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executable file
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File metadata and controls

executable file
61 lines (55 loc) · 4.38 KB

System setup

  1. make sure you have VRX installed somewhere: Including the location of the file.
  2. Get docker: (note: its not as easy as sudo apt install docker!)
  3. Make yourself part of the docker group: sudo usermod -a -G docker $USER
  4. Logout and login so that it updates your groups. type in groups to confirm you are in the docker group.
  5. hg clone this:
  6. Create a dockerhub account:
  7. Login with your dockerhub on the command line: docker login -u username -p password
  8. Follow Submitting from scratch or submitting from tisbutascratch (below)
  9. follow these instructions: from 'Quick Start Instructions For a Single Trial - Setting up workspace to run automated evaluation'.
  10. A sample fileset is in vrx_tasks/usyd_Team. You can just copy the entire folder into vrx-docker/team_config.
  11. Everyting will take AGES. this is normal. (there are 919 get's if you want some sort of progress indicator, you'll get it when you see it)
  12. Before running, goto vrx-docker/task_config and uncomment the data from the trials you are trying to run.
  13. Login for tisbutascratch is u:tisbutascratch pw: PGjpFUjUfE3RBd9
  14. To debug: You can find the ros-master-uri (i think by default ROS_MASTER_URI= by inspecting the run command. Then export ROS_MASTER_URI= in another terminal, then run rviz as normal.

Submitting from scratch

  1. Pull a branch you want to submit into some folder <USYD VRX>.
  2. run docker run <name_of_your_container>
  3. run docker ps to find your container name under the NAMES Column:
  4. open a bash in the docker with docker exec -it <container_name> bash
  5. Make sure you have sourced the ros melodic files, so you can call catkin_make source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash
  6. create a catkin workspace:
  7. pull our files: git clone
  8. IF YOU'RE WORKING ON A BRANCH: checkout to and fetch the branch: git checkout --track origin/stable_steven
  9. Install dependencies: apt install ros-melodic-tf apt install ros-melodic-robot-state-publisher apt install ros-melodic-geographic-msgs apt install python-pip && pip install pyproj apt install ros-melodic-pointcloud-to-laserscan apt install ros-melodic-global-planner api install ros-melodic-cv-bridge apt install ros-melodic-interactive-markers apt install ros-melodic-robot-localization
  10. catkin_make and make sure everything is ok.
  11. change the run file ~/run_my_system.bash to whatever script you want to run. An example is included in vrx_tasks/
  12. Make sure it works :3 by running ./run_my_system.bash.
  13. N.B. robot-state-publisher will probably fail. That's ok. the robot-description argument will be presented in the sim.
  14. Save your work: first docker ps to find your container ID, then docker commit <containerID> <name_of_your_container>.
  15. go to here:
  16. Follow steps in option 1
  17. Go to testing.

Submitting from tisbutascratch

  1. run docker run tisbutascratch/usyd_vrx:v2 for the latest version.
  2. Go back to System setup.


  1. To check what docker processes are running: docker ps
  2. ENSURE YOUR ENTRYPOINT IS CORRECT, by running docker inspect <containername> and searching for the entrypoint datum. It should say ./ If it doesn't, run docker run ---entrypoint ./ yourdockerfilename.


  1. get docker
  2. Get the docker image: docker run -it bash tisbutascratch/usyd_vrx:v1 (this ensures you run bash instead of just running the launch file)
  3. NOTE THAT THIS WILL OVERWRITE THE ENTRYPOINT, SCREWING UP YOUR DOCKER IMAGE. To fix this, follow the step after saving your work.
  4. do what you need to do
  5. Save your work: first docker ps to find your container ID, then docker commit <containerID> <name_of_your_container>.
  6. Change the entrypoint: run docker run <yourcontainername> --entrypoint './ and then recommit your work. Then use docker inspect and check the entrypoint datum to ensure that this has worked.