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+.. ,
+The University of North Carolina
+at Chapel Hill
+CB# 3380
+Chapel Hill, NC
+(919) 962-6706
+FAX 962-1277
+DECEMBER 2, 1992
+Margaret Balcom '
+Kathleen Benzaquin
+Sylvia Buckner
+Linda Chegash
+Hilda Durham
+Richard Ellington
+Libby Evans
+Esphur Foster
+Charles Gallagher
+Jimmy Hart
+Dottie Howell
+Linda Lane
+Anne Montgomery
+Ed Phillips
+LaBron Reid
+Fred Schroeder
+Pam Siler
+Marsha Tinnen
+Kay Wijnberg
+Beverly Williams
+Bertina Baldwin
+Myrna Bower
+Robyn Catlett
+Steve Copeland
+Ann Edwards
+Marie Evans
+Martin Feinstein
+Linwood Futrelle
+Dee Gold
+Louis Herndon
+James Johnson
+Mike Lewis
+Linda Naylor
+Phil Poythress
+Darryl Russell
+Edna Sheets
+Brenda Snipes
+Sylvia White
+Jeannie Williams
+Carolyn Williams
+The meeting was called to order at 10:04 a.m.by Forum Chair Kay Wijnberg. She discussed
+materials that were recently distributed to Forum delegates and mentioned that these
+would be helpful to have to see what people are talking about and doing on campus. The
+floor was given to Laurie Charest for opening remarks
+Laurie thanked the Chair and stated that the Forum was in an important juncture in the
+formation of the Forum. Time was spent determining important issues, input has been
+solicited from represented employees, the first community meeting was held where a range
+of comments, complaints, and suggestions were heard. She stated that the challenge faced
+by the Forum now was to sort through the issues, prioritize them, educate ourselves about
+the issues, and establish a Forum position and perhaps proposals for action. The task will
+not be easy as there is already a broad spectrum of issues with many different views on
+the issues. As the process is begun, Laurie wanted to remind the Forum members were
+elected by their peers to represent them. Delegates come here with a vote of confidence in
+Page 2
+judgement and ability to deal effectively with these issues. Not all delegates come here to
+represent the same views, and that is as it should be. Employees could not be represented
+if all delegates represented the same views.
+Laurie then presented a challenge to the Forum as work is begun on the agenda. The
+challenge is to treat the opinions and feelings of each Forum member, and each member of
+the University community with respect. The road ahead will not be easy, but the Forum is
+entrusted with an important responsibility. Many are watching carefully and hoping that
+this Forum will be a very important. positive influence on the University. She asked each
+of the members to recall the excitement at the first meeting of the Forum stating that it is
+now time to put that energy and enthusiasm to work in making this University a better
+place for all employees. She then wished the Forum good luck.
+The Forum Chair stated that the challenge would be taken to heart with agreement from the
+LaBron Reid stated that because of the holiday and scheduling problems the minutes were
+not able to be mailed prior to the meeting. copies were distributed at this meeting. He
+requested that the members look over them and point anything that should be amended.
+He stated that in the future he hoped to have them distributed sooner.
+The Chair asked if he were ready to move to adopt or amend the minutes. Action on
+adopting the minutes was postponed until later in the meeting due to members not having
+had time to review the minutes.
+The floor was opened to anyone who wished to address the Forum. Mike Lewis stated that
+they had inquiries on how to make a reservation to speak but no concrete requests were
+received to speak.
+The Chair stated that it was recommended to her that the Forum might spend a few minutes
+discussing parliamentary procedure. She stated that the group could have someone with
+formal parliamentary procedure training come in and do a mini-session on it if need be.
+A brief explanation of the voting, preliminary discussion, motions and seconding was
+given by the Chair. Some other general discussion of the procedure also followed.
+The Chair stated that the officers had come to the conclusion that it would be beneficial if
+the Executive Committee were elected as opposed to appointing it. It was also
+recommended that the three officers would be the representatives on the Committee from
+the districts represented by them. The Chair asked if there were any objection of
+proceeding with the election of the Executive Committee as described. There being none
+the the Forum broke up into their divisions to elect representatives, except for divisions
+I, 6, and 9. which are represented by the Forum officers.
+The election results follow:
+Division 1: Kay Wijnberg Division 6: LaB ron Reid
+Page 3
+Division 2: Jimmy Hart Division 7: Phil Poythress
+Division 3: Charles Gallagher Division 8: Libby Evans
+Division 4: Marie Evans Division 9: Ed Phillips
+Division 5: Linda Chegash
+Nominations were then requested for the Nominating Committee and the Committee
+members are listed below:
+Edna Sheets
+Carolyn Williams
+Pam Siler
+Ed Phillips
+Dottie Howell
+Esphur Foster
+Mike Lewis made a motion to take the persons nominated by acclimation. The motion was
+seconded and passed.
+The Chair requested that Ed Phillips Chair the Committee if there were no objections.
+There being no objections. Ed Phillips was made chair of the Nominating Committee.
+Joint Forum/Faculty Council contact with Legislature.
+Tentative List of recommendations for Chancellor after 1 anuary Forum meeting.
+The Chair stated that she had spoken to Faculty Chair. Jim Peacock, that a meeting
+between the Forum and the Faculty Council take place along with Legislators. Jim Peacock
+has shown interest and has contacted D. G. Martin at General Administration to discuss
+the issue with him. D.G. suggeste~. tha~~sed with Jay Robinson. The Chair is
+waiting for Jim Peacock to return ~n-_ [6 "discuss the issue further in order to set
+up the meeting in the proper manner. She stated she would write something when more
+details were available. The Chair requested comments on this issue.
+- ~ l~Sylvia Buckner stated that she had been at a reception to welcome new congressman. Two
+r ( ~freslun-e.R-Gm:l-g-J: were at the reception and Senator George Daniel. She had the opportunity to speak with e and he relayed to her that the State of North Carolina for
+the first time in a long time is in the black and things are looking a little bit better than
+the news tells us. She also requested that the two freshmen senators be put on committees
+for State employees.
+The Chair stated that there were a lot of changes in the General Assembly, and it is not
+and may not be clear until the committees meet exactly how to proceed but at a minimum it
+doesn't hurt to begin to get to know those people and have opportunities to talk to them
+personally. How the structure would be set up yet is something to be worked out. Ideas
+are welcome.
+Sylvia Buckner stated that the thing to do is try to get as many of them on committees that
+affect our umbrella.
+The Chair stated that she had also suggested to Jim Peacock that we try to meet with the
+key leadership in the General Assembly, how our local legislators would fit in isn't quite
+clear yet, but she suggested to him that we try to have a session with him, Dan Blue and
+Dennis Wicker. Those two as a possibility with additional contacts that may be
+appropriate to work it out.
+Employee Forum of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Records
+Series 1. Minutes, 1992-2000.
+Folder 5: Forum Meetings, January 1992-December 1996: PDF
+[Identification of item], in the Employee Forum of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Records #40299, University Archives, The Wilson Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
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