diff --git a/extensions/SharkPool/Pause-Utilities.js b/extensions/SharkPool/Pause-Utilities.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f2596c7ee2 --- /dev/null +++ b/extensions/SharkPool/Pause-Utilities.js @@ -0,0 +1,291 @@ +// Name: Pause Utilities +// ID: SPPause +// Description: Pause the Project and certain Scripts +// By: SharkPool + +// Version V.1.7.03 + +(function (Scratch) { + "use strict"; + if (!Scratch.extensions.unsandboxed) alert("Pause Utilities must run unsandboxed!"); + + const vm = Scratch.vm; + const runtime = vm.runtime; + const Cast = Scratch.Cast; + + const menuIconURI = +""; + const blockIconURI = +""; + + let storedScripts = {}; + let paused = false; + let pausedThreadState = new WeakMap(); + let pauseNewThreads = false, steppingThread = null; + let audioContextStateChange = Promise.resolve(); + + // Inject Pause Event + // Save original function if it exists + let ogPauseFunc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(runtime.ioDevices.clock, "_paused")?.set; + Object.defineProperty(runtime.ioDevices.clock, "_paused", { + set: function(value) { + this._pausedValue = value; + if (ogPauseFunc) ogPauseFunc.call(this, value); + if (value) this.SP_whilePaused(); + else this.SP_unpaused(); + }, + get: function() { return this._pausedValue; } + }); + runtime.ioDevices.clock.SP_whilePaused = function () { + if (this.pauseEventInterval) return; + this.pauseEventInterval = setInterval(() => { + if (this._pausedValue) runtime.emit("SP_PROJECT_PAUSED", true); + }, 10); + }; + runtime.ioDevices.clock.SP_unpaused = function () { + if (this.pauseEventInterval) { + clearInterval(this.pauseEventInterval); + this.pauseEventInterval = null; + // Delayed to Prevent Started Threads while Paused (rare condition, Failsafe) + setTimeout(() => { runtime.emit("SP_PROJECT_UNPAUSED", true) }, 10); + } + }; + + // Inject Pause Module (minified) + // https://github.com/TurboWarp/scratch-gui/blob/develop/src/addons/addons/debugger/module.js + // eslint-disable-next-line + const isPaused=()=>paused,pauseThread=e=>{if(e.updateMonitor||pausedThreadState.has(e))return;let t={time:runtime.currentMSecs,status:e.status};pausedThreadState.set(e,t),e.status=1},ensurePausedThreadIsStillPaused=e=>{if(4===e.status)return;let t=pausedThreadState.get(e);t&&1!==e.status&&(t.status=e.status,e.status=1)},setSteppingThread=e=>{steppingThread=e},compensateForTimePassedWhilePaused=(e,t)=>{e.timer&&(e.timer.startTime+=runtime.currentMSecs-t.time),e.compatibilityStackFrame&&e.compatibilityStackFrame.timer&&(e.compatibilityStackFrame.timer.startTime+=runtime.currentMSecs-t.time);let r=e.peekStackFrame();r&&r.executionContext&&r.executionContext.timer&&(r.executionContext.timer.startTime+=runtime.currentMSecs-t.time)},stepUnsteppedThreads=e=>{let t=runtime.threads,r=getThreadIndex(e);if(-1!==r)for(let a=r;a{let t=paused!==e;if(t&&(paused=e),paused){audioContextStateChange=audioContextStateChange.then(()=>runtime.audioEngine.audioContext.suspend()),runtime.ioDevices.clock._paused||runtime.ioDevices.clock.pause(),runtime.threads.forEach(pauseThread);let r=runtime.sequencer.activeThread;r&&setSteppingThread(r)}if(!paused&&t){for(let a of(audioContextStateChange=audioContextStateChange.then(()=>runtime.audioEngine.audioContext.resume()),runtime.ioDevices.clock.resume(),runtime.threads)){let s=pausedThreadState.get(a);s&&(compensateForTimePassedWhilePaused(a,s),a.status=s.status)}pausedThreadState=new WeakMap;let i=steppingThread;stepUnsteppedThreads(i),steppingThread=null}},getRunningThread=()=>steppingThread,singleStepThread=e=>{if(4===e.status||e.isCompiled)return!1;let t=e.peekStack();if(!t&&(e.popStack(),0===e.stack.length))return e.status=4,!1;pauseNewThreads=!0,runtime.sequencer.activeThread=e;let r=["special error used by Scratch Addons for implementing single-stepping"];Object.defineProperty(e,"blockGlowInFrame",{set(e){throw r}});try{e.status=0,e.warpTimer&&e.warpTimer.start();try{runtime.sequencer.stepThread(e)}catch(a){if(a!==r)throw a}if(0!==e.status)return!1;for(e.peekStack()===t&&e.goToNextBlock();!e.peekStack();){if(e.popStack(),0===e.stack.length)return e.status=4,!1;let s=e.peekStackFrame();if(s.isLoop){if(e.peekStackFrame().warpMode)continue;return!1}if(s.waitingReporter)return!1;e.goToNextBlock()}return!0}finally{pauseNewThreads=!1,runtime.sequencer.activeThread=null,Object.defineProperty(e,"blockGlowInFrame",{value:t,configurable:!0,enumerable:!0,writable:!0}),4!==e.status&&(e.status=1)}},getRealStatus=e=>{let t=pausedThreadState.get(e);return t?t.status:e.status},getThreadIndex=e=>e?runtime.threads.findIndex(t=>t.target===e.target&&t.topBlock===e.topBlock&&t.stackClick===e.stackClick&&t.updateMonitor===e.updateMonitor):-1,findNewSteppingThread=e=>{let t=runtime.threads;for(let r=e;r{if(steppingThread){let e=pausedThreadState.get(steppingThread);compensateForTimePassedWhilePaused(steppingThread,e),e.time=runtime.currentMSecs;let t=singleStepThread(steppingThread);t||(steppingThread=findNewSteppingThread(getThreadIndex(steppingThread)+1))}if(!steppingThread){setSteppingThread(findNewSteppingThread(0)),runtime.ioDevices.clock._pausedTime+=runtime.currentStepTime;let r=runtime.audioEngine.audioContext;for(let a of runtime.targets)for(let s of Object.keys(a.sprite.soundBank.soundPlayers)){let i=a.sprite.soundBank.soundPlayers[s];i.outputNode&&(i.outputNode.stop(r.currentTime),i._createSource(),i.outputNode.start(r.currentTime,r.currentTime-i.startingUntil+runtime.currentStepTime/1e3),i.startingUntil-=runtime.currentStepTime/1e3)}for(let n of runtime.threads)pausedThreadState.has(n)&&(pausedThreadState.get(n).time+=runtime.currentStepTime);pauseNewThreads=!0;let u=runtime._hats;for(let o in u){if(!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(u,o))continue;let l=u[o];l.edgeActivated&&runtime.startHats(o)}pauseNewThreads=!1}},setup=()=>{let e=vm,t=e.runtime.sequencer.stepThreads;e.runtime.sequencer.stepThreads=function(){if(isPaused())for(let e of this.runtime.threads)ensurePausedThreadIsStillPaused(e);return t.call(this)};let r=e.runtime.greenFlag;e.runtime.greenFlag=function(){return setPaused(!1),r.call(this)};let a=e.runtime.startHats;e.runtime.startHats=function(...e){let t=e[0],r="event_whenbroadcastreceived"===t||"control_start_as_clone"===t;if(pauseNewThreads){if(!r&&!this.getIsEdgeActivatedHat(t))return[];let s=a.apply(this,e);for(let i of s)pauseThread(i);return s}return paused&&!r?[]:a.apply(this,e)};let s=e.runtime._getMonitorThreadCount;e.runtime._getMonitorThreadCount=function(e){let t=s.call(this,e);if(paused)for(let r of e)pausedThreadState.has(r)&&t++;return t}}; + + runtime.on("PROJECT_STOP_ALL", () => { storedScripts = {} }); + runtime.on("SP_PROJECT_UNPAUSED", () => { + paused = runtime.ioDevices.clock._paused; + runtime.startHats("SPPause_whenProjectUnPaused"); + // Fix Paused Threads (Rare and Shouldnt Happen, but Failsafe) + for (let i = 0; i < runtime.threads.length; i++) { + const thread = runtime.threads[i]; + if (thread.status === undefined) thread.status = 4; + if (thread.status === 5) thread.status = 0; + } + }); + + runtime.on("SP_PROJECT_PAUSED", () => { + paused = runtime.ioDevices.clock._paused; + runtime.allScriptsByOpcodeDo("SPPause_whenProjectPaused", (script, target) => { + const topBlockId = script.blockId; + const threadExists = runtime.threads.find(thread => thread.topBlock === topBlockId); + if (!threadExists) { + // Offset to not pause the generator, use Timeout as AFTER_EXECUTE isnt smooth + setTimeout(() => { runtime._pushThread(topBlockId, target) }, 1); + } + }); + }); + + class SPPause { + getInfo() { + return { + id: "SPPause", + name: "Pause Utilities", + color1: "#5f5b49", + menuIconURI, + blockIconURI, + blocks: [ + { blockType: Scratch.BlockType.LABEL, text: "Project Control" }, + { + opcode: "pause", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.COMMAND, + text: "pause project" + }, + { + opcode: "unpause", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.COMMAND, + text: "unpause project" + }, + { + opcode: "whenProjectPaused", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.EVENT, + text: "while project is paused", + isEdgeActivated: false + }, + { + opcode: "whenProjectUnPaused", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.EVENT, + text: "when project is unpaused", + isEdgeActivated: false + }, + { + opcode: "isProjectPaused", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.BOOLEAN, + text: "is project paused?" + }, + { blockType: Scratch.BlockType.LABEL, text: "Sprite Control" }, + { + opcode: "pauseSprite", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.COMMAND, + text: "pause [SPRITE]", + arguments: { + SPRITE: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, menu: "TARGETS" } + } + }, + { + opcode: "unpauseSprite", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.COMMAND, + text: "unpause [SPRITE]", + arguments: { + SPRITE: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, menu: "TARGETS" } + } + }, + "---", + { + opcode: "pauseClones", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.COMMAND, + text: "pause clones of [SPRITE] with [VAR] set to [NUM]", + arguments: { + SPRITE: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, menu: "TARGETS2" }, + VAR: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, defaultValue: "my variable" }, + NUM: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, defaultValue: 0 } + } + }, + { + opcode: "unpauseClones", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.COMMAND, + text: "unpause clones of [SPRITE] with [VAR] set to [NUM]", + arguments: { + SPRITE: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, menu: "TARGETS2" }, + VAR: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, defaultValue: "my variable" }, + NUM: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, defaultValue: 0 } + } + }, + { blockType: Scratch.BlockType.LABEL, text: "Script Control" }, + { + opcode: "pauseLoop", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.COMMAND, + text: "pause this script with ID [NAME]", + arguments: { + NAME: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, defaultValue: "my script" } + } + }, + { + opcode: "breakLoop", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.COMMAND, + text: "unpause script with ID [NAME]", + arguments: { + NAME: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, defaultValue: "my script" } + } + }, + { + opcode: "breakAll", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.COMMAND, + text: "unpause all scripts" + }, + "---", + { + opcode: "isPaused", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.BOOLEAN, + text: "is script with ID [NAME] paused?", + arguments: { + NAME: { type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING, defaultValue: "my script" } + } + }, + { + opcode: "allPausedScripts", + blockType: Scratch.BlockType.REPORTER, + text: "all paused scripts", + disableMonitor: true + } + ], + menus: { + TARGETS: { acceptReporters: true, items: this._getTargets(0) }, + TARGETS2: { acceptReporters: true, items: this._getTargets(1) } + } + }; + } + + _getTargets(ind) { + const spriteNames = []; + const targets = runtime.targets; + for (let index = ind; index < targets.length; index++) { + const target = targets[index]; + if (target.isOriginal) spriteNames.push(target.getName()); + } + return spriteNames.length > 0 ? spriteNames : [""]; + } + + searchThreads(target, cntrl) { + const thread = runtime.threads; + thread.forEach(t => { + if (t.target.id === target && t.status !== cntrl) t.status = cntrl; + }); + } + + pause() { + const btn = document.querySelector(typeof scaffolding !== "undefined" ? `[class*="pause-button"]` : "img.pause-btn.addons-display-none-pause"); + if (btn) btn.click(); + else setPaused(true); + } + + unpause() { + const btn = document.querySelector(typeof scaffolding !== "undefined" ? `[class*="pause-button"]` : "img.pause-btn.addons-display-none-pause"); + // Ignore "generator is running" error. It lies :0 + try { + if (btn) btn.click(); + else setPaused(false); + } catch {} + } + + isProjectPaused() { return paused } + + pauseSprite(args) { + const target = args.SPRITE === "Stage" ? runtime.getTargetForStage() : runtime.getSpriteTargetByName(args.SPRITE); + if (target) this.searchThreads(target.id, 1); + } + unpauseSprite(args) { + const target = args.SPRITE === "Stage" ? runtime.getTargetForStage() : runtime.getSpriteTargetByName(args.SPRITE); + if (target) this.searchThreads(target.id, 0); + } + pauseClones(args) { this.modifyClones.call(this, args, 1) } + unpauseClones(args) { this.modifyClones.call(this, args, 0) } + + modifyClones(args, cntrl) { + const target = runtime.getSpriteTargetByName(args.SPRITE); + if (target) { + const clones = target.sprite.clones; + const varName = args.VAR; + const numValue = args.NUM; + for (let i = 1; i < clones.length; i++) { + const variable = clones[i].lookupVariableByNameAndType(varName, ""); + if (variable && variable.value === numValue) this.searchThreads(clones[i].id, cntrl); + } + } + } + + pauseLoop(args, util) { + const scriptName = Cast.toString(args.NAME); + const state = util.stackFrame.pausedScript; + if (!state) { + storedScripts[scriptName] = true; + util.stackFrame.pausedScript = scriptName; + util.yield(); + } else if (state in storedScripts) { + util.yield(); + } + } + + breakLoop(args) { + const scriptName = Cast.toString(args.NAME); + if (scriptName in storedScripts) delete storedScripts[scriptName]; + } + + breakAll() { + const allScripts = Object.keys(storedScripts); + for (let i = 0; i < allScripts.length; i++) { + this.breakLoop({ NAME : allScripts[i] }); + } + } + + isPaused(args) { return Cast.toString(args.NAME) in storedScripts } + + allPausedScripts() { return JSON.stringify(Object.keys(storedScripts)) } + } + + Scratch.extensions.register(new SPPause()); +})(Scratch); diff --git a/images/SharkPool/Pause-Utilities.svg b/images/SharkPool/Pause-Utilities.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..730e9e3acc --- /dev/null +++ b/images/SharkPool/Pause-Utilities.svg @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + +