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File metadata and controls

191 lines (111 loc) · 5.86 KB


The Forensic Playground File Format (FPFF) is an open format designed to serve as a sandbox for forensics education and competition. It has three main goals:

  1. Resemblance. FPFF is similar to many common binary formats, making it a good tool for familiarizing students with binary layouts and parsing.
  2. Uniqueness. FPFF is different enough from real formats, preventing automatic analysis with tools like binwalk.
  3. Flexibility. FPFF's specification is simple, making extension and modification straightforward.

FPFF was developed by UMD-CSEC for CMSC389R: Ethical Hacking.

The specification and a reference implementation are available on GitHub under the MIT license.

The overview below this is fictional.


The Forensic Playground File Format (FPFF) is a standards-compliant container format. This document contains the official specification for FPFF 1.3.


  • File and stream are used interchangeably, to denote a source of data.
  • A word is 32 bits, or 4 bytes.
  • A dword is 64 bits, or 8 bytes.
  • A double is a 64 bit IEEE754 floating-point number.
  • The use of must in any condition indicates that an FPFF parser should fail immediately if the condition is not met.
  • The use of should indicates a user expectation that an FPFF parser may choose not to enforce.


If FPFF data is read from a file, then that file should have a .fpff suffix.

All FPFF data is little-endian except for the content of section values, which may be whatever their format requires.

Unless otherwise specified, all integer fields are unsigned.

An FPFF file has two parts: a header and a body.

Each part is specified in detail below.


The FPFF header begins at offset 0.

Its layout is as follows:

Magic: 0xDEADBEEF Version: version Timestamp: timestamp Author: author Section count: section count

Each field is described below.


The magic field is one word.

A valid FPFF stream must begin with the FPFF magic bytes: 0xDEADBEEF. Any stream that does not begin with 0xDEADBEEF is not a valid FPFF stream.


The version field is one word.

The stream's version must be 1, i.e. 0x1. Other versions are reserved for future FPFF specifications.


The timestamp field is one word.

The stream's timestamp must be a valid UNIX timestamp.


The author field is 8 bytes.

The stream's author must be ASCII-encoded. If the author is shorter than 8 bytes, then the field must be padded with null (0x0) bytes.

Section count

The section count field is one word.

The stream's section count must be greater than 0.


The FPFF body begins immediately after the header (offset sizeof(header)).

The body is a list of nsects sections:

Section 1: ... ,
Section 2: ... ,
Section n: ...

The layout of sections is described below.


Every section has at least two words: the section type (stype) and length (slen).

If slen is 0, then svalue must not exist. Thus, slen refers to the value only -- the total length of the section in bytes is slen + sizeof(stype) + sizeof(slen).

Section Type: stype,
Section Length: slen,
Section Value: svalue (optional)

Section types

The stype field of a section indicates how to handle the section's value.

There are currently a fixed set of valid types:

  • SECTION_PNG (0x1) -- Embedded PNG image.
  • SECTION_DWORDS (0x2) -- Array of dwords.
  • SECTION_UTF8 (0x3) -- UTF-8-encoded text.
  • SECTION_DOUBLES (0x4) -- Array of doubles.
  • SECTION_WORDS (0x5) -- Array of words.
  • SECTION_COORD (0x6) -- (Latitude, longitude) tuple of doubles.
  • SECTION_REFERENCE (0x7) -- The index of another section.

A section's type must be one of the above.


Sections of type SECTION_PNG must contain slen bytes of PNG-encoded data.

As a space-saving measure, a proper FPFF emitter must remove the PNG's file signature. Thus, a proper FPFF parser must re-add the signature to produce the actual PNG.


Sections of type SECTION_DWORDS must contain slen / 8 dwords.


Sections of type SECTION_UTF8 must contain slen bytes of UTF-8-encoded text.


Sections of type SECTION_DOUBLES must contain slen / 8 doubles.


Sections of type SECTION_WORDS must contain slen / 4 words.


Sections of type SECTION_COORD must contain two doubles.

SECTION_COORD sections must have an slen of exactly 16.

The coordinates inside of a SECTION_COORD should be a valid (latitude, longitude) tuple.


Sections of type SECTION_REFERENCE must contain one word.

SECTION_REFERENCE sections must have an slen of exactly 4.

The svalue of a SECTION_REFERENCE section must be a valid index in the range [0, nsects - 1].


Sections of type SECTION_ASCII must contain slen bytes of ASCII-encoded text.

Section length

As mentioned in 4.2.1, a section's length (slen) is the length of the section's value (svalue), not including the length of stype and slen themselves.