diff --git a/Client/WebQuake/S.js b/Client/WebQuake/S.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fc30d3..0000000
--- a/Client/WebQuake/S.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,825 +0,0 @@
-S = {};
-S.channels = [];
-S.static_channels = [];
-S.ambient_channels = [];
-S.listener_origin = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
-S.listener_forward = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
-S.listener_right = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
-S.listener_up = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
-S.known_sfx = [];
-S.Init = function()
- Con.Print('\nSound Initialization\n');
- Cmd.AddCommand('play', S.Play);
- Cmd.AddCommand('playvol', S.PlayVol);
- Cmd.AddCommand('stopsound', S.StopAllSounds);
- Cmd.AddCommand('soundlist', S.SoundList);
- S.nosound = Cvar.RegisterVariable('nosound', (COM.CheckParm('-nosound') != null) ? '1' : '0');
- S.volume = Cvar.RegisterVariable('volume', '0.7', true);
- S.precache = Cvar.RegisterVariable('precache', '1');
- S.bgmvolume = Cvar.RegisterVariable('bgmvolume', '1', true);
- S.ambient_level = Cvar.RegisterVariable('ambient_level', '0.3');
- S.ambient_fade = Cvar.RegisterVariable('ambient_fade', '100');
- S.started = true;
- // createBuffer is broken, disable Web Audio for now.
- /* if (window.AudioContext != null))
- S.context = new AudioContext();
- else if (window.webkitAudioContext != null)
- S.context = new webkitAudioContext(); */
- var i, ambient_sfx = ['water1', 'wind2'], ch, nodes;
- for (i = 0; i < ambient_sfx.length; ++i)
- {
- ch = {sfx: S.PrecacheSound('ambience/' + ambient_sfx[i] + '.wav'), end: 0.0, master_vol: 0.0};
- S.ambient_channels[i] = ch;
- if (S.LoadSound(ch.sfx) !== true)
- continue;
- if (ch.sfx.cache.loopstart == null)
- {
- Con.Print('Sound ambience/' + ch.sfx.name + '.wav not looped\n');
- continue;
- }
- if (S.context != null)
- {
- nodes = {
- source: S.context.createBufferSource(),
- gain: S.context.createGainNode()
- };
- ch.nodes = nodes;
- nodes.source.buffer = ch.sfx.cache.data;
- nodes.source.loop = true;
- nodes.source.loopStart = ch.sfx.cache.loopstart;
- nodes.source.loopEnd = nodes.source.buffer.length;
- nodes.source.connect(nodes.gain);
- nodes.gain.connect(S.context.destination);
- }
- else
- ch.audio = ch.sfx.cache.data.cloneNode();
- }
- Con.sfx_talk = S.PrecacheSound('misc/talk.wav');
-S.NoteOff = function(node)
- if ((node.playbackState === 1) || (node.playbackState === 2))
- {
- try { node.noteOff(0.0); } catch (e) {}
- }
-S.NoteOn = function(node)
- if ((node.playbackState === 0) || (node.playbackState === 3))
- {
- try { node.noteOn(0.0); } catch (e) {}
- }
-S.PrecacheSound = function(name)
- if (S.nosound.value !== 0)
- return;
- var i, sfx;
- for (i = 0; i < S.known_sfx.length; ++i)
- {
- if (S.known_sfx[i].name === name)
- {
- sfx = S.known_sfx[i];
- break;
- }
- }
- if (i === S.known_sfx.length)
- {
- S.known_sfx[i] = {name: name};
- sfx = S.known_sfx[i];
- }
- if (S.precache.value !== 0)
- S.LoadSound(sfx);
- return sfx;
-S.PickChannel = function(entnum, entchannel)
- var i, channel;
- if (entchannel !== 0)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < S.channels.length; ++i)
- {
- channel = S.channels[i];
- if (channel == null)
- continue;
- if ((channel.entnum === entnum) && ((channel.entchannel === entchannel) || (entchannel === -1)))
- {
- channel.sfx = null;
- if (channel.nodes != null)
- {
- S.NoteOff(channel.nodes.source);
- channel.nodes = null;
- }
- else if (channel.audio != null)
- {
- channel.audio.pause();
- channel.audio = null;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if ((entchannel === 0) || (i === S.channels.length))
- {
- for (i = 0; i < S.channels.length; ++i)
- {
- channel = S.channels[i];
- if (channel == null)
- break;
- if (channel.sfx == null)
- break;
- }
- }
- if (i === S.channels.length)
- {
- S.channels[i] = {end: 0.0};
- return S.channels[i];
- }
- return channel;
-S.Spatialize = function(ch)
- if (ch.entnum === CL.state.viewentity)
- {
- ch.leftvol = ch.master_vol;
- ch.rightvol = ch.master_vol;
- return;
- }
- var source = [
- ch.origin[0] - S.listener_origin[0],
- ch.origin[1] - S.listener_origin[1],
- ch.origin[2] - S.listener_origin[2]
- ];
- var dist = Math.sqrt(source[0] * source[0] + source[1] * source[1] + source[2] * source[2]);
- if (dist !== 0.0)
- {
- source[0] /= dist;
- source[1] /= dist;
- source[2] /= dist;
- }
- dist *= ch.dist_mult;
- var dot = S.listener_right[0] * source[0]
- + S.listener_right[1] * source[1]
- + S.listener_right[2] * source[2];
- ch.rightvol = ch.master_vol * (1.0 - dist) * (1.0 + dot);
- if (ch.rightvol < 0.0)
- ch.rightvol = 0.0;
- ch.leftvol = ch.master_vol * (1.0 - dist) * (1.0 - dot);
- if (ch.leftvol < 0.0)
- ch.leftvol = 0.0;
-S.StartSound = function(entnum, entchannel, sfx, origin, vol, attenuation)
- if ((S.nosound.value !== 0) || (sfx == null))
- return;
- var target_chan = S.PickChannel(entnum, entchannel);
- target_chan.origin = [origin[0], origin[1], origin[2]];
- target_chan.dist_mult = attenuation * 0.001;
- target_chan.master_vol = vol;
- target_chan.entnum = entnum;
- target_chan.entchannel = entchannel;
- S.Spatialize(target_chan);
- if ((target_chan.leftvol === 0.0) && (target_chan.rightvol === 0.0))
- return;
- if (S.LoadSound(sfx) !== true)
- {
- target_chan.sfx = null;
- return;
- }
- target_chan.sfx = sfx;
- target_chan.pos = 0.0;
- target_chan.end = Host.realtime + sfx.cache.length;
- var volume;
- if (S.context != null)
- {
- var nodes = {
- source: S.context.createBufferSource(),
- merger1: S.context.createChannelMerger(2),
- splitter: S.context.createChannelSplitter(2),
- gain0: S.context.createGainNode(),
- gain1: S.context.createGainNode(),
- merger2: S.context.createChannelMerger(2)
- };
- target_chan.nodes = nodes;
- nodes.source.buffer = sfx.cache.data;
- if (sfx.cache.loopstart != null)
- {
- nodes.source.loop = true;
- nodes.source.loopStart = sfx.cache.loopstart;
- nodes.source.loopEnd = nodes.source.buffer.length;
- }
- nodes.source.connect(nodes.merger1);
- nodes.source.connect(nodes.merger1, 0, 1);
- nodes.merger1.connect(nodes.splitter);
- nodes.splitter.connect(nodes.gain0, 0);
- nodes.splitter.connect(nodes.gain1, 1);
- volume = target_chan.leftvol;
- if (volume > 1.0)
- volume = 1.0;
- nodes.gain0.gain.value = volume * S.volume.value;
- nodes.gain0.connect(nodes.merger2, 0, 0);
- volume = target_chan.rightvol;
- if (volume > 1.0)
- volume = 1.0;
- nodes.gain1.gain.value = volume * S.volume.value;
- nodes.gain1.connect(nodes.merger2, 0, 1);
- nodes.merger2.connect(S.context.destination);
- var i, check, skip;
- for (i = 0; i < S.channels.length; ++i)
- {
- check = S.channels[i];
- if (check === target_chan)
- continue;
- if ((check.sfx !== sfx) || (check.pos !== 0.0))
- continue;
- skip = Math.random() * 0.1;
- if (skip >= sfx.cache.length)
- {
- S.NoteOn(nodes.source);
- break;
- }
- target_chan.pos += skip;
- target_chan.end -= skip;
- nodes.source.noteGrainOn(0.0, skip, nodes.source.buffer.length - skip);
- break;
- }
- S.NoteOn(nodes.source);
- }
- else
- {
- target_chan.audio = sfx.cache.data.cloneNode();
- volume = (target_chan.leftvol + target_chan.rightvol) * 0.5;
- if (volume > 1.0)
- volume = 1.0;
- target_chan.audio.volume = volume * S.volume.value;
- target_chan.audio.play();
- }
-S.StopSound = function(entnum, entchannel)
- if (S.nosound.value !== 0)
- return;
- var i, ch;
- for (i = 0; i < S.channels.length; ++i)
- {
- ch = S.channels[i];
- if (ch == null)
- continue;
- if ((ch.entnum === entnum) && (ch.entchannel === entchannel))
- {
- ch.end = 0.0;
- ch.sfx = null;
- if (ch.nodes != null)
- {
- S.NoteOff(ch.nodes.source);
- ch.nodes = null;
- }
- else if (ch.audio != null)
- {
- ch.audio.pause();
- ch.audio = null;
- }
- return;
- }
- }
-S.StopAllSounds = function()
- if (S.nosound.value !== 0)
- return;
- var i, ch;
- for (i = 0; i < S.ambient_channels.length; ++i)
- {
- ch = S.ambient_channels[i];
- ch.master_vol = 0.0;
- if (ch.nodes != null)
- S.NoteOff(ch.nodes.source);
- else if (ch.audio != null)
- ch.audio.pause();
- }
- for (i = 0; i < S.channels.length; ++i)
- {
- ch = S.channels[i];
- if (ch == null)
- continue;
- if (ch.nodes != null)
- S.NoteOff(ch.nodes.source);
- else if (ch.audio != null)
- ch.audio.pause();
- }
- S.channels = [];
- if (S.context != null)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < S.static_channels.length; ++i)
- S.NoteOff(S.static_channels[i].nodes.source);
- }
- else
- {
- for (i = 0; i < S.static_channels.length; ++i)
- S.static_channels[i].audio.pause();
- }
- S.static_channels = [];
-S.StaticSound = function(sfx, origin, vol, attenuation)
- if ((S.nosound.value !== 0) || (sfx == null))
- return;
- if (S.LoadSound(sfx) !== true)
- return;
- if (sfx.cache.loopstart == null)
- {
- Con.Print('Sound ' + sfx.name + ' not looped\n');
- return;
- }
- var ss = {
- sfx: sfx,
- origin: [origin[0], origin[1], origin[2]],
- master_vol: vol,
- dist_mult: attenuation * 0.000015625,
- end: Host.realtime + sfx.cache.length
- };
- S.static_channels[S.static_channels.length] = ss;
- if (S.context != null)
- {
- var nodes = {
- source: S.context.createBufferSource(),
- merger1: S.context.createChannelMerger(2),
- splitter: S.context.createChannelSplitter(2),
- gain0: S.context.createGainNode(),
- gain1: S.context.createGainNode(),
- merger2: S.context.createChannelMerger(2)
- };
- ss.nodes = nodes;
- nodes.source.buffer = sfx.cache.data;
- nodes.source.loop = true;
- nodes.source.loopStart = sfx.cache.loopstart;
- nodes.source.loopEnd = nodes.source.buffer.length;
- nodes.source.connect(nodes.merger1);
- nodes.source.connect(nodes.merger1, 0, 1);
- nodes.merger1.connect(nodes.splitter);
- nodes.splitter.connect(nodes.gain0, 0);
- nodes.splitter.connect(nodes.gain1, 1);
- nodes.gain0.connect(nodes.merger2, 0, 0);
- nodes.gain1.connect(nodes.merger2, 0, 1);
- nodes.merger2.connect(S.context.destination);
- }
- else
- {
- ss.audio = sfx.cache.data.cloneNode();
- ss.audio.pause();
- }
-S.SoundList = function()
- var total = 0, i, sfx, sc, size;
- for (i = 0; i < S.known_sfx.length; ++i)
- {
- sfx = S.known_sfx[i];
- sc = sfx.cache;
- if (sc == null)
- continue;
- size = sc.size.toString();
- total += sc.size;
- for (; size.length <= 5; )
- size = ' ' + size;
- if (sc.loopstart != null)
- size = 'L' + size;
- else
- size = ' ' + size;
- Con.Print(size + ' : ' + sfx.name + '\n');
- }
- Con.Print('Total resident: ' + total + '\n');
-S.LocalSound = function(sound)
- S.StartSound(CL.state.viewentity, -1, sound, Vec.origin, 1.0, 1.0);
-S.UpdateAmbientSounds = function()
- if (CL.state.worldmodel == null)
- return;
- var i, ch, vol, sc;
- var l = Mod.PointInLeaf(S.listener_origin, CL.state.worldmodel);
- if ((l == null) || (S.ambient_level.value === 0))
- {
- for (i = 0; i < S.ambient_channels.length; ++i)
- {
- ch = S.ambient_channels[i];
- ch.master_vol = 0.0;
- if (ch.nodes != null)
- {
- S.NoteOff(ch.nodes.source);
- }
- else if (ch.audio != null)
- {
- if (ch.audio.paused !== true)
- ch.audio.pause();
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < S.ambient_channels.length; ++i)
- {
- ch = S.ambient_channels[i];
- if ((ch.nodes == null) && (ch.audio == null))
- continue;
- vol = S.ambient_level.value * l.ambient_level[i];
- if (vol < 8.0)
- vol = 0.0;
- vol /= 255.0;
- if (ch.master_vol < vol)
- {
- ch.master_vol += (Host.frametime * S.ambient_fade.value) / 255.0;
- if (ch.master_vol > vol)
- ch.master_vol = vol;
- }
- else if (ch.master_vol > vol)
- {
- ch.master_vol -= (Host.frametime * S.ambient_fade.value) / 255.0;
- if (ch.master_vol < vol)
- ch.master_vol = vol;
- }
- if (ch.master_vol === 0.0)
- {
- if (S.context != null)
- {
- S.NoteOff(ch.nodes.source);
- }
- else
- {
- if (ch.audio.paused !== true)
- ch.audio.pause();
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (ch.master_vol > 1.0)
- ch.master_vol = 1.0;
- if (S.context != null)
- {
- ch.nodes.gain.gain.value = ch.master_vol * S.volume.value;
- S.NoteOn(ch.nodes.source);
- }
- else
- {
- ch.audio.volume = ch.master_vol * S.volume.value;
- sc = ch.sfx.cache;
- if (ch.audio.paused === true)
- {
- ch.audio.play();
- ch.end = Host.realtime + sc.length;
- continue;
- }
- if (Host.realtime >= ch.end)
- {
- try
- {
- ch.audio.currentTime = sc.loopstart;
- }
- catch (e)
- {
- ch.end = Host.realtime;
- continue;
- }
- ch.end = Host.realtime + sc.length - sc.loopstart;
- }
- }
- }
-S.UpdateDynamicSounds = function()
- var i, ch, sc, volume;
- for (i = 0; i < S.channels.length; ++i)
- {
- ch = S.channels[i];
- if (ch == null)
- continue;
- if (ch.sfx == null)
- continue;
- if (Host.realtime >= ch.end)
- {
- sc = ch.sfx.cache;
- if (sc.loopstart != null)
- {
- if (S.context == null)
- {
- try
- {
- ch.audio.currentTime = sc.loopstart;
- }
- catch (e)
- {
- ch.end = Host.realtime;
- continue;
- }
- }
- ch.end = Host.realtime + sc.length - sc.loopstart;
- }
- else
- {
- ch.sfx = null;
- ch.nodes = null;
- ch.audio = null;
- continue;
- }
- }
- S.Spatialize(ch);
- if (S.context != null)
- {
- if (ch.leftvol > 1.0)
- ch.leftvol = 1.0;
- if (ch.rightvol > 1.0)
- ch.rightvol = 1.0;
- ch.nodes.gain0.gain.volume = ch.leftvol * S.volume.value;
- ch.nodes.gain1.gain.volume = ch.rightvol * S.volume.value;
- }
- else
- {
- volume = (ch.leftvol + ch.rightvol) * 0.5;
- if (volume > 1.0)
- volume = 1.0;
- ch.audio.volume = volume * S.volume.value;
- }
- }
-S.UpdateStaticSounds = function()
- var i, j, ch, ch2, sfx, sc, volume;
- for (i = 0; i < S.static_channels.length; ++i)
- S.Spatialize(S.static_channels[i]);
- for (i = 0; i < S.static_channels.length; ++i)
- {
- ch = S.static_channels[i];
- if ((ch.leftvol === 0.0) && (ch.rightvol === 0.0))
- continue;
- sfx = ch.sfx;
- for (j = i + 1; j < S.static_channels.length; ++j)
- {
- ch2 = S.static_channels[j];
- if (sfx === ch2.sfx)
- {
- ch.leftvol += ch2.leftvol;
- ch.rightvol += ch2.rightvol;
- ch2.leftvol = 0.0;
- ch2.rightvol = 0.0;
- }
- }
- }
- if (S.context != null)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < S.static_channels.length; ++i)
- {
- ch = S.static_channels[i];
- if ((ch.leftvol === 0.0) && (ch.rightvol === 0.0))
- {
- S.NoteOff(ch.nodes.source);
- continue;
- }
- if (ch.leftvol > 1.0)
- ch.leftvol = 1.0;
- if (ch.rightvol > 1.0)
- ch.rightvol = 1.0;
- ch.nodes.gain0.gain.value = ch.leftvol * S.volume.value;
- ch.nodes.gain1.gain.value = ch.rightvol * S.volume.value;
- S.NoteOn(ch.nodes.source);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (i = 0; i < S.static_channels.length; ++i)
- {
- ch = S.static_channels[i];
- volume = (ch.leftvol + ch.rightvol) * 0.5;
- if (volume > 1.0)
- volume = 1.0;
- if (volume === 0.0)
- {
- if (ch.audio.paused !== true)
- ch.audio.pause();
- continue;
- }
- ch.audio.volume = volume * S.volume.value;
- sc = ch.sfx.cache;
- if (ch.audio.paused === true)
- {
- ch.audio.play();
- ch.end = Host.realtime + sc.length;
- continue;
- }
- if (Host.realtime >= ch.end)
- {
- try
- {
- ch.audio.currentTime = sc.loopstart;
- }
- catch (e)
- {
- ch.end = Host.realtime;
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- }
-S.Update = function(origin, forward, right, up)
- if (S.nosound.value !== 0)
- return;
- S.listener_origin[0] = origin[0];
- S.listener_origin[1] = origin[1];
- S.listener_origin[2] = origin[2];
- S.listener_forward[0] = forward[0];
- S.listener_forward[1] = forward[1];
- S.listener_forward[2] = forward[2];
- S.listener_right[0] = right[0];
- S.listener_right[1] = right[1];
- S.listener_right[2] = right[2];
- S.listener_up[0] = up[0];
- S.listener_up[1] = up[1];
- S.listener_up[2] = up[2];
- if (S.volume.value < 0.0)
- Cvar.SetValue('volume', 0.0);
- else if (S.volume.value > 1.0)
- Cvar.SetValue('volume', 1.0);
- S.UpdateAmbientSounds();
- S.UpdateDynamicSounds();
- S.UpdateStaticSounds();
-S.Play = function()
- if (S.nosound.value !== 0)
- return;
- var i, sfx;
- for (i = 1; i < Cmd.argv.length; ++i)
- {
- sfx = S.PrecacheSound(COM.DefaultExtension(Cmd.argv[i], '.wav'));
- if (sfx != null)
- S.StartSound(CL.state.viewentity, 0, sfx, S.listener_origin, 1.0, 1.0);
- }
-S.PlayVol = function()
- if (S.nosound.value !== 0)
- return;
- var i, sfx;
- for (i = 1; i < Cmd.argv.length; i += 2)
- {
- sfx = S.PrecacheSound(COM.DefaultExtension(Cmd.argv[i], '.wav'));
- if (sfx != null)
- S.StartSound(CL.state.viewentity, 0, sfx, S.listener_origin, Q.atof(Cmd.argv[i + 1]), 1.0);
- }
-S.LoadSound = function(s)
- if (S.nosound.value !== 0)
- return;
- if (s.cache != null)
- return true;
- var sc = {};
- var data = COM.LoadFile('sound/' + s.name);
- if (data == null)
- {
- Con.Print('Couldn\'t load sound/' + s.name + '\n');
- return;
- }
- var view = new DataView(data);
- if ((view.getUint32(0, true) !== 0x46464952) || (view.getUint32(8, true) !== 0x45564157))
- {
- Con.Print('Missing RIFF/WAVE chunks\n');
- return;
- }
- var p, fmt, dataofs, datalen, cue, loopstart, samples;
- for (p = 12; p < data.byteLength; )
- {
- switch (view.getUint32(p, true))
- {
- case 0x20746d66: // fmt
- if (view.getInt16(p + 8, true) !== 1)
- {
- Con.Print('Microsoft PCM format only\n');
- return;
- }
- fmt = {
- channels: view.getUint16(p + 10, true),
- samplesPerSec: view.getUint32(p + 12, true),
- avgBytesPerSec: view.getUint32(p + 16, true),
- blockAlign: view.getUint16(p + 20, true),
- bitsPerSample: view.getUint16(p + 22, true)
- };
- break;
- case 0x61746164: // data
- dataofs = p + 8;
- datalen = view.getUint32(p + 4, true);
- break;
- case 0x20657563: // cue
- cue = true;
- loopstart = view.getUint32(p + 32, true);
- break;
- case 0x5453494c: // LIST
- if (cue !== true)
- break;
- cue = false;
- if (view.getUint32(p + 28, true) === 0x6b72616d)
- samples = loopstart + view.getUint32(p + 24, true);
- break;
- }
- p += view.getUint32(p + 4, true) + 8;
- if ((p & 1) !== 0)
- ++p;
- }
- if (fmt == null)
- {
- Con.Print('Missing fmt chunk\n');
- return;
- }
- if (dataofs == null)
- {
- Con.Print('Missing data chunk\n');
- return;
- }
- if (loopstart != null)
- sc.loopstart = loopstart * fmt.blockAlign / fmt.samplesPerSec;
- if (samples != null)
- sc.length = samples / fmt.samplesPerSec;
- else
- sc.length = datalen / fmt.avgBytesPerSec;
- sc.size = datalen + 44;
- if ((sc.size & 1) !== 0)
- ++sc.size;
- var out = new ArrayBuffer(sc.size);
- view = new DataView(out);
- view.setUint32(0, 0x46464952, true); // RIFF
- view.setUint32(4, sc.size - 8, true);
- view.setUint32(8, 0x45564157, true); // WAVE
- view.setUint32(12, 0x20746d66, true); // fmt
- view.setUint32(16, 16, true);
- view.setUint16(20, 1, true);
- view.setUint16(22, fmt.channels, true);
- view.setUint32(24, fmt.samplesPerSec, true);
- view.setUint32(28, fmt.avgBytesPerSec, true);
- view.setUint16(32, fmt.blockAlign, true);
- view.setUint16(34, fmt.bitsPerSample, true);
- view.setUint32(36, 0x61746164, true); // data
- view.setUint32(40, datalen, true);
- (new Uint8Array(out, 44, datalen)).set(new Uint8Array(data, dataofs, datalen));
- if (S.context != null)
- sc.data = S.context.createBuffer(out, true);
- else
- sc.data = new Audio('data:audio/wav;base64,' + Q.btoa(new Uint8Array(out)));
- s.cache = sc;
- return true;
diff --git a/Client/WebQuake/SC.js b/Client/WebQuake/SC.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e81951
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Client/WebQuake/SC.js
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+const sClass = function(){
+ this.Init=function(){
+ _init();
+ };
+ this.PrecacheSound = function(name){
+ if (this.nosound !== 0)
+ return name;
+ if (this.precache === 0)
+ return name;
+ return _precacheSound(name);
+ };
+ this.LoadSound = function(source){
+ if (this.nosound.value !== 0)
+ return;
+ return _loadSound(source);
+ };
+ this.SounList = function(){
+ for(let i in sfxs)
+ Con.Print(
+ sizeGet(i) + ' : ' + i + '\n'
+ );
+ Con.Print(
+ 'Total resident: ' +
+ total +
+ '\n'
+ );
+ };
+ this.StartSound = function(entnum, entchannel, sfx, origin, vol, attenuation){
+ _startSound(entnum, entchannel, sfx, origin, vol, attenuation);
+ }
+ this.StartAmbient = function(name){
+ return startAmbient(name);
+ }
+ this.listAmbient = function(){
+ let out = [];
+ for(let i in ambient_channels)
+ out.push(i);
+ return out;
+ }
+ this.LocalSound = function(sound){
+ _startSound(
+ CL.state.viewentity,
+ 1,
+ sound,
+ Vec.origin,
+ 1.0,
+ 1.0
+ );
+ };
+ this.StopAllSounds = function(){
+ stopAllSounds();
+ }
+ this.StopSound = function(etnum, etchannel){
+ stopSound(etnum, etchannel);
+ }
+ this.StaticSound = async function(sfx, origin, vol, attenuation){
+ await _startSound(
+ "static",
+ staticSerial,
+ sfx,
+ origin,
+ vol,
+ attenuation
+ );
+ channels["static"].sub[staticSerial].sx.loop = true;
+ staticSerial++;
+ if(staticSerial >10) // 11 static channels
+ staticSerial = 0;
+ }
+ this.UpdateDynamicSounds = function(){
+ for (let i of activeChannels){ //ia:string
+ if(Host.realtime >= channels[
+ activeChannels[i].entnum
+ ].sub[
+ activeChannels[i].entchannel
+ ].end
+ ){
+ activeChannels.splice(i, 1);
+ continue;
+ }
+ _spatialize(
+ activeChannels[i].entnum,
+ activeChannels[i].entchannel
+ );
+ _channelVolume(
+ activeChannels[i].entnum,
+ activeChannels[i].entchannel
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ this.UpdateAmbientSounds = function(){}
+ this.UpdateStaticSounds = function(){}
+ this.Update = function(origin, forward, right, up){
+ listener_origin = origin;
+ listener_forward = forward;
+ listener_right = right;
+ listener_up = up;
+ if (volume.value < 0.0)
+ Cvar.SetValue('volume', 0.0);
+ else if (volume.value > 1.0)
+ Cvar.SetValue('volume', 1.0);
+ }
+ this.size = 0;
+ this.bgmvolume = 0;
+ this.volume = 0;
+ this.ambient_level = 0.3;
+ this.ambient_fade = 100;
+ this.precache = 1;
+ this.nosound = 0;
+ this.known_sfx = [];
+ this.started = false;
+ let staticSerial = 0;
+ let activeChannels = [];
+ let channels = {};
+ let ambient_channels = {};
+ let listener_origin = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
+ let listener_forward = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
+ let listener_right = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
+ let listener_up = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
+ let sfxs = {};
+ let audioCTX;
+ const _init = async function(){
+ Con.Print('\nSound Initialization\n');
+ Cmd.AddCommand('play', _playCommand);
+ Cmd.AddCommand('playvol', _playCommand);
+ Cmd.AddCommand('stopsound', S.StopAllSounds);
+ Cmd.AddCommand('soundlist', S.SoundList);
+ this.nosound = Cvar.RegisterVariable(
+ 'nosound',
+ (COM.CheckParm(
+ '-nosound'
+ ) != null) ? '1' : '0'
+ );
+ this.volume = Cvar.RegisterVariable(
+ 'volume',
+ '0.7',
+ true
+ );
+ this.precache = Cvar.RegisterVariable(
+ 'precache',
+ '1'
+ );
+ this.bgmvolume = Cvar.RegisterVariable(
+ 'bgmvolume',
+ '1',
+ true
+ );
+ this.ambient_level = Cvar.RegisterVariable(
+ 'ambient_level',
+ '0.3'
+ );
+ this.ambient_fade = Cvar.RegisterVariable(
+ 'ambient_fade',
+ '100'
+ );
+ this.started = true;
+ audioCTX = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)({
+ latencyHint: 'interactive',
+ sampleRate: 44100,
+ });
+ let ambient_sfx = ['water1', 'wind2'];
+ for (let i of ambient_sfx)
+ startAmbient('ambience/' + i + '.wav');
+ }
+ const _spatialize = function(en, ec){
+ if(en === CL.state.viewentity){
+ channels[en].sub[ec].volLeft = channels[en].sub[ec].vol;
+ channels[en].sub[ec].volRight = channels[en].sub[ec].vol;
+ return ;
+ }
+ let source = [
+ channels[en].sub[ec].origin[0] - listener_origin[0],
+ channels[en].sub[ec].origin[1] - listener_origin[1],
+ channels[en].sub[ec].origin[2] - listener_origin[2]
+ ];
+ let dist = Math.sqrt(source[0] * source[0] + source[1] * source[1] + source[2] * source[2]);
+ if (dist !== 0.0){
+ source[0] /= dist;
+ source[1] /= dist;
+ source[2] /= dist;
+ }
+ dist *= (channels[en].sub[ec].mult*0.4);
+ const dot = listener_right[0] * source[0]
+ + listener_right[1] * source[1]
+ + listener_right[2] * source[2];
+ channels[en].sub[ec].volRight = channels[en].sub[ec].vol * (1.0 - dist) * (1.0 + dot);
+ if (channels[en].sub[ec].volRight < 0.0)
+ channels[en].sub[ec].volRight = 0.0;
+ if (channels[en].sub[ec].volRight > 1.0)
+ channels[en].sub[ec].volRight = 1.0;
+ channels[en].sub[ec].volLeft = channels[en].sub[ec].vol * (1.0 - dist) * (1.0 - dot);
+ if (channels[en].sub[ec].volLeft < 0.0)
+ channels[en].sub[ec].volLeft = 0.0;
+ if (channels[en].sub[ec].volLeft > 1.0)
+ channels[en].sub[ec].volLeft = 1.0;
+ }
+ const _channelVolume = function(en,ec){
+ channels[en].sub[ec].g1.gain.value =
+ channels[en].sub[ec].volLeft * volume.value;
+ channels[en].sub[ec].g2.gain.value =
+ channels[en].sub[ec].volRight * volume.value;
+ }
+ const _playCommand = function(){
+ const [command, ...list] = Cmd.argv;
+ if (this.nosound.value !== 0)
+ return;
+ if (command === 'playVol')
+ return _playVol(list);
+ _play(list);
+ }
+ const _play = function(list){
+ let sfx;
+ for (let i of list){
+ sfx = _precacheSound(COM.DefaultExtension(i, '.wav'));
+ if(sfx != null)
+ _startSound(
+ CL.state.viewentity,
+ 0,
+ sfx,
+ listener_originm
+ 1.0,
+ 1.0
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ const _playVol = function(list){
+ let sfx;
+ for (let i = 0; i < list; i+=2){
+ sfx = _precacheSound(COM.DefaultExtension(list[i], '.wav'));
+ if(sfx != null)
+ _startSound(
+ CL.state.viewentity,
+ 0,
+ sfx,
+ listener_originm
+ Q.atof(
+ list[i+1],
+ ),
+ 1.0
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ const _startSound = async function(entnum, entchannel, sfx, origin, vol, attenuation){
+ pickChannel(entnum, entchannel);
+ await _loadSound(sfx);
+ channels[entnum].sub[entchannel].vol = vol;
+ channels[entnum].sub[entchannel].mult = attenuation * 0.001;
+ _spatialize(entnum, entchannel);
+ if (
+ (channels[entnum].sub[entchannel].volLeft === 0.0)&&
+ (channels[entnum].sub[entchannel].volRight === 0.0)
+ )
+ return;
+ if(channels[entnum].sub[entchannel].activeChannels === false){
+ channels[entnum].sub[entchannel].activeChannels = parseInt(activeChannels.length);
+ activeChannels.push({
+ entnum,
+ entchannel
+ });
+ }
+ channels[entnum].sub[entchannel].sx.buffer = sfxs[sfx].cache;
+ channels[entnum].sub[entchannel].end = Host.realtime + sfxs[sfx].cache.length;
+ channels[entnum].sub[entchannel].sx.connect(
+ channels[entnum].sub[entchannel].m1
+ );
+ channels[entnum].sub[entchannel].sx.connect(
+ channels[entnum].sub[entchannel].m1, 0, 1
+ );
+ channels[entnum].sub[entchannel].m1.connect(
+ channels[entnum].sub[entchannel].sp
+ );
+ channels[entnum].sub[entchannel].sp.connect(
+ channels[entnum].sub[entchannel].g1
+ );
+ channels[entnum].sub[entchannel].sp.connect(
+ channels[entnum].sub[entchannel].g2
+ );
+ channels[entnum].sub[entchannel].g1.connect(
+ channels[entnum].sub[entchannel].m2, 0, 0
+ );
+ channels[entnum].sub[entchannel].g2.connect(
+ channels[entnum].sub[entchannel].m2, 0, 1
+ );
+ channels[entnum].sub[entchannel].m2.connect(
+ audioCTX.destination
+ );
+ _channelVolume(entnum,entchannel);
+ return channels[entnum].sub[entchannel].sx.start();
+ }
+ let startAmbient = async (sfx)=>{
+ try{
+ ambient_channels[sfx].stop();
+ }catch(e){
+ console.error(e);
+ };
+ _loadSound(sfx);
+ ambient_channels[sfx] = audioCTX.createBufferSource();
+ ambient_channels[sfx].loop = true ;
+ ambient_channels[sfx].connect(audioCTX.destination);
+ setTimeout(function(){
+ try{
+ console.info(sfx);
+ ambient_channels[sfx].buffer = sfxs[sfx].cache;
+ ambient_channels[sfx].start();
+ }catch(e){
+ console.error(e);
+ }
+ },2000);
+ }
+ const _startAmbientAll = function(){
+ for (let i in ambient_channels)
+ startAmbient(i);
+ }
+ const _precacheSound = function(name){
+ if(typeof sfxs[name] === "undefined")
+ sfxs[name] = {name: name};
+ _loadSound(name);
+ return name;
+ }
+ const _loadSound = async function(name){
+ if (sfxs[name] == null)
+ sfxs[name] = {
+ name : name,
+ cache : null
+ };
+ if (sfxs[name].cache != null)
+ return true;
+ let sc = {};
+ let data = COM.LoadFile('sound/' + name);
+ if (data == null){
+ Con.Print(
+ 'Couldn\'t load sound/' +
+ name +
+ '\n'
+ );
+ return;
+ }
+ (await (async function(dataout, name){
+ audioCTX.decodeAudioData(
+ data,
+ function(buffer){
+ sfxs[name].cache = buffer;
+ },
+ (e) => { reject(e); }
+ );
+ })(data,name));
+ return true;
+ };
+ let sizeGet = function(name){
+ if(sfxs[name].cache== null)
+ return '';
+ let size = sfxs.cache.size.toString();
+ if (sfxs.cache.loopstart != null)
+ size = 'L' + size;
+ return size.padStart(6, ' ');
+ };
+ let pickChannel = function(entnum,entchannel){
+ if(channels[entnum] == null)
+ newChannel(entnum);
+ if(channels[entnum].sub[entchannel] != null)
+ stopSound(entnum, entchannel);
+ return channels[entnum].sub[entchannel]=
+ emptyChannel();
+ };
+ let emptyChannel = function(){
+ return {
+ vol : 1,
+ volLeft : 1,
+ volRight : 1,
+ origin : [0,0,0],
+ mult : 0.0001,
+ end : null,
+ sx : audioCTX.createBufferSource(),
+ m1 : audioCTX.createChannelMerger(2),
+ m2 : audioCTX.createChannelMerger(2),
+ sp : audioCTX.createChannelSplitter(2),
+ g1 : audioCTX.createGain(),
+ g2 : audioCTX.createGain()
+ }
+ }
+ let newChannel = function(entnum, sub){
+ if((1 > sub)||(typeof sub === "undefined"))
+ sub = 2;
+ channels[entnum] = {
+ sub:[]
+ };
+ };
+ let stopAllSounds = function(){
+ for(let iOne in channels)
+ for(let iTwo in channels[iOne].sub)
+ stopSound(iOne,iTwo);
+ for(let iOne in ambient_channels)
+ stopSoundAmbient(iOne);
+ }
+ let stopSoundAmbient = function(sfx){
+ if(ambient_channels[sfx] == null)
+ return ;
+ try{
+ ambient_channels[sfx].stop();
+ ambient_channels[sfx]=null;
+ }catch(e){
+ }
+ }
+ let stopSound = function(entnum, entchannel){
+ if(channels[entnum].sub[entchannel].sx == null)
+ return ;
+ try{
+ channels[entnum].sub[entchannel].sx.stop();
+ channels[entnum].sub[entchannel].sx=null;
+ }catch(e){
+ }
+ }
+const S = new sClass();
diff --git a/Client/index.htm b/Client/index.htm
index 9524602..ebc89da 100644
--- a/Client/index.htm
+++ b/Client/index.htm
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
@@ -524,4 +524,6 @@