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Project Architecture

This document provides an overview of the architecture of Neuro-Access. It covers the project structure, the MVVM pattern, the use of dependency injection.

Table of Contents

Project Structure

The project is organized into the following primary folders and files:

├── NeuroAccessMaui.sln
│   NeuroAccessMaui/
│   ├── App.xaml
│   ├── App.xaml.cs
│   ├── MainPage.xaml
│   ├── MainPage.xaml.cs
│   ├── MauiProgram.cs
│   │   Exceptions/
│   │   Extensions/
│   │   Helpers/
│   │   Links/
│   │   Platforms/
│   │   Resources/
│   │   │   Images/
│   │   │   Languages/
│   │   │   Styles/
│   │   Services/
│   │   UI/
│   │   │   Behaviours/
│   │   │   Controls/
│   │   │   Converters/
│   │   │   Core/
│   │   │   Pages/
│   │   │   │   Main/
│   │   │   │   ├── AppShell.xaml
│   │   │   │   ├── AppShell.xaml.cs
│   │   │   │   ├── MainPage.xaml
│   │   │   │   ├── MainPage.xaml.cs
│   │   │   Popups/
│   │   │   Rendering/

Key Folders and Files

  • App.xaml & App.xaml.cs: The entry point of the application where global resources, styles, and app-level configurations are defined. This file is crucial for initializing the main components of the application.

  • MainPage.xaml & MainPage.xaml.cs: The main page of the application, providing the initial UI and interaction logic. It serves as the starting point for the application's navigation.

  • MauiProgram.cs: This file contains the setup and configuration logic for the application, including the registration of services and middleware using dependency injection.

  • Exceptions/: Contains custom exception classes that handle specific error conditions within the application.

  • Extensions/: Includes extension methods that enhance existing classes.

  • Helpers/: Utility classes and helper functions.

  • Links/: Contains implementation for handling different links to resources.

  • Platforms/: Contains platform-specific code for Android and iOS. This folder includes device-specific implementations and platform-related assets.

  • Resources/: Houses shared resources utilized throughout the application, including:

    • Images/: All image assets used within the app, such as icons, logos, and other graphical elements.
    • Languages/: Localization files that manage translations and support for multiple languages within the application.
    • Styles/: XAML styles and resource dictionaries that define the visual appearance and theming of the application.
  • Services/: This folder includes service classes responsible for handling business logic, data retrieval, API communication, and other core functionalities of the application.

  • UI/: Contains the user interface components and related logic, organized into subfolders for better maintainability:

    • Behaviours/: Custom behaviors that can be attached to UI elements.
    • Controls/: Custom controls.
    • Converters/: Value converters used in data binding to transform data between the ViewModel and the View.
    • Pages/: Contains XAML pages and their associated code-behind files, aswell as their ViewModels. It’s further organized into subfolders such as:
      • Main/: Includes the primary pages of the application, including the main navigation shell and the initial landing page (e.g., AppShell.xaml, MainPage.xaml).
    • Popups/: Contains views and view-models for different custom popups.
    • Rendering/: Contains renderers which translate different sources to Maui XAML code.

MVVM Pattern

Neuro-Access follows the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architectural pattern, which separates the business logic, user interface, and data binding logic into distinct layers. The following is a brief overview of the MVVM pattern, more information can be found at Microsoft official docs


The Model represents the application's data and business logic. Models are typically plain C# classes that encapsulate the data and methods to manipulate that data. They do not interact directly with the UI or the ViewModel.

Example Model:

public class User
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Email { get; set; }


The View is the XAML-based UI layer. It defines the layout and appearance of the application but also has associated code-behind logic defined in a xaml.cs file. The View is bound to a ViewModel using data binding.

Example MAUI Page (XAML):

<ContentPage xmlns=""
        <Label Text="{Binding WelcomeMessage}" 
               HorizontalOptions="CenterAndExpand" />

BaseContentPage / BaseContentView

In Neuro-Access a base class for pages and views are provided which enables it's corresponding viewModel to access specific lifecycle methods usually only accessable by the view, such as OnAppearing, OnLoaded, etc...

Note: The ViewModel needs to inherit from BaseViewModel

Example Neuro-Access Page (XAML):

<base:BaseContentPage xmlns=""
        <Label Text="{Binding WelcomeMessage}" 
               HorizontalOptions="CenterAndExpand" />


The ViewModel acts as the intermediary between the View and the Model. It handles the presentation logic and data binding, exposing data and commands that the View can bind to. ViewModels implement INotifyPropertyChanged to notify the View of changes.

Example MAUI ViewModel:

public class ExampleViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
    private string welcomeMessage;
    public string WelcomeMessage
        get => welcomeMessage;
            welcomeMessage = value;

    public ExampleViewModel()
        WelcomeMessage = "Welcome to Your ExampleProject!";

    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

    protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
        PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));


Just like how views and pages has a custom base class for it's ViewModels, BaseViewModel provides extra helper methods and utilities

See BaseViewModel

Note: This base class is not needed for the app to work properly, but is recommended as long as the view/page is using BaseContentPage/BaseContentPage

Using the .NET MAUI Community Toolkit

Neuro-Access leverages the .NET MAUI Community Toolkit to simplify the implementation of the MVVM pattern. The toolkit provides a variety of utilities and attributes that reduce boilerplate code and make the codebase more maintainable.

Observable Properties with [ObservableProperty]

The [ObservableProperty] attribute provided by the MAUI Community Toolkit allows you to automatically generate properties that raise INotifyPropertyChanged notifications. This simplifies the process of creating observable properties in your ViewModel.

Example ViewModel using [ObservableProperty]:

public partial class ExampleViewModel : BaseViewModel
    private string welcomeMessage;

    public ExampleViewModel()
        WelcomeMessage = "Welcome to Your Project Name!";

In this example, the welcomeMessage field is automatically converted into a public property with INotifyPropertyChanged support, making it easier to bind to the UI.

Relay Commands with [RelayCommand]

The [RelayCommand] attribute allows you to easily define commands in your ViewModel without having to manually implement ICommand interfaces. This is particularly useful for handling user interactions, such as button clicks.

Example ViewModel using [RelayCommand]:

public partial class ExampleViewModel : BaseViewModel
    private string welcomeMessage;

    public ExampleViewModel()
        WelcomeMessage = "Welcome to Your ExampleProject!";

    private void UpdateMessage()
        WelcomeMessage = "The message has been updated!";

In this example, the UpdateMessage method is automatically exposed as an ICommand property named UpdateMessageCommand, which can be bound to buttons or other interactive elements in the UI.

Dependency Injection and Dependency Resolution

Neuro-Access utilizes a combination of the built in dependency injection (DI) of.NET MAUI and a custom implementation for dependency resolution called Types.

Note: As a rule of thumb dependency injection is used for injecting ViewModels into their corresponding views, while dependency resolution is used for services

Setting Up Dependency Injection

In MauiProgram.cs, you can register classes to .NET MAUIs dependency system in the MauiProgram.CreateMauiApp() method:

public static class MauiProgram
    public static MauiApp CreateMauiApp()
        var builder = MauiApp.CreateBuilder();
            .ConfigureFonts(fonts =>
                fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Regular.ttf", "OpenSansRegular");

        // Register pages and its corrensponding viewmodel
        builder.Services.AddTransient<ExamplePage, ExamplePageViewModel>();

        return builder.Build();

Injecting Dependencies

In the following example: ExamplePageViewModel would be injected into the constructor of ExamplePage automatically

public partial class ExamplePage : BaseContentPage
    public MainPage(BaseViewModel viewModel)
        BindingContext = viewModel;

Setting up dependency resolution

Neuro-Access uses a custom light-weight Inversion of Control implementation for dependency resolution called Types. The reason for this is that the built-in DependencyService is just a service locator, not a dependency injection container. It is rather limited, therefore swapping it out for Types is recommended. In order to specify how types should be resolved you can use two attributes:

  1. DefaultImplementationAttribute - specifies which class is the default implementation of a certain interface.


public interface IAttachmentCacheService : ILoadableService
  1. SingletonAttribute - specifies that there should only be one shared instance of this implementation.


internal sealed class AttachmentCacheService : LoadableService, IAttachmentCacheService

The two attributes can be used in combination on an interface and its implementation.

If you need to register types to resolve, make that call to Types.Initialize before the call to Types.Instantiate<T>(), like this:

Assembly appAssembly = this.GetType().Assembly;

if (!Types.IsInitialized)
    // Define the scope and reach of Runtime.Inventory (Script, Serialization, Persistence, IoC, etc.):
        appAssembly,                                // Allows for objects defined in this assembly, to be instantiated and persisted.
        typeof(Database).Assembly,                  // Indexes default attributes
        typeof(ObjectSerializer).Assembly,          // Indexes general serializers
        typeof(FilesProvider).Assembly,             // Indexes special serializers
        typeof(RuntimeSettings).Assembly,           // Allows for persistence of settings in the object database
        typeof(XmppClient).Assembly,                // Serialization of general XMPP objects
        typeof(ContractsClient).Assembly,           // Serialization of XMPP objects related to digital identities and smart contracts
        typeof(Expression).Assembly,                // Indexes basic script functions
        typeof(MarkdownDocument).Assembly,          // Indexes basic Markdown interfaces
        typeof(XmppServerlessMessaging).Assembly,   // Indexes End-to-End encryption mechanisms
        typeof(TagConfiguration).Assembly,          // Indexes persistable objects
        typeof(RegistrationStep).Assembly);         // Indexes persistable objects

Configure Types in the App.xaml.cs constructor to be the default resolver like this:

public App()

    // Set the IoC to be the default dependency resolver
    DependencyResolver.ResolveUsing(type =>
        if (Types.GetType(type.FullName) is null)
	        return null;	// Type not managed by Runtime.Inventory. Xamarin.Forms resolves this using its default mechanism.
        return Types.Instantiate(true, type);

That's all you need to do. And when you need to resolve components later in the code, invoke the built-in DependencyService as usual:

    var myService = DependencyService.Resolve<IMyService>();

This will invoke the lightweight IoC implementation 'under the hood'.

Services can also be accessed using the ServiceRef class which contains static references to resolved services in the app. You can read more here