function(match2, starttag, content, endtag) {
return starttag + content.replace(
@@ -16567,7 +16567,7 @@ const isVscode = () => {
const SampleScores = ({ sample, sampleDescriptor, scorer }) => {
- const scores = scorer ? sampleDescriptor.scorer(sample, scorer).scores() : sampleDescriptor.selectedScorer(sample).scores();
+ const scores = scorer ? sampleDescriptor.evalDescriptor.scorerDescriptor(sample, { scorer, name: scorer }).scores() : sampleDescriptor.selectedScorerDescriptor(sample).scores();
if (scores.length === 1) {
return scores[0].rendered();
} else {
@@ -16601,7 +16601,7 @@ const SampleScoreView = ({
}) => {
var _a2, _b2, _c;
if (!sampleDescriptor) {
- return "";
+ return m$1``;
const scoreInput = inputString(sample.input);
if (sample.choices && sample.choices.length > 0) {
@@ -16612,7 +16612,10 @@ const SampleScoreView = ({
- const scorerDescriptor = sampleDescriptor.scorer(sample, scorer);
+ const scorerDescriptor = sampleDescriptor.evalDescriptor.scorerDescriptor(
+ sample,
+ { scorer, name: scorer }
+ );
const explanation = scorerDescriptor.explanation() || "(No Explanation)";
const answer = scorerDescriptor.answer();
return m$1`
@@ -16724,37 +16727,40 @@ const SampleScoreView = ({
` : ""}
- ${((_a2 = sample == null ? void 0 : sample.score) == null ? void 0 : _a2.metadata) && Object.keys((_b2 = sample == null ? void 0 : sample.score) == null ? void 0 : _b2.metadata).length > 0 ? m$1`
- 0 ? m$1`
- Metadata
- <${MetaDataView}
- id="task-sample-score-metadata"
- classes="tab-pane"
- entries="${(_c = sample == null ? void 0 : sample.score) == null ? void 0 : _c.metadata}"
- style=${{ marginTop: "1em" }}
- />
` : ""}
+ >
+ Metadata
+ <${MetaDataView}
+ id="task-sample-score-metadata"
+ classes="tab-pane"
+ entries="${// @ts-ignore
+ (_c = sample == null ? void 0 : sample.score) == null ? void 0 : _c.metadata}"
+ style=${{ marginTop: "1em" }}
+ />
` : ""}
@@ -18269,11 +18275,11 @@ function diff(left2, right2) {
return defaultInstance$1.diff(left2, right2);
-const trimUnderscore = (str) => {
- if (str.substring(0, 1) === "_") {
- return str.slice(1);
+const trimUnderscore = (str2) => {
+ if (str2.substring(0, 1) === "_") {
+ return str2.slice(1);
- return str;
+ return str2;
const arrayKeyToSortNumber = (key2) => {
if (key2 === "_t") {
@@ -19898,6 +19904,7 @@ const kScoreTypeCategorical = "categorical";
const kScoreTypeNumeric = "numeric";
const kScoreTypeOther = "other";
const kScoreTypeObject = "object";
+const kScoreTypeBoolean = "boolean";
const kSampleAscVal = "sample-asc";
const kSampleDescVal = "sample-desc";
const kEpochAscVal = "epoch-asc";
@@ -20203,7 +20210,7 @@ const SampleSummary = ({ id, sample, style, sampleDescriptor }) => {
clamp: true
- const fullAnswer = sample && sampleDescriptor ? sampleDescriptor.selectedScorer(sample).answer() : void 0;
+ const fullAnswer = sample && sampleDescriptor ? sampleDescriptor.selectedScorerDescriptor(sample).answer() : void 0;
if (fullAnswer) {
label: "Answer",
@@ -20707,7 +20714,7 @@ const SampleRow = ({
${sample ? m$1`
- markdown=${sampleDescriptor == null ? void 0 : sampleDescriptor.selectedScorer(sample).answer()}
+ markdown=${sampleDescriptor == null ? void 0 : sampleDescriptor.selectedScorerDescriptor(sample).answer()}
style=${{ paddingLeft: "0" }}
@@ -20962,7 +20969,7 @@ const groupBySample = (samples, sampleDescriptor, order2) => {
- const groupCount = samples.length / sampleDescriptor.epochs;
+ const groupCount = samples.length / sampleDescriptor.evalDescriptor.epochs;
const itemCount = samples.length / groupCount;
const counter = getCounter(itemCount, groupCount, order2);
return (sample, index, previousSample) => {
@@ -20991,7 +20998,7 @@ const groupBySample = (samples, sampleDescriptor, order2) => {
const groupByEpoch = (samples, sampleDescriptor, order2) => {
- const groupCount = sampleDescriptor.epochs;
+ const groupCount = sampleDescriptor.evalDescriptor.epochs;
const itemCount = samples.length / groupCount;
const counter = getCounter(itemCount, groupCount, order2);
return (sample, index, previousSample) => {
@@ -23784,7 +23791,7 @@ const SortFilter = ({ sampleDescriptor, sort, setSort, epochs }) => {
val: kEpochDescVal
- if ((_a2 = sampleDescriptor == null ? void 0 : sampleDescriptor.scoreDescriptor) == null ? void 0 : _a2.compare) {
+ if ((_a2 = sampleDescriptor == null ? void 0 : sampleDescriptor.selectedScoreDescriptor) == null ? void 0 : _a2.compare) {
label: "score asc",
val: kScoreAscVal
@@ -23850,12 +23857,12 @@ const sortSamples = (sort, samples, samplesDescriptor) => {
case kEpochDescVal:
return b2.epoch - a2.epoch;
case kScoreAscVal:
- return samplesDescriptor.scoreDescriptor.compare(
+ return samplesDescriptor.selectedScoreDescriptor.compare(
case kScoreDescVal:
- return samplesDescriptor.scoreDescriptor.compare(
+ return samplesDescriptor.selectedScoreDescriptor.compare(
@@ -23866,89 +23873,95 @@ const sortSamples = (sort, samples, samplesDescriptor) => {
order: sort === kSampleAscVal || sort === kEpochAscVal || sort === kScoreAscVal ? "asc" : "desc"
-const SampleFilter = ({ descriptor, filter, filterChanged }) => {
- var _a2;
- const updateCategoryValue = (e2) => {
- const val = e2.currentTarget.value;
- if (val === "all") {
- filterChanged({});
- } else {
- filterChanged({
- value: val,
- type: kScoreTypeCategorical
- });
- }
- };
- switch ((_a2 = descriptor == null ? void 0 : descriptor.scoreDescriptor) == null ? void 0 : _a2.scoreType) {
- case kScoreTypePassFail: {
- const options = [{ text: "All", value: "all" }];
- options.push(
- ...descriptor.scoreDescriptor.categories.map((cat) => {
- return { text: cat.text, value: cat.val };
- })
- );
- return m$1`<${SelectFilter}
- value=${filter.value || "all"}
- options=${options}
- onChange=${updateCategoryValue}
- />`;
- }
- case kScoreTypeCategorical: {
- const options = [{ text: "All", value: "all" }];
- options.push(
- ...descriptor.scoreDescriptor.categories.map((cat) => {
- return { text: cat, value: cat };
- })
- );
- return m$1`<${SelectFilter}
- value=${filter.value || "all"}
- options=${options}
- onChange=${updateCategoryValue}
- />`;
- }
- case kScoreTypeNumeric: {
- return m$1`
+const SampleFilter = ({ filter, filterError, filterChanged }) => {
+ const inputRef = A(null);
+ const tooltip = filterError ? `${filterError}
+${filterTooltip}` : filterTooltip;
+ return m$1`
+ Filter:
- filterChanged({
- value: e2.currentTarget.value,
- type: kScoreTypeNumeric
- });
- }}
+ filterChanged({
+ value: e2.currentTarget.value
+ });
+ }}
+ ref=${inputRef}
- `;
- }
- case kScoreTypeObject: {
- if (!descriptor.scoreDescriptor.categories) {
- return "";
- }
- const options = [{ text: "All", value: "all" }];
- options.push(
- ...descriptor.scoreDescriptor.categories.map((cat) => {
- return { text: cat.text, value: cat.value };
- })
- );
- return m$1`<${SelectFilter}
- value=${filter.value || "all"}
- options=${options}
- onChange=${updateCategoryValue}
- />`;
- }
- default: {
- return void 0;
- }
- }
+ ${filter.value && m$1`
+ `}
+ `;
-const SelectFilter = ({ value, options, onChange }) => {
+const filterTooltip = `
+Filter samples by scores. Supported expressions:
+ • Arithmetic: +, -, *, /, mod, ^
+ • Comparison: <, <=, >, >=, ==, !=, including chain comparisons, e.g. “10 <= x < 20”
+ • Boolean: and, or, not
+ • Regex matching: ~= (case-sensitive)
+ • Set operations: in, not in; e.g. “x in (1, 2, 3)”
+ • Functions: min, max, abs, round, floor, ceil, sqrt, log, log2, log10
+Click on the score name above to add it to the filter.
+const SelectScorer = ({ scores, score, setScore }) => {
return m$1`
marginRight: "0.3em",
marginLeft: "0.2em"
- >Scores:
+ <${ScoreSelector}
+ scores=${scores}
+ selectedIndex=${scoreIndex(score, scores)}
+ selectedIndexChanged=${(index) => {
+ setScore(scores[index]);
+ }}
+ />
-const SelectScorer = ({ scores, score, setScore }) => {
- const scorers = scores.reduce((accum, scorer) => {
- if (!accum.find((sc) => {
- return scorer.scorer === sc.scorer;
- })) {
- accum.push(scorer);
- }
- return accum;
- }, []);
- if (scorers.length === 1) {
- return m$1`
- Score:
- <${ScoreSelector}
- scores=${scores}
- selectedIndex=${scoreIndex(score, scores)}
- selectedIndexChanged=${(index) => {
- setScore(scores[index]);
- }}
- />
- `;
- } else {
- const scorerScores = scores.filter((sc) => {
- return sc.scorer === score.scorer;
- });
- const selectors = [
- m$1`<${ScorerSelector}
- scorers=${scorers}
- selectedIndex=${scorerIndex(score, scorers)}
- selectedIndexChanged=${(index) => {
- setScore(scorers[index]);
- }}
- />`
- ];
- if (scorerScores.length > 1) {
- selectors.push(
- m$1`<${ScoreSelector}
- style=${{ marginLeft: "1em" }}
- scores=${scorerScores}
- selectedIndex=${scoreIndex(score, scorerScores)}
- selectedIndexChanged=${(index) => {
- setScore(scorerScores[index]);
- }}
- />`
- );
- }
- return m$1`
- Scorer:
- ${selectors}
- `;
- }
const ScoreSelector = ({
@@ -24064,36 +23998,21 @@ const ScoreSelector = ({
${scores.map((score) => {
- return m$1``;
- })}
- `;
-const ScorerSelector = ({ scorers, selectedIndex, selectedIndexChanged }) => {
- return m$1``;
const scoreIndex = (score, scores) => scores.findIndex((sc) => {
return sc.name === score.name && sc.scorer === score.scorer;
-const scorerIndex = (score, scores) => scores.findIndex((sc) => {
- return sc.scorer === score.scorer;
const SampleTools = (props) => {
const {
+ filterError,
@@ -24123,13 +24042,6 @@ const SampleTools = (props) => {
- tools.push(
- m$1`<${SampleFilter}
- filter=${filter}
- filterChanged=${filterChanged}
- descriptor=${sampleDescriptor}
- />`
- );
@@ -24138,6 +24050,13 @@ const SampleTools = (props) => {
+ tools.push(
+ m$1`<${SampleFilter}
+ filter=${filter}
+ filterError=${filterError}
+ filterChanged=${filterChanged}
+ />`
+ );
return tools;
const CopyButton = ({ value }) => {
@@ -24198,119 +24117,2749 @@ const LabeledValue = ({
-const SecondaryBar = ({
- evalSpec,
- evalPlan,
- evalResults,
- evalStats,
- samples,
- status,
- style
-}) => {
- if (!evalSpec || status !== "success") {
- return "";
- }
- const staticColStyle = {
- flexShrink: "0"
- };
- const epochs = evalSpec.config.epochs || 1;
- const hyperparameters = {
- ...evalPlan == null ? void 0 : evalPlan.config,
- ...evalSpec.task_args
- };
- const hasConfig = Object.keys(hyperparameters).length > 0;
- const values = [];
- values.push({
- size: "minmax(12%, auto)",
- value: m$1`<${LabeledValue} label="Dataset" style=${staticColStyle}>
- <${DatasetSummary}
- dataset=${evalSpec.dataset}
- samples=${samples}
- epochs=${epochs} />
- ${LabeledValue}>
- });
- const label = (evalResults == null ? void 0 : evalResults.scores.length) > 1 ? "Scorers" : "Scorer";
- values.push({
- size: "minmax(12%, auto)",
- value: m$1`<${LabeledValue} label="${label}" style=${staticColStyle} style=${{ justifySelf: hasConfig ? "left" : "center" }}>
- <${ScorerSummary}
- scorers=${evalResults == null ? void 0 : evalResults.scores} />
- ${LabeledValue}>`
- });
- if (hasConfig) {
- values.push({
- size: "minmax(12%, auto)",
- value: m$1`<${LabeledValue} label="Config" style=${{ justifySelf: "right" }}>
- <${ParamSummary} params=${hyperparameters}/>
- ${LabeledValue}>`
- });
- }
- const totalDuration = formatDuration(
- new Date(evalStats.started_at),
- new Date(evalStats.completed_at)
- );
- values.push({
- size: "minmax(12%, auto)",
- value: m$1`
- <${LabeledValue} label="Duration" style=${{ justifySelf: "right" }}>
- ${totalDuration}
- ${LabeledValue}>`
- });
- return m$1`
- <${ExpandablePanel} style=${{ margin: "0", ...style }} collapse=${true} lines=${4}>
- {
- return val.size;
- }).join(" ")}`
- }}
- >
- ${values.map((val) => {
- return val.value;
- })}
- ${ExpandablePanel}>
- `;
-const DatasetSummary = ({ dataset, samples, epochs, style }) => {
- if (!dataset) {
- return "";
- }
- return m$1`
- ${dataset.name}${(samples == null ? void 0 : samples.length) ? m$1`${formatDataset(dataset.name, samples.length, epochs)}` : ""}
- `;
-const ScorerSummary = ({ scorers }) => {
- if (!scorers) {
- return "";
- }
- const uniqScorers = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
- scorers.forEach((scorer) => {
- uniqScorers.add(scorer.name);
- });
- return Array.from(uniqScorers).join(", ");
-const ParamSummary = ({ params }) => {
- if (!params) {
- return "";
- }
- const paraValues = Object.keys(params).map((key2) => {
- const val = params[key2];
- if (Array.isArray(val) || typeof val === "object") {
- return `${key2}: ${JSON.stringify(val)}`;
- } else {
- return `${key2}: ${val}`;
- }
- });
- if (paraValues.length > 0) {
+var _parser = function() {
+ var parser2 = {
+ trace: function trace() {
+ },
+ yy: {},
+ symbols_: {
+ error: 2,
+ expressions: 3,
+ e: 4,
+ EndOfExpression: 5,
+ "-": 6,
+ "+": 7,
+ "*": 8,
+ "/": 9,
+ "^": 10,
+ mod: 11,
+ and: 12,
+ or: 13,
+ not: 14,
+ if: 15,
+ then: 16,
+ else: 17,
+ in: 18,
+ notIn: 19,
+ "(": 20,
+ ")": 21,
+ Arguments: 22,
+ ",": 23,
+ Number: 24,
+ Symbol: 25,
+ String: 26,
+ of: 27,
+ Relation: 28,
+ "%": 29,
+ "?": 30,
+ ":": 31,
+ RelationalOperator: 32,
+ "==": 33,
+ "!=": 34,
+ "~=": 35,
+ "<": 36,
+ "<=": 37,
+ ">=": 38,
+ ">": 39,
+ $accept: 0,
+ $end: 1
+ },
+ terminals_: {
+ 2: "error",
+ 5: "EndOfExpression",
+ 6: "-",
+ 7: "+",
+ 8: "*",
+ 9: "/",
+ 10: "^",
+ 11: "mod",
+ 12: "and",
+ 13: "or",
+ 14: "not",
+ 15: "if",
+ 16: "then",
+ 17: "else",
+ 18: "in",
+ 19: "notIn",
+ 20: "(",
+ 21: ")",
+ 23: ",",
+ 24: "Number",
+ 25: "Symbol",
+ 26: "String",
+ 27: "of",
+ 29: "%",
+ 30: "?",
+ 31: ":",
+ 33: "==",
+ 34: "!=",
+ 35: "~=",
+ 36: "<",
+ 37: "<=",
+ 38: ">=",
+ 39: ">"
+ },
+ productions_: [
+ 0,
+ [3, 2],
+ [4, 2],
+ [4, 3],
+ [4, 3],
+ [4, 3],
+ [4, 3],
+ [4, 3],
+ [4, 3],
+ [4, 3],
+ [4, 3],
+ [4, 2],
+ [4, 6],
+ [4, 3],
+ [4, 3],
+ [4, 3],
+ [4, 5],
+ [4, 1],
+ [4, 1],
+ [4, 1],
+ [4, 3],
+ [4, 3],
+ [4, 4],
+ [4, 1],
+ [4, 3],
+ [4, 5],
+ [32, 1],
+ [32, 1],
+ [32, 1],
+ [32, 1],
+ [32, 1],
+ [32, 1],
+ [32, 1],
+ [28, 3],
+ [28, 3],
+ [22, 1],
+ [22, 3]
+ ],
+ performAction: function anonymous(yytext, yyleng, yylineno, yy, yystate, $$, _$) {
+ var $0 = $$.length - 1;
+ switch (yystate) {
+ case 1:
+ return $$[$0 - 1];
+ case 2:
+ this.$ = ["(", "ops['-'](", $$[$0], ")", ")"];
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ this.$ = [
+ "(",
+ "ops['",
+ $$[$0 - 1],
+ "'](",
+ $$[$0 - 2],
+ ", ",
+ $$[$0],
+ ")",
+ ")"
+ ];
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ this.$ = [
+ "(",
+ "ops['",
+ $$[$0 - 1],
+ "'](",
+ $$[$0 - 2],
+ ", ",
+ $$[$0],
+ ")",
+ ")"
+ ];
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ this.$ = [
+ "(",
+ "ops['",
+ $$[$0 - 1],
+ "'](",
+ $$[$0 - 2],
+ ", ",
+ $$[$0],
+ ")",
+ ")"
+ ];
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ this.$ = [
+ "(",
+ "ops['",
+ $$[$0 - 1],
+ "'](",
+ $$[$0 - 2],
+ ", ",
+ $$[$0],
+ ")",
+ ")"
+ ];
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ this.$ = [
+ "(",
+ "ops['",
+ $$[$0 - 1],
+ "'](",
+ $$[$0 - 2],
+ ", ",
+ $$[$0],
+ ")",
+ ")"
+ ];
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ this.$ = ["(", "ops.mod(", $$[$0 - 2], ", ", $$[$0], ")", ")"];
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ this.$ = [
+ "(",
+ "",
+ "std.coerceBoolean",
+ "(",
+ $$[$0 - 2],
+ ") && ",
+ "std.coerceBoolean",
+ "(",
+ $$[$0],
+ ")",
+ ")"
+ ];
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ this.$ = [
+ "(",
+ "",
+ "std.coerceBoolean",
+ "(",
+ $$[$0 - 2],
+ ") || ",
+ "std.coerceBoolean",
+ "(",
+ $$[$0],
+ ")",
+ ")"
+ ];
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ this.$ = ["(", "! ", "std.coerceBoolean", "(", $$[$0], ")", ")"];
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ this.$ = [
+ "(",
+ "",
+ "std.coerceBoolean",
+ "(",
+ $$[$0 - 4],
+ ") ? ",
+ $$[$0 - 2],
+ " : ",
+ $$[$0],
+ "",
+ ")"
+ ];
+ break;
+ case 13:
+ this.$ = ["(", "std.isSubset(", $$[$0 - 2], ", ", $$[$0], ")", ")"];
+ break;
+ case 14:
+ this.$ = ["(", "!std.isSubset(", $$[$0 - 2], ", ", $$[$0], ")", ")"];
+ break;
+ case 15:
+ this.$ = ["(", "", $$[$0 - 1], "", ")"];
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ this.$ = ["(", "[ ", $$[$0 - 3], ", ", $$[$0 - 1], " ]", ")"];
+ break;
+ case 17:
+ this.$ = ["", $$[$0], ""];
+ break;
+ case 18:
+ this.$ = ["prop(", $$[$0], ", data)"];
+ break;
+ case 19:
+ this.$ = ["", $$[$0], ""];
+ break;
+ case 20:
+ this.$ = ["prop(", $$[$0 - 2], ", ", $$[$0], ")"];
+ break;
+ case 21:
+ this.$ = ["call(", $$[$0 - 2], ")"];
+ break;
+ case 22:
+ this.$ = ["call(", $$[$0 - 3], ", ", $$[$0 - 1], ")"];
+ break;
+ case 23:
+ this.$ = yy.reduceRelation($$[$0]);
+ break;
+ case 24:
+ this.$ = [
+ "std.warnDeprecated('modulo', ops['mod'](",
+ $$[$0 - 2],
+ ", ",
+ $$[$0],
+ "))"
+ ];
+ break;
+ case 25:
+ this.$ = [
+ "std.warnDeprecated('ternary', ",
+ "std.coerceBoolean",
+ "(",
+ $$[$0 - 4],
+ ") ? ",
+ $$[$0 - 2],
+ " : ",
+ $$[$0],
+ ")"
+ ];
+ break;
+ case 26:
+ this.$ = ["=="];
+ break;
+ case 27:
+ this.$ = ["!="];
+ break;
+ case 28:
+ this.$ = ["~="];
+ break;
+ case 29:
+ this.$ = ["<"];
+ break;
+ case 30:
+ this.$ = ["<="];
+ break;
+ case 31:
+ this.$ = [">="];
+ break;
+ case 32:
+ this.$ = [">"];
+ break;
+ case 33:
+ this.$ = [$$[$0 - 2], $$[$0 - 1], ...$$[$0]];
+ break;
+ case 34:
+ this.$ = [$$[$0 - 2], $$[$0 - 1], $$[$0]];
+ break;
+ case 35:
+ this.$ = ["", $$[$0], ""];
+ break;
+ case 36:
+ this.$ = ["", $$[$0 - 2], ", ", $$[$0], ""];
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ table: [
+ {
+ 3: 1,
+ 4: 2,
+ 6: [1, 3],
+ 14: [1, 4],
+ 15: [1, 5],
+ 20: [1, 6],
+ 24: [1, 7],
+ 25: [1, 8],
+ 26: [1, 9],
+ 28: 10
+ },
+ {
+ 1: [3]
+ },
+ {
+ 5: [1, 11],
+ 6: [1, 13],
+ 7: [1, 12],
+ 8: [1, 14],
+ 9: [1, 15],
+ 10: [1, 16],
+ 11: [1, 17],
+ 12: [1, 18],
+ 13: [1, 19],
+ 18: [1, 20],
+ 19: [1, 21],
+ 29: [1, 22],
+ 30: [1, 23],
+ 32: 24,
+ 33: [1, 25],
+ 34: [1, 26],
+ 35: [1, 27],
+ 36: [1, 28],
+ 37: [1, 29],
+ 38: [1, 30],
+ 39: [1, 31]
+ },
+ {
+ 4: 32,
+ 6: [1, 3],
+ 14: [1, 4],
+ 15: [1, 5],
+ 20: [1, 6],
+ 24: [1, 7],
+ 25: [1, 8],
+ 26: [1, 9],
+ 28: 10
+ },
+ {
+ 4: 33,
+ 6: [1, 3],
+ 14: [1, 4],
+ 15: [1, 5],
+ 20: [1, 6],
+ 24: [1, 7],
+ 25: [1, 8],
+ 26: [1, 9],
+ 28: 10
+ },
+ {
+ 4: 34,
+ 6: [1, 3],
+ 14: [1, 4],
+ 15: [1, 5],
+ 20: [1, 6],
+ 24: [1, 7],
+ 25: [1, 8],
+ 26: [1, 9],
+ 28: 10
+ },
+ {
+ 4: 35,
+ 6: [1, 3],
+ 14: [1, 4],
+ 15: [1, 5],
+ 20: [1, 6],
+ 22: 36,
+ 24: [1, 7],
+ 25: [1, 8],
+ 26: [1, 9],
+ 28: 10
+ },
+ {
+ 5: [2, 17],
+ 6: [2, 17],
+ 7: [2, 17],
+ 8: [2, 17],
+ 9: [2, 17],
+ 10: [2, 17],
+ 11: [2, 17],
+ 12: [2, 17],
+ 13: [2, 17],
+ 16: [2, 17],
+ 17: [2, 17],
+ 18: [2, 17],
+ 19: [2, 17],
+ 21: [2, 17],
+ 23: [2, 17],
+ 29: [2, 17],
+ 30: [2, 17],
+ 31: [2, 17],
+ 33: [2, 17],
+ 34: [2, 17],
+ 35: [2, 17],
+ 36: [2, 17],
+ 37: [2, 17],
+ 38: [2, 17],
+ 39: [2, 17]
+ },
+ {
+ 5: [2, 18],
+ 6: [2, 18],
+ 7: [2, 18],
+ 8: [2, 18],
+ 9: [2, 18],
+ 10: [2, 18],
+ 11: [2, 18],
+ 12: [2, 18],
+ 13: [2, 18],
+ 16: [2, 18],
+ 17: [2, 18],
+ 18: [2, 18],
+ 19: [2, 18],
+ 20: [1, 38],
+ 21: [2, 18],
+ 23: [2, 18],
+ 27: [1, 37],
+ 29: [2, 18],
+ 30: [2, 18],
+ 31: [2, 18],
+ 33: [2, 18],
+ 34: [2, 18],
+ 35: [2, 18],
+ 36: [2, 18],
+ 37: [2, 18],
+ 38: [2, 18],
+ 39: [2, 18]
+ },
+ {
+ 5: [2, 19],
+ 6: [2, 19],
+ 7: [2, 19],
+ 8: [2, 19],
+ 9: [2, 19],
+ 10: [2, 19],
+ 11: [2, 19],
+ 12: [2, 19],
+ 13: [2, 19],
+ 16: [2, 19],
+ 17: [2, 19],
+ 18: [2, 19],
+ 19: [2, 19],
+ 21: [2, 19],
+ 23: [2, 19],
+ 29: [2, 19],
+ 30: [2, 19],
+ 31: [2, 19],
+ 33: [2, 19],
+ 34: [2, 19],
+ 35: [2, 19],
+ 36: [2, 19],
+ 37: [2, 19],
+ 38: [2, 19],
+ 39: [2, 19]
+ },
+ {
+ 5: [2, 23],
+ 6: [2, 23],
+ 7: [2, 23],
+ 8: [2, 23],
+ 9: [2, 23],
+ 10: [2, 23],
+ 11: [2, 23],
+ 12: [2, 23],
+ 13: [2, 23],
+ 16: [2, 23],
+ 17: [2, 23],
+ 18: [2, 23],
+ 19: [2, 23],
+ 21: [2, 23],
+ 23: [2, 23],
+ 29: [2, 23],
+ 30: [2, 23],
+ 31: [2, 23],
+ 33: [2, 23],
+ 34: [2, 23],
+ 35: [2, 23],
+ 36: [2, 23],
+ 37: [2, 23],
+ 38: [2, 23],
+ 39: [2, 23]
+ },
+ {
+ 1: [2, 1]
+ },
+ {
+ 4: 39,
+ 6: [1, 3],
+ 14: [1, 4],
+ 15: [1, 5],
+ 20: [1, 6],
+ 24: [1, 7],
+ 25: [1, 8],
+ 26: [1, 9],
+ 28: 10
+ },
+ {
+ 4: 40,
+ 6: [1, 3],
+ 14: [1, 4],
+ 15: [1, 5],
+ 20: [1, 6],
+ 24: [1, 7],
+ 25: [1, 8],
+ 26: [1, 9],
+ 28: 10
+ },
+ {
+ 4: 41,
+ 6: [1, 3],
+ 14: [1, 4],
+ 15: [1, 5],
+ 20: [1, 6],
+ 24: [1, 7],
+ 25: [1, 8],
+ 26: [1, 9],
+ 28: 10
+ },
+ {
+ 4: 42,
+ 6: [1, 3],
+ 14: [1, 4],
+ 15: [1, 5],
+ 20: [1, 6],
+ 24: [1, 7],
+ 25: [1, 8],
+ 26: [1, 9],
+ 28: 10
+ },
+ {
+ 4: 43,
+ 6: [1, 3],
+ 14: [1, 4],
+ 15: [1, 5],
+ 20: [1, 6],
+ 24: [1, 7],
+ 25: [1, 8],
+ 26: [1, 9],
+ 28: 10
+ },
+ {
+ 4: 44,
+ 6: [1, 3],
+ 14: [1, 4],
+ 15: [1, 5],
+ 20: [1, 6],
+ 24: [1, 7],
+ 25: [1, 8],
+ 26: [1, 9],
+ 28: 10
+ },
+ {
+ 4: 45,
+ 6: [1, 3],
+ 14: [1, 4],
+ 15: [1, 5],
+ 20: [1, 6],
+ 24: [1, 7],
+ 25: [1, 8],
+ 26: [1, 9],
+ 28: 10
+ },
+ {
+ 4: 46,
+ 6: [1, 3],
+ 14: [1, 4],
+ 15: [1, 5],
+ 20: [1, 6],
+ 24: [1, 7],
+ 25: [1, 8],
+ 26: [1, 9],
+ 28: 10
+ },
+ {
+ 4: 47,
+ 6: [1, 3],
+ 14: [1, 4],
+ 15: [1, 5],
+ 20: [1, 6],
+ 24: [1, 7],
+ 25: [1, 8],
+ 26: [1, 9],
+ 28: 10
+ },
+ {
+ 4: 48,
+ 6: [1, 3],
+ 14: [1, 4],
+ 15: [1, 5],
+ 20: [1, 6],
+ 24: [1, 7],
+ 25: [1, 8],
+ 26: [1, 9],
+ 28: 10
+ },
+ {
+ 4: 49,
+ 6: [1, 3],
+ 14: [1, 4],
+ 15: [1, 5],
+ 20: [1, 6],
+ 24: [1, 7],
+ 25: [1, 8],
+ 26: [1, 9],
+ 28: 10
+ },
+ {
+ 4: 50,
+ 6: [1, 3],
+ 14: [1, 4],
+ 15: [1, 5],
+ 20: [1, 6],
+ 24: [1, 7],
+ 25: [1, 8],
+ 26: [1, 9],
+ 28: 10
+ },
+ {
+ 4: 52,
+ 6: [1, 3],
+ 14: [1, 4],
+ 15: [1, 5],
+ 20: [1, 6],
+ 24: [1, 7],
+ 25: [1, 8],
+ 26: [1, 9],
+ 28: 51
+ },
+ {
+ 6: [2, 26],
+ 14: [2, 26],
+ 15: [2, 26],
+ 20: [2, 26],
+ 24: [2, 26],
+ 25: [2, 26],
+ 26: [2, 26]
+ },
+ {
+ 6: [2, 27],
+ 14: [2, 27],
+ 15: [2, 27],
+ 20: [2, 27],
+ 24: [2, 27],
+ 25: [2, 27],
+ 26: [2, 27]
+ },
+ {
+ 6: [2, 28],
+ 14: [2, 28],
+ 15: [2, 28],
+ 20: [2, 28],
+ 24: [2, 28],
+ 25: [2, 28],
+ 26: [2, 28]
+ },
+ {
+ 6: [2, 29],
+ 14: [2, 29],
+ 15: [2, 29],
+ 20: [2, 29],
+ 24: [2, 29],
+ 25: [2, 29],
+ 26: [2, 29]
+ },
+ {
+ 6: [2, 30],
+ 14: [2, 30],
+ 15: [2, 30],
+ 20: [2, 30],
+ 24: [2, 30],
+ 25: [2, 30],
+ 26: [2, 30]
+ },
+ {
+ 6: [2, 31],
+ 14: [2, 31],
+ 15: [2, 31],
+ 20: [2, 31],
+ 24: [2, 31],
+ 25: [2, 31],
+ 26: [2, 31]
+ },
+ {
+ 6: [2, 32],
+ 14: [2, 32],
+ 15: [2, 32],
+ 20: [2, 32],
+ 24: [2, 32],
+ 25: [2, 32],
+ 26: [2, 32]
+ },
+ {
+ 5: [2, 2],
+ 6: [2, 2],
+ 7: [2, 2],
+ 8: [2, 2],
+ 9: [2, 2],
+ 10: [1, 16],
+ 11: [2, 2],
+ 12: [2, 2],
+ 13: [2, 2],
+ 16: [2, 2],
+ 17: [2, 2],
+ 18: [2, 2],
+ 19: [2, 2],
+ 21: [2, 2],
+ 23: [2, 2],
+ 29: [2, 2],
+ 30: [2, 2],
+ 31: [2, 2],
+ 32: 24,
+ 33: [2, 2],
+ 34: [2, 2],
+ 35: [2, 2],
+ 36: [2, 2],
+ 37: [2, 2],
+ 38: [2, 2],
+ 39: [2, 2]
+ },
+ {
+ 5: [2, 11],
+ 6: [2, 11],
+ 7: [2, 11],
+ 8: [2, 11],
+ 9: [2, 11],
+ 10: [1, 16],
+ 11: [2, 11],
+ 12: [2, 11],
+ 13: [2, 11],
+ 16: [2, 11],
+ 17: [2, 11],
+ 18: [2, 11],
+ 19: [2, 11],
+ 21: [2, 11],
+ 23: [2, 11],
+ 29: [2, 11],
+ 30: [2, 11],
+ 31: [2, 11],
+ 32: 24,
+ 33: [2, 11],
+ 34: [2, 11],
+ 35: [2, 11],
+ 36: [2, 11],
+ 37: [2, 11],
+ 38: [2, 11],
+ 39: [2, 11]
+ },
+ {
+ 6: [1, 13],
+ 7: [1, 12],
+ 8: [1, 14],
+ 9: [1, 15],
+ 10: [1, 16],
+ 11: [1, 17],
+ 12: [1, 18],
+ 13: [1, 19],
+ 16: [1, 53],
+ 18: [1, 20],
+ 19: [1, 21],
+ 29: [1, 22],
+ 30: [1, 23],
+ 32: 24,
+ 33: [1, 25],
+ 34: [1, 26],
+ 35: [1, 27],
+ 36: [1, 28],
+ 37: [1, 29],
+ 38: [1, 30],
+ 39: [1, 31]
+ },
+ {
+ 6: [1, 13],
+ 7: [1, 12],
+ 8: [1, 14],
+ 9: [1, 15],
+ 10: [1, 16],
+ 11: [1, 17],
+ 12: [1, 18],
+ 13: [1, 19],
+ 18: [1, 20],
+ 19: [1, 21],
+ 21: [1, 54],
+ 23: [2, 35],
+ 29: [1, 22],
+ 30: [1, 23],
+ 32: 24,
+ 33: [1, 25],
+ 34: [1, 26],
+ 35: [1, 27],
+ 36: [1, 28],
+ 37: [1, 29],
+ 38: [1, 30],
+ 39: [1, 31]
+ },
+ {
+ 23: [1, 55]
+ },
+ {
+ 4: 56,
+ 6: [1, 3],
+ 14: [1, 4],
+ 15: [1, 5],
+ 20: [1, 6],
+ 24: [1, 7],
+ 25: [1, 8],
+ 26: [1, 9],
+ 28: 10
+ },
+ {
+ 4: 59,
+ 6: [1, 3],
+ 14: [1, 4],
+ 15: [1, 5],
+ 20: [1, 6],
+ 21: [1, 57],
+ 22: 58,
+ 24: [1, 7],
+ 25: [1, 8],
+ 26: [1, 9],
+ 28: 10
+ },
+ {
+ 5: [2, 3],
+ 6: [2, 3],
+ 7: [2, 3],
+ 8: [1, 14],
+ 9: [1, 15],
+ 10: [1, 16],
+ 11: [1, 17],
+ 12: [2, 3],
+ 13: [2, 3],
+ 16: [2, 3],
+ 17: [2, 3],
+ 18: [2, 3],
+ 19: [2, 3],
+ 21: [2, 3],
+ 23: [2, 3],
+ 29: [1, 22],
+ 30: [2, 3],
+ 31: [2, 3],
+ 32: 24,
+ 33: [2, 3],
+ 34: [2, 3],
+ 35: [2, 3],
+ 36: [2, 3],
+ 37: [2, 3],
+ 38: [2, 3],
+ 39: [2, 3]
+ },
+ {
+ 5: [2, 4],
+ 6: [2, 4],
+ 7: [2, 4],
+ 8: [1, 14],
+ 9: [1, 15],
+ 10: [1, 16],
+ 11: [1, 17],
+ 12: [2, 4],
+ 13: [2, 4],
+ 16: [2, 4],
+ 17: [2, 4],
+ 18: [2, 4],
+ 19: [2, 4],
+ 21: [2, 4],
+ 23: [2, 4],
+ 29: [1, 22],
+ 30: [2, 4],
+ 31: [2, 4],
+ 32: 24,
+ 33: [2, 4],
+ 34: [2, 4],
+ 35: [2, 4],
+ 36: [2, 4],
+ 37: [2, 4],
+ 38: [2, 4],
+ 39: [2, 4]
+ },
+ {
+ 5: [2, 5],
+ 6: [2, 5],
+ 7: [2, 5],
+ 8: [2, 5],
+ 9: [2, 5],
+ 10: [1, 16],
+ 11: [2, 5],
+ 12: [2, 5],
+ 13: [2, 5],
+ 16: [2, 5],
+ 17: [2, 5],
+ 18: [2, 5],
+ 19: [2, 5],
+ 21: [2, 5],
+ 23: [2, 5],
+ 29: [2, 5],
+ 30: [2, 5],
+ 31: [2, 5],
+ 32: 24,
+ 33: [2, 5],
+ 34: [2, 5],
+ 35: [2, 5],
+ 36: [2, 5],
+ 37: [2, 5],
+ 38: [2, 5],
+ 39: [2, 5]
+ },
+ {
+ 5: [2, 6],
+ 6: [2, 6],
+ 7: [2, 6],
+ 8: [2, 6],
+ 9: [2, 6],
+ 10: [1, 16],
+ 11: [2, 6],
+ 12: [2, 6],
+ 13: [2, 6],
+ 16: [2, 6],
+ 17: [2, 6],
+ 18: [2, 6],
+ 19: [2, 6],
+ 21: [2, 6],
+ 23: [2, 6],
+ 29: [2, 6],
+ 30: [2, 6],
+ 31: [2, 6],
+ 32: 24,
+ 33: [2, 6],
+ 34: [2, 6],
+ 35: [2, 6],
+ 36: [2, 6],
+ 37: [2, 6],
+ 38: [2, 6],
+ 39: [2, 6]
+ },
+ {
+ 5: [2, 7],
+ 6: [2, 7],
+ 7: [2, 7],
+ 8: [2, 7],
+ 9: [2, 7],
+ 10: [1, 16],
+ 11: [2, 7],
+ 12: [2, 7],
+ 13: [2, 7],
+ 16: [2, 7],
+ 17: [2, 7],
+ 18: [2, 7],
+ 19: [2, 7],
+ 21: [2, 7],
+ 23: [2, 7],
+ 29: [2, 7],
+ 30: [2, 7],
+ 31: [2, 7],
+ 32: 24,
+ 33: [2, 7],
+ 34: [2, 7],
+ 35: [2, 7],
+ 36: [2, 7],
+ 37: [2, 7],
+ 38: [2, 7],
+ 39: [2, 7]
+ },
+ {
+ 5: [2, 8],
+ 6: [2, 8],
+ 7: [2, 8],
+ 8: [2, 8],
+ 9: [2, 8],
+ 10: [1, 16],
+ 11: [2, 8],
+ 12: [2, 8],
+ 13: [2, 8],
+ 16: [2, 8],
+ 17: [2, 8],
+ 18: [2, 8],
+ 19: [2, 8],
+ 21: [2, 8],
+ 23: [2, 8],
+ 29: [2, 8],
+ 30: [2, 8],
+ 31: [2, 8],
+ 32: 24,
+ 33: [2, 8],
+ 34: [2, 8],
+ 35: [2, 8],
+ 36: [2, 8],
+ 37: [2, 8],
+ 38: [2, 8],
+ 39: [2, 8]
+ },
+ {
+ 5: [2, 9],
+ 6: [1, 13],
+ 7: [1, 12],
+ 8: [1, 14],
+ 9: [1, 15],
+ 10: [1, 16],
+ 11: [1, 17],
+ 12: [2, 9],
+ 13: [2, 9],
+ 16: [2, 9],
+ 17: [2, 9],
+ 18: [1, 20],
+ 19: [1, 21],
+ 21: [2, 9],
+ 23: [2, 9],
+ 29: [1, 22],
+ 30: [2, 9],
+ 31: [2, 9],
+ 32: 24,
+ 33: [1, 25],
+ 34: [1, 26],
+ 35: [1, 27],
+ 36: [1, 28],
+ 37: [1, 29],
+ 38: [1, 30],
+ 39: [1, 31]
+ },
+ {
+ 5: [2, 10],
+ 6: [1, 13],
+ 7: [1, 12],
+ 8: [1, 14],
+ 9: [1, 15],
+ 10: [1, 16],
+ 11: [1, 17],
+ 12: [1, 18],
+ 13: [2, 10],
+ 16: [2, 10],
+ 17: [2, 10],
+ 18: [1, 20],
+ 19: [1, 21],
+ 21: [2, 10],
+ 23: [2, 10],
+ 29: [1, 22],
+ 30: [2, 10],
+ 31: [2, 10],
+ 32: 24,
+ 33: [1, 25],
+ 34: [1, 26],
+ 35: [1, 27],
+ 36: [1, 28],
+ 37: [1, 29],
+ 38: [1, 30],
+ 39: [1, 31]
+ },
+ {
+ 5: [2, 13],
+ 6: [1, 13],
+ 7: [1, 12],
+ 8: [1, 14],
+ 9: [1, 15],
+ 10: [1, 16],
+ 11: [1, 17],
+ 12: [2, 13],
+ 13: [2, 13],
+ 16: [2, 13],
+ 17: [2, 13],
+ 18: [2, 13],
+ 19: [2, 13],
+ 21: [2, 13],
+ 23: [2, 13],
+ 29: [1, 22],
+ 30: [2, 13],
+ 31: [2, 13],
+ 32: 24,
+ 33: [1, 25],
+ 34: [1, 26],
+ 35: [1, 27],
+ 36: [1, 28],
+ 37: [1, 29],
+ 38: [1, 30],
+ 39: [1, 31]
+ },
+ {
+ 5: [2, 14],
+ 6: [1, 13],
+ 7: [1, 12],
+ 8: [1, 14],
+ 9: [1, 15],
+ 10: [1, 16],
+ 11: [1, 17],
+ 12: [2, 14],
+ 13: [2, 14],
+ 16: [2, 14],
+ 17: [2, 14],
+ 18: [2, 14],
+ 19: [2, 14],
+ 21: [2, 14],
+ 23: [2, 14],
+ 29: [1, 22],
+ 30: [2, 14],
+ 31: [2, 14],
+ 32: 24,
+ 33: [1, 25],
+ 34: [1, 26],
+ 35: [1, 27],
+ 36: [1, 28],
+ 37: [1, 29],
+ 38: [1, 30],
+ 39: [1, 31]
+ },
+ {
+ 5: [2, 24],
+ 6: [2, 24],
+ 7: [2, 24],
+ 8: [2, 24],
+ 9: [2, 24],
+ 10: [1, 16],
+ 11: [2, 24],
+ 12: [2, 24],
+ 13: [2, 24],
+ 16: [2, 24],
+ 17: [2, 24],
+ 18: [2, 24],
+ 19: [2, 24],
+ 21: [2, 24],
+ 23: [2, 24],
+ 29: [2, 24],
+ 30: [2, 24],
+ 31: [2, 24],
+ 32: 24,
+ 33: [2, 24],
+ 34: [2, 24],
+ 35: [2, 24],
+ 36: [2, 24],
+ 37: [2, 24],
+ 38: [2, 24],
+ 39: [2, 24]
+ },
+ {
+ 6: [1, 13],
+ 7: [1, 12],
+ 8: [1, 14],
+ 9: [1, 15],
+ 10: [1, 16],
+ 11: [1, 17],
+ 12: [1, 18],
+ 13: [1, 19],
+ 18: [1, 20],
+ 19: [1, 21],
+ 29: [1, 22],
+ 30: [1, 23],
+ 31: [1, 60],
+ 32: 24,
+ 33: [1, 25],
+ 34: [1, 26],
+ 35: [1, 27],
+ 36: [1, 28],
+ 37: [1, 29],
+ 38: [1, 30],
+ 39: [1, 31]
+ },
+ {
+ 5: [2, 33],
+ 6: [2, 33],
+ 7: [2, 33],
+ 8: [2, 33],
+ 9: [2, 33],
+ 10: [2, 33],
+ 11: [2, 33],
+ 12: [2, 33],
+ 13: [2, 33],
+ 16: [2, 33],
+ 17: [2, 33],
+ 18: [2, 33],
+ 19: [2, 33],
+ 21: [2, 33],
+ 23: [2, 33],
+ 29: [2, 33],
+ 30: [2, 33],
+ 31: [2, 33],
+ 33: [2, 33],
+ 34: [2, 33],
+ 35: [2, 33],
+ 36: [2, 33],
+ 37: [2, 33],
+ 38: [2, 33],
+ 39: [2, 33]
+ },
+ {
+ 5: [2, 34],
+ 6: [1, 13],
+ 7: [1, 12],
+ 8: [1, 14],
+ 9: [1, 15],
+ 10: [1, 16],
+ 11: [1, 17],
+ 12: [2, 34],
+ 13: [2, 34],
+ 16: [2, 34],
+ 17: [2, 34],
+ 18: [2, 34],
+ 19: [2, 34],
+ 21: [2, 34],
+ 23: [2, 34],
+ 29: [1, 22],
+ 30: [2, 34],
+ 31: [2, 34],
+ 32: 24,
+ 33: [1, 25],
+ 34: [1, 26],
+ 35: [1, 27],
+ 36: [1, 28],
+ 37: [1, 29],
+ 38: [1, 30],
+ 39: [1, 31]
+ },
+ {
+ 4: 61,
+ 6: [1, 3],
+ 14: [1, 4],
+ 15: [1, 5],
+ 20: [1, 6],
+ 24: [1, 7],
+ 25: [1, 8],
+ 26: [1, 9],
+ 28: 10
+ },
+ {
+ 5: [2, 15],
+ 6: [2, 15],
+ 7: [2, 15],
+ 8: [2, 15],
+ 9: [2, 15],
+ 10: [2, 15],
+ 11: [2, 15],
+ 12: [2, 15],
+ 13: [2, 15],
+ 16: [2, 15],
+ 17: [2, 15],
+ 18: [2, 15],
+ 19: [2, 15],
+ 21: [2, 15],
+ 23: [2, 15],
+ 29: [2, 15],
+ 30: [2, 15],
+ 31: [2, 15],
+ 33: [2, 15],
+ 34: [2, 15],
+ 35: [2, 15],
+ 36: [2, 15],
+ 37: [2, 15],
+ 38: [2, 15],
+ 39: [2, 15]
+ },
+ {
+ 4: 62,
+ 6: [1, 3],
+ 14: [1, 4],
+ 15: [1, 5],
+ 20: [1, 6],
+ 24: [1, 7],
+ 25: [1, 8],
+ 26: [1, 9],
+ 28: 10
+ },
+ {
+ 5: [2, 20],
+ 6: [2, 20],
+ 7: [2, 20],
+ 8: [2, 20],
+ 9: [2, 20],
+ 10: [2, 20],
+ 11: [2, 20],
+ 12: [2, 20],
+ 13: [2, 20],
+ 16: [2, 20],
+ 17: [2, 20],
+ 18: [2, 20],
+ 19: [2, 20],
+ 21: [2, 20],
+ 23: [2, 20],
+ 29: [2, 20],
+ 30: [2, 20],
+ 31: [2, 20],
+ 32: 24,
+ 33: [2, 20],
+ 34: [2, 20],
+ 35: [2, 20],
+ 36: [2, 20],
+ 37: [2, 20],
+ 38: [2, 20],
+ 39: [2, 20]
+ },
+ {
+ 5: [2, 21],
+ 6: [2, 21],
+ 7: [2, 21],
+ 8: [2, 21],
+ 9: [2, 21],
+ 10: [2, 21],
+ 11: [2, 21],
+ 12: [2, 21],
+ 13: [2, 21],
+ 16: [2, 21],
+ 17: [2, 21],
+ 18: [2, 21],
+ 19: [2, 21],
+ 21: [2, 21],
+ 23: [2, 21],
+ 29: [2, 21],
+ 30: [2, 21],
+ 31: [2, 21],
+ 33: [2, 21],
+ 34: [2, 21],
+ 35: [2, 21],
+ 36: [2, 21],
+ 37: [2, 21],
+ 38: [2, 21],
+ 39: [2, 21]
+ },
+ {
+ 21: [1, 63],
+ 23: [1, 64]
+ },
+ {
+ 6: [1, 13],
+ 7: [1, 12],
+ 8: [1, 14],
+ 9: [1, 15],
+ 10: [1, 16],
+ 11: [1, 17],
+ 12: [1, 18],
+ 13: [1, 19],
+ 18: [1, 20],
+ 19: [1, 21],
+ 21: [2, 35],
+ 23: [2, 35],
+ 29: [1, 22],
+ 30: [1, 23],
+ 32: 24,
+ 33: [1, 25],
+ 34: [1, 26],
+ 35: [1, 27],
+ 36: [1, 28],
+ 37: [1, 29],
+ 38: [1, 30],
+ 39: [1, 31]
+ },
+ {
+ 4: 65,
+ 6: [1, 3],
+ 14: [1, 4],
+ 15: [1, 5],
+ 20: [1, 6],
+ 24: [1, 7],
+ 25: [1, 8],
+ 26: [1, 9],
+ 28: 10
+ },
+ {
+ 6: [1, 13],
+ 7: [1, 12],
+ 8: [1, 14],
+ 9: [1, 15],
+ 10: [1, 16],
+ 11: [1, 17],
+ 12: [1, 18],
+ 13: [1, 19],
+ 17: [1, 66],
+ 18: [1, 20],
+ 19: [1, 21],
+ 29: [1, 22],
+ 30: [1, 23],
+ 32: 24,
+ 33: [1, 25],
+ 34: [1, 26],
+ 35: [1, 27],
+ 36: [1, 28],
+ 37: [1, 29],
+ 38: [1, 30],
+ 39: [1, 31]
+ },
+ {
+ 6: [1, 13],
+ 7: [1, 12],
+ 8: [1, 14],
+ 9: [1, 15],
+ 10: [1, 16],
+ 11: [1, 17],
+ 12: [1, 18],
+ 13: [1, 19],
+ 18: [1, 20],
+ 19: [1, 21],
+ 21: [1, 67],
+ 23: [2, 36],
+ 29: [1, 22],
+ 30: [1, 23],
+ 32: 24,
+ 33: [1, 25],
+ 34: [1, 26],
+ 35: [1, 27],
+ 36: [1, 28],
+ 37: [1, 29],
+ 38: [1, 30],
+ 39: [1, 31]
+ },
+ {
+ 5: [2, 22],
+ 6: [2, 22],
+ 7: [2, 22],
+ 8: [2, 22],
+ 9: [2, 22],
+ 10: [2, 22],
+ 11: [2, 22],
+ 12: [2, 22],
+ 13: [2, 22],
+ 16: [2, 22],
+ 17: [2, 22],
+ 18: [2, 22],
+ 19: [2, 22],
+ 21: [2, 22],
+ 23: [2, 22],
+ 29: [2, 22],
+ 30: [2, 22],
+ 31: [2, 22],
+ 33: [2, 22],
+ 34: [2, 22],
+ 35: [2, 22],
+ 36: [2, 22],
+ 37: [2, 22],
+ 38: [2, 22],
+ 39: [2, 22]
+ },
+ {
+ 4: 68,
+ 6: [1, 3],
+ 14: [1, 4],
+ 15: [1, 5],
+ 20: [1, 6],
+ 24: [1, 7],
+ 25: [1, 8],
+ 26: [1, 9],
+ 28: 10
+ },
+ {
+ 5: [2, 25],
+ 6: [1, 13],
+ 7: [1, 12],
+ 8: [1, 14],
+ 9: [1, 15],
+ 10: [1, 16],
+ 11: [1, 17],
+ 12: [1, 18],
+ 13: [1, 19],
+ 16: [2, 25],
+ 17: [2, 25],
+ 18: [1, 20],
+ 19: [1, 21],
+ 21: [2, 25],
+ 23: [2, 25],
+ 29: [1, 22],
+ 30: [1, 23],
+ 31: [2, 25],
+ 32: 24,
+ 33: [1, 25],
+ 34: [1, 26],
+ 35: [1, 27],
+ 36: [1, 28],
+ 37: [1, 29],
+ 38: [1, 30],
+ 39: [1, 31]
+ },
+ {
+ 4: 69,
+ 6: [1, 3],
+ 14: [1, 4],
+ 15: [1, 5],
+ 20: [1, 6],
+ 24: [1, 7],
+ 25: [1, 8],
+ 26: [1, 9],
+ 28: 10
+ },
+ {
+ 5: [2, 16],
+ 6: [2, 16],
+ 7: [2, 16],
+ 8: [2, 16],
+ 9: [2, 16],
+ 10: [2, 16],
+ 11: [2, 16],
+ 12: [2, 16],
+ 13: [2, 16],
+ 16: [2, 16],
+ 17: [2, 16],
+ 18: [2, 16],
+ 19: [2, 16],
+ 21: [2, 16],
+ 23: [2, 16],
+ 29: [2, 16],
+ 30: [2, 16],
+ 31: [2, 16],
+ 33: [2, 16],
+ 34: [2, 16],
+ 35: [2, 16],
+ 36: [2, 16],
+ 37: [2, 16],
+ 38: [2, 16],
+ 39: [2, 16]
+ },
+ {
+ 6: [1, 13],
+ 7: [1, 12],
+ 8: [1, 14],
+ 9: [1, 15],
+ 10: [1, 16],
+ 11: [1, 17],
+ 12: [1, 18],
+ 13: [1, 19],
+ 18: [1, 20],
+ 19: [1, 21],
+ 21: [2, 36],
+ 23: [2, 36],
+ 29: [1, 22],
+ 30: [1, 23],
+ 32: 24,
+ 33: [1, 25],
+ 34: [1, 26],
+ 35: [1, 27],
+ 36: [1, 28],
+ 37: [1, 29],
+ 38: [1, 30],
+ 39: [1, 31]
+ },
+ {
+ 5: [2, 12],
+ 6: [1, 13],
+ 7: [1, 12],
+ 8: [1, 14],
+ 9: [1, 15],
+ 10: [1, 16],
+ 11: [1, 17],
+ 12: [1, 18],
+ 13: [1, 19],
+ 16: [2, 12],
+ 17: [2, 12],
+ 18: [1, 20],
+ 19: [1, 21],
+ 21: [2, 12],
+ 23: [2, 12],
+ 29: [1, 22],
+ 30: [1, 23],
+ 31: [2, 12],
+ 32: 24,
+ 33: [1, 25],
+ 34: [1, 26],
+ 35: [1, 27],
+ 36: [1, 28],
+ 37: [1, 29],
+ 38: [1, 30],
+ 39: [1, 31]
+ }
+ ],
+ defaultActions: {
+ 11: [2, 1]
+ },
+ parseError: function parseError(str2, hash2) {
+ throw new Error(str2);
+ },
+ parse: function parse3(input) {
+ var self2 = this, stack2 = [0], vstack = [null], lstack = [], table2 = this.table, yytext = "", yylineno = 0, yyleng = 0, recovering = 0, TERROR = 2, EOF = 1;
+ this.lexer.setInput(input);
+ this.lexer.yy = this.yy;
+ this.yy.lexer = this.lexer;
+ this.yy.parser = this;
+ if (typeof this.lexer.yylloc == "undefined") this.lexer.yylloc = {};
+ var yyloc = this.lexer.yylloc;
+ lstack.push(yyloc);
+ var ranges = this.lexer.options && this.lexer.options.ranges;
+ if (typeof this.yy.parseError === "function")
+ this.parseError = this.yy.parseError;
+ function popStack(n2) {
+ stack2.length = stack2.length - 2 * n2;
+ vstack.length = vstack.length - n2;
+ lstack.length = lstack.length - n2;
+ }
+ function lex2() {
+ var token2;
+ token2 = self2.lexer.lex() || 1;
+ if (typeof token2 !== "number") {
+ token2 = self2.symbols_[token2] || token2;
+ }
+ return token2;
+ }
+ var symbol, preErrorSymbol, state, action, r2, yyval = {}, p2, len, newState, expected;
+ while (true) {
+ state = stack2[stack2.length - 1];
+ if (this.defaultActions[state]) {
+ action = this.defaultActions[state];
+ } else {
+ if (symbol === null || typeof symbol == "undefined") {
+ symbol = lex2();
+ }
+ action = table2[state] && table2[state][symbol];
+ }
+ if (typeof action === "undefined" || !action.length || !action[0]) {
+ var errStr = "";
+ if (!recovering) {
+ expected = [];
+ for (p2 in table2[state])
+ if (this.terminals_[p2] && p2 > 2) {
+ expected.push("'" + this.terminals_[p2] + "'");
+ }
+ if (this.lexer.showPosition) {
+ errStr = "Parse error on line " + (yylineno + 1) + ":\n" + this.lexer.showPosition() + "\nExpecting " + expected.join(", ") + ", got '" + (this.terminals_[symbol] || symbol) + "'";
+ } else {
+ errStr = "Parse error on line " + (yylineno + 1) + ": Unexpected " + (symbol == 1 ? "end of input" : "'" + (this.terminals_[symbol] || symbol) + "'");
+ }
+ this.parseError(errStr, {
+ text: this.lexer.match,
+ token: this.terminals_[symbol] || symbol,
+ line: this.lexer.yylineno,
+ loc: yyloc,
+ expected
+ });
+ }
+ if (recovering == 3) {
+ if (symbol == EOF) {
+ throw new Error(errStr || "Parsing halted.");
+ }
+ yyleng = this.lexer.yyleng;
+ yytext = this.lexer.yytext;
+ yylineno = this.lexer.yylineno;
+ yyloc = this.lexer.yylloc;
+ symbol = lex2();
+ }
+ while (1) {
+ if (TERROR.toString() in table2[state]) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (state === 0) {
+ throw new Error(errStr || "Parsing halted.");
+ }
+ popStack(1);
+ state = stack2[stack2.length - 1];
+ }
+ preErrorSymbol = symbol == 2 ? null : symbol;
+ symbol = TERROR;
+ state = stack2[stack2.length - 1];
+ action = table2[state] && table2[state][TERROR];
+ recovering = 3;
+ }
+ if (action[0] instanceof Array && action.length > 1) {
+ throw new Error(
+ "Parse Error: multiple actions possible at state: " + state + ", token: " + symbol
+ );
+ }
+ switch (action[0]) {
+ case 1:
+ stack2.push(symbol);
+ vstack.push(this.lexer.yytext);
+ lstack.push(this.lexer.yylloc);
+ stack2.push(action[1]);
+ symbol = null;
+ if (!preErrorSymbol) {
+ yyleng = this.lexer.yyleng;
+ yytext = this.lexer.yytext;
+ yylineno = this.lexer.yylineno;
+ yyloc = this.lexer.yylloc;
+ if (recovering > 0) recovering--;
+ } else {
+ symbol = preErrorSymbol;
+ preErrorSymbol = null;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ len = this.productions_[action[1]][1];
+ yyval.$ = vstack[vstack.length - len];
+ yyval._$ = {
+ first_line: lstack[lstack.length - (len || 1)].first_line,
+ last_line: lstack[lstack.length - 1].last_line,
+ first_column: lstack[lstack.length - (len || 1)].first_column,
+ last_column: lstack[lstack.length - 1].last_column
+ };
+ if (ranges) {
+ yyval._$.range = [
+ lstack[lstack.length - (len || 1)].range[0],
+ lstack[lstack.length - 1].range[1]
+ ];
+ }
+ r2 = this.performAction.call(
+ yyval,
+ yytext,
+ yyleng,
+ yylineno,
+ this.yy,
+ action[1],
+ vstack,
+ lstack
+ );
+ if (typeof r2 !== "undefined") {
+ return r2;
+ }
+ if (len) {
+ stack2 = stack2.slice(0, -1 * len * 2);
+ vstack = vstack.slice(0, -1 * len);
+ lstack = lstack.slice(0, -1 * len);
+ }
+ stack2.push(this.productions_[action[1]][0]);
+ vstack.push(yyval.$);
+ lstack.push(yyval._$);
+ newState = table2[stack2[stack2.length - 2]][stack2[stack2.length - 1]];
+ stack2.push(newState);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ var lexer = function() {
+ var lexer2 = {
+ EOF: 1,
+ parseError: function parseError(str2, hash2) {
+ if (this.yy.parser) {
+ this.yy.parser.parseError(str2, hash2);
+ } else {
+ throw new Error(str2);
+ }
+ },
+ setInput: function(input) {
+ this._input = input;
+ this._more = this._less = this.done = false;
+ this.yylineno = this.yyleng = 0;
+ this.yytext = this.matched = this.match = "";
+ this.conditionStack = ["INITIAL"];
+ this.yylloc = {
+ first_line: 1,
+ first_column: 0,
+ last_line: 1,
+ last_column: 0
+ };
+ if (this.options.ranges) this.yylloc.range = [0, 0];
+ this.offset = 0;
+ return this;
+ },
+ input: function() {
+ var ch3 = this._input[0];
+ this.yytext += ch3;
+ this.yyleng++;
+ this.offset++;
+ this.match += ch3;
+ this.matched += ch3;
+ var lines = ch3.match(/(?:\r\n?|\n).*/g);
+ if (lines) {
+ this.yylineno++;
+ this.yylloc.last_line++;
+ } else {
+ this.yylloc.last_column++;
+ }
+ if (this.options.ranges) this.yylloc.range[1]++;
+ this._input = this._input.slice(1);
+ return ch3;
+ },
+ unput: function(ch3) {
+ var len = ch3.length;
+ var lines = ch3.split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/g);
+ this._input = ch3 + this._input;
+ this.yytext = this.yytext.substr(0, this.yytext.length - len - 1);
+ this.offset -= len;
+ var oldLines = this.match.split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/g);
+ this.match = this.match.substr(0, this.match.length - 1);
+ this.matched = this.matched.substr(0, this.matched.length - 1);
+ if (lines.length - 1) this.yylineno -= lines.length - 1;
+ var r2 = this.yylloc.range;
+ this.yylloc = {
+ first_line: this.yylloc.first_line,
+ last_line: this.yylineno + 1,
+ first_column: this.yylloc.first_column,
+ last_column: lines ? (lines.length === oldLines.length ? this.yylloc.first_column : 0) + oldLines[oldLines.length - lines.length].length - lines[0].length : this.yylloc.first_column - len
+ };
+ if (this.options.ranges) {
+ this.yylloc.range = [r2[0], r2[0] + this.yyleng - len];
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ more: function() {
+ this._more = true;
+ return this;
+ },
+ less: function(n2) {
+ this.unput(this.match.slice(n2));
+ },
+ pastInput: function() {
+ var past = this.matched.substr(
+ 0,
+ this.matched.length - this.match.length
+ );
+ return (past.length > 20 ? "..." : "") + past.substr(-20).replace(/\n/g, "");
+ },
+ upcomingInput: function() {
+ var next = this.match;
+ if (next.length < 20) {
+ next += this._input.substr(0, 20 - next.length);
+ }
+ return (next.substr(0, 20) + (next.length > 20 ? "..." : "")).replace(
+ /\n/g,
+ ""
+ );
+ },
+ showPosition: function() {
+ var pre = this.pastInput();
+ var c2 = new Array(pre.length + 1).join("-");
+ return pre + this.upcomingInput() + "\n" + c2 + "^";
+ },
+ next: function() {
+ if (this.done) {
+ return this.EOF;
+ }
+ if (!this._input) this.done = true;
+ var token2, match2, tempMatch, index, lines;
+ if (!this._more) {
+ this.yytext = "";
+ this.match = "";
+ }
+ var rules = this._currentRules();
+ for (var i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) {
+ tempMatch = this._input.match(this.rules[rules[i]]);
+ if (tempMatch && (!match2 || tempMatch[0].length > match2[0].length)) {
+ match2 = tempMatch;
+ index = i;
+ if (!this.options.flex) break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (match2) {
+ lines = match2[0].match(/(?:\r\n?|\n).*/g);
+ if (lines) this.yylineno += lines.length;
+ this.yylloc = {
+ first_line: this.yylloc.last_line,
+ last_line: this.yylineno + 1,
+ first_column: this.yylloc.last_column,
+ last_column: lines ? lines[lines.length - 1].length - lines[lines.length - 1].match(/\r?\n?/)[0].length : this.yylloc.last_column + match2[0].length
+ };
+ this.yytext += match2[0];
+ this.match += match2[0];
+ this.matches = match2;
+ this.yyleng = this.yytext.length;
+ if (this.options.ranges) {
+ this.yylloc.range = [this.offset, this.offset += this.yyleng];
+ }
+ this._more = false;
+ this._input = this._input.slice(match2[0].length);
+ this.matched += match2[0];
+ token2 = this.performAction.call(
+ this,
+ this.yy,
+ this,
+ rules[index],
+ this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1]
+ );
+ if (this.done && this._input) this.done = false;
+ if (token2) return token2;
+ else return;
+ }
+ if (this._input === "") {
+ return this.EOF;
+ } else {
+ return this.parseError(
+ "Lexical error on line " + (this.yylineno + 1) + ". Unrecognized text.\n" + this.showPosition(),
+ {
+ text: "",
+ token: null,
+ line: this.yylineno
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ },
+ lex: function lex2() {
+ var r2 = this.next();
+ if (typeof r2 !== "undefined") {
+ return r2;
+ } else {
+ return this.lex();
+ }
+ },
+ begin: function begin(condition) {
+ this.conditionStack.push(condition);
+ },
+ popState: function popState() {
+ return this.conditionStack.pop();
+ },
+ _currentRules: function _currentRules() {
+ return this.conditions[this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1]].rules;
+ },
+ topState: function() {
+ return this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 2];
+ },
+ pushState: function begin(condition) {
+ this.begin(condition);
+ }
+ };
+ lexer2.options = {};
+ lexer2.performAction = function anonymous(yy, yy_, $avoiding_name_collisions, YY_START) {
+ switch ($avoiding_name_collisions) {
+ case 0:
+ return "*";
+ case 1:
+ return "/";
+ case 2:
+ return "-";
+ case 3:
+ return "+";
+ case 4:
+ return "^";
+ case 5:
+ return "(";
+ case 6:
+ return ")";
+ case 7:
+ return ",";
+ case 8:
+ return "==";
+ case 9:
+ return "!=";
+ case 10:
+ return "~=";
+ case 11:
+ return ">=";
+ case 12:
+ return "<=";
+ case 13:
+ return "<";
+ case 14:
+ return ">";
+ case 15:
+ return "notIn";
+ case 16:
+ return "and";
+ case 17:
+ return "or";
+ case 18:
+ return "not";
+ case 19:
+ return "in";
+ case 20:
+ return "of";
+ case 21:
+ return "if";
+ case 22:
+ return "then";
+ case 23:
+ return "else";
+ case 24:
+ return "mod";
+ case 25:
+ break;
+ case 26:
+ return "Number";
+ case 27:
+ yy_.yytext = JSON.stringify({
+ name: yy_.yytext,
+ type: "unescaped"
+ });
+ return "Symbol";
+ case 28:
+ yy_.yytext = JSON.stringify({
+ name: yy.buildString("'", yy_.yytext),
+ type: "single-quoted"
+ });
+ return "Symbol";
+ case 29:
+ yy_.yytext = JSON.stringify(yy.buildString('"', yy_.yytext));
+ return "String";
+ case 30:
+ return "%";
+ case 31:
+ return "?";
+ case 32:
+ return ":";
+ case 33:
+ return "EndOfExpression";
+ }
+ };
+ lexer2.rules = [
+ /^(?:\*)/,
+ /^(?:\/)/,
+ /^(?:-)/,
+ /^(?:\+)/,
+ /^(?:\^)/,
+ /^(?:\()/,
+ /^(?:\))/,
+ /^(?:\,)/,
+ /^(?:==)/,
+ /^(?:\!=)/,
+ /^(?:\~=)/,
+ /^(?:>=)/,
+ /^(?:<=)/,
+ /^(?:<)/,
+ /^(?:>)/,
+ /^(?:not\s+in[^\w])/,
+ /^(?:and[^\w])/,
+ /^(?:or[^\w])/,
+ /^(?:not[^\w])/,
+ /^(?:in[^\w])/,
+ /^(?:of[^\w])/,
+ /^(?:if[^\w])/,
+ /^(?:then[^\w])/,
+ /^(?:else[^\w])/,
+ /^(?:mod[^\w])/,
+ /^(?:\s+)/,
+ /^(?:[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?(?![0-9\.]))/,
+ /^(?:[a-zA-Z$_][\.a-zA-Z0-9$_]*)/,
+ /^(?:'(?:\\'|\\\\|[^'\\])*')/,
+ /^(?:"(?:\\"|\\\\|[^"\\])*")/,
+ /^(?:\%)/,
+ /^(?:\?)/,
+ /^(?::)/,
+ /^(?:$)/
+ ];
+ lexer2.conditions = {
+ rules: [
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 3,
+ 4,
+ 5,
+ 6,
+ 7,
+ 8,
+ 9,
+ 10,
+ 11,
+ 12,
+ 13,
+ 14,
+ 15,
+ 16,
+ 17,
+ 18,
+ 19,
+ 20,
+ 21,
+ 22,
+ 23,
+ 24,
+ 25,
+ 26,
+ 27,
+ 28,
+ 29,
+ 30,
+ 31,
+ 32,
+ 33
+ ],
+ inclusive: true
+ }
+ };
+ return lexer2;
+ }();
+ parser2.lexer = lexer;
+ function Parser() {
+ this.yy = {};
+ }
+ Parser.prototype = parser2;
+ parser2.Parser = Parser;
+ return new Parser();
+const parser = _parser;
+class UnknownFunctionError extends ReferenceError {
+ constructor(funcName) {
+ super(`Unknown function: ${funcName}()`);
+ __publicField(this, "I18N_STRING", "UNKNOWN_FUNCTION");
+ this.functionName = funcName;
+ }
+class UnknownPropertyError extends ReferenceError {
+ constructor(propName) {
+ super(`Property “${propName}” does not exist.`);
+ __publicField(this, "I18N_STRING", "UNKNOWN_PROPERTY");
+ this.propertyName = propName;
+ }
+class UnknownOptionError extends TypeError {
+ constructor(key2) {
+ super(`Unknown option: ${key2}`);
+ __publicField(this, "I18N_STRING", "UNKNOWN_OPTION");
+ this.keyName = key2;
+ }
+class UnexpectedTypeError extends TypeError {
+ constructor(expected, got) {
+ super(`Expected a ${expected}, but got a ${got} instead.`);
+ __publicField(this, "I18N_STRING", "UNEXPECTED_TYPE");
+ this.expectedType = expected;
+ this.recievedType = got;
+ }
+class InternalError extends Error {
+ constructor(message) {
+ super(message);
+ __publicField(this, "I18N_STRING", "INTERNAL");
+ }
+function hasOwnProperty(obj, prop) {
+ if (typeof obj === "object" || typeof obj === "function") {
+ return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop);
+ }
+ return false;
+function mod(a2, b2) {
+ return (a2 % b2 + b2) % b2;
+function unbox(value) {
+ if (typeof value !== "object") return value;
+ if (value instanceof Number || value instanceof String || value instanceof Boolean)
+ return value.valueOf();
+function unwrap(value) {
+ if (Array.isArray(value) && value.length === 1) value = value[0];
+ return unbox(value);
+function prettyType(value) {
+ value = unwrap(value);
+ if (value === void 0) return "undefined";
+ if (value === null) return "null";
+ if (value === true) return "true";
+ if (value === false) return "false";
+ if (typeof value === "number") return "number";
+ if (typeof value === "string") return "text";
+ if (typeof value !== "object" && typeof value !== "function")
+ return "unknown type";
+ if (Array.isArray(value)) return "list";
+ return "object";
+function num(value) {
+ value = unwrap(value);
+ if (typeof value === "number") return value;
+ throw new UnexpectedTypeError("number", prettyType(value));
+function str(value) {
+ value = unwrap(value);
+ if (typeof value === "string") return value;
+ throw new UnexpectedTypeError("text", prettyType(value));
+function numstr(value) {
+ value = unwrap(value);
+ if (typeof value === "string" || typeof value === "number") return value;
+ throw new UnexpectedTypeError("text or number", prettyType(value));
+function bool(value) {
+ value = unwrap(value);
+ if (typeof value === "boolean") return value;
+ throw new UnexpectedTypeError(
+ "logical value (“true” or “false”)",
+ prettyType(value)
+ );
+function arr(value) {
+ if (value === void 0 || value === null) {
+ throw new UnexpectedTypeError("list", prettyType(value));
+ }
+ if (Array.isArray(value)) {
+ return value;
+ } else {
+ return [value];
+ }
+function flatten(input) {
+ const stack2 = [...input];
+ const res = [];
+ while (stack2.length) {
+ const next = stack2.pop();
+ if (Array.isArray(next)) {
+ stack2.push(...next);
+ } else {
+ res.push(next);
+ }
+ }
+ return res.reverse();
+const std = {
+ isfn(fns, funcName) {
+ return hasOwnProperty(fns, funcName) && typeof fns[funcName] === "function";
+ },
+ unknown(funcName) {
+ throw new UnknownFunctionError(funcName);
+ },
+ coerceArray: arr,
+ coerceNumber: num,
+ coerceNumberOrString: numstr,
+ coerceBoolean: bool,
+ isSubset(a2, b2) {
+ const A2 = arr(a2);
+ const B2 = arr(b2);
+ return A2.every((val) => B2.includes(val));
+ },
+ warnDeprecated: /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
+ const warnMax = 3;
+ let warnedTimes = {
+ ternary: 0,
+ modulo: 0
+ };
+ return (cause, value) => {
+ switch (cause) {
+ case "ternary":
+ if (warnedTimes.ternary++ >= warnMax) break;
+ console.warn(
+ "The use of ? and : as conditional operators has been deprecated in Filtrex v3 in favor of the if..then..else ternary operator. See issue #34 for more information."
+ );
+ break;
+ case "modulo":
+ if (warnedTimes.modulo++ >= warnMax) break;
+ console.warn(
+ "The use of '%' as a modulo operator has been deprecated in Filtrex v3 in favor of the 'mod' operator. You can use it like this: '3 mod 2 == 1'. See issue #48 for more information."
+ );
+ break;
+ }
+ return value;
+ };
+ }(),
+ buildString(quote, literal2) {
+ quote = String(quote)[0];
+ literal2 = String(literal2);
+ let built = "";
+ if (literal2[0] !== quote || literal2[literal2.length - 1] !== quote)
+ throw new InternalError(
+ `Unexpected internal error: String literal doesn't begin/end with the right quotation mark.`
+ );
+ for (let i = 1; i < literal2.length - 1; i++) {
+ if (literal2[i] === "\\") {
+ i++;
+ if (i >= literal2.length - 1)
+ throw new InternalError(
+ `Unexpected internal error: Unescaped backslash at the end of string literal.`
+ );
+ if (literal2[i] === "\\") built += "\\";
+ else if (literal2[i] === quote) built += quote;
+ else
+ throw new InternalError(
+ `Unexpected internal error: Invalid escaped character in string literal: ${literal2[i]}`
+ );
+ } else if (literal2[i] === quote) {
+ throw new InternalError(
+ `Unexpected internal error: String literal contains unescaped quotation mark.`
+ );
+ } else {
+ built += literal2[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return built;
+ },
+ reduceRelation(arr2) {
+ const declarations = [];
+ const comparisons = [];
+ let previousExpression = flatten([arr2[0]]).join("");
+ let j2 = 0;
+ for (let i = 1; i < arr2.length - 1; i += 2) {
+ const expr = flatten([arr2[i + 1]]).join("");
+ const tempVar = `tmp${j2++}`;
+ comparisons.push(
+ `ops["${arr2[i]}"](${previousExpression}, ${tempVar} = ${expr})`
+ );
+ previousExpression = tempVar;
+ declarations.push(tempVar);
+ }
+ return `(function(){ var ${declarations.join(", ")}; return ${comparisons.join(" && ")};})()`;
+ }
+parser.yy = Object.create(std);
+function compileExpression(expression, options) {
+ if (arguments.length > 2) throw new TypeError("Too many arguments.");
+ options = typeof options === "object" ? options : {};
+ const knownOptions = [
+ "extraFunctions",
+ "constants",
+ "customProp",
+ "operators"
+ ];
+ let { extraFunctions, constants, customProp, operators } = options;
+ for (const key2 of Object.keys(options))
+ if (!knownOptions.includes(key2)) throw new UnknownOptionError(key2);
+ let functions = {
+ abs: Math.abs,
+ ceil: Math.ceil,
+ floor: Math.floor,
+ log: Math.log,
+ log2: Math.log2,
+ log10: Math.log10,
+ max: Math.max,
+ min: Math.min,
+ round: Math.round,
+ sqrt: Math.sqrt,
+ exists: (v2) => v2 !== void 0 && v2 !== null,
+ empty: (v2) => v2 === void 0 || v2 === null || v2 === "" || Array.isArray(v2) && v2.length === 0
+ };
+ if (extraFunctions) {
+ for (const name of Object.keys(extraFunctions)) {
+ functions[name] = extraFunctions[name];
+ }
+ }
+ let defaultOperators = {
+ "+": (a2, b2) => numstr(a2) + numstr(b2),
+ "-": (a2, b2) => b2 === void 0 ? -num(a2) : num(a2) - num(b2),
+ "*": (a2, b2) => num(a2) * num(b2),
+ "/": (a2, b2) => num(a2) / num(b2),
+ "^": (a2, b2) => Math.pow(num(a2), num(b2)),
+ mod: (a2, b2) => mod(num(a2), num(b2)),
+ "==": (a2, b2) => a2 === b2,
+ "!=": (a2, b2) => a2 !== b2,
+ "<": (a2, b2) => num(a2) < num(b2),
+ "<=": (a2, b2) => num(a2) <= num(b2),
+ ">=": (a2, b2) => num(a2) >= num(b2),
+ ">": (a2, b2) => num(a2) > num(b2),
+ "~=": (a2, b2) => RegExp(str(b2)).test(str(a2))
+ };
+ if (operators) {
+ for (const name of Object.keys(operators)) {
+ defaultOperators[name] = operators[name];
+ }
+ }
+ operators = defaultOperators;
+ constants = constants ?? {};
+ let js = flatten(parser.parse(expression));
+ js.unshift("return ");
+ js.push(";");
+ function nakedProp(name, obj, type) {
+ if (hasOwnProperty(obj ?? {}, name)) return obj[name];
+ throw new UnknownPropertyError(name);
+ }
+ function safeGetter(obj) {
+ return function get2(name) {
+ if (hasOwnProperty(obj ?? {}, name)) return obj[name];
+ throw new UnknownPropertyError(name);
+ };
+ }
+ if (typeof customProp === "function") {
+ nakedProp = (name, obj, type) => customProp(name, safeGetter(obj), obj, type);
+ }
+ function createCall(fns) {
+ return function call(_ref) {
+ let { name } = _ref;
+ for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {
+ args[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];
+ }
+ if (hasOwnProperty(fns, name) && typeof fns[name] === "function")
+ return fns[name](...args);
+ throw new UnknownFunctionError(name);
+ };
+ }
+ function prop(_ref2, obj) {
+ let { name, type } = _ref2;
+ if (type === "unescaped" && hasOwnProperty(constants, name))
+ return constants[name];
+ return nakedProp(name, obj, type);
+ }
+ let func = new Function("call", "ops", "std", "prop", "data", js.join(""));
+ return function(data) {
+ try {
+ return func(createCall(functions), operators, std, prop, data);
+ } catch (e2) {
+ return e2;
+ }
+ };
+const coerceValue = (value, descriptor) => {
+ if (descriptor && descriptor.scoreType === kScoreTypeBoolean) {
+ return Boolean(value);
+ } else {
+ return value;
+ }
+const isFilteringSupportedForValue = (value) => ["string", "number", "boolean"].includes(typeof value);
+const isFilteringSupportedForScore = (descriptor) => {
+ if (!descriptor) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return [
+ kScoreTypePassFail,
+ kScoreTypeCategorical,
+ kScoreTypeNumeric,
+ kScoreTypeBoolean
+ ].includes(descriptor.scoreType);
+const bannedShortScoreNames = (scores) => {
+ const used = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
+ const banned = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
+ for (const { scorer, name } of scores) {
+ banned.add(scorer);
+ if (used.has(name)) {
+ banned.add(name);
+ } else {
+ used.add(name);
+ }
+ }
+ return banned;
+const scoreVariables = (evalDescriptor, sampleScores) => {
+ const bannedShortNames = bannedShortScoreNames(evalDescriptor.scores);
+ const variables = {};
+ const addScore = (variableName, scoreLabel, value) => {
+ const coercedValue = coerceValue(
+ value,
+ evalDescriptor.scoreDescriptor(scoreLabel)
+ );
+ if (isFilteringSupportedForValue(coercedValue)) {
+ variables[variableName] = coercedValue;
+ }
+ };
+ for (const [scorer, score] of Object.entries(sampleScores)) {
+ addScore(scorer, { scorer, name: scorer }, score.value);
+ if (typeof score.value === "object") {
+ for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(score.value)) {
+ addScore(`${scorer}.${name}`, { scorer, name }, value);
+ if (!bannedShortNames.has(name)) {
+ addScore(name, { scorer, name }, value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return variables;
+const scoreFilterItems = (evalDescriptor) => {
+ const items = [];
+ const bannedShortNames = bannedShortScoreNames(evalDescriptor.scores);
+ const valueToString = (value) => typeof value === "string" ? `"${value}"` : String(value);
+ const addScore = (canonicalName, scoreLabel) => {
+ const descriptor = evalDescriptor.scoreDescriptor(scoreLabel);
+ if (!descriptor || !isFilteringSupportedForScore(descriptor)) {
+ items.push({
+ canonicalName,
+ tooltip: void 0,
+ isFilterable: false,
+ suggestions: []
+ });
+ return;
+ }
+ var tooltip = `${canonicalName}: ${descriptor.scoreType}`;
+ var suggestions = [];
+ if (descriptor.min !== void 0 || descriptor.max !== void 0) {
+ const rounded = (num2) => {
+ return parseFloat(num2.toPrecision(3)).toString();
+ };
+ tooltip += `
+Range: ${rounded(descriptor.min)} to ${rounded(descriptor.max)}`;
+ }
+ if (descriptor.categories) {
+ tooltip += `
+Categories: ${descriptor.categories.map((cat) => cat.val).join(", ")}`;
+ suggestions = [
+ canonicalName,
+ ...descriptor.categories.map(
+ (cat) => `${canonicalName} == ${valueToString(cat.val)}`
+ )
+ ];
+ }
+ items.push({ canonicalName, tooltip, isFilterable: true, suggestions });
+ };
+ for (const { name, scorer } of evalDescriptor.scores) {
+ const canonicalName = name !== scorer && bannedShortNames.has(name) ? `${scorer}.${name}` : name;
+ addScore(canonicalName, { name, scorer });
+ }
+ return items;
+const addFragmentToFilter = (filter, fragment) => {
+ var value = filter.value || "";
+ if (value.trim() && !value.endsWith(" ")) {
+ value = `${value} `;
+ }
+ if (value.trim() && !value.match(/ +(or|and) *$/)) {
+ value = `${value}and `;
+ }
+ value += fragment;
+ return { value };
+const filterExpression = (evalDescriptor, sample, value) => {
+ try {
+ const expression = compileExpression(value);
+ const vars = scoreVariables(evalDescriptor, sample.scores);
+ const result = expression(vars);
+ if (typeof result === "boolean") {
+ return { matches: result, error: void 0 };
+ } else if (result instanceof Error) {
+ throw result;
+ } else {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ `Filter expression returned a non-boolean value: ${result}`
+ );
+ }
+ } catch (error2) {
+ return { matches: false, error: error2.message };
+ }
+const SecondaryBar = ({
+ evalSpec,
+ evalPlan,
+ evalResults,
+ evalStats,
+ samples,
+ evalDescriptor,
+ addToFilterExpression,
+ status,
+ style
+}) => {
+ if (!evalSpec || status !== "success") {
+ return "";
+ }
+ const staticColStyle = {
+ flexShrink: "0"
+ };
+ const epochs = evalSpec.config.epochs || 1;
+ const hyperparameters = {
+ ...evalPlan == null ? void 0 : evalPlan.config,
+ ...evalSpec.task_args
+ };
+ const hasConfig = Object.keys(hyperparameters).length > 0;
+ const values = [];
+ values.push({
+ size: "minmax(12%, auto)",
+ value: m$1`<${LabeledValue} label="Dataset" style=${staticColStyle}>
+ <${DatasetSummary}
+ dataset=${evalSpec.dataset}
+ samples=${samples}
+ epochs=${epochs} />
+ ${LabeledValue}>
+ });
+ if (hasConfig) {
+ values.push({
+ size: "minmax(12%, auto)",
+ value: m$1`<${LabeledValue} label="Config" style=${{ justifySelf: "center" }}>
+ <${ParamSummary} params=${hyperparameters}/>
+ ${LabeledValue}>`
+ });
+ }
+ const totalDuration = formatDuration(
+ new Date(evalStats.started_at),
+ new Date(evalStats.completed_at)
+ );
+ values.push({
+ size: "minmax(12%, auto)",
+ value: m$1`
+ <${LabeledValue} label="Duration" style=${{ justifySelf: "center" }}>
+ ${totalDuration}
+ ${LabeledValue}>`
+ });
+ const label = (evalResults == null ? void 0 : evalResults.scores.length) > 1 ? "Scorers" : "Scorer";
+ values.push({
+ size: "minmax(12%, auto)",
+ value: m$1`<${LabeledValue} label="${label}" style=${staticColStyle} style=${{ justifySelf: "right" }}>
+ <${ScorerSummary}
+ evalDescriptor=${evalDescriptor}
+ addToFilterExpression=${addToFilterExpression} />
+ ${LabeledValue}>`
+ });
+ return m$1`
+ <${ExpandablePanel} style=${{ margin: "0", ...style }} collapse=${true} lines=${4}>
+ {
+ return val.size;
+ }).join(" ")}`
+ }}
+ >
+ ${values.map((val) => {
+ return val.value;
+ })}
+ ${ExpandablePanel}>
+ `;
+const DatasetSummary = ({ dataset, samples, epochs, style }) => {
+ if (!dataset) {
+ return "";
+ }
+ return m$1`
+ ${dataset.name}${(samples == null ? void 0 : samples.length) ? m$1`${formatDataset(dataset.name, samples.length, epochs)}` : ""}
+ `;
+const FilterableItem = ({
+ item,
+ index,
+ openSuggestionIndex,
+ setOpenSuggestionIndex,
+ addToFilterExpression
+}) => {
+ const handleClick = () => {
+ if (item.suggestions.length === 0) {
+ addToFilterExpression(item.canonicalName);
+ } else {
+ setOpenSuggestionIndex(openSuggestionIndex === index ? null : index);
+ }
+ };
+ const handleSuggestionClick = (suggestion) => {
+ addToFilterExpression(suggestion);
+ setOpenSuggestionIndex(null);
+ };
+ const popupRef = (el) => {
+ if (el && openSuggestionIndex === index) {
+ const rect = el.previousElementSibling.getBoundingClientRect();
+ const viewportWidth = window.innerWidth;
+ const popupWidth = el.offsetWidth;
+ const finalLeft = rect.left + popupWidth > viewportWidth ? rect.right - popupWidth : rect.left;
+ el.style.setProperty("--popup-left", `${finalLeft}px`);
+ el.style.setProperty("--popup-top", `${rect.bottom + 4}px`);
+ }
+ };
+ return m$1`
+ ${item.canonicalName}
+ ${item.suggestions.length > 0 && // Use fixed position to avoid being clipped by `ExpandablePanel`.
+ m$1`
+ ${item.suggestions.map(
+ (suggestion) => m$1`
+ handleSuggestionClick(suggestion)}
+ >
+ ${suggestion}
+ `
+ )}
+ `}
+ `;
+const ScorerSummary = ({ evalDescriptor, addToFilterExpression }) => {
+ if (!evalDescriptor) {
+ return "";
+ }
+ const items = scoreFilterItems(evalDescriptor);
+ const [openSuggestionIndex, setOpenSuggestionIndex] = h(null);
+ return m$1`
+ ${Array.from(items).map(
+ (item, index) => m$1`
+ ${index > 0 ? ", " : ""}
+ ${item.isFilterable ? m$1`<${FilterableItem}
+ item=${item}
+ index=${index}
+ openSuggestionIndex=${openSuggestionIndex}
+ setOpenSuggestionIndex=${setOpenSuggestionIndex}
+ addToFilterExpression=${addToFilterExpression}
+ />` : m$1`${item.canonicalName}`}
+ `
+ )}
+ `;
+const ParamSummary = ({ params }) => {
+ if (!params) {
+ return "";
+ }
+ const paraValues = Object.keys(params).map((key2) => {
+ const val = params[key2];
+ if (Array.isArray(val) || typeof val === "object") {
+ return `${key2}: ${JSON.stringify(val)}`;
+ } else {
+ return `${key2}: ${val}`;
+ }
+ });
+ if (paraValues.length > 0) {
return m$1`${paraValues.join(", ")}
@@ -24325,6 +26874,8 @@ const Navbar = ({
+ evalDescriptor,
+ addToFilterExpression,
@@ -24463,6 +27014,8 @@ const Navbar = ({
+ evalDescriptor=${evalDescriptor}
+ addToFilterExpression=${addToFilterExpression}
style=${{ gridColumn: "1/-1" }}
@@ -24698,7 +27251,9 @@ const WorkSpace = ({
+ filterError,
+ addToFilterExpression,
@@ -24767,6 +27322,7 @@ const WorkSpace = ({
+ filterError=${filterError}
@@ -24926,6 +27482,8 @@ const WorkSpace = ({
+ evalDescriptor=${samplesDescriptor.evalDescriptor}
+ addToFilterExpression=${addToFilterExpression}
@@ -24943,6 +27501,8 @@ const WorkspaceDisplay = ({
+ evalDescriptor,
+ addToFilterExpression,
@@ -25004,20 +27564,20 @@ const WorkspaceDisplay = ({
}, [tabs]);
return m$1`
+ evalDescriptor=${evalDescriptor}
+ addToFilterExpression=${addToFilterExpression}
- />
+ />
-const createsSamplesDescriptor = (scorers, samples, epochs, selectedScore) => {
+const createEvalDescriptor = (scores, samples, epochs) => {
if (!samples) {
return void 0;
- const score = (sample, scorer = selectedScore == null ? void 0 : selectedScore.scorer) => {
- if (sample.scores[scorer]) {
- return sample.scores[scorer];
- } else {
+ const scoreValue = (sample, scoreLabel) => {
+ if (Object.keys(sample.scores).length === 0 || !scoreLabel) {
return void 0;
- };
- const scoreValue = (sample) => {
- if (Object.keys(sample.scores).length === 0 || !selectedScore) {
- return void 0;
- }
- if (selectedScore.scorer !== selectedScore.name && sample.scores[selectedScore.scorer] && sample.scores[selectedScore.scorer].value) {
- return sample.scores[selectedScore.scorer].value[selectedScore.name];
- } else if (sample.scores[selectedScore.name]) {
- return sample.scores[selectedScore.name].value;
+ if (scoreLabel.scorer !== scoreLabel.name && sample.scores[scoreLabel.scorer] && sample.scores[scoreLabel.scorer].value) {
+ return sample.scores[scoreLabel.scorer].value[scoreLabel.name];
+ } else if (sample.scores[scoreLabel.name]) {
+ return sample.scores[scoreLabel.name].value;
} else {
return void 0;
const scoreAnswer = (sample, scorer) => {
if (sample) {
- const sampleScore = score(sample, scorer);
+ const sampleScore = sample.scores[scorer];
if (sampleScore && sampleScore.answer) {
return sampleScore.answer;
@@ -25232,48 +27785,149 @@ const createsSamplesDescriptor = (scorers, samples, epochs, selectedScore) => {
const scoreExplanation = (sample, scorer) => {
if (sample) {
- const sampleScore = score(sample, scorer);
+ const sampleScore = sample.scores[scorer];
if (sampleScore && sampleScore.explanation) {
return sampleScore.explanation;
return void 0;
- const uniqScoreValues = [
- ...new Set(
- samples.filter((sample) => !!sample.scores).filter((sample) => {
- if (!selectedScore) {
- return true;
+ const scoreLabelKey = (scoreLabel) => {
+ return `${scoreLabel.scorer}.${scoreLabel.name}`;
+ };
+ const scoreDescriptorMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
+ for (const scoreLabel of scores) {
+ const uniqScoreValues = [
+ ...new Set(
+ samples.filter((sample) => !!sample.scores).filter((sample) => {
+ if (!scoreLabel) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (scoreLabel.scorer !== scoreLabel.name) {
+ return Object.keys(sample.scores).includes(scoreLabel.scorer) && Object.keys(sample.scores[scoreLabel.scorer].value).includes(
+ scoreLabel.name
+ );
+ } else {
+ return Object.keys(sample.scores).includes(scoreLabel.name);
+ }
+ }).map((sample) => {
+ return scoreValue(sample, scoreLabel);
+ }).filter((value) => {
+ return value !== null;
+ })
+ )
+ ];
+ const uniqScoreTypes = [
+ ...new Set(uniqScoreValues.map((scoreValue2) => typeof scoreValue2))
+ ];
+ for (const categorizer of scoreCategorizers) {
+ const scoreDescriptor2 = categorizer.describe(
+ uniqScoreValues,
+ uniqScoreTypes
+ );
+ if (scoreDescriptor2) {
+ scoreDescriptorMap.set(scoreLabelKey(scoreLabel), scoreDescriptor2);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ const scoreDescriptor = (scoreLabel) => {
+ return scoreDescriptorMap.get(scoreLabelKey(scoreLabel));
+ };
+ const scoreRendered = (sample, scoreLabel) => {
+ const descriptor = scoreDescriptor(scoreLabel);
+ const score2 = scoreValue(sample, scoreLabel);
+ if (score2 === null || score2 === "undefined") {
+ return "null";
+ } else if (descriptor.render) {
+ return descriptor.render(score2);
+ } else {
+ return score2;
+ }
+ };
+ const scorerDescriptor = (sample, scoreLabel) => {
+ return {
+ explanation: () => {
+ return scoreExplanation(sample, scoreLabel.scorer);
+ },
+ answer: () => {
+ return scoreAnswer(sample, scoreLabel.scorer);
+ },
+ scores: () => {
+ if (!sample || !sample.scores) {
+ return [];
- if (selectedScore.scorer !== selectedScore.name) {
- return Object.keys(sample.scores).includes(selectedScore.scorer) && Object.keys(sample.scores[selectedScore.scorer].value).includes(
- selectedScore.name
- );
+ const myScoreDescriptor = scoreDescriptor(scoreLabel);
+ const scoreNames = scores.map((score2) => {
+ return score2.name;
+ });
+ const sampleScorer = sample.scores[scoreLabel.scorer];
+ const scoreVal = sampleScorer.value;
+ if (typeof scoreVal === "object") {
+ const names = Object.keys(scoreVal);
+ if (names.find((name) => {
+ return !scoreNames.includes(name);
+ })) {
+ return [
+ {
+ name: scoreLabel.scorer,
+ rendered: () => {
+ return myScoreDescriptor.render(scoreVal);
+ }
+ }
+ ];
+ } else {
+ const scores2 = names.map((name) => {
+ return {
+ name,
+ rendered: () => {
+ return myScoreDescriptor.render(scoreVal[name]);
+ }
+ };
+ });
+ return scores2;
+ }
} else {
- return Object.keys(sample.scores).includes(selectedScore.name);
+ return [
+ {
+ name: scoreLabel.scorer,
+ rendered: () => {
+ return myScoreDescriptor.render(scoreVal);
+ }
+ }
+ ];
- }).map((sample) => {
- return scoreValue(sample);
- }).filter((value) => {
- return value !== null;
- })
- )
- ];
- const uniqScoreTypes = [
- ...new Set(uniqScoreValues.map((scoreValue2) => typeof scoreValue2))
- ];
- let scoreDescriptor;
- for (const categorizer of scoreCategorizers) {
- scoreDescriptor = categorizer.describe(uniqScoreValues, uniqScoreTypes);
- if (scoreDescriptor) {
- break;
- }
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ const score = (sample, scoreLabel) => {
+ return {
+ value: scoreValue(sample, scoreLabel),
+ render: () => {
+ return scoreRendered(sample, scoreLabel);
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ return {
+ epochs,
+ samples,
+ scores,
+ scorerDescriptor,
+ scoreDescriptor,
+ score,
+ scoreAnswer
+ };
+const createSamplesDescriptor = (evalDescriptor, selectedScore) => {
+ if (!evalDescriptor) {
+ return void 0;
- const sizes = samples.reduce(
+ const sizes = evalDescriptor.samples.reduce(
(previous, current) => {
var _a2;
const text2 = inputString(current.input).join(" ");
- const scoreText = scoreValue(current) ? String(scoreValue(current)) : "";
+ const scoreValue = evalDescriptor.score(current, selectedScore).value;
+ const scoreText = scoreValue ? String(scoreValue) : "";
previous[0] = Math.min(Math.max(previous[0], text2.length), 300);
previous[1] = Math.min(
Math.max(previous[1], arrayToString(current.target).length),
@@ -25282,7 +27936,7 @@ const createsSamplesDescriptor = (scorers, samples, epochs, selectedScore) => {
previous[2] = Math.min(
- ((_a2 = scoreAnswer(current, selectedScore == null ? void 0 : selectedScore.name)) == null ? void 0 : _a2.length) || 0
+ ((_a2 = evalDescriptor.scoreAnswer(current, selectedScore == null ? void 0 : selectedScore.name)) == null ? void 0 : _a2.length) || 0
@@ -25326,88 +27980,12 @@ const createsSamplesDescriptor = (scorers, samples, epochs, selectedScore) => {
score: maxSizes.score / base2
- const scoreRendered = (sample) => {
- const score2 = scoreValue(sample);
- if (score2 === null || score2 === "undefined") {
- return "null";
- } else if (scoreDescriptor.render) {
- return scoreDescriptor.render(score2);
- } else {
- return score2;
- }
- };
- const scorerDescriptor = (sample, scorer) => {
- return {
- explanation: () => {
- return scoreExplanation(sample, scorer);
- },
- answer: () => {
- return scoreAnswer(sample, scorer);
- },
- scores: () => {
- if (!sample || !sample.scores) {
- return [];
- }
- const scoreNames = scorers.map((score2) => {
- return score2.name;
- });
- const sampleScorer = sample.scores[scorer];
- const scoreVal = sampleScorer.value;
- if (typeof scoreVal === "object") {
- const names = Object.keys(scoreVal);
- if (names.find((name) => {
- return !scoreNames.includes(name);
- })) {
- return [
- {
- name: scorer,
- rendered: () => {
- return scoreDescriptor.render(scoreVal);
- }
- }
- ];
- } else {
- const scores = names.map((name) => {
- return {
- name,
- rendered: () => {
- return scoreDescriptor.render(scoreVal[name]);
- }
- };
- });
- return scores;
- }
- } else {
- return [
- {
- name: scorer,
- rendered: () => {
- return scoreDescriptor.render(scoreVal);
- }
- }
- ];
- }
- }
- };
- };
return {
- scoreDescriptor,
- epochs,
+ evalDescriptor,
- selectedScore: (sample) => {
- return {
- value: scoreValue(sample),
- render: () => {
- return scoreRendered(sample);
- }
- };
- },
- scorer: (sample, scorer) => {
- return scorerDescriptor(sample, scorer);
- },
- selectedScorer: (sample) => {
- return scorerDescriptor(sample, selectedScore == null ? void 0 : selectedScore.scorer);
- }
+ selectedScoreDescriptor: evalDescriptor.scoreDescriptor(selectedScore),
+ selectedScore: (sample) => evalDescriptor.score(sample, selectedScore),
+ selectedScorerDescriptor: (sample) => evalDescriptor.scorerDescriptor(sample, selectedScore)
const scoreCategorizers = [
@@ -25709,95 +28287,6 @@ const resolveAttachments = (value, attachments) => {
return value;
-const filterFnForType = (filter) => {
- if (filter.type) {
- return filterFnsForType[filter.type];
- } else {
- return void 0;
- }
-const filterCategory = (descriptor, sample, value) => {
- const score = descriptor.selectedScore(sample);
- if (typeof score.value === "string") {
- return score.value.toLowerCase() === (value == null ? void 0 : value.toLowerCase());
- } else if (typeof score.value === "object") {
- return JSON.stringify(score.value) == value;
- } else {
- return String(score.value) === value;
- }
-const filterText = (descriptor, sample, value) => {
- const score = descriptor.selectedScore(sample);
- if (!value) {
- return true;
- } else {
- if (isNumeric(value)) {
- if (typeof score.value === "number") {
- return score.value === Number(value);
- } else {
- return Number(score.value) === Number(value);
- }
- } else {
- const filters = [
- {
- prefix: ">=",
- fn: (score2, val) => {
- return score2 >= val;
- }
- },
- {
- prefix: "<=",
- fn: (score2, val) => {
- return score2 <= val;
- }
- },
- {
- prefix: ">",
- fn: (score2, val) => {
- return score2 > val;
- }
- },
- {
- prefix: "<",
- fn: (score2, val) => {
- return score2 < val;
- }
- },
- {
- prefix: "=",
- fn: (score2, val) => {
- return score2 === val;
- }
- },
- {
- prefix: "!=",
- fn: (score2, val) => {
- return score2 !== val;
- }
- }
- ];
- for (const filter of filters) {
- if (value == null ? void 0 : value.startsWith(filter.prefix)) {
- const val = value.slice(filter.prefix.length).trim();
- if (!val) {
- return true;
- }
- const num = Number(val);
- return filter.fn(score.value, num);
- }
- }
- if (typeof score.value === "string") {
- return score.value.toLowerCase() === (value == null ? void 0 : value.toLowerCase());
- } else {
- return String(score.value) === value;
- }
- }
- }
-const filterFnsForType = {
- [kScoreTypeCategorical]: filterCategory,
- [kScoreTypeNumeric]: filterText
function App({
api: api2,
initialState: initialState2 = void 0,
@@ -25862,6 +28351,7 @@ function App({
const [sort, setSort] = h((initialState2 == null ? void 0 : initialState2.sort) || kDefaultSort);
const [scores, setScores] = h((initialState2 == null ? void 0 : initialState2.scores) || []);
const [score, setScore] = h(initialState2 == null ? void 0 : initialState2.score);
+ const [filterError, setFilterError] = h(initialState2 == null ? void 0 : initialState2.filterError);
const [filteredSamples, setFilteredSamples] = h(
(initialState2 == null ? void 0 : initialState2.filteredSamples) || []
@@ -25869,6 +28359,13 @@ function App({
const [groupByOrder, setGroupByOrder] = h(
(initialState2 == null ? void 0 : initialState2.groupByOrder) || "asc"
+ const addToFilterExpression = (fragment) => {
+ setFilter(addFragmentToFilter(filter, fragment));
+ const filterInput = document.getElementById("sample-filter-input");
+ if (filterInput) {
+ filterInput.focus();
+ }
+ };
const afterBodyElements = [];
const saveState = q(() => {
const state = {
@@ -25995,42 +28492,51 @@ function App({
y(() => {
- var _a3;
+ var _a3, _b3;
const samples = ((_a3 = selectedLog == null ? void 0 : selectedLog.contents) == null ? void 0 : _a3.sampleSummaries) || [];
+ var newFilterError = void 0;
const filtered = samples.filter((sample) => {
if (epoch && epoch !== "all") {
if (epoch !== sample.epoch + "") {
return false;
- const filterFn = filterFnForType(filter);
- if (filterFn && filter.value) {
- return filterFn(samplesDescriptor, sample, filter.value);
+ if (filter.value) {
+ const { matches, error: error2 } = filterExpression(
+ evalDescriptor,
+ sample,
+ filter.value
+ );
+ newFilterError || (newFilterError = error2);
+ return matches;
} else {
return true;
const { sorted, order: order2 } = sortSamples(sort, filtered, samplesDescriptor);
let grouping = "none";
- if ((samplesDescriptor == null ? void 0 : samplesDescriptor.epochs) > 1) {
+ if (((_b3 = samplesDescriptor == null ? void 0 : samplesDescriptor.evalDescriptor) == null ? void 0 : _b3.epochs) > 1) {
if (byEpoch(sort) || epoch !== "all") {
grouping = "epoch";
} else if (bySample(sort)) {
grouping = "sample";
+ setFilterError(newFilterError);
}, [selectedLog, filter, sort, epoch]);
- const samplesDescriptor = T(() => {
+ const evalDescriptor = T(() => {
var _a3, _b3, _c2, _d2;
- return createsSamplesDescriptor(
+ return createEvalDescriptor(
(_a3 = selectedLog.contents) == null ? void 0 : _a3.sampleSummaries,
- ((_d2 = (_c2 = (_b3 = selectedLog.contents) == null ? void 0 : _b3.eval) == null ? void 0 : _c2.config) == null ? void 0 : _d2.epochs) || 1,
- score
+ ((_d2 = (_c2 = (_b3 = selectedLog.contents) == null ? void 0 : _b3.eval) == null ? void 0 : _c2.config) == null ? void 0 : _d2.epochs) || 1
+ }, [selectedLog, scores]);
+ const samplesDescriptor = T(() => {
+ return createSamplesDescriptor(evalDescriptor, score);
}, [selectedLog, scores, score]);
const refreshSampleTab = q(
(sample) => {
@@ -26453,7 +28959,9 @@ function App({
+ filterError=${filterError}
+ addToFilterExpression=${addToFilterExpression}
diff --git a/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/package.json b/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/package.json
index 13445b769..cf7beab84 100644
--- a/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/package.json
+++ b/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/package.json
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
"clipboard": "^2.0.11",
"fast-json-patch": "^3.1.1",
"fflate": "^0.8.2",
+ "filtrex": "^3.1.0",
"htm": "^3.1.1",
"json": "^11.0.0",
"json5": "^2.2.3",
diff --git a/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/App.mjs b/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/App.mjs
index b2391190e..7908237e1 100644
--- a/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/App.mjs
+++ b/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/App.mjs
@@ -31,10 +31,16 @@ import { FindBand } from "./components/FindBand.mjs";
import { isVscode } from "./utils/Html.mjs";
import { getVscodeApi } from "./utils/vscode.mjs";
import { kDefaultSort } from "./constants.mjs";
-import { createsSamplesDescriptor } from "./samples/SamplesDescriptor.mjs";
+import {
+ createEvalDescriptor,
+ createSamplesDescriptor,
+} from "./samples/SamplesDescriptor.mjs";
import { byEpoch, bySample, sortSamples } from "./samples/tools/SortFilter.mjs";
import { resolveAttachments } from "./utils/attachments.mjs";
-import { filterFnForType } from "./samples/tools/filters.mjs";
+import {
+ addFragmentToFilter,
+ filterExpression,
+} from "./samples/tools/filters.mjs";
import {
@@ -159,6 +165,7 @@ export function App({
const [score, setScore] = useState(initialState?.score);
// Re-filter the samples
+ const [filterError, setFilterError] = useState(initialState?.filterError);
const [filteredSamples, setFilteredSamples] = useState(
initialState?.filteredSamples || [],
@@ -167,6 +174,14 @@ export function App({
initialState?.groupByOrder || "asc",
+ const addToFilterExpression = (fragment) => {
+ setFilter(addFragmentToFilter(filter, fragment));
+ const filterInput = document.getElementById("sample-filter-input");
+ if (filterInput) {
+ filterInput.focus();
+ }
+ };
const afterBodyElements = [];
const saveState = useCallback(() => {
const state = {
@@ -303,6 +318,7 @@ export function App({
useEffect(() => {
const samples = selectedLog?.contents?.sampleSummaries || [];
+ var newFilterError = undefined;
const filtered = samples.filter((sample) => {
// Filter by epoch if specified
if (epoch && epoch !== "all") {
@@ -312,9 +328,14 @@ export function App({
// Apply the filter
- const filterFn = filterFnForType(filter);
- if (filterFn && filter.value) {
- return filterFn(samplesDescriptor, sample, filter.value);
+ if (filter.value) {
+ const { matches, error } = filterExpression(
+ evalDescriptor,
+ sample,
+ filter.value,
+ );
+ newFilterError ||= error;
+ return matches;
} else {
return true;
@@ -325,7 +346,7 @@ export function App({
// Set the grouping
let grouping = "none";
- if (samplesDescriptor?.epochs > 1) {
+ if (samplesDescriptor?.evalDescriptor?.epochs > 1) {
if (byEpoch(sort) || epoch !== "all") {
grouping = "epoch";
} else if (bySample(sort)) {
@@ -333,18 +354,22 @@ export function App({
+ setFilterError(newFilterError);
}, [selectedLog, filter, sort, epoch]);
- const samplesDescriptor = useMemo(() => {
- return createsSamplesDescriptor(
+ const evalDescriptor = useMemo(() => {
+ return createEvalDescriptor(
selectedLog.contents?.eval?.config?.epochs || 1,
- score,
+ }, [selectedLog, scores]);
+ const samplesDescriptor = useMemo(() => {
+ return createSamplesDescriptor(evalDescriptor, score);
}, [selectedLog, scores, score]);
const refreshSampleTab = useCallback(
@@ -907,7 +932,9 @@ export function App({
+ filterError=${filterError}
+ addToFilterExpression=${addToFilterExpression}
diff --git a/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/Types.mjs b/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/Types.mjs
index 74278e548..3d08e76e4 100644
--- a/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/Types.mjs
+++ b/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/Types.mjs
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
* @typedef {Object} ScoreFilter
* @property {string} [value]
- * @property {string} [type]
diff --git a/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/api/Types.mjs b/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/api/Types.mjs
index 7b1bb9103..c5a0d5616 100644
--- a/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/api/Types.mjs
+++ b/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/api/Types.mjs
@@ -30,15 +30,26 @@
* @property { import("../types/log").Input } input
* @property { import("../types/log").Target } target
* @property { import("../types/log").Scores1 } scores
+ * @property { string } [error]
* @property { import("../types/log").Type11 } [limit]
-* @typedef {Object} Capabilities
-* @property {boolean} downloadFiles - Indicates if file downloads are supported.
-* @property {boolean} webWorkers - Indicates if web workers are supported.
+ * Fields shared by EvalSample and SampleSummary.
+ * Contains only fields that are copied verbatim in src/inspect_ai/log/_recorders/eval.py.
+ *
+ * @typedef {Object} SampleInterface
+ * @property { number | string } id
+ * @property { number } epoch
+ * @property { import("../types/log").Target } target
+ * @property { import("../types/log").Scores1 } scores
+ */
+ * @typedef {Object} Capabilities
+ * @property {boolean} downloadFiles - Indicates if file downloads are supported.
+ * @property {boolean} webWorkers - Indicates if web workers are supported.
+ */
* @typedef {Object} LogViewAPI
diff --git a/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/navbar/Navbar.mjs b/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/navbar/Navbar.mjs
index 0d1399cb7..d13d5c7ce 100644
--- a/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/navbar/Navbar.mjs
+++ b/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/navbar/Navbar.mjs
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ import { SecondaryBar } from "./SecondaryBar.mjs";
* @param {import("../types/log").EvalPlan} [props.evalPlan] - The EvalSpec
* @param {import("../types/log").EvalStats} [props.evalStats] - The EvalStats
* @param {import("../api/Types.mjs").SampleSummary[]} [props.samples] - the samples
+ * @param {import("../samples/SamplesDescriptor.mjs").EvalDescriptor} [props.evalDescriptor] - The EvalDescriptor
+ * @param {(fragment: string) => void} props.addToFilterExpression - add to the current filter expression
* @param {string} [props.status] - the status
* @param {boolean} props.offcanvas - Are we in offcanvas mode?
* @param {boolean} props.showToggle - Should we show the toggle?
@@ -32,6 +34,8 @@ export const Navbar = ({
+ evalDescriptor,
+ addToFilterExpression,
@@ -180,6 +184,8 @@ export const Navbar = ({
+ evalDescriptor=${evalDescriptor}
+ addToFilterExpression=${addToFilterExpression}
style=${{ gridColumn: "1/-1" }}
diff --git a/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/navbar/SecondaryBar.mjs b/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/navbar/SecondaryBar.mjs
index e101c1067..5e0232175 100644
--- a/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/navbar/SecondaryBar.mjs
+++ b/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/navbar/SecondaryBar.mjs
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
import { html } from "htm/preact";
+import { useState } from "preact/hooks";
import { LabeledValue } from "../components/LabeledValue.mjs";
import { formatDataset, formatDuration } from "../utils/Format.mjs";
import { ExpandablePanel } from "../components/ExpandablePanel.mjs";
+import { scoreFilterItems } from "../samples/tools/filters.mjs";
* Renders the Navbar
@@ -13,6 +15,8 @@ import { ExpandablePanel } from "../components/ExpandablePanel.mjs";
* @param {import("../types/log").EvalResults} [props.evalResults] - The EvalResults
* @param {import("../types/log").EvalStats} [props.evalStats] - The EvalStats
* @param {import("../api/Types.mjs").SampleSummary[]} [props.samples] - the samples
+ * @param {import("../samples/SamplesDescriptor.mjs").EvalDescriptor} [props.evalDescriptor] - The EvalDescriptor
+ * @param {(fragment: string) => void} props.addToFilterExpression - add to the current filter expression
* @param {string} [props.status] - the status
* @param {Map} [props.style] - is this off canvas
@@ -24,6 +28,8 @@ export const SecondaryBar = ({
+ evalDescriptor,
+ addToFilterExpression,
}) => {
@@ -56,19 +62,10 @@ export const SecondaryBar = ({
- const label = evalResults?.scores.length > 1 ? "Scorers" : "Scorer";
- values.push({
- size: "minmax(12%, auto)",
- value: html`<${LabeledValue} label="${label}" style=${staticColStyle} style=${{ justifySelf: hasConfig ? "left" : "center" }}>
- <${ScorerSummary}
- scorers=${evalResults?.scores} />
- ${LabeledValue}>`,
- });
if (hasConfig) {
size: "minmax(12%, auto)",
- value: html`<${LabeledValue} label="Config" style=${{ justifySelf: "right" }}>
+ value: html`<${LabeledValue} label="Config" style=${{ justifySelf: "center" }}>
<${ParamSummary} params=${hyperparameters}/>
@@ -81,11 +78,21 @@ export const SecondaryBar = ({
size: "minmax(12%, auto)",
value: html`
- <${LabeledValue} label="Duration" style=${{ justifySelf: "right" }}>
+ <${LabeledValue} label="Duration" style=${{ justifySelf: "center" }}>
+ const label = evalResults?.scores.length > 1 ? "Scorers" : "Scorer";
+ values.push({
+ size: "minmax(12%, auto)",
+ value: html`<${LabeledValue} label="${label}" style=${staticColStyle} style=${{ justifySelf: "right" }}>
+ <${ScorerSummary}
+ evalDescriptor=${evalDescriptor}
+ addToFilterExpression=${addToFilterExpression} />
+ ${LabeledValue}>`,
+ });
return html`
<${ExpandablePanel} style=${{ margin: "0", ...style }} collapse=${true} lines=${4}>
-const ScorerSummary = ({ scorers }) => {
- if (!scorers) {
+const FilterableItem = ({
+ item,
+ index,
+ openSuggestionIndex,
+ setOpenSuggestionIndex,
+ addToFilterExpression,
+}) => {
+ const handleClick = () => {
+ if (item.suggestions.length === 0) {
+ addToFilterExpression(item.canonicalName);
+ } else {
+ setOpenSuggestionIndex(openSuggestionIndex === index ? null : index);
+ }
+ };
+ const handleSuggestionClick = (suggestion) => {
+ addToFilterExpression(suggestion);
+ setOpenSuggestionIndex(null);
+ };
+ /** @param {HTMLElement} el */
+ const popupRef = (el) => {
+ if (el && openSuggestionIndex === index) {
+ const rect = el.previousElementSibling.getBoundingClientRect();
+ const viewportWidth = window.innerWidth;
+ const popupWidth = el.offsetWidth;
+ const finalLeft =
+ rect.left + popupWidth > viewportWidth
+ ? rect.right - popupWidth
+ : rect.left;
+ el.style.setProperty("--popup-left", `${finalLeft}px`);
+ el.style.setProperty("--popup-top", `${rect.bottom + 4}px`);
+ }
+ };
+ return html`
+ ${item.canonicalName}
+ ${item.suggestions.length > 0 &&
+ // Use fixed position to avoid being clipped by `ExpandablePanel`.
+ html`
+ ${item.suggestions.map(
+ (suggestion) => html`
+ handleSuggestionClick(suggestion)}
+ >
+ ${suggestion}
+ `,
+ )}
+ `}
+ `;
+const ScorerSummary = ({ evalDescriptor, addToFilterExpression }) => {
+ if (!evalDescriptor) {
return "";
- const uniqScorers = new Set();
- scorers.forEach((scorer) => {
- uniqScorers.add(scorer.name);
- });
+ const items = scoreFilterItems(evalDescriptor);
+ const [openSuggestionIndex, setOpenSuggestionIndex] = useState(null);
- return Array.from(uniqScorers).join(", ");
+ return html`
+ ${Array.from(items).map(
+ (item, index) => html`
+ ${index > 0 ? ", " : ""}
+ ${item.isFilterable
+ ? html`<${FilterableItem}
+ item=${item}
+ index=${index}
+ openSuggestionIndex=${openSuggestionIndex}
+ setOpenSuggestionIndex=${setOpenSuggestionIndex}
+ addToFilterExpression=${addToFilterExpression}
+ />`
+ : html`${item.canonicalName}`}
+ `,
+ )}
+ `;
diff --git a/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/samples/SampleDisplay.mjs b/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/samples/SampleDisplay.mjs
index 014f8cf84..c0c898a51 100644
--- a/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/samples/SampleDisplay.mjs
+++ b/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/samples/SampleDisplay.mjs
@@ -352,6 +352,14 @@ const metadataViewsForSample = (id, sample) => {
return sampleMetadatas;
+ * @param {Object} props - The parameters for the component.
+ * @param {string} props.id - The unique identifier for the sample.
+ * @param {import("../types/log").EvalSample} props.sample - The sample.
+ * @param {Object} props.style - The style for the element
+ * @param {import("../samples/SamplesDescriptor.mjs").SamplesDescriptor} props.sampleDescriptor - The sample descriptor.
+ * @returns {import("preact").JSX.Element} The SampleSummary component.
+ */
const SampleSummary = ({ id, sample, style, sampleDescriptor }) => {
const input =
sampleDescriptor?.messageShape.normalized.input > 0
@@ -414,7 +422,7 @@ const SampleSummary = ({ id, sample, style, sampleDescriptor }) => {
const fullAnswer =
sample && sampleDescriptor
- ? sampleDescriptor.selectedScorer(sample).answer()
+ ? sampleDescriptor.selectedScorerDescriptor(sample).answer()
: undefined;
if (fullAnswer) {
diff --git a/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/samples/SampleList.mjs b/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/samples/SampleList.mjs
index 3fbd749bf..1374edf8e 100644
--- a/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/samples/SampleList.mjs
+++ b/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/samples/SampleList.mjs
@@ -17,7 +17,22 @@ import { inputString } from "../utils/Format.mjs";
const kSampleHeight = 88;
const kSeparatorHeight = 24;
-// Convert samples to a datastructure which contemplates grouping, etc...
+ * Convert samples to a datastructure which contemplates grouping, etc...
+ *
+ * @param {Object} props - The parameters for the component.
+ * @param {Object} props.listRef - The ref for the list.
+ * @param {import("./SamplesTab.mjs").ListItem[]} props.items - The samples.
+ * @param {import("../samples/SamplesDescriptor.mjs").SamplesDescriptor} props.sampleDescriptor - The sample descriptor.
+ * @param {Object} props.style - The style for the element
+ * @param {number} props.selectedIndex - The index of the selected sample.
+ * @param {(index: number) => void} props.setSelectedIndex - The function to set the selected sample index.
+ * @param {import("../Types.mjs").ScoreLabel} props.selectedScore - The function to get the selected score.
+ * @param {() => void} props.nextSample - The function to move to the next sample.
+ * @param {() => void} props.prevSample - The function to move to the previous sample.
+ * @param {(index: number) => void} props.showSample - The function to show the sample.
+ * @returns {import("preact").JSX.Element} The SampleList component.
+ */
export const SampleList = (props) => {
const {
@@ -93,6 +108,7 @@ export const SampleList = (props) => {
}, [selectedIndex, rowMap, listRef]);
+ /** @param {import("./SamplesTab.mjs").ListItem} item */
const renderRow = (item) => {
if (item.type === "sample") {
return html`
@@ -192,6 +208,7 @@ export const SampleList = (props) => {
// Count any sample errors and display a bad alerting the user
// to any errors
const errorCount = items?.reduce((previous, item) => {
+ // @ts-ignore
if (item.data.error) {
return previous + 1;
} else {
@@ -201,6 +218,7 @@ export const SampleList = (props) => {
// Count limits
const limitCount = items?.reduce((previous, item) => {
+ // @ts-ignore
if (item.data.limit) {
return previous + 1;
} else {
@@ -260,6 +278,17 @@ const SeparatorRow = ({ id, title, height }) => {
+ * @param {Object} props - The parameters for the component.
+ * @param {string} props.id - The unique identifier for the sample.
+ * @param {number} props.index - The index of the sample.
+ * @param {import("../api/Types.mjs").SampleSummary} props.sample - The sample.
+ * @param {import("../samples/SamplesDescriptor.mjs").SamplesDescriptor} props.sampleDescriptor - The sample descriptor.
+ * @param {number} props.height - The height of the sample row.
+ * @param {boolean} props.selected - Whether the sample is selected.
+ * @param {(index: number) => void} props.showSample - The function to show the sample.
+ * @returns {import("preact").JSX.Element} The SampleRow component.
+ */
const SampleRow = ({
@@ -339,7 +368,9 @@ const SampleRow = ({
? html`
- markdown=${sampleDescriptor?.selectedScorer(sample).answer()}
+ markdown=${sampleDescriptor
+ ?.selectedScorerDescriptor(sample)
+ .answer()}
style=${{ paddingLeft: "0" }}
diff --git a/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/samples/SampleScoreView.mjs b/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/samples/SampleScoreView.mjs
index 22d201066..8e8339e04 100644
--- a/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/samples/SampleScoreView.mjs
+++ b/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/samples/SampleScoreView.mjs
@@ -13,6 +13,14 @@ const labelStyle = {
+ * @param {Object} props - The component props.
+ * @param {import("../types/log").EvalSample} props.sample - The sample.
+ * @param {import("../samples/SamplesDescriptor.mjs").SamplesDescriptor} props.sampleDescriptor - The sample descriptor.
+ * @param {Object} props.style - The style for the element.
+ * @param {string} props.scorer - The scorer.
+ * @returns {import("preact").JSX.Element} The SampleScoreView component.
+ */
export const SampleScoreView = ({
@@ -20,7 +28,7 @@ export const SampleScoreView = ({
}) => {
if (!sampleDescriptor) {
- return "";
+ return html``;
const scoreInput = inputString(sample.input);
if (sample.choices && sample.choices.length > 0) {
@@ -32,7 +40,10 @@ export const SampleScoreView = ({
- const scorerDescriptor = sampleDescriptor.scorer(sample, scorer);
+ const scorerDescriptor = sampleDescriptor.evalDescriptor.scorerDescriptor(
+ sample,
+ { scorer, name: scorer },
+ );
const explanation = scorerDescriptor.explanation() || "(No Explanation)";
const answer = scorerDescriptor.answer();
@@ -147,40 +158,47 @@ export const SampleScoreView = ({
: ""}
- ${sample?.score?.metadata &&
- Object.keys(sample?.score?.metadata).length > 0
- ? html`
- Metadata
- <${MetaDataView}
- id="task-sample-score-metadata"
- classes="tab-pane"
- entries="${sample?.score?.metadata}"
- style=${{ marginTop: "1em" }}
- />
- : ""}
+ ${
+ // @ts-ignore
+ sample?.score?.metadata &&
+ // @ts-ignore
+ Object.keys(sample?.score?.metadata).length > 0
+ ? html`
+ Metadata
+ <${MetaDataView}
+ id="task-sample-score-metadata"
+ classes="tab-pane"
+ entries="${
+ // @ts-ignore
+ sample?.score?.metadata
+ }"
+ style=${{ marginTop: "1em" }}
+ />
+ : ""
+ }
diff --git a/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/samples/SampleScores.mjs b/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/samples/SampleScores.mjs
index 11e8d8725..4f257540f 100644
--- a/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/samples/SampleScores.mjs
+++ b/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/samples/SampleScores.mjs
@@ -1,9 +1,18 @@
import { html } from "htm/preact";
+ * @param {Object} props
+ * @param {import("../api/Types.mjs").SampleSummary} props.sample
+ * @param {import("../samples/SamplesDescriptor.mjs").SamplesDescriptor} props.sampleDescriptor
+ * @param {string} props.scorer
+ * @returns {import("preact").JSX.Element}
+ */
export const SampleScores = ({ sample, sampleDescriptor, scorer }) => {
const scores = scorer
- ? sampleDescriptor.scorer(sample, scorer).scores()
- : sampleDescriptor.selectedScorer(sample).scores();
+ ? sampleDescriptor.evalDescriptor
+ .scorerDescriptor(sample, { scorer, name: scorer })
+ .scores()
+ : sampleDescriptor.selectedScorerDescriptor(sample).scores();
if (scores.length === 1) {
return scores[0].rendered();
diff --git a/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/samples/SamplesDescriptor.mjs b/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/samples/SamplesDescriptor.mjs
index 3c5282f5e..a0ef3a808 100644
--- a/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/samples/SamplesDescriptor.mjs
+++ b/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/samples/SamplesDescriptor.mjs
@@ -17,15 +17,26 @@ import {
} from "../constants.mjs";
+ * Represents a utility summary of the samples that doesn't change with the selected score.
+ * @typedef {Object} EvalDescriptor
+ * @property {number} epochs - The number of epochs.
+ * @property {import("../api/Types.mjs").SampleSummary[]} samples - The list of sample summaries.
+ * @property {import("../Types.mjs").ScoreLabel[]} scores - the list of available scores
+ * @property {(sample: import("../api/Types.mjs").SampleInterface, scoreLabel: import("../Types.mjs").ScoreLabel) => ScorerDescriptor} scorerDescriptor - Returns the scorer descriptor for a sample and a specified scorer.
+ * @property {(scoreLabel: import("../Types.mjs").ScoreLabel) => ScoreDescriptor} scoreDescriptor - Provides information about the score types and how to render them.
+ * @property {(sample: import("../api/Types.mjs").SampleInterface, scoreLabel: import("../Types.mjs").ScoreLabel) => SelectedScore} score - Returns information about a score for a sample.
+ * @property {(sample: import("../api/Types.mjs").SampleInterface, scorer: string) => string} scoreAnswer - Returns the answer for a sample and a specified scorer.
+ */
* Represents a utility summary of the samples.
* @typedef {Object} SamplesDescriptor
- * @property {ScoreDescriptor} scoreDescriptor - Provides information about the score types and how to render them.
- * @property {number} epochs - The number of epochs.
+ * @property {EvalDescriptor} evalDescriptor - The EvalDescriptor.
* @property {MessageShape} messageShape - The normalized sizes of input, target, and answer messages.
- * @property {(sample: import("../api/Types.mjs").SampleSummary) => SelectedScore} selectedScore - Returns the selected score for a sample.
- * @property {(sample: import("../api/Types.mjs").SampleSummary, scorer: string) => ScorerDescriptor} scorer - Returns the scorer descriptor for a sample and a specified scorer.
- * @property {(sample: import("../api/Types.mjs").SampleSummary) => ScorerDescriptor} selectedScorer - Returns the scorer descriptor for a sample using the selected scorer.
+ * @property {ScoreDescriptor} selectedScoreDescriptor - Provides information about the score types and how to render them.
+ * @property {(sample: import("../api/Types.mjs").SampleInterface) => SelectedScore} selectedScore - Returns the selected score for a sample.
+ * @property {(sample: import("../api/Types.mjs").SampleInterface) => ScorerDescriptor} selectedScorerDescriptor - Returns the scorer descriptor for a sample using the selected scorer.
@@ -48,7 +59,7 @@ import {
- * Represents the selected score for a sample, including its value and render function.
+ * Represents a score for a sample, including its value and render function.
* @typedef {Object} SelectedScore
* @property {import("../types/log").Value2} value - The value of the selected score.
* @property {function(): any} render - Function to render the selected score.
@@ -72,69 +83,48 @@ import {
- * Provides a utility summary of the samples
- *
- * @param {import("../Types.mjs").ScoreLabel[]} scorers - the list of available scores
+ * @param {import("../Types.mjs").ScoreLabel[]} scores - the list of available scores
* @param {import("../api/Types.mjs").SampleSummary[]} samples - the list of sample summaries
* @param {number} epochs - The number of epochs
- * @param {import("../Types.mjs").ScoreLabel} [selectedScore] - the currently selected score
- * @returns {SamplesDescriptor} The SamplesDescriptor
+ * @returns {EvalDescriptor} The EvalDescriptor
-export const createsSamplesDescriptor = (
- scorers,
- samples,
- epochs,
- selectedScore,
-) => {
+export const createEvalDescriptor = (scores, samples, epochs) => {
if (!samples) {
return undefined;
- * @param {import("../api/Types.mjs").SampleSummary} sample - the currently selected score
- * @param {string} scorer - the scorer name
- * @returns {import("../types/log").Score} The Score
- */
- const score = (sample, scorer = selectedScore?.scorer) => {
- if (sample.scores[scorer]) {
- return sample.scores[scorer];
- } else {
- return undefined;
- }
- };
- /**
- * @param {import("../api/Types.mjs").SampleSummary} sample - the currently selected score
+ * @param {import("../api/Types.mjs").SampleInterface} sample - the currently selected score
+ * @param {import("../Types.mjs").ScoreLabel} scoreLabel - the score label
* @returns {import("../types/log").Value2} The Score
- const scoreValue = (sample) => {
+ const scoreValue = (sample, scoreLabel) => {
// no scores, no value
- if (Object.keys(sample.scores).length === 0 || !selectedScore) {
+ if (Object.keys(sample.scores).length === 0 || !scoreLabel) {
return undefined;
if (
- selectedScore.scorer !== selectedScore.name &&
- sample.scores[selectedScore.scorer] &&
- sample.scores[selectedScore.scorer].value
+ scoreLabel.scorer !== scoreLabel.name &&
+ sample.scores[scoreLabel.scorer] &&
+ sample.scores[scoreLabel.scorer].value
) {
- return sample.scores[selectedScore.scorer].value[selectedScore.name];
- } else if (sample.scores[selectedScore.name]) {
- return sample.scores[selectedScore.name].value;
+ return sample.scores[scoreLabel.scorer].value[scoreLabel.name];
+ } else if (sample.scores[scoreLabel.name]) {
+ return sample.scores[scoreLabel.name].value;
} else {
return undefined;
- // Retrieve the answer for a sample
- * @param {import("../api/Types.mjs").SampleSummary} sample - the currently selected score
+ * @param {import("../api/Types.mjs").SampleInterface} sample - the currently selected score
* @param {string} scorer - the scorer name
* @returns {string} The answer
const scoreAnswer = (sample, scorer) => {
if (sample) {
- const sampleScore = score(sample, scorer);
+ const sampleScore = sample.scores[scorer];
if (sampleScore && sampleScore.answer) {
return sampleScore.answer;
@@ -143,162 +133,132 @@ export const createsSamplesDescriptor = (
- // Retrieve the answer for a sample
- * @param {import("../api/Types.mjs").SampleSummary} sample - the currently selected score
+ * @param {import("../api/Types.mjs").SampleInterface} sample - the currently selected score
* @param {string} scorer - the scorer name
* @returns {string} The explanation
const scoreExplanation = (sample, scorer) => {
if (sample) {
- const sampleScore = score(sample, scorer);
+ const sampleScore = sample.scores[scorer];
if (sampleScore && sampleScore.explanation) {
return sampleScore.explanation;
return undefined;
- const uniqScoreValues = [
- ...new Set(
- samples
- .filter((sample) => !!sample.scores)
- .filter((sample) => {
- // There is no selected scorer, so include this value
- if (!selectedScore) {
- return true;
- }
- if (selectedScore.scorer !== selectedScore.name) {
- return (
- Object.keys(sample.scores).includes(selectedScore.scorer) &&
- Object.keys(sample.scores[selectedScore.scorer].value).includes(
- selectedScore.name,
- )
- );
- } else {
- return Object.keys(sample.scores).includes(selectedScore.name);
- }
- })
- .map((sample) => {
- return scoreValue(sample);
- })
- .filter((value) => {
- return value !== null;
- }),
- ),
- ];
- const uniqScoreTypes = [
- ...new Set(uniqScoreValues.map((scoreValue) => typeof scoreValue)),
- ];
- /** @type {ScoreDescriptor} */
- let scoreDescriptor;
- for (const categorizer of scoreCategorizers) {
- scoreDescriptor = categorizer.describe(uniqScoreValues, uniqScoreTypes);
- if (scoreDescriptor) {
- break;
- }
- }
+ /**
+ * @param {import("../Types.mjs").ScoreLabel} scoreLabel
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+ const scoreLabelKey = (scoreLabel) => {
+ return `${scoreLabel.scorer}.${scoreLabel.name}`;
+ };
- // Find the total length of the value so we can compute an average
- const sizes = samples.reduce(
- (previous, current) => {
- const text = inputString(current.input).join(" ");
- const scoreText = scoreValue(current) ? String(scoreValue(current)) : "";
- previous[0] = Math.min(Math.max(previous[0], text.length), 300);
- previous[1] = Math.min(
- Math.max(previous[1], arrayToString(current.target).length),
- 300,
- );
- previous[2] = Math.min(
- Math.max(
- previous[2],
- scoreAnswer(current, selectedScore?.name)?.length || 0,
- ),
- 300,
- );
- previous[3] = Math.min(
- Math.max(previous[3], current.limit ? current.limit.length : 0),
- 50,
- );
- previous[4] = Math.min(
- Math.max(previous[4], String(current.id).length),
- 10,
- );
- previous[5] = Math.min(Math.max(previous[5], scoreText.length), 30);
+ /**
+ * The EvalDescriptor is memoized. Compute all descriptors now to avoid duplicate work.
+ * @type {Map}
+ */
+ const scoreDescriptorMap = new Map();
+ for (const scoreLabel of scores) {
+ const uniqScoreValues = [
+ ...new Set(
+ samples
+ .filter((sample) => !!sample.scores)
+ .filter((sample) => {
+ // There is no selected scorer, so include this value
+ if (!scoreLabel) {
+ return true;
+ }
- return previous;
- },
- [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
- );
+ if (scoreLabel.scorer !== scoreLabel.name) {
+ return (
+ Object.keys(sample.scores).includes(scoreLabel.scorer) &&
+ Object.keys(sample.scores[scoreLabel.scorer].value).includes(
+ scoreLabel.name,
+ )
+ );
+ } else {
+ return Object.keys(sample.scores).includes(scoreLabel.name);
+ }
+ })
+ .map((sample) => {
+ return scoreValue(sample, scoreLabel);
+ })
+ .filter((value) => {
+ return value !== null;
+ }),
+ ),
+ ];
+ const uniqScoreTypes = [
+ ...new Set(uniqScoreValues.map((scoreValue) => typeof scoreValue)),
+ ];
- // normalize to base 1
- const maxSizes = {
- input: Math.min(sizes[0], 300),
- target: Math.min(sizes[1], 300),
- answer: Math.min(sizes[2], 300),
- limit: Math.min(sizes[3], 50),
- id: Math.min(sizes[4], 10),
- score: Math.min(sizes[4], 30),
- };
- const base =
- maxSizes.input +
- maxSizes.target +
- maxSizes.answer +
- maxSizes.limit +
- maxSizes.id +
- maxSizes.score || 1;
- const messageShape = {
- raw: {
- input: sizes[0],
- target: sizes[1],
- answer: sizes[2],
- limit: sizes[3],
- id: sizes[4],
- score: sizes[5],
- },
- normalized: {
- input: maxSizes.input / base,
- target: maxSizes.target / base,
- answer: maxSizes.answer / base,
- limit: maxSizes.limit / base,
- id: maxSizes.id / base,
- score: maxSizes.score / base,
- },
+ for (const categorizer of scoreCategorizers) {
+ const scoreDescriptor = categorizer.describe(
+ uniqScoreValues,
+ uniqScoreTypes,
+ );
+ if (scoreDescriptor) {
+ scoreDescriptorMap.set(scoreLabelKey(scoreLabel), scoreDescriptor);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param {import("../Types.mjs").ScoreLabel} scoreLabel
+ * @returns {ScoreDescriptor}
+ */
+ const scoreDescriptor = (scoreLabel) => {
+ return scoreDescriptorMap.get(scoreLabelKey(scoreLabel));
- const scoreRendered = (sample) => {
- const score = scoreValue(sample);
+ /**
+ * @param {import("../api/Types.mjs").SampleInterface} sample
+ * @param {import("../Types.mjs").ScoreLabel} scoreLabel
+ * @returns {any}
+ */
+ const scoreRendered = (sample, scoreLabel) => {
+ const descriptor = scoreDescriptor(scoreLabel);
+ const score = scoreValue(sample, scoreLabel);
if (score === null || score === "undefined") {
return "null";
- } else if (scoreDescriptor.render) {
- return scoreDescriptor.render(score);
+ } else if (descriptor.render) {
+ return descriptor.render(score);
} else {
return score;
- const scorerDescriptor = (sample, scorer) => {
+ /**
+ * @param {import("../api/Types.mjs").SampleInterface} sample
+ * @param {import("../Types.mjs").ScoreLabel} scoreLabel
+ * @returns {ScorerDescriptor}
+ */
+ const scorerDescriptor = (sample, scoreLabel) => {
return {
explanation: () => {
- return scoreExplanation(sample, scorer);
+ return scoreExplanation(sample, scoreLabel.scorer);
answer: () => {
- return scoreAnswer(sample, scorer);
+ return scoreAnswer(sample, scoreLabel.scorer);
scores: () => {
if (!sample || !sample.scores) {
return [];
+ const myScoreDescriptor = scoreDescriptor(scoreLabel);
// Make a list of all the valid score names (this is
// used to distinguish between dictionaries that contain
// scores that should be treated as standlone scores and
// dictionaries that just contain random values, which is allowed)
- const scoreNames = scorers.map((score) => {
+ const scoreNames = scores.map((score) => {
return score.name;
- const sampleScorer = sample.scores[scorer];
+ const sampleScorer = sample.scores[scoreLabel.scorer];
const scoreVal = sampleScorer.value;
if (typeof scoreVal === "object") {
const names = Object.keys(scoreVal);
@@ -311,9 +271,9 @@ export const createsSamplesDescriptor = (
// we just treat it like an opaque dictionary
return [
- name: scorer,
+ name: scoreLabel.scorer,
rendered: () => {
- return scoreDescriptor.render(scoreVal);
+ return myScoreDescriptor.render(scoreVal);
@@ -324,7 +284,7 @@ export const createsSamplesDescriptor = (
return {
rendered: () => {
- return scoreDescriptor.render(scoreVal[name]);
+ return myScoreDescriptor.render(scoreVal[name]);
@@ -333,9 +293,9 @@ export const createsSamplesDescriptor = (
} else {
return [
- name: scorer,
+ name: scoreLabel.scorer,
rendered: () => {
- return scoreDescriptor.render(scoreVal);
+ return myScoreDescriptor.render(scoreVal);
@@ -344,25 +304,119 @@ export const createsSamplesDescriptor = (
+ /**
+ * @param {import("../api/Types.mjs").SampleInterface} sample
+ * @param {import("../Types.mjs").ScoreLabel} scoreLabel
+ * @returns {SelectedScore}
+ */
+ const score = (sample, scoreLabel) => {
+ return {
+ value: scoreValue(sample, scoreLabel),
+ render: () => {
+ return scoreRendered(sample, scoreLabel);
+ },
+ };
+ };
return {
- scoreDescriptor,
- messageShape,
- selectedScore: (sample) => {
- return {
- value: scoreValue(sample),
- render: () => {
- return scoreRendered(sample);
- },
- };
+ samples,
+ scores,
+ scorerDescriptor,
+ scoreDescriptor,
+ score,
+ scoreAnswer,
+ };
+ * Provides a utility summary of the samples
+ *
+ * @param {EvalDescriptor} evalDescriptor - The EvalDescriptor.
+ * @param {import("../Types.mjs").ScoreLabel} selectedScore - Selected score.
+ * @returns {SamplesDescriptor} - The SamplesDescriptor.
+ */
+export const createSamplesDescriptor = (evalDescriptor, selectedScore) => {
+ if (!evalDescriptor) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ // Find the total length of the value so we can compute an average
+ const sizes = evalDescriptor.samples.reduce(
+ (previous, current) => {
+ const text = inputString(current.input).join(" ");
+ const scoreValue = evalDescriptor.score(current, selectedScore).value;
+ const scoreText = scoreValue ? String(scoreValue) : "";
+ previous[0] = Math.min(Math.max(previous[0], text.length), 300);
+ previous[1] = Math.min(
+ Math.max(previous[1], arrayToString(current.target).length),
+ 300,
+ );
+ previous[2] = Math.min(
+ Math.max(
+ previous[2],
+ evalDescriptor.scoreAnswer(current, selectedScore?.name)?.length || 0,
+ ),
+ 300,
+ );
+ previous[3] = Math.min(
+ Math.max(previous[3], current.limit ? current.limit.length : 0),
+ 50,
+ );
+ previous[4] = Math.min(
+ Math.max(previous[4], String(current.id).length),
+ 10,
+ );
+ previous[5] = Math.min(Math.max(previous[5], scoreText.length), 30);
+ return previous;
- scorer: (sample, scorer) => {
- return scorerDescriptor(sample, scorer);
+ [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+ );
+ // normalize to base 1
+ const maxSizes = {
+ input: Math.min(sizes[0], 300),
+ target: Math.min(sizes[1], 300),
+ answer: Math.min(sizes[2], 300),
+ limit: Math.min(sizes[3], 50),
+ id: Math.min(sizes[4], 10),
+ score: Math.min(sizes[4], 30),
+ };
+ const base =
+ maxSizes.input +
+ maxSizes.target +
+ maxSizes.answer +
+ maxSizes.limit +
+ maxSizes.id +
+ maxSizes.score || 1;
+ const messageShape = {
+ raw: {
+ input: sizes[0],
+ target: sizes[1],
+ answer: sizes[2],
+ limit: sizes[3],
+ id: sizes[4],
+ score: sizes[5],
- selectedScorer: (sample) => {
- return scorerDescriptor(sample, selectedScore?.scorer);
+ normalized: {
+ input: maxSizes.input / base,
+ target: maxSizes.target / base,
+ answer: maxSizes.answer / base,
+ limit: maxSizes.limit / base,
+ id: maxSizes.id / base,
+ score: maxSizes.score / base,
+ return {
+ evalDescriptor,
+ messageShape,
+ selectedScoreDescriptor: evalDescriptor.scoreDescriptor(selectedScore),
+ selectedScore: (sample) => evalDescriptor.score(sample, selectedScore),
+ selectedScorerDescriptor: (sample) =>
+ evalDescriptor.scorerDescriptor(sample, selectedScore),
+ };
diff --git a/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/samples/SamplesTab.mjs b/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/samples/SamplesTab.mjs
index 8d9d17e98..39b8f6e9f 100644
--- a/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/samples/SamplesTab.mjs
+++ b/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/samples/SamplesTab.mjs
@@ -55,7 +55,9 @@ export const SamplesTab = ({
}) => {
+ /** @type {[ListItem[], function(ListItem[]): void]} */
const [items, setItems] = useState([]);
+ /** @type {[ListItem[], function(ListItem[]): void]} */
const [sampleItems, setSampleItems] = useState([]);
const sampleListRef = useRef(/** @type {HTMLElement|null} */ (null));
@@ -287,7 +289,7 @@ const groupBySample = (samples, sampleDescriptor, order) => {
- const groupCount = samples.length / sampleDescriptor.epochs;
+ const groupCount = samples.length / sampleDescriptor.evalDescriptor.epochs;
const itemCount = samples.length / groupCount;
const counter = getCounter(itemCount, groupCount, order);
return (sample, index, previousSample) => {
@@ -328,7 +330,7 @@ const groupBySample = (samples, sampleDescriptor, order) => {
* @returns {(sample: import("../api/Types.mjs").SampleSummary, index: number, previousSample: import("../api/Types.mjs").SampleSummary) => ListItem[]} The list
const groupByEpoch = (samples, sampleDescriptor, order) => {
- const groupCount = sampleDescriptor.epochs;
+ const groupCount = sampleDescriptor.evalDescriptor.epochs;
const itemCount = samples.length / groupCount;
const counter = getCounter(itemCount, groupCount, order);
diff --git a/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/samples/SamplesTools.mjs b/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/samples/SamplesTools.mjs
index 2a3eb5668..b92cb0cfe 100644
--- a/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/samples/SamplesTools.mjs
+++ b/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/samples/SamplesTools.mjs
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ export const SampleTools = (props) => {
+ filterError,
@@ -43,14 +44,6 @@ export const SampleTools = (props) => {
- tools.push(
- html`<${SampleFilter}
- filter=${filter}
- filterChanged=${filterChanged}
- descriptor=${sampleDescriptor}
- />`,
- );
@@ -60,5 +53,13 @@ export const SampleTools = (props) => {
+ tools.push(
+ html`<${SampleFilter}
+ filter=${filter}
+ filterError=${filterError}
+ filterChanged=${filterChanged}
+ />`,
+ );
return tools;
diff --git a/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/samples/tools/SampleFilter.mjs b/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/samples/tools/SampleFilter.mjs
index e720d4404..bbc5cbc5c 100644
--- a/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/samples/tools/SampleFilter.mjs
+++ b/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/samples/tools/SampleFilter.mjs
@@ -1,112 +1,26 @@
import { html } from "htm/preact";
import { FontSize, TextStyle } from "../../appearance/Fonts.mjs";
-import {
- kScoreTypeCategorical,
- kScoreTypeNumeric,
- kScoreTypeObject,
- kScoreTypePassFail,
-} from "../../constants.mjs";
+import { useRef } from "preact/hooks";
* Renders the Sample Filter Control
* @param {Object} props - The parameters for the component.
- * @param {import("../SamplesDescriptor.mjs").SamplesDescriptor} props.descriptor - The sample descriptor
* @param {(filter: import("../../Types.mjs").ScoreFilter) => void} props.filterChanged - Filter changed function
* @param {import("../../Types.mjs").ScoreFilter} props.filter - Capabilities of the application host
+ * @param {string | undefined} props.filterError - The error in the filter expression, if any.
* @returns {import("preact").JSX.Element | string} The TranscriptView component.
-export const SampleFilter = ({ descriptor, filter, filterChanged }) => {
- const updateCategoryValue = (e) => {
- const val = e.currentTarget.value;
- if (val === "all") {
- filterChanged({});
- } else {
- filterChanged({
- value: val,
- type: kScoreTypeCategorical,
- });
- }
- };
- switch (descriptor?.scoreDescriptor?.scoreType) {
- case kScoreTypePassFail: {
- const options = [{ text: "All", value: "all" }];
- options.push(
- ...descriptor.scoreDescriptor.categories.map((cat) => {
- return { text: cat.text, value: cat.val };
- }),
- );
- return html`<${SelectFilter}
- value=${filter.value || "all"}
- options=${options}
- onChange=${updateCategoryValue}
- />`;
- }
- case kScoreTypeCategorical: {
- const options = [{ text: "All", value: "all" }];
- options.push(
- ...descriptor.scoreDescriptor.categories.map((cat) => {
- return { text: cat, value: cat };
- }),
- );
- return html`<${SelectFilter}
- value=${filter.value || "all"}
- options=${options}
- onChange=${updateCategoryValue}
- />`;
- }
- case kScoreTypeNumeric: {
- // TODO: Create a real numeric slider control of some kind
- return html`
- {
- filterChanged({
- value: e.currentTarget.value,
- type: kScoreTypeNumeric,
- });
- }}
- />
- `;
- }
- case kScoreTypeObject: {
- if (!descriptor.scoreDescriptor.categories) {
- return "";
- }
- const options = [{ text: "All", value: "all" }];
- options.push(
- ...descriptor.scoreDescriptor.categories.map((cat) => {
- return { text: cat.text, value: cat.value };
- }),
- );
- return html`<${SelectFilter}
- value=${filter.value || "all"}
- options=${options}
- onChange=${updateCategoryValue}
- />`;
- }
+export const SampleFilter = ({ filter, filterError, filterChanged }) => {
+ const inputRef = useRef(null);
+ const tooltip = filterError
+ ? `${filterError}\n\n${filterTooltip}`
+ : filterTooltip;
- default: {
- return undefined;
- }
- }
-const SelectFilter = ({ value, options, onChange }) => {
return html`
marginRight: "0.3em",
marginLeft: "0.2em",
- >Scores:Filter:
+ {
+ filterChanged({
+ value: e.currentTarget.value,
+ });
+ }}
+ ref=${inputRef}
+ />
+ ${filter.value &&
+ html`
+ `}
+const filterTooltip = `
+Filter samples by scores. Supported expressions:
+ • Arithmetic: +, -, *, /, mod, ^
+ • Comparison: <, <=, >, >=, ==, !=, including chain comparisons, e.g. “10 <= x < 20”
+ • Boolean: and, or, not
+ • Regex matching: ~= (case-sensitive)
+ • Set operations: in, not in; e.g. “x in (1, 2, 3)”
+ • Functions: min, max, abs, round, floor, ceil, sqrt, log, log2, log10
+Click on the score name above to add it to the filter.
diff --git a/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/samples/tools/SelectScorer.mjs b/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/samples/tools/SelectScorer.mjs
index b2ebd3acd..ddbc6872e 100644
--- a/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/samples/tools/SelectScorer.mjs
+++ b/src/inspect_ai/_view/www/src/samples/tools/SelectScorer.mjs
@@ -1,89 +1,37 @@
import { html } from "htm/preact";
import { FontSize, TextStyle } from "../../appearance/Fonts.mjs";
+ * @param {Object} props
+ * @param {import("../../Types.mjs").ScoreLabel[]} props.scores
+ * @param {import("../../Types.mjs").ScoreLabel} props.score
+ * @param {(score: import("../../Types.mjs").ScoreLabel) => void} props.setScore
+ * @returns {import("preact").JSX.Element}
+ */
export const SelectScorer = ({ scores, score, setScore }) => {
- const scorers = scores.reduce((accum, scorer) => {
- if (
- !accum.find((sc) => {
- return scorer.scorer === sc.scorer;
- })
- ) {
- accum.push(scorer);
- }
- return accum;
- }, []);
- if (scorers.length === 1) {
- // There is only a single scorer in play, just show the list of available scores
- return html`
- Score:
- <${ScoreSelector}
- scores=${scores}
- selectedIndex=${scoreIndex(score, scores)}
- selectedIndexChanged=${(index) => {
- setScore(scores[index]);
- }}
- />
- `;
- } else {
- // selected scorer
- const scorerScores = scores.filter((sc) => {
- return sc.scorer === score.scorer;
- });
- const selectors = [
- html`<${ScorerSelector}
- scorers=${scorers}
- selectedIndex=${scorerIndex(score, scorers)}
+ return html`
+ Scorer:
+ <${ScoreSelector}
+ scores=${scores}
+ selectedIndex=${scoreIndex(score, scores)}
selectedIndexChanged=${(index) => {
- setScore(scorers[index]);
+ setScore(scores[index]);
- />`,
- ];
- if (scorerScores.length > 1) {
- selectors.push(
- html`<${ScoreSelector}
- style=${{ marginLeft: "1em" }}
- scores=${scorerScores}
- selectedIndex=${scoreIndex(score, scorerScores)}
- selectedIndexChanged=${(index) => {
- setScore(scorerScores[index]);
- }}
- />`,
- );
- }
- // There are multiple scorers, so show a scorer selector and a r
- return html`
- Scorer:
- ${selectors}
- `;
- }
+ />
+ `;
const ScoreSelector = ({
@@ -102,23 +50,11 @@ const ScoreSelector = ({
${scores.map((score) => {
- return html``;
- })}
- `;
-const ScorerSelector = ({ scorers, selectedIndex, selectedIndexChanged }) => {
- return html`