This folder is used to test ideas about the plugin. Examples are first tested here before being included in the test suite.
Given the source:
➜ examples git:(main) cat hello.js
function @@ foo(bar) {
return bar * 2;
foo(10) = 5;
console.log(foo(10)); // 5
console.log(foo(5)); // 10
We can compile it with:
➜ examples git:(main) ✗ npx babel hello.js
const {
} = require("@ull-esit-pl/babel-plugin-left-side-support");
const foo = functionObject(function (bar) {
return bar * 2;
assign(foo, [10], 5);
console.log(foo(10)); // 5
console.log(foo(5)); // 10
and run the compiled code with node
➜ examples git:(main) ✗ npx babel hello.js | node
Notice, that due to the use of the workspaces in this project, in the root node_modules
we find symbolic links to the packages to the workspace packages:
➜ parser-left-side-crguezl git:(main) ✗ ls -l node_modules/@ull-esit-pl-2425
total 0
lrwxr-xr-x@ 1 casianorodriguezleon staff 27 25 dic 16:48 babel-parser -> ../../packages/babel-parser
lrwxr-xr-x@ 1 casianorodriguezleon staff 37 25 dic 15:33 babel-plugin-left-side -> ../../packages/babel-plugin-left-side
lrwxr-xr-x@ 1 casianorodriguezleon staff 45 25 dic 15:33 babel-plugin-left-side-support -> ../../packages/babel-plugin-left-side-support
This is why the require("@ull-esit-pl/babel-plugin-left-side-support")
in the generated example hello.cjs
const {
} = require("@ull-esit-pl/babel-plugin-left-side-support");
Notice that the package.json
in the examples folder has no dependencies:
➜ parser-left-side-crguezl git:(main) ✗ cat examples/package.json
"name": "examples",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "hello.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "npm i && babel hello.js --out-file hello.cjs && node hello.cjs",
"cppabloparser": " cp ../../pablo-santana-gonzalez/babel-tanhauhau-pablo/packages/babel-parser/lib/index.js ../packages/babel-parser/lib",
"testparser": "../packages/babel-parser/bin/babel-parser.js hello.js",
"save": " cd .. && npm run save"
"keywords": [],
"author": "Casiano Rodriguez Leon <[email protected]> (",
"license": "ISC"
Also see that if you use the JSON format for the Babel configuration, you have to use the relative path:
➜ examples git:(main) ✗ git -P show HEAD:examples/babel.config.json
"plugins": [
But if you use the JavaScript format, you can use the workspace trick:
➜ examples git:(main) ✗ cat babel.config.js
const leftSidePlugin = require("@ull-esit-pl-2425/babel-plugin-left-side");
module.exports = {
"plugins": [ leftSidePlugin, ]
This example shows a simple example of an assignable method:
➜ examples git:(main) ✗ cat example-method.js
let a = {foo: function @@ something(a) {return a}};"bar") = "fighter";
console.log("x")); // x
console.log("bar")); // fighter
➜ examples git:(main) ✗ npx babel example-method.js | node
When the expected behavior of the babel compiler for the example (like empty-assignment.js
) is to issue an error message, copy a truncated
version of the error message in packages/babel-parser/test/left-side/exec_out/syntaxerror-empty-assignment.js
(notice the prefix syntaxerror-
). Is not being really tested at this time. The check is just that the word SyntaxError
appears in the output.
If the expected behavior is to compile but have a runtime error, copy the output in packages/babel-parser/test/left-side/exec_out/runtime-error-empty-assignment.js
(notice the prefix runtime-error-
). The check is just that the word RuntimeError
appears in the output.
See the not-working folder
Nested assignation is not working.
examples git:(main) npx babel example-nested-assignation.js
Multiparameter not working:
npx babel example-multiparameter.js | node -
As it was explained in the section Installation, the parser is installed in the workspace, so I can use npx parser
to run it:
➜ examples git:(main) ✗ npx parser hello.js | jq '.type'
or we can use the parser directly:
➜ examples git:(main) ✗ ../packages/babel-parser/bin/babel-parser.js hello.js
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