TwinZMultiChat But even better, updated UI and bunches of bug fixes
This code utilizes these libraries among others:
OBS Overlay:
Height: 620
Width: 440
You will need to get the following:
Client ID and Client Secret from your Twitch developer account:
Youtube.v3 OAuth 2.0 client keys (client_secret.json):
Discord Bot Token:
(Discord bot needs to be added to your server by using the Generate URL with "Bot" enabled. I used Admin but read and write permissions should suffice)
Discord Channel ID(the one you want to use for the synced chat): Go into Discord settings and turn on "Developer Mode", Navigate to the channel you want to use. Right Click and copy the Channel ID.
Enter the required info into the UI Enable the services you want to use and Save. If you are using Youtube enter the Application Name you set in the Google Console
It will prompt you for the client_secrets.json file apon start.
Bot commands are currently a "command":"response" only (I am working on getting the variable swapping functional for each platform)
The overlay will be saved to whatever location you set apon activation(Remember to save)
There is a known issue where the log window does not auto scroll on Windows. I am not sure why it won't but am looking to fix it.
Android Users:
The Youtube Authorization is currently broken and will be fixed shortly, all other services still function correctly. (landscape mode not locked but prefered)
i am currently waiting on google Validation and a link will be available shortly. :)
Hope this is helpful to someone. :)
Windows Store: TwinZMultiChat