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MSVC Win32 MDI Application

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This application is an example Windows MDI GUI application. The compiled application is fully functional, with the exception that opening and saving files does not read or write the files, and the MDI child windows do not have any code to display documents. However, by adding this functionality you can quickly create a functioning MDI application.

To build the application, open the solution file in Visual Studio, right click the solution in the Solution Explorer and select "Retarget solution". Choose which version of the Windows SDK you'd like to use to build the solution. Next, select the configuration and platform from the drop-down menu, and use "Build Solution" from the "Build" menu.

The solution was created in Visual Studio 2017, but it should open in any version of Visual Studio from 2010 SP1 onwards.

Windows Target Version

The project targets Windows Vista. If you attempt to call Windows API functions in your source code which were introduced after Windows Vista, you will get a compilation error. If you'd like to use newer API functions (at the expense of the application not running on older versions of Windows), you will need to change the "_WIN32_WINNT" preprocessor definition in "targetver.h" to match the version of Windows you are targeting. For example, to target Windows 7, change it to "0x0601".

You can also target Windows XP using the above method with the value "0x0501". However, you will also need to go into your project properties, and set the "Platform Toolset" under "Configuration Properties" to a toolset which supports Windows XP.

You can find a complete list of target version numbers in the "SDKDDKVer.h" Windows SDK header file.

Distributing Your Application

The application will depend on the Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime. This will either be in the form of a Visual C++ Runtime redistributable MSI (or merge module which you can use in your own installer), or DLL(s) which you must redistribute with the application. Check the product documentation for your version of Visual Studio to see what your options are, and be careful to ensure that you are allowed to redistribute the DLL(s) if you choose this option.

Terms of Use

Refer to "License.txt" for terms of use.


If you have any problems or questions, please ensure you have read this readme. If you are still having trouble, you can get in contact.


  1. 2017-08-15: Version 1.0
  • Initial release.

Transmission Zero 2017-08-15