Refer to the guides of requests or HTTPie to learn more about how to make requests to HTTP APIs.
By default, the API endpoints omit the host part and the prefix /api
. For example, if NLPWorkbench is running at http://localhost:12345
and we want to make a request to /collection/<collection_name>
, the request should be made to http://localhost:12345/api/collection/<collection_name>
Names in brackets, such as <collection_name>
, represent variables. They should be replaced with actual values. For example, when making a request to /api/collection/<collection_name>
to create a collection called my_collection
, replace <collection_name>
with my_collection
Returns It's working!
if api
service is running.
PUT /collection/<collection_name>
Request body:
"description": "Optional. Some description"
Creates a new collection with name <collection_name>
and description.
Returns collection name and code 201.
GET /collection
If detailed
is in URL parameters, returns a detailed list of all collections.
"name": "collection1",
"description": "Some description",
"creation_date": 1691578383,
"docs": 123
If detailed
is not in URL parameters, returns a list of collection names.
POST /collection/<collection>/uploadfile
Upload a file as multipart/form-data. The file should be named file
The file must be a JSON document in UTF-8 encoding in the following format:
"doc": [
{"text": "some text"},
{"text": "some text"},
{"text": "some text"},
{"text": "some text"}
DELETE /collection/<collection_name>
POST /collection/<collection_name>/preview
"skip": 0,
"size": 10,
"query": {
"match": {
"text": "some text"
"total": 123,
"hits": [
"id": "doc_id",
"title": "doc title",
"text": "doc text",
"url": "doc url"
GET /collection/<collectoin_name>/doc/<doc_id>
URL parameters:
: defaults to False. If true, the returned document contains the fieldsentences
: defaults to False. If true, the text will not be returned.
Returns a JSON document
"title": "Document Title",
"author": ["Author1", "Author2"],
"text": "Raw text of the document",
"url": "http://where-the-document-is-from",
"id": "unique-identifier-of-the-doc",
"sentences": [
["sent1-token1", "sent1-token2"],
["sent2-token1", "sent2-token2"],
Returns status 401
if collection name or document id is invalid.
Returns status 404
if collection or document does not exist.
GET /collection/<collection_name>/doc/_random
Returns a random document in collection collection_name
. See here for the return format.
POST /<collection_name>/doc/_import_from_url
Request body:
"url": "<URL>"
Downloads the webpage from <URL>
, parse it using the newspaper-3k
library, and adds the parsed document into collection collection_name
Returns the imported document. See here for the return format.
Returns 400 if there's an error downloading or parsing the document.
GET /<collection_name>/doc/<doc_id>/ner
Returns an JSON array. Each element is a sentence.
[{"text": "Token1"}, {...}, {...}],
[{"text": "Token1"}, {...}, {...}],
Each sentence is a JSON array where the element can be a regular text token, an entity mention, or a coreference.
A text mention is not an entity.
{"text": "Token1"}
An entity mention represents a named entity:
"tokens": ["World", "Health", "Organization"],
"type": "GPE",
"sent_idx": 5,
"token_idx": 6
A coreference represents a pronoun:
"tokens": ["this", "organization"],
"type": "GPE",
"entity": {
"tokens": ["World", "Health", "Organization"],
"type": "GPE",
"sent_idx": 5,
"token_idx": 6
GET /<collection_name>/doc/<doc_id>/link/<sent_idx>/<mention_idx>
and <mention_idx>
refers to the sent_idx
and token_idx
returned in the NER API.
Returns an array of candidates
"entity_id": "Q1234",
"score": 12.84,
"names": ["WHO", "World Health Organization", "OMS", "世界卫生组织"]
GET /<collection>/doc/<doc_id>/semantic
Returns an array of AMR graphs, where each element corresponds to a sentence.
"sentence": "Hello world",
"nodes": [...],
"edges": [...]
Each node is either a variable {"name": "z1", "concept": "buy"}
or a constant {"name": "c1", "value": "WHO"}
Each edge is a JSON object
"var1": "z0",
"var2": "z1",
"relationship": "OP0"
GET /<collection>/doc/<doc_id>/person_relation
Returns an array:
"sent": "The original sentence",
"rel_text": "The extracted relation"
GET /<collection>/doc/<doc_id>/sentiment
Returns {"polarity_compound": 0.5}
positive sentiment: compound score >= 0.05 neutral sentiment: (compound score > -0.05) and (compound score < 0.05) negative sentiment: compound score <= -0.05
GET /<collection>/doc/<doc_id>/relation
Returns an array of tuples
[subject, object, relation, [sentence]]
GET /<collection>/doc/<doc_id>/classify
Runs all classifiers defined on the collection <collection>
"multiclass_prediction": ["class1", "class2"],
"another_classifier": ["class1", "class2"],
"the_third_classifier": ["class1", "class2"],
GET /entity/<entity_id>/attributes
Returns an array of attributes of the entity entity_id
{"attribute": "location", "value": "Toronto"},
{"attribute": "country", "value": "Canada"},
GET /entity/<entity_id>/description
The description starts with either (Wikidata) or (Wikipedia), indicating its source.
"entity_id": "Q123",
"description": "(Wikidata) specialized agency of the United Nations that is concerned with international public health"