This package is currently under development. Details below are subject to change.
MCMCTempering.jl implements simulated and parallel tempering, two methods for sampling from complex or multi-modal posteriors. These algorithms use temperature scheduling to flatten out the target distribution, making it easier to sample from.
stores temperature scheduling information in a special kind of sampler
. We can temper a sampler by calling the tempered
function on any sampler
that supports MCMCTempering
. Here's an example using :
julia> using MCMCTempering
julia> using AdvancedMH, Distributions, LogDensityProblems, MCMCChains
julia> using Random, LinearAlgebra
julia> Random.seed!(42);
julia> # Target of interest.
struct Problem end
julia> LogDensityProblems.logdensity(::Problem, x) = loglikelihood(MixtureModel([Normal(0, 1), Normal(5, 1)]), x)
julia> LogDensityProblems.dimension(::Problem) = 1
julia> LogDensityProblems.capabilities(::Type{Problem}) = LogDensityProblems.LogDensityOrder{0}()
julia> model = Problem();
julia> # Make AdvancedMH.jl compatible with MCMCTempering.jl.
MCMCTempering.getparams(transition::AdvancedMH.Transition) = transition.params
julia> # Set up our sampler with a joint multivariate Normal proposal.
sampler = RWMH(MvNormal(zeros(1), I));
julia> tempered_sampler = tempered(sampler, 10);
julia> # Sample from the posterior.
chain = sample(
model, tempered_sampler, 100_000;
discard_initial=50_000, chain_type=MCMCChains.Chains, param_names=["x"]
Sampling 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:01
Chains MCMC chain (100000×2×1 Array{Float64, 3}):
Iterations = 50001:1:150000
Number of chains = 1
Samples per chain = 100000
parameters = x
internals = lp
Summary Statistics
parameters mean std naive_se mcse ess rhat
Symbol Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64
x 2.5146 7.8534 0.0248 0.2883 542.5238 1.0003
parameters 2.5% 25.0% 50.0% 75.0% 97.5%
Symbol Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64
x -13.4900 -2.1491 2.5031 7.4361 17.8821
julia> mean(MixtureModel([Normal(0, 1), Normal(5, 1)]))
Enjoy your smooth sampling from multimodal posteriors!
This package can easily be extended to support any sampler following the lightweight AbstractMCMC
returns two things: a transition
representing the state of the Markov chain, and a state
representing the full state of the sampler. These are both kept track of internally and used by MCMCTempering.jl, and MCMCTempering.jl just needs a tiny bit of information on how to interact with these (in particular the latter one).
First we need to implement MCMCTempering.getparams(transition)
so MCMCTempering
knows how to extract parameters from the state of the Markov chain. Maybe it looks something like:
MCMCTempering.getparams(transition::MyTransition) = transition.θ
If your model
type already implements LogDensityProblems.jl
, that's it; you're done!
If it doesn't, then you also need to implement the following two methods:
MCMCTempering.logdensity(model, x) = ... # Compute the log-density of `model` at `x`.
MCMCTempering.make_tempered_logdensity(model, β) = ... # Return a tempered `model` which can be passed to `logdensity`.
Once that's done, you're good to go!
When we're proposing a swap between the Markov chain targeting model_left
with some temperature β_left
and the chain targeting model_right
with temperature β_right
, we need to compute the following quantities (with the current realizations denoted x_left
and x_right
logdensity(model_left, x_left)
logdensity(model_right, x_right)
logdensity(model_left, x_right)
logdensity(model_right, x_left)
which can be computationally expensive.
But often the transition
contains not only the current realization but also the log-density at that realization. In the above case, that means that for the first two quantities, i.e. logdensity(model_left, x_left)
and logdensity(model_right, x_right)
, we can just extract these from the corresponding Markov chain states transition_left
and transition_right
To make use of such cached computations, one has to explicitly implement MCMCTempering.compute_tempered_logdensities
help?> MCMCTempering.compute_tempered_logdensities
compute_tempered_logdensities(model, sampler, transition, transition_other, β)
compute_tempered_logdensities(model, sampler, sampler_other, transition, transition_other, state, state_other, β, β_other)
Return (logπ(transition, β), logπ(transition_other, β)) where logπ(x, β) denotes the log-density for model with
inverse-temperature β.
The default implementation extracts the parameters from the transitions using getparams and calls logdensity on the model
returned from make_tempered_model.
Here one can just extract the corresponding quantities instead of computing them, and thus avoiding two additional calls to logdensity(model, x)
Temper away!