diff --git a/development/builder.js b/development/builder.js index d96572e154..23a6d9714b 100644 --- a/development/builder.js +++ b/development/builder.js @@ -206,7 +206,9 @@ class ExtensionFile extends BuildFile { if (translations !== null) { return insertAfterCommentsBeforeCode( data, - `Scratch.translate.setup(${JSON.stringify(translations)});` + `/* generated l10n code */Scratch.translate.setup(${JSON.stringify( + translations + )});/* end generated l10n code */` ); } } diff --git a/translations/extension-metadata.json b/translations/extension-metadata.json index 162c660f45..ea5fc2910a 100644 --- a/translations/extension-metadata.json +++ b/translations/extension-metadata.json @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ "runtime-options@name": "Nastavení běhu" }, "de": { + "-SIPC-/consoles@description": "Blöcke, die mit der in die Entwicklertools Ihres Browsers integrierten JavaScript-Konsole interagieren.", "-SIPC-/time@name": "Zeit", "0832/rxFS2@description": "Blöcke für das Interagieren mit einem virtuellen im Arbeitsspeicher befindlichem Dateisystem.", "CubesterYT/TurboHook@description": "Ermöglicht die Benutzung von Webhooks.", @@ -53,6 +54,7 @@ "runtime-options@name": "Lefutási Opciók" }, "it": { + "-SIPC-/consoles@description": "Blocchi che interagiscono con la console Javascript del browser.", "-SIPC-/consoles@name": "Console Javascript", "-SIPC-/time@description": "Blocchi per interagire con i timestamp Unix e altre stringhe rappresentanti ora e data.", "-SIPC-/time@name": "Unix Time", @@ -209,8 +211,12 @@ "-SIPC-/consoles@name": "コンソール", "-SIPC-/time@name": "時間", "Clay/htmlEncode@name": "HTMLエンコード", + "Lily/Video@name": "動画", + "Skyhigh173/bigint@description": "どんな整数 (小数を含まない) も処理する演算ブロック。", + "cursor@name": "マウスカーソル", "runtime-options@name": "ランタイムのオプション", - "text@name": "テキスト" + "text@name": "テキスト", + "true-fantom/math@name": "数学" }, "ja-hira": { "runtime-options@name": "ランタイムのオプション" @@ -223,6 +229,120 @@ "runtime-options@name": "Paleidimo laiko parinktys" }, "nl": { + "-SIPC-/consoles@description": "Maak gebruik van de ingebouwde JavaScript-console van je browser.", + "-SIPC-/time@description": "Maak gebruik van unix-tijden en andere datum-gerelateerde strings.", + "-SIPC-/time@name": "Tijd", + "0832/rxFS2@description": "Blokken waarmee je gebruik kan maken van een virtueel bestandssysteem in het geheugen.", + "Alestore/nfcwarp@description": "Lees gegevens af van NFC (NDEF) apparaten. Werkt alleen in Chrome op Android.", + "CST1229/zip@description": "Creëer en bewerk .zip-bestanden, inclusief .sb3-bestanden.", + "Clay/htmlEncode@description": "Maak strings veilig om gebruikt te worden in HTML.", + "Clay/htmlEncode@name": "HTML-Codering", + "CubesterYT/TurboHook@description": "Maak het gebruik van webhooks mogelijk.", + "CubesterYT/WindowControls@description": "Verander de positie, grootte en naam van het venster, ga naar volledig scherm, vraag de venstergrootte op en nog meer.", + "CubesterYT/WindowControls@name": "Vensterbesturing", + "DNin/wake-lock@description": "Zorg ervoor dat het apparaat niet in de slaapstand gaat.", + "DNin/wake-lock@name": "Wakker Houden", + "DT/cameracontrols@description": "Verplaats het zichtbare deel van het speelveld.", + "DT/cameracontrols@name": "Camerabesturing (Heeft Bugs)", + "JeremyGamer13/tween@description": "Maak je animaties soepeler met geleidelijke functies.", + "JeremyGamer13/tween@name": "Tweening", + "Lily/AllMenus@description": "Gebruik alle bestaande dropdown-menu's als losse blokken, zelfs die van extensies.", + "Lily/AllMenus@name": "Alle Menu's", + "Lily/Cast@description": "Zet waarden om naar verschillende waarde-types.", + "Lily/Cast@name": "Omzetten", + "Lily/ClonesPlus@description": "Gebruik tal van nieuwe kloon-gerelateerde functies.", + "Lily/ClonesPlus@name": "Klonen Uitgebreid", + "Lily/CommentBlocks@description": "Voorzie je scripts van aantekeningen.", + "Lily/CommentBlocks@name": "Commentaarblokken", + "Lily/HackedBlocks@description": "Krijg toegang tot verschillende \"gehackte blokken\" die werken in Scratch maar normaal gesproken niet zichtbaar zijn in het palet.", + "Lily/HackedBlocks@name": "Verborgen Blokken", + "Lily/LooksPlus@description": "Verbeter de uiterlijken-categorie met functies zoals: sprites tonen/verbergen, gegevens van uiterlijken aflezen en SVG-skins toepassen op sprites.", + "Lily/LooksPlus@name": "Uiterlijken Uitgebreid", + "Lily/McUtils@description": "Verbeter je vaardigheden met deze superhandige functies, speciaal voor fastfoodmedewerkers.", + "Lily/MoreEvents@description": "Begin je scripts op nieuwe manieren.", + "Lily/MoreEvents@name": "Meer Gebeurtenissen", + "Lily/MoreTimers@description": "Bestuur meerdere klokken tegelijkertijd.", + "Lily/MoreTimers@name": "Meer Klokken", + "Lily/Skins@description": "Geef je sprites weer als andere afbeeldingen of uiterlijken.", + "Lily/SoundExpanded@description": "Maak gebruik van meer geluid-gerelateerde blokken.", + "Lily/SoundExpanded@name": "Geluid Uitgebreid", + "Lily/TempVariables2@description": "Creëer tijdelijke looptijd of thread-variabelen.", + "Lily/TempVariables2@name": "Tijdelijke Variabelen", + "Lily/Video@description": "Speel video's af vanuit URL's.", + "Lily/lmsutils@description": "Maak gebruik van een hoop handige nieuwe blokken. Deze extensie heette eerst LMS Utilities.", + "Lily/lmsutils@name": "Lily's Hulpmiddelen", + "Longboost/color_channels@description": "Geef alleen specifieke RGB-kanalen weer op het speelveld.", + "Longboost/color_channels@name": "RGB-Kanalen", + "NOname-awa/graphics2d@description": "Bereken trigonometrische dingen zoals lengtes, hoeken en oppervlaktes in twee dimensies.", + "NOname-awa/graphics2d@name": "2D-Trigonometrie", + "NOname-awa/more-comparisons@description": "Maak gebruik van een hoop handige vergelijkingen.", + "NOname-awa/more-comparisons@name": "Meer Vergelijkingen", + "NexusKitten/controlcontrols@description": "Toon en verberg de projectbesturing.", + "NexusKitten/controlcontrols@name": "Projectbesturing-besturing", + "NexusKitten/moremotion@description": "Maak de beweging van je sprites makkelijker met een paar nieuwe beweging-gerelateerde blokken.", + "NexusKitten/moremotion@name": "Beweging Uitgebreid", + "NexusKitten/sgrab@description": "Krijg informatie over Scratch-projecten en gebruikers.", + "Skyhigh173/bigint@description": "Krijg toegang tot oneindig grote integers (getallen zonder komma) met nieuwe speciale rekenblokken.", + "Skyhigh173/bigint@name": "Oneindige Integers", + "Skyhigh173/json@description": "Werk met JSON-strings en arrays.", + "TheShovel/CanvasEffects@description": "Pas visuele effecten toe op het hele speelveld.", + "TheShovel/CanvasEffects@name": "Canvas-Effecten", + "TheShovel/ColorPicker@description": "Krijg toegang tot de ingebouwde kleurenkiezer van je systeem.", + "TheShovel/ColorPicker@name": "Kleurenkiezer", + "TheShovel/CustomStyles@description": "Pas het uiterlijk van variabele-monitoren en de invoer van het vraagblok aan.", + "TheShovel/CustomStyles@name": "Aangepaste Stijlen", + "TheShovel/LZ-String@description": "Comprimeer en decomprimeer tekst met behulp van lz-string.", + "TheShovel/LZ-String@name": "LZ-Compressie", + "TheShovel/ShovelUtils@description": "Gebruik een hoop verschillende blokken.", + "Xeltalliv/clippingblending@description": "Knip sprites buiten een bepaald gebied af en meng sprites met elkaar.", + "Xeltalliv/clippingblending@name": "Knippen & Mengen", + "XeroName/Deltatime@description": "Lees nauwkeurig het tijdsverschil tussen frames af.", + "XeroName/Deltatime@name": "Deltatijd", + "ZXMushroom63/searchApi@description": "Maak gebruik van URL-zoekparameters: het deel van de URL na het vraagteken.", + "ZXMushroom63/searchApi@name": "Zoekparameters", + "ar@description": "Geef afbeeldingen weer op de camera en voer bewegingsinterpretatie uit, waardoor 3D-projecten op de juiste manier virtuele objecten kunnen weergeven op de echte wereld.", + "battery@description": "Krijg toegang tot informatie over de batterij van telefoons of laptops. Werkt niet op sommige apparaten en browsers.", + "battery@name": "Batterij", + "bitwise@description": "Werk met de binaire representatie van getallen in computers.", + "bitwise@name": "Bitsgewijs", + "box2d@description": "Maak gebruik van een twee-dimensionale fysica-simulatie.", + "box2d@name": "Box2D Fysica-Simulatie", + "clipboard@description": "Lees en schrijf van en naar het klembord van het systeem.", + "clipboard@name": "Klembord", + "clouddata-ping@description": "Bepaal of een server voor cloudvariabelen bereikbaar is.", + "clouddata-ping@name": "Cloudservers Pingen", + "cloudlink@description": "Maak verbinding met servers met deze krachtige WebSocket-extensie.", + "cs2627883/numericalencoding@description": "Codeer strings naar getallen voor cloudvariabelen.", + "cs2627883/numericalencoding@name": "Numerieke Codering", + "cursor@description": "Gebruik aangepaste cursors, verberg het of vervang het met een uiterlijk.", + "cursor@name": "Muisaanwijzer", + "encoding@description": "Codeer en decodeer strings naar Unicode, base64 of URL's.", + "encoding@name": "Codering", + "fetch@description": "Maak verzoeken op het brede internet.", + "files@description": "Lees en download bestanden.", + "files@name": "Bestanden", + "gamejolt@description": "Maak interactie met de API van GameJolt mogelijk. Niet officieel.", + "gamepad@description": "Lees direct de signalen van gamepads af in plaats van knoppen met toetsen te verbinden.", + "godslayerakp/http@description": "Maak interactie met externe websites mogelijk met deze uitgebreide extensie.", + "godslayerakp/ws@description": "Verbind handmatig met WebSocket-servers.", + "iframe@description": "Geef webpagina's of HTML weer op het speelveld.", + "itchio@description": "Maak interactie met de website itch.io mogelijk. Niet officieel.", + "lab/text@description": "Toon en animeer tekst op een simpele manier. Compatibel met het experiment Animated Text van Scratch Lab.", + "lab/text@name": "Geanimeerde Tekst", + "local-storage@description": "Sla gegevens aanhoudend op. Zoals cookies, maar dan beter.", + "local-storage@name": "Lokale Opslag", + "mdwalters/notifications@description": "Geef notificaties weer.", + "mdwalters/notifications@name": "Notificaties", + "navigator@description": "Krijg toegang tot details over de browser en het besturingssysteem van de gebruiker.", + "obviousAlexC/SensingPlus@description": "Verbeter de categorie waarnemen met nieuwe blokken.", + "obviousAlexC/SensingPlus@name": "Waarnemen Uitgebreid", + "obviousAlexC/newgroundsIO@description": "Maak interactie met de API van Newgrounds mogelijk. Niet officieel.", + "obviousAlexC/penPlus@description": "Maak gebruik van gevorderde weergavemogelijkheden.", + "obviousAlexC/penPlus@name": "Pen Uitgebreid V6", + "penplus@description": "Vervangen door de extensie Pen Uitgebreid V6.", + "penplus@name": "Pen Uitgebreid V5 (Verouderd)", + "pointerlock@description": "Zet de muisaanwijzer vast. De blokken muis x & muis y geven de verandering in muispositie sinds de vorige frame.", + "pointerlock@name": "Muisaanwijzer-Vergrendeling", "runtime-options@name": "Looptijdopties", "text@name": "Tekst" }, @@ -236,6 +356,12 @@ "runtime-options@name": "Opções de Execução" }, "ru": { + "NOname-awa/graphics2d@name": "Графика 2D", + "battery@name": "Батарея", + "clipboard@name": "Буфер обмена", + "clouddata-ping@name": "Пинг облачных данных", + "cursor@name": "Курсор мыши", + "encoding@name": "Кодировка", "runtime-options@name": "Опции Выполнения" }, "sl": { @@ -252,11 +378,15 @@ "runtime-options@name": "Параметри виконання" }, "zh-cn": { + "-SIPC-/consoles@description": "一个能与内置于浏览器开发工具中的JavaScript控制台交互的积木块。", "-SIPC-/consoles@name": "控制台", "-SIPC-/time@description": "处理UNIX时间戳和日期字符串", "-SIPC-/time@name": "时间", "0832/rxFS2@description": "创建并使用虚拟档案系统", + "Alestore/nfcwarp@description": "允许从NFC(NDFF)硬件读取数据。仅支持Andriod设备上的Chrome浏览器。", "Alestore/nfcwarp@name": "NFC", + "CST1229/zip@description": "创建和编辑.zip格式的文件,包括.sb3的文件。", + "Clay/htmlEncode@name": "HTML编码", "JeremyGamer13/tween@name": "缓动", "Lily/AllMenus@name": "全部菜单", "Lily/Cast@description": "转换Scratch的资料类型", diff --git a/translations/extension-runtime.json b/translations/extension-runtime.json index 331833be9b..3999ca118f 100644 --- a/translations/extension-runtime.json +++ b/translations/extension-runtime.json @@ -65,15 +65,198 @@ "NOname-awa/graphics2d@triangle": "[CS] del triangolo ([x1],[y1]) ([x2],[y2]) ([x3],[y3])", "NOname-awa/graphics2d@triangle_s": "area del triangolo [s1] [s2] [s3]", "battery@_Battery": "Batteria", + "battery@_battery level": "livello della batteria", + "battery@_charging?": "in carica", + "battery@_seconds until charged": "secondi mancanti a completare la ricarica", + "battery@_seconds until empty": "secondi mancanti a scaricare la batteria", + "battery@_when battery level changed": "quando il livello della batteria cambia", + "battery@_when charging changed": "quando la ricarica cambia", + "battery@_when time until charged changed": "quando il tempo necessario alla ricarica completa cambia", + "battery@_when time until empty changed": "quando il tempo mancante allo scaricamento completo cambia", + "box2d@griffpatch.applyAngForce": "ruota con forza [force]", + "box2d@griffpatch.applyForce": "spingi con forza [force] in direzione [dir]", + "box2d@griffpatch.categoryName": "Fisica", + "box2d@griffpatch.changeScroll": "cambia scorrimento di x: [ox] y: [oy]", + "box2d@griffpatch.changeVelocity": "cambia velocità di vx: [sx] vy: [sy]", + "box2d@griffpatch.doTick": "esegui un passo della simulazione", + "box2d@griffpatch.getAngVelocity": "velocità angolare", + "box2d@griffpatch.getDensity": "densità", + "box2d@griffpatch.getFriction": "attrito", + "box2d@griffpatch.getGravityX": "gravità x", + "box2d@griffpatch.getGravityY": "gravità y", + "box2d@griffpatch.getRestitution": "elasticità", + "box2d@griffpatch.getScrollX": "scorrimento x", + "box2d@griffpatch.getScrollY": "scorrimento y", + "box2d@griffpatch.getStatic": "fisso", + "box2d@griffpatch.getTouching": "sprite a contatto con [where]", + "box2d@griffpatch.getVelocityX": "velocità x", + "box2d@griffpatch.getVelocityY": "velocità y", + "box2d@griffpatch.setAngVelocity": "porta velocità angolare a [force]", + "box2d@griffpatch.setDensity": "imposta densità a [density]", + "box2d@griffpatch.setDensityValue": "imposta densità a [density]", + "box2d@griffpatch.setFriction": "imposta attrito a [friction]", + "box2d@griffpatch.setFrictionValue": "imposta attrito a [friction]", + "box2d@griffpatch.setGravity": "imposta gravità a x: [gx] y: [gy]", + "box2d@griffpatch.setPhysics": "abilita modalità [mode] per le forme [shape]", + "box2d@griffpatch.setPosition": "vai a x: [x] y: [y] di [space]", + "box2d@griffpatch.setProperties": "imposta densità [density] attrito [friction] elasticità [restitution]", + "box2d@griffpatch.setRestitution": "imposta elasticità a [restitution]", + "box2d@griffpatch.setRestitutionValue": "imposta elasticità a [restitution]", + "box2d@griffpatch.setScroll": "imposta scorrimento a x: [ox] y: [oy]", + "box2d@griffpatch.setStage": "imposta i bordi dello stage a [stageType]", + "box2d@griffpatch.setStatic": "usa modalità [static]", + "box2d@griffpatch.setVelocity": "porta velocità a vx: [sx] vy: [sy]", "clipboard@_Clipboard": "Appunti", + "clipboard@_clipboard": "appunti", + "clipboard@_copy to clipboard: [TEXT]": "copia [TEXT] negli appunti", + "clipboard@_last pasted text": "ultimo testo incollato", + "clipboard@_reset clipboard": "svuota gli appunti", + "clipboard@_when something is copied": "quando qualcosa viene copiato", + "clipboard@_when something is pasted": "quando qualcosa viene incollato", "clouddata-ping@_Ping Cloud Data": "Ping Dati Cloud", + "clouddata-ping@_is cloud data server [SERVER] up?": "il server cloud [SERVER] è attivo", "cursor@_Mouse Cursor": "Puntatore Mouse", + "cursor@_bottom left": "angolo sinistra in basso", + "cursor@_bottom right": "angolo destra in basso", + "cursor@_center": "centro", + "cursor@_cursor": "puntatore", + "cursor@_hide cursor": "nascondi puntatore", + "cursor@_set cursor to [cur]": "usa [cur] come puntatore", + "cursor@_set cursor to current costume center: [position] max size: [size]": "usa il costume attuale con centro: [position] dimensione massima: [size] come puntatore", + "cursor@_top left": "angolo sinistra in alto", + "cursor@_top right": "angolo destra in alto", + "cursor@_{size} (unreliable)": "{size} (inaffidabile)", + "encoding@_Convert the character [string] to [CodeList]": "converti carattere [string] in [CodeList]", + "encoding@_Decode [string] with [code]": "decodifica [string] da [code]", + "encoding@_Encode [string] in [code]": "codifica [string] come [code]", "encoding@_Encoding": "Codifica", + "encoding@_Hash [string] with [hash]": "calcola hash [string] usando [hash]", + "encoding@_Randomly generated [position] character string": "stringa di [position] caratteri scelti a caso", + "encoding@_Use [wordbank] to generate a random [position] character string": "genera una stringa di [position] caratteri scelti a caso tra [wordbank]", + "encoding@_[string] corresponding to the [CodeList] character": "carattere [CodeList] corrispondente al valore [string]", + "encoding@_apple": "mela", + "files@_Accepted formats: {formats}": "Formati accettati: {formats}", "files@_Files": "File", + "files@_Hello, world!": "Ciao mondo!", "files@_Select or drop file": "Seleziona o trascina qui un file", + "files@_any": "qualunque", + "files@_download URL [url] as [file]": "scarica da URL [url] come [file]", + "files@_download [text] as [file]": "scarica [text] come [file]", + "files@_only show selector (unreliable)": "mostra soltanto finestra di dialogo per la selezione (non affidabile)", + "files@_open a [extension] file": "apri un file [extension]", + "files@_open a [extension] file as [as]": "apri un file [extension] come [as]", + "files@_open a file": "apri un file", + "files@_open a file as [as]": "apri un file come [as]", + "files@_open selector immediately": "apri subito finestra di dialogo per selezione file", + "files@_save.txt": "salva.txt", + "files@_set open file selector mode to [mode]": "imposta modalità di apertura file a [mode]", + "files@_show modal": "mostra finestra", + "files@_text": "testo", + "gamepad@_D-pad down (14)": "Tasto direzionale giù (14)", + "gamepad@_D-pad left (15)": "Tasto direzionale sinistra (15)", + "gamepad@_D-pad right (16)": "Tasto direzionale destra (16)", + "gamepad@_D-pad up (13)": "Tasto direzionale su (13)", + "gamepad@_Left bumper (5)": "Pulsante dorsale sinistro (5)", + "gamepad@_Left stick (1 & 2)": "Levetta sinistra (1 & 2)", + "gamepad@_Left stick (11)": "Levetta sinistra (11)", + "gamepad@_Left stick horizontal (1)": "Levetta sinistra orizzontale (1)", + "gamepad@_Left stick vertical (2)": "Levetta sinistra verticale (2)", + "gamepad@_Left trigger (7)": "Grilleto sinistro (7)", + "gamepad@_Right bumper (6)": "Pulsante dorsale destro (6)", + "gamepad@_Right stick (12)": "Levetta destra (12)", + "gamepad@_Right stick (3 & 4)": "Levetta destra (3 & 4)", + "gamepad@_Right stick horizontal (3)": "Levetta destra orizzontale (3)", + "gamepad@_Right stick vertical (4)": "Levetta destra verticale (4)", + "gamepad@_Right trigger (8)": "Grilleto destro (8)", + "gamepad@_Select/View (9)": "Seleziona/Visualizza (9)", + "gamepad@_Start/Menu (10)": "Inizia/Menu (10)", + "gamepad@_any": "qualunque", + "gamepad@_button [b] on pad [i] pressed?": "pulsante [b] del pad [i] premuto", + "gamepad@_direction of axes [axis] on pad [pad]": "direzione degli assi [axis] del pad [pad]", + "gamepad@_gamepad [pad] connected?": "gamepad [pad] connesso", + "gamepad@_magnitude of axes [axis] on pad [pad]": "valore degli assi [axis] del pad [pad]", + "gamepad@_rumble strong [s] and weak [w] for [t] sec. on pad [i]": "vibrazione forte [s] e piano [w] per [t] sec. sul pad [i]", + "gamepad@_value of axis [b] on pad [i]": "valore dell'asse [b] del pad [i]", + "gamepad@_value of button [b] on pad [i]": "valore del pulsante [b] del pad [i]", + "iframe@_It works!": "Funziona!", + "iframe@_close iframe": "chiudi iframe", + "iframe@_height": "altezza", + "iframe@_hide iframe": "nascondi iframe", + "iframe@_iframe [MENU]": "[MENU] dell'iframe", + "iframe@_interactive": "interattività", + "iframe@_resize behavior": "comportamento quando ridimensionato", + "iframe@_scale": "scala", + "iframe@_set iframe height to [HEIGHT]": "imposta larghezza dell'iframe a [HEIGHT]", + "iframe@_set iframe interactive to [INTERACTIVE]": "imposta interattività iframe a [INTERACTIVE]", + "iframe@_set iframe resize behavior to [RESIZE]": "imposta comportamento dell'iframe quando ridimensionato a [RESIZE]", + "iframe@_set iframe width to [WIDTH]": "imposta larghezza dell'iframe a [WIDTH]", + "iframe@_set iframe x position to [X]": "imposta posizione x dell'iframe a [X]", + "iframe@_set iframe y position to [Y]": "imposta posizione y dell'iframe a[Y]", + "iframe@_show HTML [HTML]": "mostra HTML [HTML]", + "iframe@_show iframe": "mostra iframe", + "iframe@_show website [URL]": "mostra sito [URL]", + "iframe@_visible": "visibilità", + "iframe@_width": "larghezza", + "lab/text@_# of lines": "numero di righe", "lab/text@_Animated Text": "Testo Animato", + "lab/text@_Enable Non-Scratch Lab Features": "Abilita blocchi non presenti in Scratch Lab", + "lab/text@_Hello!": "Ciao!", + "lab/text@_Here we go!": "Ecco fatto!", + "lab/text@_Incompatible with Scratch Lab:": "Non compatibili con Scratch Lab:", + "lab/text@_Welcome to my project!": "Bevenuti nel mio progetto!", + "lab/text@_[ANIMATE] duration": "durata [ANIMATE]", + "lab/text@_[ANIMATE] text [TEXT]": "testo [TEXT] con effetto [ANIMATE]", + "lab/text@_add line [TEXT]": "aggiugi riga [TEXT]", + "lab/text@_align text to [ALIGN]": "allinea il testo [ALIGN]", + "lab/text@_animate [ANIMATE] until done": "inizia animazione [ANIMATE] e attendi la fine", + "lab/text@_center": "centro", + "lab/text@_displayed text": "testo animato", + "lab/text@_is animating?": "animato", + "lab/text@_is showing text?": "testo visibile", + "lab/text@_left": "a sinistra", + "lab/text@_rainbow": "effetto arcobaleno", + "lab/text@_random font": "scelto a caso", + "lab/text@_reset [ANIMATE] duration": "resetta durata animazione [ANIMATE]", + "lab/text@_reset text width": "resetta larghezza testo", + "lab/text@_reset typing delay": "resetta intervallo effetto digitazione", + "lab/text@_right": "a destra", + "lab/text@_set [ANIMATE] duration to [NUM] seconds": "imposta durata [ANIMATE] a [NUM] secondi", + "lab/text@_set font to [FONT]": "usa carattere [FONT]", + "lab/text@_set text color to [COLOR]": "imposta colore del testo a [COLOR]", + "lab/text@_set typing delay to [NUM] seconds": "imposta intervallo effetto digitazione a [NUM] secondi", + "lab/text@_set width to [WIDTH]": "imposta larghezza a [WIDTH]", + "lab/text@_set width to [WIDTH] aligned [ALIGN]": "imposta larghezza a [WIDTH] con allineamento [ALIGN]", + "lab/text@_show sprite": "mostra sprite", + "lab/text@_show text [TEXT]": "mostra testo [TEXT]", + "lab/text@_start [ANIMATE] animation": "inizia animazione [ANIMATE]", + "lab/text@_text [ATTRIBUTE]": "[ATTRIBUTE] del testo", + "lab/text@_type": "effetto digitazione", + "lab/text@_typing delay": "intervallo effetto digitazione", + "lab/text@_zoom": "effetto zoom", + "lab/text@disableCompatibilityMode": "Attivando questa funzione verranno mostrati blocchi che NON SONO DISPONIBILI nella versione ufficiale di Scratch Lab.\n\nVuoi proseguire?", "local-storage@_Local Storage": "Memoria Locale", + "local-storage@_Local Storage extension: project must run the \"set storage namespace ID\" block before it can use other blocks": "Estensione Archiviazone Locale: il progetto deve eseguire il blocco \"imposta ID spazio di archiviazione\" prima di usare gli altri blocchi", + "local-storage@_delete all keys": "cancella tutte le chiavi", + "local-storage@_delete key [KEY]": "cancella chiave [KEY]", + "local-storage@_get key [KEY]": "valore della chiave [KEY]", + "local-storage@_project title": "titolo progetto", + "local-storage@_score": "punteggio", + "local-storage@_set key [KEY] to [VALUE]": "imposta valore chiave [KEY] a [VALUE]", + "local-storage@_set storage namespace ID to [ID]": "imposta ID spazio archiviazione a [ID]", + "local-storage@_when another window changes storage": "quando altra finestra cambia spazio di archiviazione", + "navigator@_Navigator Info": "Informazioni Browser e SO", + "navigator@_dark": "scuro", + "navigator@_device memory in GB": "memoria dispositivo in GB", + "navigator@_light": "chiaro", + "navigator@_operating system": "sistema operativo", + "navigator@_user prefers [THEME] color scheme?": "l'utente preferisce il tema [THEME]", + "navigator@_user prefers more contrast?": "l'utente preferisce contrasto alto", + "navigator@_user prefers reduced motion?": "l'utente preferisce movimento ridotto", "pointerlock@_Pointerlock": "Blocco Puntatore", + "pointerlock@_disabled": "sblocca", + "pointerlock@_enabled": "blocca", + "pointerlock@_pointer locked?": "puntatore bloccato", + "pointerlock@_set pointer lock [enabled]": "[enabled] puntatore", "qxsck/data-analysis@average": "media di [NUMBERS]", "qxsck/data-analysis@maximum": "massimo di [NUMBERS]", "qxsck/data-analysis@median": "mediana di [NUMBERS]", @@ -97,13 +280,58 @@ "qxsck/var-and-list@seriListsToJson": "converti in json tutte le liste che iniziano con [START] ", "qxsck/var-and-list@seriVarsToJson": "converti in json tutte le variabili che iniziano con [START]", "qxsck/var-and-list@setVar": "porta il valore di [VAR] a [VALUE]", + "runtime-options@_Infinity": "infinito", "runtime-options@_Runtime Options": "Opzioni Esecuzione", + "runtime-options@_[thing] enabled?": "[thing] abilitato", + "runtime-options@_clone limit": "limite cloni", + "runtime-options@_default ({n})": "predefinito({n})", + "runtime-options@_disabled": "sblocca", + "runtime-options@_enabled": "blocca", + "runtime-options@_framerate limit": "limite framerate", + "runtime-options@_height": "altezza", + "runtime-options@_high quality pen": "penna alta qualità", + "runtime-options@_interpolation": "interpolazione", + "runtime-options@_remove fencing": "rimuovi i limiti dallo Stage", + "runtime-options@_remove misc limits": "rimuovi limiti", + "runtime-options@_run green flag [flag]": "esegui tutti i cappelli bandiera verde [flag]", + "runtime-options@_set [thing] to [enabled]": "imposta [thing] a [enabled]", + "runtime-options@_set clone limit to [limit]": "imposta limite cloni a [limit]", + "runtime-options@_set framerate limit to [fps]": "imposta limite framerate a [fps]", + "runtime-options@_set stage size width: [width] height: [height]": "imposta dimensioni Stage larghezza: [width]altezza: [height]", + "runtime-options@_set username to [username]": "imposta username a [username]", + "runtime-options@_stage [dimension]": "[dimension] dello Stage", + "runtime-options@_turbo mode": "modalità turbo", + "runtime-options@_width": "larghezza", "sound@_Sound": "Suoni", - "stretch@_Stretch": "Stira" + "sound@_play sound from url: [path] until done": "avvia riproduzione suono da url: [path] e attendi la fine", + "sound@_start sound from url: [path]": "riproduci suono da url: [path]", + "stretch@_Stretch": "Stira", + "stretch@_change stretch by x: [DX] y: [DY]": "cambia deformazione di x: [DX] y: [DY]", + "stretch@_change stretch x by [DX]": "cambia deformazione x di [DX]", + "stretch@_change stretch y by [DY]": "cambia deformazione y di [DY]", + "stretch@_set stretch to x: [X] y: [Y]": "imposta deformazione a x: [X] y: [Y]", + "stretch@_set stretch x to [X]": "porta deformazione x a [X]", + "stretch@_set stretch y to [Y]": "porta deformazione y a [Y]", + "stretch@_x stretch": "deformazione x", + "stretch@_y stretch": "deformazione y" }, "ja": { + "0832/rxFS2@del": "[STR]を削除", + "0832/rxFS2@open": "[STR]を開く", + "0832/rxFS2@search": "[STR]を検索", + "0832/rxFS2@start": "[STR]を作成", + "cursor@_Mouse Cursor": "マウスカーソル", + "encoding@_apple": "りんご", "files@_Select or drop file": "選ぶかファイルをドロップする", - "runtime-options@_Runtime Options": "ランタイムのオプション" + "iframe@_url": "URL", + "lab/text@_Hello!": "こんにちは!", + "lab/text@_show sprite": "スプライトを表示", + "local-storage@_get key [KEY]": "キーを取得[KEY]", + "navigator@_browser": "ブラウザ", + "navigator@_dark": "ダーク", + "navigator@_light": "ライト", + "runtime-options@_Runtime Options": "ランタイムのオプション", + "runtime-options@_turbo mode": "ターボモード" }, "ja-hira": { "runtime-options@_Runtime Options": "ランタイムのオプション" @@ -117,7 +345,17 @@ "runtime-options@_Runtime Options": "Paleidimo laiko parinktys" }, "nl": { + "NOname-awa/graphics2d@name": "2D-Trigonometrie", + "battery@_Battery": "Batterij", + "clipboard@_Clipboard": "Klembord", + "clouddata-ping@_Ping Cloud Data": "Cloudservers Pingen", + "cursor@_Mouse Cursor": "Muisaanwijzer", + "encoding@_Encoding": "Codering", + "files@_Files": "Bestanden", "files@_Select or drop file": "Bestand selecteren of neerzetten", + "lab/text@_Animated Text": "Geanimeerde Tekst", + "local-storage@_Local Storage": "Lokale Opslag", + "pointerlock@_Pointerlock": "Muisaanwijzer-Vergrendeling", "runtime-options@_Runtime Options": "Looptijdopties" }, "pl": { @@ -133,7 +371,107 @@ "runtime-options@_Runtime Options": "Opções de Execução" }, "ru": { + "0832/rxFS2@clean": "Очистить файловую систему", + "0832/rxFS2@del": "Удалить [STR]", + "0832/rxFS2@folder": "Задать [STR] значение [STR2]", + "0832/rxFS2@folder_default": "rxFS это хорошо!", + "0832/rxFS2@in": "Импортировать файловую систему из [STR]", + "0832/rxFS2@list": "Список всех файлов из [STR]", + "0832/rxFS2@open": "Открыть [STR]", + "0832/rxFS2@out": "Экспорт файловой системы", + "0832/rxFS2@search": "Найти [STR]", + "0832/rxFS2@start": "Создать [STR]", + "0832/rxFS2@sync": "Изменить расположение [STR] на [STR2]", + "0832/rxFS2@webin": "Загрузить [STR] из сети", + "NOname-awa/graphics2d@area": "площадь", + "NOname-awa/graphics2d@circumference": "длина", + "NOname-awa/graphics2d@diameter": "диаметр", + "NOname-awa/graphics2d@graph": "[CS] графа [graph]", + "NOname-awa/graphics2d@line_section": "длина от ([x1],[y1]) до ([x2],[y2])", + "NOname-awa/graphics2d@name": "Графика 2D", + "NOname-awa/graphics2d@pi": "пи", + "NOname-awa/graphics2d@quadrilateral": "[CS] четырехугольника ([x1],[y1]) ([x2],[y2]) ([x3],[y3]) ([x4],[y4])", + "NOname-awa/graphics2d@radius": "радиус", + "NOname-awa/graphics2d@ray_direction": "направление от ([x1],[y1]) к ([x2],[y2])", + "NOname-awa/graphics2d@round": "[CS] круга с [rd] ом [a]", + "NOname-awa/graphics2d@triangle": "[CS] треугольника ([x1],[y1]) ([x2],[y2]) ([x3],[y3])", + "NOname-awa/graphics2d@triangle_s": "площадь треугольника [s1] [s2] [s3]", + "battery@_Battery": "Батарея", + "battery@_battery level": "заряд батареи", + "battery@_charging?": "заряжается?", + "battery@_seconds until charged": "секунд до полного заряда", + "battery@_seconds until empty": "секунд до конца заряда", + "battery@_when battery level changed": "когда уровень заряда изменился", + "battery@_when charging changed": "когда зарядка изменилась", + "battery@_when time until charged changed": "когда время до полного заряда изменилось", + "battery@_when time until empty changed": "когда время до конца заряда изменилось", + "box2d@griffpatch.applyAngForce": "крутить с силой [force]", + "box2d@griffpatch.applyForce": "приложить силу [force] в направлении [dir]", + "box2d@griffpatch.categoryName": "Физика", + "box2d@griffpatch.changeScroll": "изменить скролл на x:[ox] y:[oy]", + "box2d@griffpatch.changeVelocity": "изменить скорость на sx:[sx]sy:[sy] ", + "box2d@griffpatch.doTick": "шагнуть симуляцию", + "box2d@griffpatch.getAngVelocity": "угловая скорость", + "box2d@griffpatch.getDensity": "плотность", + "box2d@griffpatch.getFriction": "трение", + "box2d@griffpatch.getGravityX": "гравитация x", + "box2d@griffpatch.getGravityY": "гравитация y", + "box2d@griffpatch.getRestitution": "упругость", + "box2d@griffpatch.getScrollX": "скролл x", + "box2d@griffpatch.getScrollY": "скролл y", + "box2d@griffpatch.getStatic": "зафиксирован?", + "box2d@griffpatch.getTouching": "список спрайтов касающихся [where]", + "box2d@griffpatch.getVelocityX": "скорость x", + "box2d@griffpatch.getVelocityY": "скорость y", + "box2d@griffpatch.setAngVelocity": "установить угловую скорость в [force]", + "box2d@griffpatch.setDensity": "установить плотность в [density]", + "box2d@griffpatch.setDensityValue": "установить плотность в [density]", + "box2d@griffpatch.setFriction": "установить трение в [friction]", + "box2d@griffpatch.setFrictionValue": "установить трение в [friction]", + "box2d@griffpatch.setGravity": "установить гравитацию в x:[gx] y:[gy]", + "box2d@griffpatch.setPhysics": "включить для [shape] режим [mode]", + "box2d@griffpatch.setPosition": "перейти в x:[x] y:[y] [space]", + "box2d@griffpatch.setProperties": "установить плотность [density] трение [friction] упругость [restitution]", + "box2d@griffpatch.setRestitution": "установить упругость в [restitution]", + "box2d@griffpatch.setRestitutionValue": "установить упругость в [restitution]", + "box2d@griffpatch.setScroll": "установить скролл в x:[ox] y:[oy]", + "box2d@griffpatch.setStage": "задать границы сцены как [stageType]", + "box2d@griffpatch.setStatic": "установить тип фиксации как [static]", + "box2d@griffpatch.setVelocity": "установить скорость в sx:[sx]sy:[sy]", + "clipboard@_Clipboard": "Буфер обмена", + "clipboard@_clipboard": "буфер обмена", + "clipboard@_copy to clipboard: [TEXT]": "скопировать [TEXT]", + "clipboard@_last pasted text": "последний вставленный текст", + "clipboard@_reset clipboard": "очистить буфер обмена", + "clipboard@_when something is copied": "когда что-либо скопировано", + "clipboard@_when something is pasted": "когда что-либо вставлено", + "clouddata-ping@_Ping Cloud Data": "Пинг облачных данных", + "clouddata-ping@_is cloud data server [SERVER] up?": "Сервер облачных данных [SERVER] в сети?", + "cursor@_Mouse Cursor": "Курсор Мыши", + "cursor@_bottom left": "нижнем левом углу", + "cursor@_bottom right": "нижнем правом углу", + "cursor@_center": "центре", + "cursor@_cursor": "курсор", + "cursor@_hide cursor": "спрятать курсор", + "cursor@_set cursor to [cur]": "изменить курсор на [cur]", + "cursor@_set cursor to current costume center: [position] max size: [size]": "изменить курсор на текущий костюм с центром в: [position] максимальным размером: [size]", + "cursor@_top left": "верхнем левом углу", + "cursor@_top right": "верхнем правом углу", + "cursor@_{size} (unreliable)": "{size} (ненадежно)", + "encoding@_Convert the character [string] to [CodeList]": "Конвертировать символ [string]в [CodeList]", + "encoding@_Decode [string] with [code]": "Раскодировать [string] из [code]", + "encoding@_Encode [string] in [code]": "Закодировать [string] в [code]", + "encoding@_Encoding": "Кодировка", + "encoding@_Hash [string] with [hash]": "Захешировать [string] через [hash]", + "encoding@_Randomly generated [position] character string": "Случайно сгенерированная строка c длиной [position]", + "encoding@_Use [wordbank] to generate a random [position] character string": "Использовать [wordbank] чтобы случайно сгенерировать строку с длиной [position] ", + "encoding@_[string] corresponding to the [CodeList] character": "символ соответствующий [string] в [CodeList]", + "encoding@_apple": "яблоко", "files@_Select or drop file": "Выберите или \"закиньте\" файл", + "iframe@_It works!": "Работает!", + "lab/text@_Hello!": "Привет!", + "lab/text@_Here we go!": "Поехали!", + "lab/text@_center": "центр", "runtime-options@_Runtime Options": "Опции Выполнения" }, "sl": {