- Started building the wiki
- Works nice and smoothly on Windows 7 AND 8.1 (German version)
- finish detailed / beginner friendly documentation in the wiki
- Adjust to English Windows version
- upload all necessary files in step_0 folder
This is (or at least is aimed to become) a complete and beginner friendly tutorial which shows you step by step a general concept on how to integrate SikuliX with the Robot Framework and thus let both technologies - which are allready superb by themself - benefit from each other and even further enhance each other which creates undreamt synergies. How that? Well - on the one hand SikuliX enriches the Robot Framework with the possibility to build a GUI-testing library (for your specific application) which is completely API-independent. The Robot Framework on the other hand brings it's generic keyword approach and it's powerful reporting capabilities to SikuliX. ... TO BE CONTINUED ...
Follow the wiki to get detailed instructions on how to intall and configure all required components and how to use them.
- Step 0: Installation
- Step 1: Run SikuliX Scripts Using Command Line
- Step 2: Run SikuliX Scripts Using Robot Framework
- Step 3: Enhance Robot Framework Logs & Reports With SikuliX Power
- Summary
- References
To be able to work along the three steps of this tutorial you will need ...
- Windows 7 / 8.1 machine
- Java version 1.8.0_05 (build 1.8.0_05-b13) can be JDK or JRE
- SikuliX 1.1.0
- Jython 2.7 beta3 (Jython 2.7b3)
- Robot Framework 2.8.7
- To configure some system environment variables
- Python 2.7.3 **
- IntelliJ IDEA 14.02 + Python Plugin ***
** Optional - .... *** Optional - for code assistance purpose
Cheers Tset Noitamotua
You may contact me here: [email protected]
This is source files for my blogpost on Each directory is a result of same name step described in the blogpost.
To use "robottest.bat" files - robotframework.jar file is requited. It can be downloaded from Robot Framework official site.
Best regards, Mykhailo Moroz