diff --git a/ai_ta_backend/emails.py b/ai_ta_backend/emails.py
index a2b3d18c..2f17dce0 100644
--- a/ai_ta_backend/emails.py
+++ b/ai_ta_backend/emails.py
@@ -4,16 +4,25 @@
 from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
-def send_email(subject, body_text, sender, receipients):
+def send_email(subject: str, body_text: str, sender: str, receipients: list, bcc_receipients: list):
+    """
+    Send an email using the AWS SES service
+    :param subject: The subject of the email
+    :param body_text: The body of the email
+    :param sender: The email address of the sender
+    :param receipients: A list of email addresses to send the email to
+    :param bcc_receipients: A list of email addresses to send the email to as BCC
+    :return: A string indicating the result of the email send operation
+    """
     # Create message content
     message = MIMEMultipart("alternative")
     message["Subject"] = subject
     message["From"] = sender
+    message["To"] = ", ".join(receipients)
-    if len(receipients) == 1:
-        message["To"] = receipients[0]
-    else:
-        message["To"] = ", ".join(receipients)
+    if len(bcc_receipients) > 0:
+        message["Bcc"] = ", ".join(bcc_receipients)
     # Add plain text part
     part1 = MIMEText(body_text, "plain")
@@ -24,6 +33,6 @@ def send_email(subject, body_text, sender, receipients):
     # Connect to SMTP server
     with smtplib.SMTP_SSL(os.getenv('SES_HOST'), os.getenv('SES_PORT')) as server: # type: ignore
         server.login(os.getenv('USERNAME_SMTP'), os.getenv('PASSWORD_SMTP'))    # type: ignore
-        server.sendmail(sender, receipients, message.as_string())
+        server.sendmail(sender, receipients + bcc_receipients, message.as_string())
     return "Email sent successfully!"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ai_ta_backend/export_data.py b/ai_ta_backend/export_data.py
index d03f53dd..299b3435 100644
--- a/ai_ta_backend/export_data.py
+++ b/ai_ta_backend/export_data.py
@@ -19,7 +19,9 @@
 def export_documents_json(course_name: str, from_date='', to_date=''):
-  This function exports the documents to a csv file.
+  This function exports the documents to a json file.
+  1. If the number of documents is greater than 1000, it calls a background task to upload the documents to S3.
+  2. If the number of documents is less than 1000, it fetches the documents and zips them.
       course_name (str): The name of the course.
       from_date (str, optional): The start date for the data export. Defaults to ''.
@@ -198,14 +200,27 @@ def export_data_in_bg(response, download_type, course_name, s3_path):
     course_metadata = response.json()
     course_metadata = json.loads(course_metadata['result'])
     admin_emails = course_metadata['course_admins']
+    bcc_emails = []
+    # check for Kastan's email and move to bcc
+    if 'kvday2@illinois.edu' in admin_emails:
+      admin_emails.remove('kvday2@illinois.edu')
+      bcc_emails.append('kvday2@illinois.edu')
+    # add course owner email to admin_emails
     admin_emails = list(set(admin_emails))
     print("admin_emails: ", admin_emails)
+    print("bcc_emails: ", bcc_emails)
+    # add a check for emails, don't send email if no admin emails
+    if len(admin_emails) == 0:
+      return "No admin emails found. Email not sent."
     # send email to admins
     subject = "UIUC.chat Data Export Complete for " + course_name
     body_text = "The data export for " + course_name + " is complete.\n\nYou can download the file from the following link: \n\n" + s3_url + "\n\nThis link will expire in 48 hours."
-    email_status = send_email(subject, body_text, os.getenv('EMAIL_SENDER'), admin_emails)
+    email_status = send_email(subject, body_text, os.getenv('EMAIL_SENDER'), admin_emails, bcc_emails)
     print("email_status: ", email_status)
     return "File uploaded to S3. Email sent to admins."
diff --git a/ai_ta_backend/main.py b/ai_ta_backend/main.py
index 4a5a140e..60d423a8 100644
--- a/ai_ta_backend/main.py
+++ b/ai_ta_backend/main.py
@@ -631,6 +631,35 @@ def export_convo_history():
   return response
+@app.route('/exportDocuments', methods=['GET'])
+def exportDocuments():
+  course_name: str = request.args.get('course_name', default='', type=str)
+  from_date: str = request.args.get('from_date', default='', type=str)
+  to_date: str = request.args.get('to_date', default='', type=str)
+  if course_name == '':
+    # proper web error "400 Bad request"
+    abort(400, description=f"Missing required parameter: 'course_name' must be provided. Course name: `{course_name}`")
+  export_status = export_documents_json(course_name, from_date, to_date)
+  print("EXPORT FILE LINKS: ", export_status)
+  if export_status['response'] == "No data found between the given dates.":
+    response = Response(status=204)
+    response.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
+  elif export_status['response'] == "Download from S3":
+    response = jsonify({"response": "Download from S3", "s3_path": export_status['s3_path']})
+    response.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
+  else:
+    response = make_response(send_from_directory(export_status['response'][2], export_status['response'][1], as_attachment=True))
+    response.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
+    response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = f"attachment; filename={export_status['response'][1]}"
+    os.remove(export_status['response'][0])
+  return response
 @app.route('/getTopContextsWithMQR', methods=['GET'])
 def getTopContextsWithMQR() -> Response: