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Widget Inventory

Torrin Hultgren edited this page Aug 14, 2017 · 29 revisions

This is designed to track widgets that are, have been, or might be, used in the EnviroAtlas application.

Widget Name Version Source Notes
AddData 1.3 Core Customized, needs to be updated
Addfile 1.3 ? Consolidated into core AddData Widget. Remove?
AddService 1.3 Commmunity? Consolidated into core AddData Widget. Remove?
AddWebMapData 1.2 Community Temporarily removed, plan on using for "featured layers" - no active community development in 2 years.
AttributeTable 2.5 Core Lightly customized
BoundaryLayer 1.3 Community Heavily customized version of LocalLayer Widget for Boundary data
CommunityDisplay 1.3 EnviroAtlas Custom onscreen widget for displaying the name of the selected community
Coordinate 2.5 Core COTS - New core CoordinateConversion widget available, but probably unnecessary.
Demo 1.3 EnviroAtlas Custom widget for highlighting application features.
DisplayLayerAddFailure 1.3 EnviroAtlas Custom widget for handling unavailable services
Drawer 1.3 EnviroAtlas Widget for organizing on-screen widgets. Used for Analytical Tools
DrawerAddDataTools 1.3 EnviroAtlas Widget for organizing on-screen widgets.
DrawerMappingTools 1.3 EnviroAtlas Widget for organizing on-screen widgets.
DynamicSymbology 1.3 EnviroAtlas Custom widget for Dynamic Symbology/SmartMapping
eBasemapGallery 2.5 RScheitlin Fancier version of core widget. Update?
eBookmark 2.3 RScheitlin Fancier version of core widget. Update?
ECAT 1.3 EnviroAtlas Custom EnviroAtlas Change Analysis Tool
eDraw 2.1 Community Community, uncustomized.
ElevationProfile 1.3 RScheitlin Update?
ExtentNavigate 2.5 Core COTS
FullScreen 2.5 Core COTS
HomeButton 2.5 Core COTS
HucNavigation 1.3 Community Customized
LayerList 1.3 Core COTS Customized
Legend 1.3 Core COTS Lightly customized
LocalLayer 1.3 Community Heavily customized - version 2.2 available
Measurement 1.3 Core COTS, currently unused, using eDraw instead.
MyLocation 2.5 Core COTS
OverviewMap 2.5 Core COTS
PeopleAndBuiltSpaces 1.3 Community Heavily customized version of LocalLayer Widget for Demographic data
Print 2.5 Core COTS
Raindrop 1.3 Core COTS Customized
SaveSession 1.3 Community Heavily Customized
Scalebar 2.5 Core COTS
Search 2.5 Core COTS
Select 2.5 Core COTS
SelectCommunity 1.3 Core Custom widget for selecting EnviroAtlas community
Share 2.5 Core COTS
SimpleSearchFilter 1.3 EnviroAtlas Custom widget for finding layers
Splash 1.3 Core COTS Customized
Swipe 2.5 Core COTS currently unused
SynchronizeMap 1.3 ? currently Unused
TimeSeriesViewer 1.3 EnviroAtlas For now simple link to time series application - to be replaced by full timeseries integration?
TimeSlider 2.5 Core COTS currently unused
ZoomSlider 2.5 Core COTS
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