Before you deploy, you must have the following installed on your device.
- git
- git lfs
- AWS Account
- GitHub Account
- AWS CDK (v2.122.0 > required)
- npm
- node (v20.0.0 > required)
To deploy this solution, you will need to generate a GitHub personal access token. Please visit here for detailed instruction to create a personal access token.
Note: when selecting the scopes to grant the token (step 8 of the instruction), make sure you select repo
Once you create a token, please note down its value as you will use it later in the deployment process.
First, you need to fork the repository. To create a fork, navigate to the main branch of this repository. Then, in the top-right corner, click Fork
You will be directed to the page where you can customize owner, repository name, etc, but you do not have to change any option. Simply click Create fork
in the bottom right corner.
Now let's clone the GitHub repository onto your machine. To do this:
- Create a folder on your computer to contain the project code.
- For an Apple computer, open Terminal. If on a Windows machine, open Command Prompt or Windows Terminal. Enter into the folder you made using the command
cd path/to/folder
. To find the path to a folder on a Mac, right click on the folder and pressGet Info
, then select the whole text found underWhere:
and copy with ⌘C. On Windows (not WSL), enter into the folder on File Explorer and click on the path box (located to the left of the search bar), then copy the whole text that shows up. - Clone the GitHub repository by entering the following command. Be sure to replace
with your own username.
git clone<YOUR-GITHUB-USERNAME>/grant-program-analytics
The code should now be in the folder you created. Navigate into the root folder containing the entire codebase by running the command:
cd grant-program-analytics
You would have to supply your GitHub personal access token you created eariler when dpeloying the solution. Run the following command and ensure you replace <YOUR-GITHUB-TOKEN>
with your actual GitHub token and the appropriate AWS profile name.
aws secretsmanager create-secret \
--name github-personal-access-token \
--secret-string "{\"my-github-token\":\"<YOUR-GITHUB-TOKEN>\"}"\
Moreover, you will need to upload your github username to Amazon SSM Parameter Store. You can do so by running the following command. Make sure you replace <YOUR-GITHUB-USERNAME>
with your actual username and the appropriate AWS profile name.
aws ssm put-parameter \
--name "tlef-analytics-owner-name" \
--type String \
It's time to set up everything that goes on behind the scenes! For more information on how the backend works, feel free to refer to the Architecture Deep Dive, but an understanding of the backend is not necessary for deployment.
Note this CDK deployment was tested in ca-central-1
region only.
Open a terminal in the /backend/cdk
Download Requirements: Install requirements with npm by running npm install
Initialize the CDK stacks(required only if you have not deployed any resources with CDK in this region before)
cdk synth --profile <your-profile-name>
cdk bootstrap aws://<YOUR_AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>/<YOUR_ACCOUNT_REGION> --profile <your-profile-name>
Deploy CDK stacks
You may run the following command to deploy the stacks all at once. Please replace <profile-name>
with the appropriate AWS profile used earlier.
cdk deploy --all --profile <profile-name>
Log in to AWS console, and navigate to AWS Amplify. You can do so by typing Amplify
in the search bar at the top.
From All apps
, click tlef-analytics
to go to the app settings. Note down the app-id.
You may run the following command to build the app. Please replace <app-id>
with the app ID found in amplify and <profile-name>
with the appropriate AWS profile used earlier.
aws amplify start-job --job-type RELEASE --app-id <app-id> --branch-name main --profile <profile-name>
This will trigger the build.
When the build is completed, you will see the screen as shown in the below image.
Please note down the URL highlighted in red, as this will be the URL of the web application.
You will also need to upload data to Amazon S3. See our user guide for details.
Now you can navigate to the URL you created in step 1 to see your application in action.
To take down the deployed stack for a fresh redeployment in the future, navigate to AWS Cloudformation, click on the stack(s) and hit Delete. Please wait for the stacks in each step to be properly deleted before deleting the stack downstream. The deletion order is as followed:
- HostingStack
- ApiStack
- DataPipelineStack
- DatabaseStack