diff --git a/packages/esm-tb-app/src/tb/dashboard/patient-list-tabs/tb-patient-list-tabs.component.tsx b/packages/esm-tb-app/src/tb/dashboard/patient-list-tabs/tb-patient-list-tabs.component.tsx
index c938acc5e..6d0252709 100644
--- a/packages/esm-tb-app/src/tb/dashboard/patient-list-tabs/tb-patient-list-tabs.component.tsx
+++ b/packages/esm-tb-app/src/tb/dashboard/patient-list-tabs/tb-patient-list-tabs.component.tsx
@@ -1,93 +1,16 @@
-import React, { useMemo } from 'react';
+import React from 'react';
import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next';
-import { getObsFromEncounter, OHRIPatientListTabs } from '@ohri/openmrs-esm-ohri-commons-lib';
+import { getPatientListTabsData, OHRIPatientListTabs } from '@ohri/openmrs-esm-ohri-commons-lib';
import { moduleName } from '../../../index';
import { useConfig } from '@openmrs/esm-framework';
+import tbPatientListTabsConfig from './tb-patient-list.config.json';
function TbHomePatientTabs() {
const { t } = useTranslation();
const config = useConfig();
+ const patientListTabs = getPatientListTabsData(tbPatientListTabsConfig, config);
- const tabsConfigs = useMemo(
- () => [
- {
- label: t('allTbClients', 'All TB Clients'),
- cohortId: config.cohorts.clientsEnrolledForTb,
- isReportingCohort: true,
- cohortSlotName: 'clients-assessed-for-covid-tb',
- launchableForm: {
- editActionText: t('editFollowUpForm', 'Edit TB Follow-up Form'),
- editLatestEncounter: true,
- targetDashboard: 'tb-assessments',
- name: 'TB Follow-up Form',
- },
- associatedEncounterType: config.encounterTypes.tbProgramEnrollment,
- excludeColumns: ['timeAddedToList', 'waitingTime', 'location', 'phoneNumber', 'hivResult'],
- extraAssociatedEncounterTypes: [config.encounterTypes.tbTreatmentAndFollowUp],
- otherColumns: [
- {
- key: 'caseID',
- header: t('caseID', 'Case ID'),
- getValue: ({ latestEncounter }) => {
- return getObsFromEncounter(latestEncounter, config.obsConcepts.caseID);
- },
- index: 1,
- },
- {
- key: 'drugSensitivity',
- header: t('drugSensitivity', 'Drug Sensitivity'),
- getValue: ({ latestEncounter }) => {
- return getObsFromEncounter(latestEncounter, config.obsConcepts.drugSensitivity);
- },
- },
- {
- key: 'site',
- header: t('siteOfTb,', 'Site of TB'),
- getValue: ({ latestEncounter }) => {
- return getObsFromEncounter(latestEncounter, config.obsConcepts.site);
- },
- },
- {
- key: 'nextAppointmentDate',
- header: t('appointmentDate', 'Appointment Date'),
- getValue: (patient) => {
- const patientLatestExtraEncounters = patient.latestExtraEncounters;
- if (patientLatestExtraEncounters && patientLatestExtraEncounters.length) {
- const latestFollowUpEncounter = patientLatestExtraEncounters.find(
- (encounter) => encounter.encounterType.uuid === config.encounterTypes.tbTreatmentAndFollowUp,
- );
- return latestFollowUpEncounter
- ? getObsFromEncounter(latestFollowUpEncounter, config.obsConcepts.nextAppointmentDate, true)
- : '--';
- } else {
- return '--';
- }
- },
- },
- {
- key: 'outcome',
- header: t('outcome', 'Outcome'),
- getValue: ({ latestEncounter }) => {
- return getObsFromEncounter(latestEncounter, config.obsConcepts.outcome);
- },
- },
- ],
- viewPatientProgramSummary: true,
- },
- ],
- [
- config.cohorts.clientsEnrolledForTb,
- config.encounterTypes.tbProgramEnrollment,
- config.encounterTypes.tbTreatmentAndFollowUp,
- config.obsConcepts.caseID,
- config.obsConcepts.drugSensitivity,
- config.obsConcepts.nextAppointmentDate,
- config.obsConcepts.outcome,
- config.obsConcepts.site,
- t,
- ],
- );
- return ;
+ return ;
export default TbHomePatientTabs;
diff --git a/packages/esm-tb-app/src/tb/dashboard/patient-list-tabs/tb-patient-list.config.json b/packages/esm-tb-app/src/tb/dashboard/patient-list-tabs/tb-patient-list.config.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6b4d448d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/esm-tb-app/src/tb/dashboard/patient-list-tabs/tb-patient-list.config.json
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ "menuId": "tbClients",
+ "tabDefinitions": [
+ {
+ "tabName": "All Tb Clients",
+ "cohortId": "clientsEnrolledForTb",
+ "isReportingCohort": true,
+ "cohortSlotName": "clients-assessed-for-covid-tb",
+ "launchableForm": {
+ "package": "tb",
+ "name": "TB Follow-up Form",
+ "actionText": "Edit TB follow-up form",
+ "targetDashboard": "tb-assessments"
+ },
+ "associatedEncounterType": "tbProgramEnrollment",
+ "extraAssociatedEncounterTypes": ["tbTreatmentAndFollowUp"],
+ "excludeColumns": ["timeAddedToList", "waitingTime", "location", "phoneNumber", "hivResult"],
+ "otherColumns": [
+ {
+ "id": "caseID",
+ "title": "Case ID",
+ "concept": "caseID",
+ "index": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "drugSensitivity",
+ "title": "Drug sensitivity",
+ "concept": "drugSensitivity"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "site",
+ "title": "Site of TB",
+ "concept": "site"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "nextAppointmentDate",
+ "isDate": true,
+ "title": "Site of TB",
+ "concept": "nextAppointmentDate"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "outcome",
+ "title": "Outcome",
+ "concept": "outcome"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/esm-tb-app/src/tb/dashboard/patient-list-tabs/tpt-patient-list-tabs.component.tsx b/packages/esm-tb-app/src/tb/dashboard/patient-list-tabs/tpt-patient-list-tabs.component.tsx
index af17d923f..1951cda69 100644
--- a/packages/esm-tb-app/src/tb/dashboard/patient-list-tabs/tpt-patient-list-tabs.component.tsx
+++ b/packages/esm-tb-app/src/tb/dashboard/patient-list-tabs/tpt-patient-list-tabs.component.tsx
@@ -1,65 +1,16 @@
-import React, { useMemo } from 'react';
+import React from 'react';
import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next';
-import { getObsFromEncounter, OHRIPatientListTabs } from '@ohri/openmrs-esm-ohri-commons-lib';
+import { getPatientListTabsData, OHRIPatientListTabs } from '@ohri/openmrs-esm-ohri-commons-lib';
import { moduleName } from '../../../index';
import { useConfig } from '@openmrs/esm-framework';
+import tptPatientListTabsConfig from './tpt-patient-list.config.json';
function TptPatientListTabs() {
const { t } = useTranslation();
- const { obsConcepts, encounterTypes, cohorts } = useConfig();
+ const config = useConfig();
+ const patientListTabs = getPatientListTabsData(tptPatientListTabsConfig, config);
- const tabsConfigs = useMemo(
- () => [
- {
- label: t('allTptClients', 'All TPT Clients'),
- cohortId: cohorts.clientsEnrolledForTpt,
- isReportingCohort: true,
- cohortSlotName: 'clients-assessed-for-tpt',
- launchableForm: {
- editActionText: t('editTptFollowUpForm', 'Edit TPT Follow-up form'),
- editLatestEncounter: true,
- targetDashboard: 'tb-assessments',
- name: 'TPT Followup & Treatment form',
- },
- associatedEncounterType: encounterTypes.tptCaseEnrollment,
- excludeColumns: ['timeAddedToList', 'waitingTime', 'location', 'phoneNumber', 'hivResult'],
- otherColumns: [
- {
- key: 'tptTreatmentId',
- header: t('tptTreatmentId', 'TPT Treatment ID'),
- getValue: ({ latestEncounter }) => {
- return getObsFromEncounter(latestEncounter, obsConcepts.tptTreatmentId);
- },
- index: 1,
- },
- {
- key: 'EnrolmentDate',
- header: t('EnrolmentDate', 'Enrolment Date'),
- getValue: ({ latestEncounter }) => {
- return getObsFromEncounter(latestEncounter, obsConcepts.tptEnrollmentDate, true);
- },
- },
- {
- key: 'indication',
- header: t('indication', 'Indication'),
- getValue: ({ latestEncounter }) => {
- return getObsFromEncounter(latestEncounter, obsConcepts.tptIndication);
- },
- },
- ],
- viewTptPatientProgramSummary: true,
- },
- ],
- [
- cohorts.clientsEnrolledForTpt,
- encounterTypes.tptCaseEnrollment,
- obsConcepts.tptEnrollmentDate,
- obsConcepts.tptIndication,
- obsConcepts.tptTreatmentId,
- t,
- ],
- );
- return ;
+ return ;
export default TptPatientListTabs;
diff --git a/packages/esm-tb-app/src/tb/dashboard/patient-list-tabs/tpt-patient-list.config.json b/packages/esm-tb-app/src/tb/dashboard/patient-list-tabs/tpt-patient-list.config.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..777a039cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/esm-tb-app/src/tb/dashboard/patient-list-tabs/tpt-patient-list.config.json
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ "menuId": "tptClients",
+ "tabDefinitions": [
+ {
+ "tabName": "All Tpt Clients",
+ "cohortId": "clientsEnrolledForTpt",
+ "isReportingCohort": true,
+ "cohortSlotName": "clients-assessed-for-covid-tpt",
+ "launchableForm": {
+ "package": "tpt",
+ "name": "TPT Followup & Treatment form",
+ "actionText": "Edit TPT Follow-up form",
+ "targetDashboard": "tb-assessments"
+ },
+ "associatedEncounterType": "tptCaseEnrollment",
+ "excludeColumns": ["timeAddedToList", "waitingTime", "location", "phoneNumber", "hivResult"],
+ "otherColumns": [
+ {
+ "id": "tptTreatmentId",
+ "title": "TPT Treatment ID",
+ "concept": "tptTreatmentId",
+ "index": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "EnrolmentDate",
+ "isDate": true,
+ "title": "Enrolment date",
+ "concept": "tptEnrollmentDate"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "indication",
+ "title": "Indication",
+ "concept": "tptIndication"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file