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Matt McGurn edited this page Dec 7, 2023 · 22 revisions

The University at Buffalo Center for Computational Research (CCR) is UB's Supercomputing center. The following are useful links to get started at CCR:

The directions assume you are using the new software/module environment.

Build the latest compatible version of PETSc.

CCR uses EasyBuild for building software. ABLATE publishes an ABLATE specific EasyBuild recipe whenever updated.

  1. ssh onto CCR and request a compile node
ssh [email protected]
ssh compile
  1. Download the easy build file specific to CCR and the toolchain from ( to CCR.

  2. Build PETSc using the EasyBuild file. This may take some time.

module load easybuild
# Update the PETSC easy build file name with the latest
eb PETSC-xxx-yyy.eb --ignore-checksums -f

Building ABLATE from source. This method can be used to build ABLATE from custom source files.

  1. Load the PETSc Module
# Load the correct toolchain, foss/2021b is shown as an example
module load foss/2021b
# Load the latest petsc
module load petsc