumaverse website.
    4. Any AFK activities that are allowed will be listed below. If you do not see your desired AFK farm/activity listed there, you can ask about it knowing that it might not be allowed.
    5. Some activities utilize exploits. These include redstone mechanics and RNG manipulation. In general, these exploits are not intended by the developers as features of the game. A list of allowed exploits will be included with the list of AFK activities posted below. Again, if you do not see your desired exploit listed there, you can ask about it knowing that it might not be allowed.
  5. Death and Lost Items:
    1. Deaths that result in lost items happen. It’s a part of Minecraft. In general, we will not help out players who have lost items due to death unless extenuating circumstances apply. Each request for help will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
    2. Deaths due to lag will be investigated before players receive any form of compensation. Players who lie for gain will be dealt with harshly. Do not take our good will for granted.
    3. Deaths due to consensual PvP will not result in players receiving any form of compensation. Deaths due to non-consensual PvP are considered griefing or harassment, and will be dealt with using those rules listed here and in Griefing, Theft, and Pranks.

Allowed Exploits and AFK Farms

  1. Redstone Exploits - technically, some redstone mechanics such as quasi-connectivity are not intended features. However, this server allows all redstone mechanics unless otherwise specified here. Just be aware that unintended "features" may be patched out of Minecraft at a future date, breaking your machines.
  2. AFK Fishing - AFK fishing is currently allowed. Just be aware that you may be kicked during periods of server maintenance, or to reduce the load on the server if there are a lot of players on.
  3. AFK Farms - AFK farms are any setups that produce items or mobs with or without player interaction. These farms are all currently allowed. However, if the AFK player does not utilize proper item overflow management, resulting in many stacked items floating in the world, these players will be kicked and staff might "clean up" your build, even if it results in a loss of items or blocks. If you need help with overflow management, ask around. There are many redstone-savvy players here.