All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Changed list display for applications and positions #573
- Fix urlize links in role descriptions and avoid long links to break the page #638
- Added feature gdpr-button #678
- Bugfixes #640
- Bump psycopg2 from 2.8.6 to 2.9.3 #610
- Bump wagtailmedia from 0.7.0 to 0.9.0 #639
- Bump phonenumbers from 8.12.23 to 8.12.47 #47
- Bump rules from 3.0 to 3.3 #651
- Bump requests from 2.25.1 to 2.27.1 #652
- Bump djangorestframework from 3.12.4 to 3.13.1 #653
- Bump django-libsass from 0.8 to 0.9 #654
- Bump sentry-sdk from 1.1.0 to 1.5.11 #655
- Bump phonenumbers from 8.12.47 to 8.12.48 #656
- New feature for event management #612
- Fix Wagtail 2.13 changed custom block js. #568
- Added Modal image, responsive image and new function for uuid generation #560
- Fix mobile userfriendlyness #556
- Fix navigation menu #557
- Fix use default session cookie domain #554
- Bump phonenumbers from 8.12.20 to 8.12.23 #562
- Bump wagtail from 2.12.3 to 2.13 #561
- Bump rules from 2.2 to 3.0 #559
- Bump sentry-sdk from 0.17.3 to 1.1.0 #558
- Bump django-compressor from 2.4 to 2.4.1 #551
- Added better html editor 546
- Add countdown block 545
- Set postgres as default search backend, add search fields to ContactCard 544
- Fix information text in reset password 533
- Bump phonenumbers from 8.12.17 to 8.12.20
- Bump djangorestframework from 3.12.2 to 3.12.4
- Bump wagtail from 2.11.3 to 2.12.3
- Bump django[argon2] from 3.1.6 to 3.1.7
- Cache data about members #521
- Bump requests from 2.25.0 to 2.25.1
- Bump phonenumbers from 8.12.14 to 8.12.17
- Bump django[argon2] from 3.1.4 to 3.1.6
- Buggfix exchange students ssn #529
- URL changed from to
- Wagtail updated to 2.11.3
- Wagtail from 2.11.1 to 2.11.2
- Rebuilding of header
- Django from 3.1.3 to 3.1.4
- Phonenumbers from 8.12.13 to 8.12.14
- Role type styrelsen can now see all applications, roles and positions for the role types presidium, group leader, engaged regardless of which teams they belong to
- Updated phonenumbers to 8.12.13
- Added a membercheck as a wagtail block and API
- Updated wagtail to 2.11
- Updated django to 3.1.3
- Updated djangorestframework to 3.12.2
- Updated phonenumbers to 8.12.12
- Added editorconfig
- Added api for member check
- Added linebreaks to qualifications when inspecting an application
- Added recaptcha to formpages
- Added a button for switching language
- Replaced psycop2-binary with psycopg2
- Updated djangorestframework to 3.12.1
- Updated phonenumbers to 8.12.11
- Updated django to 3.1.2
- Updated wagtail to 2.10.2
- Rebuilt the counters block
- Updated wagtailmedia to 0.6.0
- Updated phonenumbers to 8.12.9
- Fix a bug that caused latest news to use wrong images.
- Fix the instagram block so that it shows pictures again
- Made executable
- Updated requests to 2.24.0
- Updated phonenumbers to 8.12.7
- Updated wagtail to 2.7.4
- Added support for developing moore with docker
- Updated phonenumbers to 8.12.5
- Updated django to 2.2.13
- Navigation bar can now handle multilevel pages
- Updated phonenumbers to 8.12.4
- Removed unnecessary spaces at the start of the application form
- Facebook app id since it is not needed for public facebook pages
- Webpages that are migrated to sections don't take up the full witdh of the page
- Html and news blocks don't break when being converted
- Updated wagtail to 2.7.2
- Body and title fields in webpage and homepage are now accessible via wagtails api
- Added an image + text card block
- Webpage and homepage blocks are reworked to allow a more simpler designing of webpages
- Updated django-simple-email-confirmation to 0.70
- Updated phonenumbers to 8.12.1
- Updated psycopg2-binary to 2.8.5
- Uploaded files are now created with permissions 644 instead of 600
- Fix bug that caused text on banners to dissapear if the text was to long
- Fix bug that caused help text on image overlay to display unecessary text
- Updated django to 2.2.10
- Updated phonenumber to 8.11.4
- Updated requests to 2.23.0
- Updated wagtailmedia to 0.5.0
- Added wagtail media(videos and audio) to banners
- Added optional margin to two-grid column
- Removed description from contact card
- Fix a bug that caused applications with teams without logos to use another logo instead of the default logo
- Fixed so that the SSN validator can handle T-numbers and people born before 1990
- Added text shadow to text in image overlay block
- Updated phonenumbers to 8.11.3
- Fixed a bug which cause an application to be empty when applying with invalid references
- Added a missing database migration
- Updated phonenumbers to 8.11.2
- Added possibility to add environment variables in dev environment
- Added validation on registration form
- Added contact information and references when inspecting an application
- Added as a allowed host
- Extended createsuperuser so it gets a unicore id
- Teams, roles and positions are now ordered alphabetically after their name
- Updated django-compressor to 2.4
- Updated django-libsass to 0.8
- Updated wagtail to 2.7.1
- Updated rules to 2.2
- Updated wagtailfontawesome to 1.2.1
- Updated django to 2.2.9
- Fixed a bug with contact cards which caused an error
- Fixed an error that occured when searching for a role
- Fixed so that positions with status approved is shown when inspecting a position
Updated the text on the login page to be more clear
Fixed bug that made event block hiding itself
The migrations for this update requires that every table prefixed with involvement
and members
is truncated except for:
- Changes to the admin permission system that depends on what role a user has.
The table below shows the permissions a user has depending on what role it has. By default, the user only has the permissions inside its team.
Example: If the user is a board member, then that user has full control to modify any roles, positions and contact cards inside its own team. Exception to applications where a board member can see and modify applications for all teams.
Admin | FUM | Board | Presidium | Group Leader | Engaged | |
Teams | Full access | |||||
Roles | Full access | Board | Presidium | Group Leader/Engaged | Engaged | |
Position | Full access | Board (appoint) | Presidium | Group Leader/Engaged | Engaged | |
Applications | Full access | Board/Presidium (all teams) | Presidium (all teams) | Group Leader/Engaged | Engaged | |
Contact Cards | Full access | Board/Presidium (all teams) | Presidium | Group Leader/Engaged | Engaged |
- Unicore is now used to fetch user-information such as name, ssn and member status.
- Registering an account requires the SSN to exist in Unicore.
- A user may now log in using both username or ssn.
- Firstname, Lastname, SSN, Registration Year and Study Program is no longer stored in Moores database and is instead fetched from Unicore.
- Replaced Marvin to Bocken
- Upgrade dependencies
- Fixes several responsive layout problems.
- Event page where one can connect a Google Calendar, Facebook and Instagram to show upcoming events and image feeds.
0.11.0 - 2018-12-29
- Added a mandate system which tracks positions.
- Automatically create contact cards for appointed applications and vacant positions.
- Switch to a new hierarchical permission system (#254).
- Upgrade dependencies to current versions.
- Improvements to the contact page design.
- Large python files are restructured into packages (models, forms, and views).
- Applicants can no longer change their application after submission.
- Old applications are removed after 7 days.
- Fixed crash caused by invalid
. - Fixes several layout problems and responsive errors.
- User names are now unique independent of case.
- Marvin Quotes.
0.10.1 - 2018-02-04
- Upgrade dependencies to current versions
0.10.0 - 2017-10-02
- Upgrade Django to version 1.11.5, Wagtail to version 1.12.2, compressor to version 2.2, Raven to version 6.2.1, and request to version 2.18.4.
- Font color of the overlay block. The new font is darker.
- Upgrade MaterializeCSS framework to version v0.100.2.
- The header padding of the open positions page in the involvement package
0.9.0 - 2017-07-27
- Block to embed Google Calendar fields
- Changed the overturn field in the appointment window to work with person numbers instead of usernames
- Update request package to version 2.18.2
0.8.0 - 2017-07-21
- A panel in the Admin home showing all super users
- Add CheckboxSelectMultiple support to the materialize_field tag
- Add Contact Card Snippet model. This model represents the contact cards that can be added to different parts of the website and replace the Person Block
- Updated MaterializeCSS to version 0.100.0
- Toast removal is executed using Materialize internal methods.
- Updated frontend to jQuery 3.2.1
- The logos blocks now also includes links for every logo
- Variable height of the responsive image block
- Person Block, the functionality of this block has been replaced by the Contact Card Block.
0.7.0 - 2017-07-18
- A new page type, FormPage, to accommodate user made forms. The reactions of these forms are send to a given email address.
- A centered image format within the rich text editor.
- The folder structure has changed to better reflect their functionality.
has been renamedsrc/
has been renamedsrc/moore
. - Improvements to the Google Drive block layout
- Height is now configurable for the responsive image block
- Materialize Textarea markup of the materialize_field tag
- The standard image formating rules in the rich text editor
- The bullet points of an unordered list in the paragraph block
0.6.0 - 2017-07-14
- Cron task to delete old non-appointed applications. (2 years after recruitment ends)
- Column based StreamBlock
- Person StreamBlock. This block looks like a contact card.
- Contact Page. A page for contact information
- Old non-appointed applications are now hidden from the position inspection view
- All blocks in StreamFields have added to groups
- Production errors are no longer sent to the admin e-mails. (This was double with Sentry)
- Create more space in the navigation bar
- Release tag for Sentry logging
0.5.3 - 2017-07-11
- Sentry logging in production settings
- Update to
1.11.1 - Update to
0.5.2 - 2017-06-30
- Customizable site-specific footers
- Update to
- Translation of sub-menus
- Ordering of the Google Form Index (This is now reverse order of the deadline)
0.5.1 - 2017-06-29
- Latest news block for StreamFields
- Fixes access to the Swedish HomePage banner text
- Align paragraph blocks using a container
- Translations for all page types in the top menu
0.5.0 - 2017-06-26
- First version of HomePage + some building blocks
- Add StreamField block for Google Drive
- Add StreamField block and collection pages for Google Forms
- Add News module
- Templated search page
- Pagination rendering in the materialize app
- Update to
1.11.2 - Update to
2.18.1 - Restructure the Noyce stylesheets
- Update GitHub button to new syntax (removes warning)
- Twitter links in the branding buttons
- New translation for application status
- Avatar overlay on Safari
- Update the translation of all translatable strings
0.4.1 - 2017-06-01
- Update to
1.2.1 andwagtail
1.10.1 - Update to
- Do not show the error video on logout
- Fit the last apply button within the collapsible header
- Use short dates on involvement open positions page.
- Allow users that drafted an application to be appointed using overturn field.
0.4.0 - 2017-05-11
- Close button to close toast notifications.
- Updated Wagtail to 1.10, including Django update to 1.11
- Updated the error pages to be more fun!
- Updated to Django 1.11.1, email-confirmation 0.22, and requests 2.14.2.
- Updated Materialize to 0.99
- Truncate the team name when screen gets too small.
- Use actual logo as default within the my applications page.
- Fix the double truncation of team names in the open positions page.
- Fixed the error 500 page needing a request.
0.3.4 - 2017-05-03
- Scaling issue on open positions.
0.3.3 - 2017-05-03
- Fix a big margin error on the open positions page.
0.3.2 - 2017-05-03
- Automated extensions of vacant positions. The election contact e-mail address will receive an e-mail.
- Decreased the Marvin frequency.
- Position names are now contained by their container in the overview.
- The language and login buttons are now on the same height.
- The default team logo in the position view is now the actual UTN logo.
- Materialized fields no longer contain colons.
0.3.1 - 2017-04-27
- Access the material icon font through https.
0.3.0 - 2017-04-27
- Searching within involvement admin will now search more fields.
- A new form field type for person numbers
- Inspection view for Position, showing applicants
- Switch to the materialize CSS/JS framework.
- Election contact e-mail has been moved to the Role model and has been labeled as such.
- Contact information of team members is now available in the Team inspection view.
- Old migrations in the website app.
- Searching for positions within the admin interface will no longer cause an error.
- Allow person numbers to be "T-numbers".
- Several instances where dirrty wasn't triggered at the right time.
- Improved queries for loading positions.
- Disallow creating roles outside your team.
0.2.0 - 2017-04-07
- Inclusion and Exclusion of teams within a recruitment page.
- Inspection view for Teams to show the current members of a Team.
- A cron task to automate setting of access Group associated with Team.
- Term of office is now visible in 'my applications'.
- Change the login button to be more visible.
- Study program abbreviations.
- Update 'Account settings' translation for Swedish.
- Social Media Icons where not being displayed.
0.1.3 - 2017-04-06
- Use display value for degree for StudyProgram string method.
- Translate person number label where applicable
- Empty height of the organisational menu now matches the filled height.
- Initial selection of study is maintained when on section selection.
- Naming of position with double years if the span is over two years.
- Membership status is now shown when approving and appointing members.
- The role to string method is now correctly translated.
0.1.2 - 2017-04-01
- Section model, linked to study programs and users
- FontAwesome support within wagtail icons
- Study has been removed from the registration page. Members will instead be asked to extend their profile in the registration email.
- Confirmation emails not being sent.
- Updated translations
- Production: cross-domain cookies
- Makes the membership API more reliable
0.1.1 - 2017-03-30
- Notification on unconfirmed email addresses
- Membership status for all members. It checks against the UTN registry.
- Cron Tasks
- Creating and editing positions is now sensitive to access rights.
- The logo model is now situated in the branding app.
- Phone number has been added to the registration form.
- Combine birthday and person number extension within the admin forms.
- Editing and creation rights in recruitment for officials
- Allow submitting an application without changing a draft
- Logos in the organisational menu now link to their given link
- The organisational menu is displayed correctly when no logos are available.
- The access rights for members of teams designated as an approval committee.
0.1.0 - 2017-03-27
- Django framework basics
- Wagtail CMS system
- Material design
- Member accounts and related information
- First version of the application system