+ +[These EDS 430 (Intro to Shiny) materials are no longer maintained!]{.custom-title} + +[Please visit the new [course website](https://ucsb-meds.github.io/EDS-430-Intro-to-Shiny/) if you're looking for the most up-to-date versions of these slides]{.custom-subtitle2} + +[Thank you {{< fa face-smile title="smiling face" >}}]{.custom-subtitle3} + +--- + ## {#title-slide data-menu-title="~~~ Title Slide ~~~" background="#053660"} [EDS 430 - Intro to ]{.custom-title} @@ -246,7 +259,7 @@ countdown::countdown(
`r fontawesome::fa("mug-hot", fill = "#d2e3f3", a11y = "sem")` Break
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[shinyapps.io](https://www.shinyapps.io/) is not the only Shiny app hosting service (though it's the easiest to get started with and the only one we'll be covering in detail in this workshop).
+[shinyapps.io](https://www.shinyapps.io/) is not the only Shiny app hosting service (though it's the easiest to get started with and the only one we'll be covering in detail in this workshop).**Posit also offers the following:**
-[{{< fa angle-right title="a bullet point" >}}]{.teal-text} [Shiny server](https://posit.co/products/open-source/shinyserver/) is an open source server which you can deploy for free on your own hardware. It requires more setup and configuration, but can be used without a fee. The Bren and NCEAS servers are configured with Shiny Server for hosting for some in-house apps.
+[{{< fa angle-right title="a bullet point" >}}]{.teal-text} [Shiny server](https://posit.co/products/open-source/shinyserver/) is an open source server which you can deploy for free on your own hardware. It requires more setup and configuration, but can be used without a fee. The Bren and NCEAS servers are configured with Shiny Server for hosting for some in-house apps. -[{{< fa angle-right title="a bullet point" >}}]{.teal-text} [Posit connect](https://posit.co/products/enterprise/connect/) is a paid product that provides an advanced suite of services for hosting Shiny apps, Quarto and R Markdown reports, APIs, and more.
+[{{< fa angle-right title="a bullet point" >}}]{.teal-text} [Posit connect](https://posit.co/products/enterprise/connect/) is a paid product that provides an advanced suite of services for hosting Shiny apps, Quarto and R Markdown reports, APIs, and more. ---