You will first need a satisfactory server using systemd, as in the wiki, as well as a discord bot with channel write permisions, for example as following the first half of this guide.
Install dependencies:
python3 -m pip
or apt install python3-pip
pip3 install venv
python3 -m venv env
pip install -r requirements.txt
Use the commented-out lines to find the id numbers for the token of your discord bot application, as well as your discord server, channel, and role. Put these in a .env file in the same folder as For example:
DISCORD_TOKEN=[token here]
SERVER_ID=[serverid here]
CHANNEL_ID=[channelid here]
ROLE_ID=[roleid here]
To test the app's ability to turn logs into discord messages, execute this test script, it should post a message saying "Unknown user 439304572947329445"
python "[2021.10.30-02.26.16:635][206]LogBeacon: Beacon Join FGServerBeaconClient STEAM:(STEAM)-439304572947329445"
You can now use the numbers that appear in these "unknown user" messages to populate the username_dict
in the code.
Install swatchdog on your server, more info here:
Configure swatchdog to look for the Beacon Join event in the logs, and to run when it does. Create a file with the following contents at /home/myuser/.swatchdogrc
watchfor /Beacon Join .*/
exec command /home/myuser/satisfactory_discord_bot/env/bin/python /home/myuser/satisfactory_discord_bot/ "$0"
You can now manually start the log watcher with swatchdog -c /home/myuser/.swatchdogrc --daemon
, but you may wish to have it begin at startup, along with your satisfactory server.
Set up swatch also with systemd (instructions copied from this nagios doc:):
Create a file at /etc/systemd/system/swatchdog.service with the following contents:
Description=Swatchdog Service
ExecStart=/usr/bin/swatchdog -c /home/myuser/.swatchdogrc --daemon
Refresh your systemd modules:
systemctl daemon-reload
Enable it as a startup routine:
systemctl enable swatchdog.service
Start the service now:
systemctl start swatchdog.service