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Build ~ UB CCR
The University at Buffalo Center for Computational Research (CCR) is UB's Supercomputing center. The following are useful links to get started at CCR:
- CCR Getting Started
- CCR Knowledge Base
- CCR OnDemand - an integrated, single access point for all of your HPC resources
- CCR Coldfront - resource allocation management tool built
For the most recent development issues, notes, and workarounds for building PETSc or ABLATE on CCR check the ABLATE repo wiki.
Loading pre-built CHREST modules may also load any additional modules necessary to use the given software. This may change any preloaded modules you may have.
You must have read-access to the CHREST project directory to use the all CHREST pre-built modules. If you do not have access to the project directory it will be necessary to either use the libraries generally available on CCR or build the libraries yourself and install in your home directory.
To make CHREST pre-built libraries available during every login add
module use /projects/academic/chrest/modules
to your .bash_profile. Alternatively you can use the command in the terminal to make the modules available temporarily in that terminal.
The default for all CHREST modules is the debug version.
Most pre-build CHREST modules are indexed as
, which refers to the version of the software, the date it was compiled, and the (short) Git commit hash of the compiled software.
The following are available CHREST modules:
Loading all available CHREST modules can be done via
module load chrest/release
for the release version or
module load chrest/debug
for the debug version.
To load pre-build versions of Ablate in the terminal enter
module load ablate/release
for the release version or enter
module load ablate/debug
for the debug version. These will load all required modules for Ablate, add the ABLATE_DIR
environment variable, and add ABLATE_DIR
to path
All available versions of ABLATE can be seen by using
module spider ablate
in the terminal window.
To compile ABLATE against pre-built PETSc modules enter in the terminal
module load petsc-chrest/release
for the release version of PETSc or enter
module load petsc-chrest/debug
for the debug version of PETSc. These will load all required modules for PETSc and add the PETSC_DIR
environment variables.
All available versions of PETSc pre-compiled for use with ABLATE can be seen by using
module spider petsc-chrest
in the terminal window.
Clone and checkout the desired branch
git clone [email protected]:UBCHREST/ablate.git
git clone https://github.com/UBCHREST/ablate.git
Load required PETSc modules -- See above
Create debug and release build directories
mkdir ablate-debug mkdir ablate-release
Configure and build
## debug mode cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -B ablate-debug -S ablate make -C ablate-debug ## release cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -B ablate-release -S ablate make -C ablate-release
CCR uses SLURM for scheduling and therefore job scripts specify the job. Details about SLURM Commands and Submitting a SLURM Job Script are provided by CCR. The following example script runs all tests of ablate. Save the script in either ablate-debug
or ablate-release
to test the appropriate version. Submit the job via the terminal command
sbatch ablateTest.sh
#SBATCH --partition=general-compute --qos=general-compute
#SBATCH --time=00:15:00
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=2
##SBATCH --constraint=IB
#SBATCH --mem=3000
#SBATCH --job-name="ablate_framework_test"
#SBATCH --output=ablate_framework_test-srun.out
#SBATCH [email protected]
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
# Print the current environment
echo "working directory = "$SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR
# Load the required PETSc module. Change to specific version is necessary
module load petsc-chrest/debug
# The initial srun will trigger the SLURM prologue on the compute nodes.
NPROCS=`srun --nodes=${SLURM_NNODES} bash -c 'hostname' |wc -l`
# The PMI library is necessary for srun
export I_MPI_PMI_LIBRARY=/usr/lib64/libpmi.so
# Tell the tests what mpi command to use
export TEST_MPI_COMMAND=srun
# change to your build directory, either debug or release
cd debug
echo "current directory ="$PWD
# Run all tests