- 28b87b3: chore: updated dependencies
- 0a235fa: fix: remove moduleResolution = nodenext from tsconfig.json
- 26440c9: feat: migrate svelte-undp-design to svelte 5 (breaking change)
- 0ae54db: fix: fixed vector table searching behaviour
- 1ac4d94: chore: updated monorepo package dependencies
- a2662a7: fix: switched vitePreprocess to sveltePreprocess becauseb of svelte-package hang
- 2494e91: fix: set 16px of horizontal padding for swiper slider in FluidCarousel in mobile
d98a8c3: fix: fixed layout of FluidCarousel.
- fix: adjust image width and padding
- fix: enable swiper slider in responsive.
29f1785: fix: set height as auto for FluidCarousel image, and replaced dashboard screenshot to new one
d98a8c3: fix: add href prop for Button in svelte-undp-design, and it uses href prop in a element instead of click event.
1900ed3: fix: nowrap for region title in UNDP header.
- 84e2d1e: fix: add language menu option to show additional action links in header
- 84e2d1e: fix: align FluidCarousel to the latest UNDP design system with slider and prev/next buttons.
- 404d7fa: fix: add an option of link type to apply icons like external link or download link for UNDP header.
- caf4859: fix: renamed header slot name from custom-button to customButton.
- 9305ef8: fix: support nested menu for header
- 8054783: feat: update UNDP design system CSSs to the latest version. Header component now can have simple version and dropdown menu.
- c9154b9: fix: move sveltekit and svelte from dependencies to devDependencies.
- 555b636: fix: add svelte 5 to peer dependencies
- 6063bbf: fix: add type="button" in Switch component since it triggers submit event.
- 9d91903: chore: updated all dependencies of monorepo by using pnpm -r update.
- 2b885fa: feat: added Chips component
- 4bca825: fix: load undp-bulma from NPM instead of CDN
- d44f128: fix: fixed bug of Checkbox component of UNDP design if there are multiple checkboxes in the same window.
- a4eecd6: fix: return toggled value through change event in Switch component.
- 052c7cb: feat: added PagewideFeaturedContentCard to svelte UNDP design
- 052c7cb: fix: updated CSS for UNDP footer.
- fc873ef: feat: added Switch control
- efcf602: feat: Update button to include disabled state & added modal
- 86a9e57: chore: upgraded marked to v14
- 4706e74: fix: added regionUrl to link sub title of header to a web page.
- 3101984: chore: updated eslint to v9
- b470274: fix: add 'hidden' property for pagination.
- 568668e: fix: add click event for CardWithImage component
- 224477a: chore: migrated bulma to v1.0.0. Included fontawesome css and google font icon css in customised bulma css.
- 387cb02: chore: migrated storybook to v8
- 6255c69: fix: add icon option to show fa icon next to tag at Card and CardWithImage component
- 5566f74: fix: add an option of forbiddenCharacters in SearchExpand component. as default, it ignore & and | char.
- 9e82681: fix: exclude .stories. files from NPM packages dist folder
- e022cb1: fix: added a custom click event for Card component
- 37da3b1: feat: add Sidebar component in UNDP design
- f4e646a: fix: show all menu items in UNDP header
- 3434bd6: fix: fix: there is a conflict of class name 'card' between bulma and undp design, thus changed undp's class name to undp-card. Furthermore, removed border-top's black stripe if no tag is specified on Card and CardWithImage components.
- 790ca7c: fix: previously, we changed logo height to be the same height of header because the logo stuck out affected our sidebar design. But current design can be together with original logo height. Reverted logo height to the original UNDP design header.
- 536f95f: chore: migrated sveletekit from v1 to v2
- fc17c92: fix: adjust font size option. now normal is 1rem, small is 0.75rem and medium is 1.5rem.
- a374cfc: fix: Use browser from sveltekit to check window is available
- 8255e46: fix: changed font color of UNDP header to be the latest version
- b5dbbfb: fix: CardWidthImage component fixes contains 1) hide content tag if tag is empty string, 2) show ... if title is long name.
- 9633b7d3: fix: added missing font files and images used in UNDP design css
- dfb60307: fix: hide content tag in Card if tag variable is empty string
- 258916e5: fix: Change markdown text in description to HTML in Card
- 5cd8b92b: feat: add Card component without image
- 5cd8b92b: fix: fixed CardWithImage component to just use normal image URL
- 55b641c6: fix: show loader in CardWithImage
- 5d0c86a0: fix:styles of Breadcrumbs component
- 626ee6dc: chore: updated dependencies for packages and geohub repo
- e853fad7: fix: make stat font a bit smaller when size is small
- b2368f16: fix: put some padding between chevron and accordion title
- cca8098e: fix: export selectedItem in Select component
- b57b5563: refactor: add disabled option to checkbox
- cb008f50: feat: Added TextInput component refactor: Minor improvement Checkbox styling
- 935627b1: feat: added Select component in svelte UNDP design
- 43354fe0: feat: added
component - 9a24d162: refactor: add open DefaultLink in new tabs
- 0b3105df: feat: add MultiSelect component
- 406aefd2: fix: set preload-data and preload-code to off in CtaLink
- b3f4b7ac: fix: changed a tag to div element on Pagination component because svelte complains it does not use any href
- 133003f5: fix: changed a tag which does not have href to div in Breadcrumbs component
- 370fc268: Added sveltekit's link options to header
- 8a2176a0: fix: add files in package.json
- 8f41e176: fix: add browser variable check in UNDP header
- 83ab82c4: feat: add 'disabled' and 'loading' options in SearchExpand
- c8ca7dc9: feat: add SearchExpand component in svelte-undp-design
- c8ca7dc9: pnpm update
- 93a3c4cf: feat: add target property for CtaLink component
- aa35d98b: fix: use href in download component
- aa35d98b: fix: enabled a href for ctalink component.
- 0a18ffed: fix: export "showMobileMenu" variable in UNDP header
- 0a18ffed: fix: added preload data and code options in header and footer item in UNDP design
- 0a18ffed: fix: added data-sveltekit-preload in a tag
- 97f3b1f1: - fix: added callback option in Footer
- feat: added FooterItem interface for Footer
- fix: use
in CtaLink
- ebf99d86: fix: changed FluidCarousel and CtaLink to use a tag's href for link
- ebf99d86: fix: changed header menu's click event to a tag's href since beforeNavigate event of sveltekit is not triggered
- 2ebf4637: fix: delete tooltip from UNDP header menu
- 1c8995fe: fix: changed href of a tag to on:click event to open the link in FluidCarousel component
- 65fcbf0e: chore: pnpm update
- 5328020d: fix: make menu hidden if current URL path name is the same.
- bf26a456: chore: pnpm update -r to update npm packages
- 507fe3e6: fix: updated UNDP header's CSS and HTML
- f0c5f16e: fix: Use document.location instead of href property of a tag since there is a problem of page initialisation in sveltekit
- 491066a2: fix: removed icon from UNDP header.
- bf26a456: chore: updated npm packages in svelte-undp-design except vitest and sveltejs/package
- 27d95d3e: fix: custom-button HTML to avoid creating two elements
- 68bc4a96: chore: migrated maplibre to v3
- 9328b703: chore: migrated svelte3 to svelte4 with newer lint and prettier
- c8f5b2f1: chore: updated all npm packages except maplibre-gl
- a98475b0: fix: margin of menu-item in undp header
- 3d796365: - imporoved storybook documentation
- added vitests for most components
- 338f03c7: feat: add disabled option and flag-icon feature in breadcrumb component
- 8209613d: update Breadcrumbs.stories.ts
- e84c0e2f: fix: bug of undp radios
- 421c883f: feature: added 'change' event in Radio button control
- 342bcf3: refactor: added interfaces in index.ts to be exported
- 8ca24d8: chore: updated svelte-package to v2
- 66b2886: update dependencies
- c060dd9: update storybook version
- 4230281: fixed bug of Download componenent. Also, deleted storybook from GeoHub's static folder
- 7d37599: Add
option to loader
- b066709: Add width style to ensure that the accordions are aligned at the same level
- e83a97b: Add size option for Header
- e83a97b: Add more options for progress bar size
- e83a97b: Changed Size of loader in header
- 7fc0cc7: added Stats component in undp design system
- 321b5a0: set height variable of Tabs as optional parameter
- fd21cd2: - fix: show xmark button when hamburger button is clicked in header
- fix: enable expanding footer items in mobile
- 96ea065: fix: set logo height as the same with header height
- 77a8dac: feat: added headerIcon property in accordion header
- 5c98d25: feat: redesigned UNDP header design to adopt responsive menu
- 310179a: added Download component in svelte-undp-design
- f94ccdc: revert changes to use prepack
- 58055ac: removed prepare script from packages
- ba30a62: add prepack and postpack script to move package folder before publishing and back to original folder after publishing
- a95fdb0: pnpm udate
- a95fdb0: moved svelte module from devDependencies to peerDependencies
- 15131ee: Aligned arrow key in accordion to the accordion text
- 65954a1: prettier to format package